The Native Tribes of Central Australia. (Elibron Classics)

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The picture that emerges is that of a sophisticated culture living under what most others would consider very marginal conditions. This book stands far in front of everything else written on the subject, and is an indispensable reference on Australian ethnography. Literary Hearthstones of Dixie. La Salle Corbell Pickett. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia. The Passing of the Aborigines. Livingstone's African Expedition of , Illustrated.

Omens and Superstitions of Southern India. Japanese Art Symbols, Illustrated. Charles Alfred Speed Williams. Works of Charles Sturt. Expedition into Central Australia.

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Happy Life Vastu Tips. The Plains of Camdeboo. Western Himalaya and Tibet: Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia. Works of Joseph Dalton Hooker. Indian and Oriental Arms and Armour. Lord Egerton of Tatton. Journeys into the Mystery. Ancient Man in Britain. Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps.

Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore. In the Forbidden Land. Arnold Henry Savage Landor. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, volume 2 of 2, with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix and of the present colony of New South Wales. A Journey to the Tea Countries of China. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia. The Collected Works of Edgar Thurston. Alone with the Hairy Ainu. For the Term of His Natural Life. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. Samuel White Sir Baker.

A Grammar of Japanese Ornament and Design. Where the river meets the sea. Life and Work in Prehistoric Times. Anzac, The Unauthorised Biography. Kilimanjaro and Its People. Open Letters to an Adventist: Is the Sabbath a Ceremonial Law? There are three major Anatolian Turkish dialect groups spoken in Turkey: The condition of coexistence with the Greek Cypriots led to a certain bilingualism whereby Turkish Cypriots knowledge of Greek was important in areas where the two communities lived and worked together.

Today, the Cypriot Turkish dialect is being exposed to increasing standard Turkish through immigration from Turkey , new mass media, and new educational institutions. Religion in Turkey [].

According to the CIA factbook, The extent to which gene flow from Central Asia's original Turkic peoples has contributed to the current gene pool of the Turkish people of Turkey, and the question regarding the role of the 11th century settlements by Turkic people in Anatolia, has been the subject of various studies. Previous studies concluded that pre-Turkified, pre-Islamized groups are the primary genetic source of the present-day Turks of Turkey i. According to American Journal of Physical Anthropology , today's Turkish people are more closely related with Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations, [].

The recent studies, however, mention a mixed heritage. For example, the study about autosomal dna of Turks in by Can Alkan found that the East Asian impact on modern Turkey was Our results show that Turks are genetically shifted towards Central Asians, a pattern consistent with a history of mixture with populations from this region" [].

A study involving mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine-era population, whose samples were gathered from excavations in the archaeological site of Sagalassos , found that the Byzantine population of Sagalassos might have left a genetic signature in the modern Turkish populations. According to Cinnioglu et al. Some of the percentages identified were: Includes people of mixed ethnic background. A further 10,—30, people from Bulgaria live in the Netherlands. The majority are Bulgarian Turks and are the fastest-growing group of immigrants in the Netherlands. This includes Turkish settlers.

This figure only includes Turkish citizens. Furthermore, these figures do not include ethnic Turkish minorities from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania or any other traditional area of Turkish settlement because they are registered as citizens from the country they have immigrated from rather than their ethnic Turkish identity.

In addition to Turkish citizens, this figure includes people with ancestral background related to Turkey, so it includes ethnic minorities of Turkey. This figure only includes Turks of Western Thrace. A further 5, live in the Rhodes and Kos.

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These figures only include the Meskhetian Turks. According to official census 's there were 38, Turks in Azerbaijan , [] 97, in Kazakhstan , [] 39, in Kyrgyzstan , [] , in Russia , [] and 9, in Ukraine Official data regarding the Turks in the former Soviet Union is unlikely to provide a true indication of their population as many have been registered as "Azeri", "Kazakh", "Kyrgyz", and "Uzbek".

A further 30, Bulgarian Turks live in Sweden. Second, it includes the history of the Turkish peoples, including the Seljuks, who brought Islam and the Turkish language to Anatolia. Third, it is the history of the Ottoman Empire, a vast, cosmopolitan, pan-Islamic state that developed from a small Turkish amirate in Anatolia and that for centuries was a world power. The Turks are also defined by the country of origin. Turkey, once Asia Minor or Anatolia, has a very long and complex history.

It was one of the major regions of agricultural development in the early Neolithic and may have been the place of origin and spread of lndo-European languages at that time. The Turkish language was imposed on a predominantly lndo-European-speaking population Greek being the official language of the Byzantine empire , and genetically there is very little difference between Turkey and the neighboring countries.

The number of Turkish invaders was probably rather small and was genetically diluted by the large number of aborigines. Iraqi Turkmen groups claim a figure of 3,, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Turkic peoples. List of Turkish people. History of Turkey and History of the Turkic peoples. Turkic peoples , Oghuz Turks , and Ancient Anatolians. Great Seljuq Empire and Sultanate of Rum. Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Turks. History of the Republic of Turkey. Turkish Americans and Turkish Canadians. List of Turkish philosophers and scientists , Science and technology in Turkey , and Science and technology in the Ottoman Empire.

Index of Turkey biography-related articles. Religion in Turkey and Secularism in Turkey. Genetic studies on Turkish people. Retrieved 27 July Archived from the original on 12 June Retrieved 13 June Archived PDF from the original on 27 September Retrieved 12 December Retrieved 1 August Archived from the original on 13 April Retrieved 13 April Archived from the original on 13 January Retrieved 16 December Retrieved 10 November Retrieved 16 October Archived from the original on 22 December Archived from the original on 29 July Retrieved 15 November Total ancestry categories tallied for people with one or more ancestry categories reported American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates".

Retrieved 3 October Retrieved 7 February Retrieved 5 May Archived from the original on 11 September Retrieved 14 April Archived from the original on 22 July The Sydney Morning Herald.

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Retrieved 26 December Retrieved 14 July Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Archived from the original on 14 July Archived from the original on 15 January Retrieved 10 September Archived from the original on 13 November Archived from the original on 17 October Turkmens are a mix of Sunnis and Shiites and are the third-largest ethnicity in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, numbering about 3 million out of the total population of about Peoples on the Move: Introducing the Nomads of the World.

Retrieved 12 November Retrieved 2 March Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 6 April Retrieved 10 October National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria. European Union National Languages.

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Retrieved 19 December Retrieved 3 January Focus on Mesketian Turks". Retrieved 17 March Archived from the original on 30 November Archived from the original on 8 March Retrieved 16 January The distribution of the population by nationality and mother tongue". Archived from the original on 1 May Archived from the original on 10 March Retrieved 27 September Archived from the original on 25 March Retrieved 24 May Retrieved 18 March Archived from the original on 23 April Everyday life in Central Asia: The minority concept in the Turkish context: Minorities and Nationalism in Turkish Law.

Retrieved 13 October Retrieved 17 June The Elements of Hittite. Retrieved 24 March Steadman; Gregory McMahon 15 September The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia: Retrieved 23 March The Kurdish national movement: With the crushing of opposition elements, the Young Turks simultaneously launched their program of forcible Turkification and the creation of a highly centralized administrative system.

History of Oceania

The Young Turks' crime against humanity: Journal of Genocide Research. In , the aim of Turkification was not to exterminate but to expel as many Greeks of the Aegean region as possible as not only a "security measure," but as an extension of the policy of economic and cultural boycott, while at the same time creating living space for the muhadjirs that had been driven out of their homes under equally brutal circumstances. From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide. Through this genocide and the forced deportation of the Greeks, the nationalists completed the Young Turk's program-the Turkification of Turkey and the elimination of a pretext for Great Power meddling.

America and the Armenian Genocide of Given their numbers, their concentration in geo-strategic locations, and the troublesome legacy of the Armenian Question, the Armenians were targeted as the prime object for such liquidation. Culture and Customs of Turkey. Retrieved 25 March United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus". Retrieved 13 July Retrieved 31 May Retrieved 18 July Retrieved 16 May An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture. Retrieved 7 July Social Theory and Later Modernities: Retrieved 12 June The Rough Guide to Turkey. Retrieved 25 July Campbell 1 September Concise Compendium of the World's Languages.

Retrieved 28 July Retrieved 4 April Retrieved 3 March The Alevis in Turkey: The Emergence of a Secular Islamic Tradition. Tozman; Andrea Tyndall The Slow Disappearance of the Syriacs from Turkey: And of the Grounds of the Mor Gabriel Monastery. Retrieved 15 September Baskin ; Kenneth Seeskin Archived from the original PDF on 25 March Democracy, Islam, and secularism in Turkey.

Retrieved 22 May