Hercólubus or Red Planet


Oct 06, Ivan Lutz rated it did not like it. I found this book through one of my favorite bloggers, PZ Myers. Someone sent him a copy by mail. After reading his review, I couldn't resist. I quickly went to the website the website was also very entertaining , where I requested a free copy.

I somehow forgot about ordering this gem, and about 3 months later, I recieved my copy of this book book is a little generous, fat pamphlet is more accurate. They are more or less between 1. Nobody is taller or shorter. There are no potbellies and you do not see deformed people.

Everybody has an angelic figure: There are no monsters like those you can see here. They wear a wide belt full of red, blue, and yellow buttons all around, which flash like a lighthouse. When in danger, they press a main button, which you can imagine is like a buckle we have on our belt. Just by pressing it, a circle of fire is formed which can destroy a bullet and everything that it catches around it.

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For PZ Myers review: I don't know where to start with this garbage. I guess calling it garbage is a bit harsh, but read it and see if that's called for or not. I'm fine with people having their own opinions, but this is a bit ridiculous.

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In our former encounter, Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilisation. Nowadays, the statements contained in his work are recognized by a great number of readers who have benefited from his teachings in more than 80 countries. And of course those damn scientists ignore the truth. Oh well, it's still hilarious They wear a wide belt full of red, blue, and yellow buttons all around, which flash like a lighthouse. It's not that they have a great choice of actions — it's either that, or claiming that there are multiple incoming planets.

This book is aimed at "correcting" the sinful world. The author starts out with telling the reader about a "sun sized planet" making it's way toward earth.

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Then tells the reader that he has "gone to Venus and Mars" and to describe how those beings, which he calls humanity for some r I don't know where to start with this garbage. Then tells the reader that he has "gone to Venus and Mars" and to describe how those beings, which he calls humanity for some reason, live and how much better and advanced they are than us. I would just like to know what made this guy so special to think that people will believe that he did any of this without the aid of being asleep.

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Wait, to answer that question see the ending the book. He tells the reader that through mantras and sleep the "astral plane" can be achieved and we can go wherever we want and learn everything we would ever want to know. Basically this guy likes to sleep and dream of this "greater" existence that "only a handful of us" will achieve, because all the "gringos" he uses that term MANY times, meaning Americans Made me laugh at least. But like many people who "know a better way" they leave out much of the things that can be argued against them, and I'm sure if he was ever interviewed this guy didn't give a straight answer to the real holes in his book.

I don't care what you're view is, I won't get in your way. But just think about it for a second that's all. I'll believe what I want and be a "gringo. But on the other hand this book wasn't very professional or well written either. It took me a while to decide whether to rate this book one or five stars. I ended up giving it one star to reflect the garbage it contains, but let me assure you it's the most amazing, 5-star garbage you will ever read.

It's the " Plan 9 from Outer Space " of books. I got this book free in the mail, and to be honest, I didn't expect much out of it. Apparently this "Hercolubus" planet is the "end" of the Earth. This book is biased, obviously, so if you know anything about space, you should probably read this. But as for people like me, it's a book that made my noggin hurt. May 08, Carolyn Injoy rated it did not like it Recommends it for: Recommended to Carolyn by: I am not attempting to frighten, but to forewarn, because I feel sorry for this poor Humanity.

Since these events are coming soon, there is no time to waste on illusory things. It also says that the planet's end is inescapable. There is a giant red planet, Hercolubus, on a collision course with earth. I believe the author was sincere in his prophecy. Yet as so many other doomsday prophets, he died before the prophecy was fulfilled. I'm grateful I did not pay for this book.

View all 4 comments. It was an intriguing book, considering the fact that I read it many times and before the phenomena. I don't say that all of the predictions came true, but a few of them are happening in front of our eyes and we look away, but this book shuts it right in front of us.

Hercolubus or red planet

I personally think that it was written very well with some amazing spiritual practices, for example the astral projection mantras. I tried one of them and I must say, the sensation when you leave the body for th It was an intriguing book, considering the fact that I read it many times and before the phenomena. I tried one of them and I must say, the sensation when you leave the body for the first time while watching yourself on the bed, it was marvellous. Oct 27, Michael rated it it was ok.

The book Red Planet was far fetched even for me. I write and read science fiction and fantasy novels, and I read books of souls and spirit, but some of the visions in this book seemed more dreams than visions.

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A very clear and current example is the little book entitled 'Hercolubus or Red Planet' written by V.M. Rabolu, the great Colombian researcher in esotericism. Because of the immense importance of this universal message for humanity, the Alcione Association is sending by mail free printed copies of the book.

I kept sensing that the visionary was mixing an alternate reality that humans could go through with this reality. He saw the worse case scenarios, but we humans are subject to change and the future is not written in stone.

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Jul 24, Cristhiano Bossardi De Vasconcellos rated it it was amazing. Doomsday book, for opened mind people. Appreciate too much, specially its free and have self knowleage techniques. External links Twitter Facebook Discord. This page was last modified on 2 July , at Unless explicitly noted otherwise, all content licensed as indicated by RationalWiki: For concerns on copyright infringement please see: The fault in our stars Pseudoastronomy.

Felix Stars are Souls Stephen J. Crothers v - t - e. The author first mentions that the scientists do not trust him because of his physical health and also because they assume that he is mentally ill. Rabolu keeps on critizing the scientists because he believes that scientists are making fools of the Humanity and not highlighting the things that needs to be highlighted.

Rabolu then describes the natural disasters such as Earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic Eruptions. The author also mentions "Nuclear tests and the oceans". He describes that the fire within the Earth has already started to make contact with the water and cyclones have started to appear.

And as cracks develop tidal waves and frightening occurences will take place in the sea and on the land. He also says that there is only one way to save ourselves and that is Astral Projection. He says, that we have to leave our bodies in this world and travel with our inner soul to a whole new world. Rabolu has mentioned several mantras and physical as well as mental exercises to make the projection possible.

Hercolubus 2018 [English]