Two important areas of research are the focus of recent contributions to the periglacial geomorphology literature.
First, although historically important to periglacial studies, there has been a recent resurgence in the application of mass movement processes as criteria for reconstructing paleoenvironments. Developments and innovations discussed herein include analysis of soil and sediment characteristics, the use of ground penetrating radar GPR , and dating of materials and surfaces using luminescence techniques and cosmogenic isotopes. Second, important contributions are emerging on the application of mass wasting deposits and landforms as tools to understand spatial and temporal patterns of recent global environmental change.
Mass Movement Processes in the Periglacial Environment. N2 - Mass wasting is the gravity-driven downslope movement of surficial materials. For the location of the station, a well-defined, active solifluction lobe, underneath a perennial snowpatch was chosen.
The location is at about m a. The solifluction monitoring station has a 2 x 2 m steel frame that is anchored in the ground so that it does not move with the solifluction movement. Additionally, ground temperatures, soil moisture and pore water pressure are measured at different depths and locations close to the station.
Soil Water Flow Solifluction III - Kindle edition by Michael Stagg. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. Solifluction (sometimes termed gelifluction in periglacial environments) is the slow Such deposits will impact the movement of water and development of soils. . as also active-layer detachment slides and rock falls (Vaughan et al., ).
This solifluction monitoring station is the 5th station that exists worldwide. Two are located in southern Norway and two are located in Svalbard. Thus, an interesting gradient from continuous permafrost at Svalbard to discontinuous and patchy mountain permafrost is covered.
One of the main tasks in the project is to use satellite interferometry InSAR to produce surface deformation maps over permafrost areas, associated with ground freezing and thawing. Landscapes that have been a product of solifluction have been described as having the consistency of thick porridge. Solifluction is a form of ice-mediated creep.
In temperate and tundra region, soil flows occur when the surface layers of frozen ground thaw in spring. Soil and rock debris lubricated by the melt-water flow easily over the underlying frozen subsoil.
In areas of peat soils, the peat absorbs much moisture. However, if saturation point is reached the peaty soil may flow downslope. In Ireland such flows are known as bog-bursts.
Other factors in solifluction are: Solifluction should not be confused with earthflow , which is a much more rapid process.