Enzo Collotti e l’Europa del Novecento (Biblioteca di storia) (Italian Edition)

We present an unusual case of a patient with an atrophic variant of IM. Furthermore, youth with disabilities who reported ATOD use or who engaged in binge drinking had significantly more…. Riferimenti, simboli e numerologia astronomica nel Canzoniere di Petrarca.

The astronomical knowledge of Petrarch and his use of astronomical references in the renowned Canzoniere are examined with a commented anthology of the most relevant astronomical verses in that work. We discuss the identification of the first two verses of the poetry "Solo et pensoso" as a precise description of the astrological type of Saturn. The repeated presence of an ancient astronomical symbol such as the division of the circle in 12 parts is highlighted. The coded presence in the Canzoniere of the most relevant astronomical numbers 7, 12 and is also discovered and shown.

This report describes unfiltered CCD differential photometry of Pluto performed between 1 August and 10 September Results show that in the present year Pluto is maintaining a high photometric activity, higher than expected maximum brightness variations of 0. Pluto's appearance is now drastically changing owing to viewing geometry and the next collapse of its atmosphere onto the surface. Amateurs too should dedicate particular attention to the photometric evolution of the planet. Studi prospettici sulla fascia dell 'eclittica dell 'Atlante Farnese. We present a study, carried out on photographic images, of the ecliptic strip of the Atlas Farnese, a statue found before in Rome.

This statue was supposedly carved according to the celestial catalogue compiled around b. The obliquity of the ecliptic is deduced as Interrelazioni nel Sistema Solare. Tempo delle Effemeridi e Tempo Universale. Guida all'utilizzo del Minor Planet Software rel. Determinazione della Coordinate Geografiche di una postazione di osservazione dalle Coordinate Metriche U. Il ruolo dell 'endoscopia nei tumori neuroendocrini gastroenteropancreatici. Massa I tumori neuroendocrini NET gastro-entero-pancreatici GEP sono neoplasie rare che originano dalle cellule neuroendocrine del tubo digerente e del pancreas.

L'endoscopia digestiva e l'ecoendoscopia rivestono un ruolo importante nella diagnosi, stadiazione e sorveglianza dei pazienti con NET. Inoltre, in casi selezionati, le tecniche endoscopiche operative consentono il trattamento di queste neoplasie in fase precoce. The role of endoscopy in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

Massa Gastroenteropancreatic GEP neuroendocrine tumors NET are rare neoplasia arisen from neuroendocrine cells present in the gut mucosa and pancreas. Digestive endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography play a relevant role in NET diagnosis, stadiation and surveillance.

Side Refine Panel

Moreover, in selected patients, surgical endoscopy allows the tratment of these cancers at an early stage. The alternative asbestos control method AACM is an experimental approach to building demolition. Algoritmi per il calcolo dell 'epatta della Luna. On the sides of the chair of St. Hyppolitus in the Vatican Libray there is a series of epacts, used for calculating the date of Christian Easter valid for years from AD.

Fotogrammetria dell 'Obelisco Vaticano con il Sole. The measurement of its height using the shadow on the floor is compared with Fontana's original data and with digital photo, corrected by perspective. A pincushion deformation is found in the camera. Who did invent the telescope? It seems a simple-answering question but this is untrue.

The article recall the fundamental steps of the first phase in the telescope history between 16th and 17th century, from the first experiences with the lenses made by the Italian opticians to the Della Porta's theories, from the vicissitudes of the Dutch spectacle-makers to the spreading of the new instrument through the European squares.

At last we meet the work of Galileo Galilei, the first man to use the telescope for scientific purposes, understanding all its potentialities. Leonardo da Vinci's Manuscript D consists of five double pages sheets, which, folded in two, comprise ten folios. This document, in the old Tuscan dialect and mirror writing, reveals the ideas of Leonardo on the anatomy of the eye in relation to the formation of images and visual perception. Leonardo explains in particular the behavior of the rays in the eye in terms of refraction and reflection, and is very mechanistic in his conception of the eye and of the visual process.

The most significant innovations found in these folios are the concept of the eye as a camera obscura and the intersection of light rays in the interior of the eye. His texts nevertheless show hesitation, doubts and a troubled confusion, reflecting the ideas and uncertainties of his era. He did not share his results in his lifetime, despite both printing and etching being readily available to him. Fotometria dell 'asteroide XF Radar and photometric observations of XF11 were made during its close approach with the Earth in The photometric parameters found are: Attempted to verify knowledge regarding decimal and rational numbers in children ages Discusses how pupils can receive and assimilate extensions of the number system from natural numbers to decimals and fractions and later can integrate this extension into a single and coherent numerical structure.

Si intende qui descrivere il sistema di sorveglianza sugli effetti sulla salute SpoTT dell 'inquinamento ambientale nelle aree circostanti l'inceneritore di Torino. I primi risultati sono attesi nel corso del Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? One of the most common proposals put forth for reform of the American system of education is to require school uniforms. Proponents argue that uniforms can make schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement. Opponents contend that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an infringement on the freedom of….

Reputation Enhancement and School Delinquency: High school delinquency, adolescent behaviors ranging from repeated school misconduct to being arrested, is a critical concern in the United States. Though widely believed that reputation is related to adolescent behavior, few studies have addressed the relationship between adolescent reputation and delinquency. Using the National Educational….

Carlo Sini:"Friburgo universitaria. Il pensiero fenomenologico. Husserl"LA FILOSOFIA E LE CITTÀ

When Money Might Matter: In this article, the author continues to develop the perspective of the improved school finance, an effort to move beyond the conventional framing of funding and resource issues, presented in the article by Grubb, Huerta, and Goe in this issue. Here, the author presents the results of use of the National Educational Longitudinal Survey of the….

The multiplicity of Spica's system has been first observed in by the dominican father Giovanni Battista Audiffredi through a lunar occultation. Audiffredi noted that the emersion's duration from the bright lunar limb was not instantaneous. Nowadays Spica has five known components, four of them have been discovered by occultation. This observation is presented along with a general introduction of lunar occultations, Watts' profiles, Cassini regions and grazes.

A mm transfer standard orifice plate meter assembly, consisting of two orifice plates in series separated by a length of pipe containing a flow straightener, was calibrated in two water flow facilities. Results show that the agreement in the characteristics of such a differential pressure transfer standard package is within 0.

When the range over which the comparison was made was limited to that for which the calibration graphs gave straight lines, the agreement is 0. Professors teaching cyber security classes often face challenges when developing workshops for their students: Faculty teaching these classes spend countless hours installing, configuring and deploying multiple system…. Effetto black drop e istanti dei contatti nel transito di Venere sul Sole. Digital measurements of the chords common to the Sun and Venus during the transit of 8 June are reported.

The time of the four contacts of the planet with the solar limb are calculated resolving the relative equations for entry and exit phases. The solutions were obtained with least square methods applied to experimental data with analytical functions used by different Authors during the Sun's eclipses. The well-known black drop effect was observed during the third contact. Atmospheric turbulence and optical effects interfere making timings uncertain by at least one second. There is also a comment about the numerical values and the estimate of the experimental errors.

The observations were made by four high school students. I Paesi presso i quali sono attivi sistemi di rilevazione e controllo dei casi incidenti di mesotelioma sono quelli in cui vige il bando dell 'amianto e che hanno sperimentato consumi rilevanti in passato.

Ricadute metalinguistiche dell 'insegnamento dell 'esperanto sulla lingua materna dell 'alunno: Two groups of secondary school students participated in an experiment on the effect of Esperanto instruction on their metalinguistic abilities. The group that studied Esperanto for a full school year achieved better results on independently developed tests of metalinguistic ability in comparison with the control group.

Results suggest the teaching…. Features of the pulsed neution source theory connected with the measurement of diffusion parameters are discussed. Various analytical procedures for determining the decay constant of the fully thermalized neutron flux are compared. The problem of the diffusion coefficient definition is also considered in some detail. I servizi sono oramai centrali nella vita sociale di ogni Paese. Le statistiche correnti di spesa sanitaria sono raccolte centralmente dall'Agenzia nazionale per i servizi sanitari regionali Agenas attraverso i modelli di rilevazione dei costi dei livelli essenziali di assistenza LEA delle aziende USL.

Le tre macroaree dei LEA sono: Le spese per la prevenzione rientrano in quest'ultima e sono ripartite nelle seguenti voci: First study of the sensitivity of CMS detector to neutrinoless decay chan Nel t? After the recent results coming from Super Kamiokande experiments, the problem of the lepton flavor violation is one of the most important channel of front end investigation.

The improvement of experimental sensitivity of the Branching Ratio would be of interest either in a discovery search, or in a study of the exclusion limit bringing information on the SUSY scenario potentially at work. We will focus now on one of the most promising source of tau lepton at LHC for our signal, the W's boson going in a tau lepton plus neutrino thus leading to three muons plus E T miss as final state signature.

The most challenging aspect on this type of analysis is to understand and then to isolate the background. A detailed study of the whole set of possible sources of muons at LHC, leads to consider the heavy quarks mesons decays with three muons in the final state from a single meson as the principal and the most dangerous source of background events.

A fast simulation of the CMS detector based analysis shows that the background could be completely suppressed leading to an exclusion limit 50 times lower than the one set by CLEO II. Nationwide Participation in 4-H during the s: A study examined national participation in 4-H Club activities during the s. The study population was a carefully drawn sample of 24, eighth graders from more than 1, public and private schools throughout the country as well as their parents and teachers. The study established that, as of , about one of every six eighth-grade….

Although, reviews and outcome research supports empirical evidence for Early Intensive Behavior Intervention in pre-scholars, intensive behavioral service provision for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders ASD are less subject to research studies. In order to provide effective behavioral interventions for school-aged children it…. Language Characteristics and Academic Achievement: This report examines the demographic and language characteristics and educational aspirations of Asian American and Hispanic American eighth graders and relates that information to their mathematical ability and reading comprehension as measured by an achievement test.

Special attention is paid to students who come from homes in which a…. We show that the myth of Ares defeated by the giants Aloads is a description of how the planet Mars appears in the sky during its synodic revolution. This criptoscientific myth reported by Homer holds enough astronomical information to make sound this archaeoastronomical interpretation. The tale accounts for the length of the semiperiod of the Martian revolution and presents the notion that Mercury is the only planet which is always visible when Mars recovers after the solar conjunction. Largo spazio nella preparazione e presentazione dei talk viene dato ai giovani ricercatori.

Rapid assessment of the bryozoan, Zoobotryon verticillatum Delle Chiaje, in marinas, Canary Islands. A rapid assessment, using the abundance and distribution range method, was used to evaluate the status of a large branching bryozoan, Zoobotryon verticillatum attached to the immersed part of marina pontoons in the Canary Islands. Colonies were also found attached to the hulls of leisure craft berthed alongside pontoons at three marinas in Lanzarote during While the occurrence of this bryozoan is recent it may be expected to occur elsewhere in Macaronesia most probably spread by leisure craft.

Considers the Italian mathematical journals of the second half of the nineteenth century oriented to the teaching of mathematics at different school levels. Focuses on three journals: Maintaining secure, convenient administration of the PC system environment can be a significant drain on resources. Deskside visits can greatly increase the cost of supporting a large number of computers. Even simple tasks, such as tracking inventory or updating software, quickly become expensive when they require physically visiting every….

Sociologia del linguaggio ed insegnamento delle lingue Language Sociology and Language Teaching. Discusses the fundamental aspects of verbal communication and analyzes its functions in terms of social needs. Takes an historical perspective to distinguish different levels of social development characterized by different communication requirements and stages of language evolution.

From these premises, it argues for a sociocultural approach to…. With my background in acting, stagecraft, and some knowledge of theatre history from high school and college, it was natural for me as a novice teacher to think about theatre as a metaphor for teaching. In this article I will discuss how over my career I conceived of teaching in terms of theatrical metaphors, and make a comparison with a common….

The principles of activation analysis and the methods of detection and measurement of radioactivity from neutron irradiated samples are described. The application of this method in different fields is mentioned. An example of the use of activation analysis in biology is given; and the results of a study on the manganese content in different parts of a lamellibranch, Unio mancus elongatus Pfeiffer of Lago Maggiore, are presented and discussed. The magnetic declination is the compass deviation from astronomical North. Using accurate solar ephemerides and a UTC synchronized watch, the shadow of a vertical pole is astronomically referenced.

The angles of a 10m size triangle including the direction of this shadow, the solar azimuth, and the magnetic North give the magnetic declination with an accuracy of 2 arcmin. At the end of the 16th century, Humanism seems to be an out of place working hypothesis. Nevertheless, it was a strong presence in philology and in rhetoric, but also in the new science, particularly in Galileo and in Kepler. Both of them were mathematicians, astronomers, and Copernicans, but they also were bound by delicate religious questions.

Kepler, a Protestant, was excommunicated by the Lutheran Church because of his Calvinist ideas; Galileo, a Catholic, was excommunicated by the Holy Office, since he promoted heliocentrism. Their relationship was difficult, and marked by a reciprocal lack of understanding, the history of which is studied here. Still, Galileo and Kepler were highly creative scholars, founders of astronomy, and played a leading role in scientific progress. Commedia dell 'Arte as a Metaphor for the Art of Teaching. In this article I will discuss how over my career I conceived of teaching in terms of theatrical metaphors, and make a comparison with a common metaphor of teaching as coaching.

I soggetti identificati come diabetici sono aumentati da 8.

Anche se la natura osservazionale dello studio non consente. In Italia, le prime regioni che hanno raccomandato la vaccinazione contro il MenB sono state Basilicata e Puglia. Sono state esaminate 55 cause di decesso. Le analisi sono disaggregate per sesso e periodo. La linguistica, la glottodidattica e l'elaboratore elettronico: Note sull'introduzione dell 'informatica nell'insegnamento delle lingue Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, and Computers: Attempts to show that the use of computers in the classroom should not be limited to the teaching of math but that the language classroom is an even more appropriate place for the introduction and use of computers.

New information shows that workers At the request of the State The notices were published in the The workers are engaged in employment related to the production of desktop computers. The notices were amended on The notice was published in the Federal Register on The origin of the western constellations II. In this article the author reviews the major contributions that have been published on the origin of Western constellations. He puts these contributions to a strict criticism, based both on the most recent historiographic acquisitions and use of modern software.

This approach deprives of any foundation the ideas proposed by Maunder, Ovenden, Roy, Gurshtein, still considered reliable by many of the nonspecialists and the audience of fans, while appropriately emphasizes the great news and great value, albeit with some reservations, of the studies recently undertaken on the subject by Bradley Schaefer.

The origin of the western constellations I. L'insegnamento integrato degli aspetti dell 'attivita verbale Integrated Teaching of the Aspects of Verbal Activity.

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Discusses an article written by three Soviet teachers who analyze studies conducted in the area of foreign language teaching, particularly the teaching of Russian. Their focus is on the methodological principles of an approach that integrates the teaching of the four skills listening, speaking, reading, writing. However, standards for its implementation in undergraduate nursing education together with a nursing theoretical model are not available. A narrative literature review was conducted searching main health scientific databases and including monographs, statements from international associations, and published conference papers.

Further studies focusing on these issues are strongly needed. Geographic List of Prime Contract Awards. Oct 91 - Sep The foundation of C. During fascism, the contribution of C. This was mainly due to insufficient means: Moreover, the scientists who carried on medical research within the C. The ideology of fascism also contribute to the weakness of the Italian medical research promoted by the C. According to fascist view, science, and for its nature and aims above all medicine, had to addressed to technical, practical, or much better, social achievements.

Consequently, the policy of medical research at the C. This was in harmony with the demographic policy, which means the policy of reinforcement of "Italian race", and positive eugenics that fascism tried to pursue. Various catalysts have been tested and the influence of formic acid concentration, temperature and catalyst concentration on the reaction rate have been determined. A possible reduction mechanism coherent with Ihe experimental data is discussed. The author illustrates an empirical correlation linking planet distances from the Sun to some physical characteristics of the central body such as mass, equatorial radius, density.

Such a formula is applicable, with good approximation, also to the major planet satellite systems. Aortopexy for the treatment of tracheomalacia in children: Other treatments of tracheomalacia, particularly tracheal stenting, were associated with a higher rate of failure, severe morbidity and mortality.

Non english abstract La tracheomalacia severa rappresenta una sfida per Pediatri, Intensivisti, Pneumologi, Otorinolaringoiatri, Chirurghi Pediatri. Abbiamo condotto una revisione della letteratura di lingua inglese su tale argomento. Di lavori, 40 sono stati inclusi nella revisione. Computer Solutions and Software International, Inc. Central radio galaxies in groups: E' noto che le regioni centrali degli ammassi e gruppi di galassie costituiscono un ambiente in cui gas caldo e plasma radioemittente proveniente dalle galassie dominanti interagiscono tra loro. In particolare, si pensa che la radioemissione dell 'AGN centrale ed i suoi possibili cicli di attivita', siano strettamente legati alla presenza di cavita' e "bubbles" nel gas intergalattico.

Lo studio della morfologia radio degli AGN centrali e la relativa analisi spettrale permettono di ottenere stime sull'eta' di questi oggetti, e sulla loro energia totale, che a loro volta sono in relazione con le proprieta' X dei gruppi stessi. Per tutti gli oggetti del campione sono disponibili osservazioni Chandra di proprieta'. Elementi specifici che rendano conto di questa relazione non sono stati ancora completamente chiariti e soprattutto i dati sulla popolazione italiana sono molto limitati.

Le rilevazioni sono state effettuate dai medici del lavoro di azienda attraverso 3 questionari: Frequently, universities prepare philologists of Russian for future careers as researchers, when most of them will become teachers of Russian as a foreign language. This article suggests a course of studies more suitable for future teachers. Text is in Italian. Presents a methodology for analyzing verbal interaction in mathematical discussion which is both a product and an instrument of a research project in grades one through eight. Analyzes an example of discussion from a first-grade classroom about point of view.

Gruppo de lavoro pediatri dell 'Abruzzo Basilicata e Puglia]. The data included basic information related to the therapy prescribed, its duration, a judgement on the efficacy of symptoms control and the main problems encountered with the children and their families. The main drug used for profilaxis is ketotifen, a compound without documented efficacy; the main route for drug administration especially during acute attacks is by mouth, instead of by aerosol, evidencing problems in the health education on practical skills.

In fact the main problems encountered by doctors are related to the communication with patients and families. This survey represents also a research model for involving health care providers and easily and quickly obtaining a useful, methodologically sound and interesting picture of everyday practice. Examined fifth-grade students' survey responses to investigate incorrect rules that derive from children's efforts to interpret decimals as integers or as fractions. Regarding fractions, difficulties arise because only the whole-part approach to fractions is presented in elementary school.

The search for an understandable reporting format has led the National Assessment Governing Board to explore the possibility of measuring and interpreting student performance on the 12th-grade National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP , the Nation's Report Card, in terms of readiness for college, the workplace, and the military. This three and a half year longitudinal study focused upon the social and cultural identities of four Italian women. In understanding and interpreting their identities, ethnographic data was analyzed through discourse and narrative analysis and presented in ways that recognized the importance of caring for their lives Brandt, , staying close….

Lists statistical surveys, research papers, and…. A hematology consensus agreement on antifungal strategies for neutropenic patients with hematological malignancies and stem cell transplant recipients. In the attempt to establish key therapy definitions and provide shared approaches to invasive fungal diseases in neutropenic patients, trials of empiric, preeemptive and targeted antifungal therapy EAT, PAT and TAT were reviewed, and a Consensus Development Conference Project was convened.

The Expert-Panel concurred that all antifungal treatments, including EAT, should always follow an adequate diagnostic strategy and that the standard definition of PAT may be misleading: The Expert-Panel agreed that radiological findings alone are insufficient for the choice of a TAT and that the identification of the etiologic pathogen is needed.

The Consensus Agreement proceeded identifying which clinical and microbiological findings were sufficient to start a DDAT and which were not. Finally, an algorithm to rationalize the choice of antifungal drugs on the basis of clinical manifestations, antifungal prophylaxis, instrumental and laboratory findings was drawn up. Room, F Street NE. Please contact Ben O' Dell for any additional Please include your name and return address in your internet message. Making everyday tasks easier - arthritis. Kelly and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology.

Detail of concrete and stone railings on staircase leading from Detail of concrete and stone railings on staircase leading from Shepperds Dell Bridge to trail. Ciclo delle lezioni apprese Civitavecchia: Ciclo delle lezioni apprese, C The meeting will be available to the public Contact Person for Additional Information: Please contact Ben O' Dell for There will also be a conference call line available for those Open to the public, limited only by Despite recent and exponential improvements in diagnostic-therapeutic pathways, an existing "GAP" has been revealed between the "real world care" and the "optimal care" of patients with chronic heart failure CHF.

We present the T. Project Trattamento Ormonale dello Scompenso CArdiaco , an Italian multicenter initiative involving different health care professionals and services aiming to explore the CHF "metabolic pathophysiological model" and to improve the quality of care of HF patients through research and continuing medical education. The antifungal efficacy of nerol NEL has been proved against Aspergillus flavus by using in vitro and in vivo tests. The mycelial growth of A. The NEL also had an evident inhibitory effect on spore germination in A. In real food system, the efficacy of the NEL on resistance to decay development in cherry tomatoes was investigated in vivo by exposing inoculated and control fruit groups to NEL vapor at different concentration.

NEL vapors at 0. Results obtained from presented study showed that the NEL had a great antifungal activity and could be considered as a benefit and safe tool to control food spoilage. A program was devised for calculating the cubic and fifth roots of a number of Newton's method using the IBM electronic computer. Il problema della scelta e della continuita della lingua straniera nella scuola dell 'obbligo Problems of Choice and Continuity of a Foreign Language in Elementary and Junior High School. Discusses two current problems with foreign language study in Italy: On theseldestroyers the SA-N-I became a fully operational system of undisputed capability.

The physical principles of the process, the cascades and selection of the pressures, temperatures, and barriers are described.

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  • Infrared Heating for Food and Agricultural Processing (Contemporary Food Engineering).
  • .

The gaseous diffusion plant is discussed with a consideration of the preliminary calculation of the plant yields the diffusor, operating temperature, layout of the plants control, and cost analysis. Overcoming present limits of flood damage data. Already in the Fifties, US researchers identified the main weakness of flood records in the inadequacy of flood damage data. The recent seminar "Flood damage survey and assessment: In detail, participants concluded that the lack of damage data and of innovative approaches for their analysis e.

However, few efforts have been addressed so far on the improvement of the way in which data are presently collected and stored. The aim of this presentation is to discuss first results of Poli-RISPOSTA stRumentI per la protezione civile a Supporto delle POpolazioni nel poST Alluvione , a research project founded by Politecnico di Milano which is just intended to develop tools and procedures for the collection and storage of high quality, consistent and reliable flood damage data. Developing tools and procedures for the collection and storage of flood damage data in the aftermath of flood events: Moreover, damage data collected in the aftermath of floods supply the knowledge base on which a blend of actions can be performed, both in the short and mid time after the occurrence of a flood; among them: Objective "measurement" of flood losses remains inadequate to meet the above objectives.

This is due to a number of reasons that include: In such a context, the aim of this contribution is to discuss the results from the Poli-RISPOSTA stRumentI per la protezione civile a Supporto delle POpolazioni nel poST Alluvione project, a research project founded by Politecnico di Milano which is intended to develop tools and procedures for the collection and storage of high quality, consistent and reliable flood damage data. Collected data are intended to support a variety of actions, namely: A two-domain protein triggers heat shock pathway and necrosis pathway both in model plant and nematode.

Sources et Bibliographie

The entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis is equipped with multiple virulent factors. The genome sequence of B. The merging of two distantly related domains is relatively rare. Nel induced necrosis and pathogen-triggered immunity PTI on model plants. The Nel also exhibited inhibition activity to nematode. Microscopic observation showed that the toxicity of Nel to nematodes targets the intestine. Quantitative proteomics revealed that Nel stimulated the host defence.

The Nel thus possesses dual roles, as both toxin and elicitor. Remarkably, the Nel protein triggered a similar response, induction of the heat shock pathway and the necrosis pathway, in both model plants and nematodes. The unusual ability of Nel to function across kingdom suggests a highly conserved mechanism in eukaryotes that predates the divergence of plants and animal. It is also speculated that the two-domain protein is the result of horizontal gene transfer HGT between phytopathogens and entomopathogens. Our results provide an example that HGT occurs between members of different species or even genera with lower frequency are particularly important for evolution of new bacterial pathogen lineages with new virulence.

Bacillus thuringiensis occupies the same ecological niches, plant and soil, as phytopathogens, providing the opportunity for gene exchange. Evidence from the National Educational Longitudinal Survey. The NELS provides information on student and parental characteristics such as geographical location, religious affiliation, school…. Hollow form as a function of boulder size in the Valley and Ridge province, southwestern Virginia. Dells hollows that corrugate the antidip slopes of strike-ridge mountains in the Valley and Ridge province of southwestern Virginia vary greatly in cross-section form.

This form is a function not of the underlying bedrock, but of the size and durability of boulders supplied to slopes by sandstones capping the strike ridge. Where the largest boulders are smaller than about 0. Where the largest boulders are larger than about 1. Boulder size apparently determines the type of erosional processes that predominate in the development of the dells , and thereby dell form. Where boulder size is sufficiently small, running water is the dominant process and incises V-shaped dells.

Where boulders are so large that even the largest floods cannot move them, the dell floor is armored and fluvial incision is greatly reduced. The evolution of such dells is dominated by debris flows that have recurrence intervals measured in millenia and by lateral fluvial erosion along the margins of the bouldery dell fill, both of which tend to produce shallow, U-shaped dells. Some evidence for the armoring effect of large boulders was obtained by applying a technique developed for reconstructing flash-flood peaks from boulder deposits. This procedure indicates that boulders in the V-shaped dells could be transported by high but plausible water flows, whereas movement of boulders in the U-shaped dells would require implausibly high flows.

Perot Systems; Insurance Solutions Operations. Residential Sales, and Selma, TX. Smucker Company, Sherman, TX The Folgers Coffee Company Matematica dell Universita di Pavia, Italy. Evidence from Masked Priming. Theories of language production generally describe the segment as the basic unit in phonological encoding e. However, there is also evidence that such a unit might be language specific.

Chen, Chen, and Dell , for instance, found no effect of single segments when using a preparation…. Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc. Setting new standards for customer advocacy. Dell Computer Corporation pioneered the direct marketing of personal computers in and became the first company in the PC industry to offer manufacturer-direct technical support. According to surveys of corporate buyers, the company provides the best after-sale service and support of any computer maker. Here's how Dell has institutionalized the delivery of customer satisfaction.

Workers From Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mythicomyiidae, or micro bee flies, are tiny flies 0. Including all extinct and extant taxa, the Mythicomyiidae currently comprise more than valid taxonomic species distributed among 30 genera. The subfamily Psiloderoidinae is especially well represented among the fossil Mythicomyiidae by seven Cretaceous or Cenozoic genera.

We here describe a new genus and a new species of this subfamily based on fossils from the Earliest Eocene of Oise France. Anesthesia for lung transplantation: Anesthesia was induced with propofol or midazolam, and fentanyl or alfentanil. As muscle relaxant vecuronium bromide was used. In 2 patients inhaled areosolized prostacyclin were administered. With a strong drug support with pulmonary vasodilators, positive inotropic and systemic vasoconstrictor drugs, in most patients we transplanted C-P bypass can be avoided.

Intraoperative deaths were not observed. Preliminary comparative study of middle Anisian vertebrate ichnoassociation from South-Eastern Alps. Pelsonian ichno-association seem to corroborate the hypothesis of two different ichoassemblages in the late Middle Triassic Lucas, Further studies could allow a better understanding of the evolution of the Chirotherian tracks group and the systematics of the Rhynchosauroidae ichnofamily.


Geoitalia , Abstract Vol. Tetrapod Footprint Biostratigraphy and Biochronology, Ichnos, 14,1: Degree thesis, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Preliminary reporton a new vertebrate track and flora site from Piz da Peres Anisian-Illyrian: Olang Dolomites, Northern Italy. L'influenza dell 'attenzione, della memoria e della discriminazione fonetica nell'apprendimento della seconda lingua nella scuola elementare: Results of Several Tests.

Using a new method, 48 children in an elementary school in Rome, Italy, were taught a foreign language 26 English, 22 German and tested after three years. The authors attempt to explain the variation in test results in terms of the students' attention, memory, and phonetic discrimination. Previous studies have described neuroendoscopic lavage NEL as a procedure for the treatment of posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus in newborn infants.

This report describes complications and results in an extended case series from 2 separate hospitals. Patient records were screened for NEL procedures performed on infants with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus between September and May minimum follow-up period of 12 months. Efficacy of blood removal-as assessed with cerebral ultrasound, complications, eventual shunt placement rate, and subsequent shunt revisions-were recorded. Fifty-six patients 35 male underwent NEL at a postmenstrual median age of 31 weeks and 2 days range, 26 weeks and 1 day to 52 weeks and 3 days and a median weight of g range, g.

Median follow-up was 34 months range, Three patients died, and 31 patients required permanent ventriculoperitoneal shunting. The median number of surgical interventions per patient was 2 range, interventions. Revision-free shunt survival was In the shunted cohort, NEL may have also decreased the frequency of subsequent shunt revisions. The influence of NEL on neurodevelopment and safety remains to be investigated further in a multicenter setup. Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology. Gladman DD, Chandran V. Management of psoriatic arthritis. Evidence for the involvement of a nonlexical route in the repetition of familiar words: A comparison of single and dual route models of auditory repetition.

In this paper, we attempt to simulate the picture naming and auditory repetition performance of two patients reported by Hanley, Kay, and Edwards , who were matched for picture naming score but who differed significantly in their ability to repeat familiar words. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that the model of naming and repetition put forward by Foygel and Dell is better able to accommodate this pattern of performance than the model put forward by Dell , Schwartz, Martin, Saffran, and Gagnon Nevertheless, Foygel and Dell 's model underpredicted the repetition performance of both patients.

In Experiment 2, we attempt to simulate their performance using a new dual route model of repetition in which Foygel and Dell 's model is augmented by an additional nonlexical repetition pathway. The new model provided a more accurate fit to the real-word repetition performance of both patients. It is argued that the results provide support for dual route models of auditory repetition.

Discusses how Scott O' Dell 's books that deal with pre-Columbian Hispanic cultures reveal his limited views of those cultures and his use of stereotypes in describing the pre-Columbian, Mexican, and Spanish people. Small is Beautiful When The author, Deputy Head of Chalk Dell Infant School in Hertford, England, reviews research on the effects of class size and analyzes her own experience with a class of 33 and a class of 23 students. Language and Literacy in Social Practice.

Readings on language and literacy within their social context include: Halliday ; "Language and Ideology" V. Bibliography on Optical Testing with Appendix. Percutaneous portal vein embolization PPVE induces hypertrophy of the future liver remnant before hepatic resection.

The ideal embolic material has not yet been determined. We compared N-butylcyanocrylate NBCA with sodium acrylate-vinyl alcohol copolymer particles using a swine model. Twelve pigs underwent PPVE. Six pigs group A were embolized with NBCA, and 6 pigs group B were embolized with sodium acrylate-vinyl alcohol copolymer particles. Computed tomographic volumetry of the embolized lobe EL and the nonembolized lobe NEL , along with liver function tests, was performed before and at 14 and 28 days after embolization.

Activating HIV-1 proviruses in latent reservoirs combined with inhibiting viral spread might be an effective anti-HIV therapeutic strategy. Active specific delivery of therapeutic drugs into cells harboring latent HIV, without the use of viral vectors, is a critical challenge to this objective. Taken together, these data demonstrate the potential of this novel reagent for targeting and eliminating latent HIV reservoirs. Composite Overview and Composite Aerocover Overview. ATP project is to carry the design and development of the aerodynamic composite cover or "bracket" from cradle to grave including materials research, purchasing, design, fabrication, testing, analysis and presentation of the final product.

Law on advance health care directives: Within the paper, article three is delved into, which covers the creation of the so-called DAT "Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento ", advance health care directives , by which patients, in light of possible future incapacity to choose, can express their convictions and decisions on how to be treated and their consent or dissent to undergo treatments and procedures, including artificial nutrition and hydration. The authors peruse the new law's provisions through a medical perspective, and observe how they are heavily tilted towards patient choice, thus making doctors little more than mere tools of such decisions.

Studies on effective atomic numbers for photon energy absorption and electron density of some narcotic drugs in the energy range 1 keV MeV. The reason for these differences is discussed. By studying the stacked spectra of these subsamples, we found that absorption from high ionization species are stronger in DLAs with stronger NEL in their absorption core. These observations are consistent with a scenario in which the DLAs with stronger NEL are denser and physically closer to the quasar. We propose that these eclipsing DLAs could be the product of the interaction between infalling and outflowing gas.

High resolution spectroscopic observation would be needed to shed some light on the nature of these eclipsing DLAs. By studying the stacked spectra of these subsamples, we found that absorptions from high ionization species are stronger in DLAs with stronger NEL in their absorption core. High-resolution spectroscopic observation would be needed to shed some light on the nature of these eclipsing DLAs.

Gamma shielding properties of Tamoxifen drug. It is also being studied for other types of cancer. I dati disponibili nell'archivio delle SDO possono essere utilizzati per un'identificazione dei pazienti a rischio sui quali definire specifici piani di dimissione. Community College Attendance and Socioeconomic Plans. We found attendance at a two-year college led to a modest but statistically significant disadvantage in socioeconomic plans. However, the impact of attending a….

Yu] [Text] The government.

  • Freshman Shower Party!
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  • GEFÄNGNIS AUFRUF (German Edition)!
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Nextgen Navy eLearning Tracking. Miller December Thesis Advisor: The findings indicate that female high school students tend to…. Essays on School Quality and Student Outcomes. In my first chapter, I explore the relationship between school size and student achievement where, conditional on observable educational inputs, school size is a proxy for factors that are difficult to measure directly e.

Using data from the NELS: The attending person- nel serving in the other subu- nits of a ship also play a signi- ficant role in Yerakov and other officers, in a class on optical control, we watched a video recording of a past flying day: Educational Engagement and Early Family Formation: Differences by Ethnicity and Generation. This paper examines how school engagement influences the timing of family formation for youth. This essay explores the question: Is Nel Noddings a visionary who sees past the constraints of contemporary education or is she, like Don Quixote, madly tilting at windmills in her description and defense of happiness as an educational aim?

Viewing the educational aim of happiness as an ideal raises substantial challenges for the practicality of…. That happiness leads to lack of harm and suffering, representing both a good and a means to good, is promoted, for example, by educational philosophers such as Nel Noddings. But happiness should not be seen as an unproblematic goal, for education or otherwise. In this article, we critically investigate the importance of happiness in the….

The Perfection of the Teacher through the Pursuit of Happiness: Cavell's Reading of J. Drawing upon Nel Noddings' contention that, if children are to be happy in schools, their teachers should also be happy, this paper tries to explore a way in which the obviously intimate but seemingly conflicting connections between students' and teachers' happiness can be understood from the viewpoint of Stanley Cavell's reading of J. Conflicting Uses of "Happiness" and the Human Condition. Nel Noddings claims that there is an important normative element in happiness.

For support, she points to the Aristotelian idea of the "eudaimonic" life, a concept that is often translated into English as "the happy life". However, in light of the wide divergence between the Aristotelian view of "eudaimonia" as a life…. Facelessness and the Ethics of Asynchronous Online Education.

In this position paper, I argue that a focus on achieving and increasing social presence in online courses tends to derail a consideration of the ethical implications and dimensions of the essential facelessness of asynchronous education. Drawing upon the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Nel Noddings, who contended that the face is the basis of…. Inequalities at the Outset: Using NELS data I examine parents' perceptions of paying for college before their students enter high school.

La Curie romaine de Pie IX à Pie X

To maintain and encourage international relations even the Giunta Centrale tried to mediate between the desire to impose its decisions, the distinctive character that these took under the dictatorship, and the tensions that inevitably arose. La Corte costituzionale torna protagonista dei processi di transizione della politica ecclesiastica italiana? Small is Beautiful When Puza, Richard, Die Konzilskongregation. However, these directors have received relatively little public recognition and the distribution of their films has been limited.

Findings suggest that racial wealth disparities may help explain differences in parents' perceptions of paying. In addition, Hispanics and low-income families are less likely to have information about financial aid and more likely to…. What Are the Odds of that? A Primer on Understanding Logistic Regression. The purpose of this Methodological Brief is to present a brief primer on logistic regression, a commonly used technique when modeling dichotomous outcomes.

This study examined the relationship of teacher decisional participation and school climate to teachers' sense of efficacy and their job satisfaction. Data came from the National Education Longitudinal Study of NELS project, involving 1, schools with eighth grade students, and from the follow up of 1, schools. Inconsistencies across SES Categories. Findings from a study that sought to determine the degree to which effective schools are uniformly effective for all students regardless of socioeconomic status SES are presented in this paper. Rethinking the Concept of Sustainability: Hiroshima as a Subject of Peace Education.

The article discusses a sustainable educational approach for developing a moral value of peace by using a historical event, the bombing of Hiroshima. To make the case, the article uses the care theory of Nel Noddings to discuss the interpersonal aspects of peace education. The article asks how care theory handles tragedies like Hiroshima and it….

The Problem of Impartial Morality. My task in this paper is to demonstrate, contra Nel Noddings, that Kantian ethics does not have an expectation of treating those closest to one the same as one would a stranger. In fact, Kantian ethics has what I would consider a robust statement of how it is that those around us come to figure prominently in the development of one's ethics.

This paper explores an important component of the high college enrollment of Asian American students: Academic Readiness for College: The Role of School Administrators. A multilevel analysis shows that high school characteristics affect student preparation for college in four core subject areas: Oppure, nel caso in cui si sospetti che un legno protetto da convenzioni internazionali sia stato The Importance of Money versus People.

I find that gender differences in these noncognitive…. Volume 43, Issue 1, January-February This helped the team to process demands for items that they were unfamiliar with. The pharmacist provided invaluable Lieutenant General Daniel P. Bolger, the Army dep- uty chief of staff for operations, plans, and programs, said that the ability to conduct.

A Common School and a Common University? A Response to "Schooling for Democracy". These groups have their own lives, goals, needs, and interests, which transcend in time the life of each individual and extend over all past, present, and future generations. As an ethi- cal and religious organism, the State is the Nation as deined by social, ethnic, racial, linguistic, cultural, historical, moral, and religious ties.

Rocco began his political career in the Radical Party but on the eve of World War I turned to nationalism, becoming the most inluential leader and ideologue of the Italian Nationalist Association, the nationalistic Italian party. Elected in at the Chamber of Deputies, of which he was President in , from to he was Minister of Justice and promoted the penal reform by signing in the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Princeton UP, , in particular chapter 3. The organization of any society, to a certain degree, is pervaded by these spiritual elements; unity of culture, religion, tradition, customs, lan- guage, sentiments, and will, which are just as necessary as more material elements. This deinition casts light on a reality that the social and political doctrines that inspired current political systems have ignored: All societies are but fractions of the human race; they have their own organization, their own degree of civility, their own needs and purposes, and therefore their own life.

Therefore, if every human society is but a fraction of the human race, it must possess the same fun- damental attributes of the human race. In particular, it must be a series of generations, rather than a collection of individuals. It is clear that, as the human race is not the collection of the individuals in the world, so all human societies of which it is composed are not the collection of all the individuals within them at any given point in time.

Instead, human society is the ininite succession of all past, present, and future genera- tions by which it has been, it is, and it will be composed. Rocco made further remarks about race and the nation intended as a racial entity in a different passage of his commentary to the new penal code. These acts shall be regarded as criminal insofar as such practices defy the duty of the Nation, intended as an ethnic group, to defend the continuity and the integrity of our lineage. For it is clear that any attack to our procreation is a direct attempt to the life of our race, to its present and future generations.

It is an offense to the very existence of our society as an ethnic group, that is to our Nation. In his book Le minoranze religiose nel nuovo codice Penale , Della Seta drew attention to what seemed to him as the most signiicant innovation to the code. Indeed, he possessed the necessary foresight to envision the future trouble that Italian Jews and other minorities would experience. He then poses the following question: If the State is the nation and the nation is ethnically pure, for it is bound by racial ties, are those people who belong to a different ethnic group with respect to the majority of the people excluded from the nation and, therefore, from the State?

Quite a few Italian Jews would like to hear a clear answer to this question. Ugo Della Seta Rome, — earned a degree in law in Naples in Della Seta obtained a license to teach history of philosophy in ; simultaneously, he collabo- rated as a freelance journalist with the democratic-republican press of the early s. La Speranza, , p. Viella, , pp. If the State is the nation and the nation is religious uniformity, are those people who practice a different religion than the one practiced by the majority of the people excluded from the nation and, therefore, from the State?

Quite a few Evangelicals, as well as the Jews, would like to get an unambiguous answer to this question. As envisioned by Della Seta, the oppression of Pentecostal groups would be justiied on both ethnic and religious grounds. An administrative order sent in April to all the Italian prefects by the undersecretary to Domestic Affairs Buffarini Guidi the secretary, at the time, of Mussolini himself reads: The cult practiced by [Pentecostal] groups shall not be tolerated further in the Kingdom.

Furthermore, this was accompanied—as previously Della Seta, Le minoranze religiose, p. Giorgio Rochat, Regime fascista e chiese evangeliche: Direttive ed articolazioni del controllo e della repressione Torino: Claudiana, , p. It is interesting to note that the repression of Pentecostal groups was ordered through an internal memorandum circulated by the Ministry of the Interior.

This expedient restricted the information only to public servants and to the subjects of persecution. The same procedure was followed when targeting the Jews. The Lateran Accords of had a central role in this transition, as they represented a crucial step toward the ideological and political redeinition of the concept of nation. So, explicit references to race and the introduction of ethnic criteria in the deinition of the concept of a Fascist nation seem to date to ear- lier than , marking the opening of an ideological breach, destined to further enlarge, where circumstances allowed it.

In the s, the Saggio still represented the cor- nerstone of Catholic thought on the idea of nation. Libreria del Littorio, , p. The pamphlet was written and published directly by the National Fascist Party. It was divided into brief chapters and was structured in a question-and- answer format so as to favor quick and easy indoctrination. The new version published the following year did not contain anything new. The words in the pamphlet closely echoed those pronounced by Mussolini in Scritti e discorsi Milan: What is the Nation? The Nation is a reality, it is you.

La dottrina fascista per le reclute, p. Centro lingue di storia sociale, , pp. In the legal sphere, it is possible that the two terms may have been used almost interchangeably until See De Napoli, La prova della razza, p. Grais, , p. UTET, , pp. Carl Ipsen also focuses on this issue in Dictating Demography: Cambridge UP, , pp. Roberto Maiocchi, Scienza italiana e razzismo fascista Florence: Rubbettino, ; Francesco Cassata, molti, sani e forti: Collotti, Il fascismo e gli ebrei, p.

You represent your race in its deepest and most enduring meaning. You know not mixed marriage; you marry people from your own village, or at most from your own province. Thus, when the peoples enter a crisis, it does not affect you. Mussolini, Opera omnia, I am convinced that investigating the different aspects of Fascist ideology and discourse that exalt rural life would prove to be useful. Dogliani, Il fascismo degli italiani, p.

Libreria dello Stato, See Dogliani, Il fascismo degli italiani, p. Still, one must not forget that the general context was completely different. Over the years, the audience became increasingly familiar with these concepts and these terms; consequently, the shift to the explicitly racist language of —38 may have been easier, quicker, and less incongruous.

Colonial conquest, after all, had from its outset been designed with demographic goals in mind. Conquered lands in Africa were designated to accommodate Italian people as well as Italian dominion. Colonial rac- ism, whose origins and function have been recently investigated in depth, was characterized by theoretical models, stereotypes, and narratives that were in part different from modern anti-Semitism as well as in its position with respect to the crucial problem of modernization. Colonial racism transformed intellectual disapproval of cross-breeding into the explicit prevention and repression of mixed marriage among colonial subjects by See Silvia Inaudi, A tutti indistintamente: CLUEB, , esp.

See Germinario, Razzismo e antisemitismo, esp. See, for instance, Nicola Labanca, Oltremare: Antropologia, discorso giuridico e politiche sessuali interrazziali nella colonia eritrea — Naples: Italia ed etiopia — Bologna: The regime justiied these policies by claiming that the offspring generated by the union of superior and inferior races represented a threat to social order in the colony, as well as a danger to the physical integrity of the settlers.

In reality, there is an unresolved contradiction within Fascist colonial legislation and thus within Fascist ideology. The decree April 19, , n. However, there was no legal provision against occasional interracial sexual relations. As a result, the magnitude of the cross-breeding problem remained largely unaltered. Over time, the rights of children born from interracial relations were increas- ingly limited, and eventually their right to citizenship was abolished Law, May 13, , n. During this time, however, no measures were taken to discourage sexual relations between citizens and subjects.

La prova della razza, pp. Law, July 6, , n. Interestingly, De Napoli emphasizes that the law of aimed at mending the juridical status of children born from mixed parents; it aimed at improving their situation with respect to precedent laws and favor their possible future assimilation into the State. On the other hand, Pietro Costa, civitas: Sto- ria della cittadinanza in europa Rome-Bari: Laterza, , 4: De Napoli emphasizes that in principle, a formal distinction had already been established. The Eritrean civil code of June 28, , n.

Although the code never oficially came into effect, its aim was to establish whether one or more of the parents was a subject or could be assimilated, and thus whether or not their children could obtain Italian citizenship. The notion of race was implicitly embedded in the text: The provisions of established that if a citizenship-holding woman married a subject, she would lose her citizenship. The research conducted in the last twenty years has completely overturned the theory that, without any real evidence, has considered for a long time as the moment when the regime started to lose consensus.

See Ilaria Pavan, Gli storici e la Shoah, for an account of the historiographic debate on this issue. Remember me on this computer.