This is my Life

This Is My Life (Eurobandið song)

I had so many. Losses i gave up on love greaving. Sometimes Justice is just getting away from it. Not allowing the continuation. Let the other person suffer over the loss of you and realize their mistakes. Always remember that your are no less than him. Now,i can tell that you have an Asian background. I am from Pakistan. Parents are like that in our regions. You have to play tactics.

Psychological put down will work for your husband. Start treating him unimportant. Show him that you like the way he treats you. Let him know that you are very happy with your life. Always be busy and be creative and keep talking to him about new ideas like new inventions and technologies or life hacks. It sounds weird but i bet you that it will work. This is making him aware of your worth. He would surely respect you or at least would be scared of your knowledgeable status.

Ask him the question to which answers he would never know. This is a slow psychological put down. In front of him act healthy and slowly start pointing on how unmindful he is about his health and body. Dont act this way all of a sudden instead start off slowly. Just keep putting him in troubles in one way or another. Just call his office from an unknown number to complain about the way he acted to you as a costumer.

Nyeste album

This Is My Life (La vita) is a album by Shirley Bassey that was released in Italy on the United Artists label (UA ). Bassey had started living as a tax exile . This Is My Life may refer to: Contents. 1 Albums; 2 Songs; 3 Films; 4 See also. Albums[edit]. This Is My Life (Carly Simon album), ; This Is My Life (Shirley.

This will make him realize on the way he acts. Add some abusive or harsh comments in this typo work to let his boss be angry at him. During this time be very gentle to him and show him mercy. Just randomly tell him that he is stingy and that he farted tonight while sleeping. This is a brain game to make him feel low. Be honest to him by showing him how bad his behavior is. He must know hes ugly faults. Thanks and do reply on more tips. Everything you feel is right, and okay to feel.

You can do this alone! I understand your situation and can empathize it because I underwent the same. LIsten, life is full of choices. In your marriage, if you feel like you are straining too much, what is the point in continuing the same life. First of all, be yourself and learn that you are not on the earth to act or live according to others expectations… It kills your every moment. So accept them as they are. Bring harmony in your relationship. I know how distressing your life if you were abused by him my possible assumption. Thirdly, you always have the choice of divorce which should be done only when it is required.

I hope that you can do something about it. I am disappointed in my life, I hate school because I feel pressured I feel bored all the time and scared of my grades. The best part of my day is being cut short because of my parents, this is when I am actually happy but my parents scream at me doing a hobby everyday that I enjoy just play video games and when I get off the game I just get depressed over homework. After reading your comment, I feel compelled to reply. I cannot imagine the frustration you must feel in that situation.

Just hold on and pull through. I have a lot of stress at school and i feel really alone. I feel like i have no one to talk to and really need help. That a stupid horrible thing to sa.

You appear to have chosen the easy option…. Yes Em it is the easy option. Many people think that getting a degree in anything will make you rich, but you have to look at the specific jobs that will pay you the amount you want and worth the extra education you got. You assume that Jason did not look for work in his area of study. I know it would me feel worse about myself.

I have a dual Masters in education and the only job I can get is a preschool special ed teacher. The hourly rate is great if only I can get enough hours. I deal with children who are real hellraisers, and I hate it. Interviews are far and in-between and that crock about networking on Linked-In is a crock. Every day I have to go to work is a struggle. I am currently trying to find work, as usual, and it is hard. I have no spouse, family or friends for emotional support or otherwise and my work does not care about the emotional health of its teachers. At this point, I would take a job scooping poop, if I could get one.

Anything to get out of working in education. The thing about what Jason said is correct. Who you know and who knows you and likes you enough to help out gets you a job. If I knew then what I knew now I would have forgone college and gotten into a tech vocation, such as programming or even working in healthcare in radiology or surgery, saved my money and stayed out of debt.

Maybe they can help me find some money to pay for school or an apprenticeship.

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Maybe I can start a small side hustle. As much as I hate the life I have now, forget pride, I just have to keep scraping up the little energy I have left and keep moving. Did you try any city, state or private agencies? Did you try linking back to your alma mater? Did you try talking to colleagues you liked at an old job or even schoolmates? Did you try craigslist, job lists, temp agencies and volunteering? Check out side hustling websites? I wish you luck, Jason. I hope you find something just right for you. Love the mantra SOME people project on this forum. Easy way out you say?

There is no easy way out of life. Getting educated in these times of turmoil and depression is not as Simple as getting a Degree or other accolade. I have 15 years experience and have worked on Multi-Billion dollar projects. I have been unemployed for near on 2 years now. So getting stuffed with qualifications is a paradox of biblical proportions!!

My friends around me have near on nil qualifications and can find work easily.

I Hate My Life: Actions to Take When You HATE Your Life

Most of the Engineering jobs in WA go overseas for a fraction of the cost. My wife works in Medical and very secure, but the kids have been unemployed since leaving school. Australia needs to fix this fast or all the valuable talent they have here will go abroad to find work. This is not facebook where stupid comments and judgements exist.

I understand what you mean, I feel much the same way. You did it once, so you could do it again. Or you could put equal effort into a non-academic direction promotion at work, etc. Writing and self-publishing is my outlet and gives me hope. You might want to look into the Tiny House movement as a way to free up some excess clutter.

Plenty of stories such as yours in that community and how people got themselves out. I know exactly how you feel. I am a 39 yr old single mother who is raising two teenage boys on a fixed income. But nothing ever seems to work out its the same shit every day. Sometimes I just wonder what is the point of it all. Cosmic, I can so relate. I have been a single mother of two girls for over 10 years. I dont go out, do drugs, etc. I provide a stable environment for them.

But what ever I do to try to excel nothing goes right. I just down right really hate life and myself. I am tired, unappreciated, hopeless and what else you can describe it. Let me know please. You will get there someday…. Not when but IF they flower into the great people they will be.

One of mine is suicidal and ran away at So to Nanasie and Cosmic… sorry but the sad truth is you may be worse off after your children leave you! She is polly anna. Its comparable to a death. I happen to think, while going through it, it is worse than if they died, because if they died, you can at least tell yourself that if they were alive, they would talk to you, and you could enjoy them. This life makes me so very sad every day.

It is rare to get a day that I actually enjoy. Its like torture, only not as bad as the physical level but emotional torture day in and day out. No wonder our muscles ache so much. I am going through the same thing as your son is going through and guess what…..

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Instead of trying to help your son, you are wishing him dead. Try and help him please. That is what I wish that my mother would have the empathy to do for me. Gee, you remind me so much of my peachy mum. Made it clear how much she went through for me, injuring her back during pregnancy at all. She divorced my dad when I was a teen and never contributed a dime to my education — or to really anything much at all — even when I was still in high school.

She loves to make fun of my student debt, part of which was used to pay her for my car which my Dad wanted me buy for reliability right before I went to grad school. So — just to prove a point — just that once she opened the piggy bank and told me I could pay her back for it after done with school. But she was all over me about that so finally I took out a student loan just to pay her back, even though I was on a scholarship at that point. Her disapproval of my life has been quite clear since I was I have told her straight — I feel your disapproval — and she denies it to my face.

And then passively aggressively does junk like this — all the time. She loves to triangulate. She loves to talk bad about her kids and grandkids, unless you are one of the current golden ones, then she uses them as her flying monkeys… hmmm…. In my 30s I was in a long term relationship. And was like — watch out he will turn out like his dad today he has a great job and is doing much better than me and told me he was relieved to not have my mom as an in-law — and I get that. And yes, with her neg influence, I fled the relationship, best one I ever had.

Yes I take responsibility for that ultimately. When we got together, we had our picture taken — young cute happy. She received a copy which she never displayed. Right before we were about to break up, had our couple picture done again against my will — just totally nagged so I did it, not dressed for it. She is much happier when I am miserable. So I did have a nice stretch of no contact — about a year or two of absolutely no phone or in-person contact.

Finally after many years I actually was on the up!

I Hate My Life

So I finally gave all that up and could feel like what it must feel like to not have someone around rooting for your failure. Sadly I made the mistake of going to visit my family last year it is hard to not get to see anyone because of that one bad apple. The trip was a disaster and this was mostly due to her constantly nagging me to do things exactly as she wished, even though I told her — repeatedly — where I was staying, etc.

Just kept insisting that as I was her daughter I should be staying with her. She denied the reality of my views and existence as a separate person with my own proclivities and preferences during that trip. It is called gaslighting and it is incredibly confusing. I came home again and I was miserable again. I became so depressed… self-sabotaging myself self-consciously because that is how my mom likes me best — as someone she can lord over as I am not actually a person to her — just an object she created and has rights over.

But dammit I will get better again!!! But I know that after the last visit, she could not be bothered to do so. It all got back to me via the sibs. Talking about my mental health still when I am not in the room. Looking to gain sympathy. Gets called on it and still does it habitually. I have just had to grieve — I will never have another mother.

I have to be my own mother. It is important for me to stay in that mind set so that I can feel self-nurtured. BTW — other relatives have completely stopped talking to her as well — two in particular that she was once very close with. Weirdly, this makes me feel even worse. I always thought of her as strong. I hoped there were others there where I could not dwell any longer in a total selfish move toward self-preservation.

I implore YOU to go to therapy before it is too late — before you are too old and set in your ways to change. Because as of now, in case they ever GOOGLE you — my advice would be that they escape from you as soon as possible and never look back. That will be the path to mental health.

I know how you feel. I sincerely hope that your life change in a phenomenal way where luck embrace you like never before and close doors are opened for ever. Your heart will soon dance in joy and all your desires and dreams comes true. This is the prayer of another mother to you and your kids. I am with you wholeheartedly. I really hope happiness comes knocking at ur door very soon so keep your heart open. Love your friend x. It is easy to focus in the sad days than good.

I hate life when I wish I could spend more time with my kids than work. Here is the catch. I also sometimes have to remind myself the people I affect at work and at home. Why is it that I get the business while my co-workers stuggle? So I think about the impact of what I do and say everyday to the people around me even to my child.

I struggle with this everyday because I know that people measure success monetarily. I make excuses not to take a higher paying job because I want to stay humble. I watch people I know: I would like to ask you to watch the movie Butterfly Effect and it might just change how perceive your journey in life. God gives each of us a certain task in life. Continue to be thankful that you have the privilege to have an impact in this world. Make it positive and a loving one and God will put you in his favor. Try your best at everything you do and stay positive no matter how hard life is.

Our suffering is nothing compared to what God went through already. You and Me are in the same boat. I admire you Jason. I worked 30 yrs in my profession of choice, made good money,got fired and I feel like a total nobody. I hope other doors will open up for u as u are highly educated. I hope ur situation changes. I sought legal counsel,but unless I can prove discrimination,I have to keep my mouth shut. I just want to run away from home. Going through the same. But least your doing something than nothing.

But keep trying to apply. I should really hate my life, but at the end you must realize that life is what you make of it. Keep up your spirit and optimism, life has its ups and dows, and I assure you that things will get better, but you have to change things in your life. Never except something to change if you keep on doing the same things. I feel like I have to prove that he is wrong. Not a way to live. I even get criticized for wanting the house clean. Is that guilt on their part for not helping? I also hate my life at least tonight.

I have been unhappy in my marriage basically since the beginning and we do therapy each and have done therapy together and it just seems to be the same old same old same old all the time. Now I find my kids annoying whereas before I was more in their enchanted headspace and able to meet them there and in joy. I have feelings of hate for him. He ignores me all the time and then says or acts like that is normal and expected behavior in a family.

I have become accustomed to it and I have become smaller and I resent the shit out of him for that. I am not able to go back to the land of enchantment? I just feel horrible. I feel like a horrible mean parent. I feel stuck in a loveless marriage. I feel addicted to the fantasy of my husband actually noticing me or caring about my feelings. I hate my life. Why am I feeling so damn grumpy a lot of the time? I just feel yucky all the time. I know this is self-pity; I am thinking maybe if I purge it by saying it, it will go away. What do you do if anything to recharge?

You need to recharge in order to meet the demands of your kids you use to have the energy for. As selfish as it may seem you need to take care of you first before you can be a better more patient person for your kids. Remember, people like to be around people that are happy.

This Is My Life

All the best to you Sara!!! Anyone older than 44 would love to be your age. So yeah I can relate to the marriage situation. I hope it improved, and that you now find yourself happy? I feel your pain dear. I hate my life and my loveless marriage. The only solution for me is to leave and start from scratch. I have 5 kids and no place to go to. I use to feel that way when I was married to my ex. I knew that was not love so I kept searching and searching till I found it! Now I find myself feeling down because I feel unappreciated but this time is from my kids 5 kids except from the baby that is 18 months.

Well that happend to mine. OMG— I seriously thought that maybe this was a post I put up and forgot about. Take care of yourself. Sarah, I was married for 15 years, spent many of them depressed and often going through cyclical periods of he and I going over the same old shit. The only thing you can really work on in marriage is yourself and who knows, that may ultimately benefit the marriage. I have now spent longer divorced than I did married. And like the marriage, there have been good times but also very, very bleak ones. I left work today in sheer despair unable to cope with overwhelming sadness and went to my GP to get anti depressants.

I sometimes wonder, what might have changed back in that marriage had I been able to get myself happier. There are so many people that have a story to tell.. Some worse than others.. It makes others sad or feel there situation is okay compared to mine.. In saying this The only advice I can give I have solace in prayer and this somehow gets me through.. Good luck and God bless. Sharing helps others know they are not alone in their situation. Your story us worth telling.

I hate my life!! I have no friends nobody to talk to or anything. I have a boyfriend but our relationship sucks so bad. What am I suppose to do?? I use to be so happy and now I feel like crap all the time. Where did the old me go? Yeah I hate my life too. Is there anything you enjoy doing? Reading, for example, writing? These can all be a positive outlet and a source of distraction. What do you think about mostly? Hopefully one day you can share your experience with someone in your current position and help them to see that they too can create their own light at the end of the tunnel.

Kick that negative inner voice to the curb and take hold of your future!!! I dont know if i hate my life or my mother. Basically i was pushing him out my life because of her. To get extremely personal, ive turned to having sex with alot of boys because i didnt have love AT ALL growing up. Me and my only sister was separated when i was 11 so i had no one to look up to.

I really needed to vent. I think that some of your dad giving up was actually his fault. My mother is also quite bitter, and verbally abusive. How old are you? You may not have to live in your car. I feel for you. I used to be fun and have a lot of friends but not anymore. I grew up as a very serious child. My parents had a very tumultuous relationship, and expressed their dislike for one another as long as I can remember… Dad wanted a partner to help him in his business and understand him; Mom wanted someone to take care of her, let her get dressed up, and take her out on the town.

From the time I was eight years old, I worked with my father after school in his meat market. I was the only one of my three sisters to do so. My mother never worked outside the house. My father relied on me to help him with his accounts payable, wait on customers, and even do meat cutting after school. This transferred to the home, where I started to help with the finances.

This was expected of me. Now, I am an educator myself, and at 52, I am caring evenings for my 88 and year-old parents. I feel great resentment that I am responsible for so much, and even provide a good deal for them financially, with all the stress they continually put me through. My mother only approves of me when I do whatever she wants and dotes on her. Today, he threw down his metal cane in frustration. I am so filled with hurt and resentment. I feel so alone!! I also do all the paperwork for my parents and my disabled brother. He has been in and out of the psychiatric hospital numerous times, suffering from OCD which is exascerbated by all the fighting between my parents.

I am so hurt now at age 52 about all of this. I keep wondering how my life would have been different if I would have been a bit selfish and actually lived a childhood. I am prone to depression and anxiety. I am burnt out and burdened, and I hate my life. Hi Anna, Thank you for sharing your story. I think you are an amazing person to be so caring of your family. Maybe someone else could take over the care of your parents. Show them how amazing life is.

I wish you all the happiness in the world. My husband is so malicious and will say or do anything to get his way, especially if he can find a way to discredit and slander me… believe he will. You deserve to live your own life Anne. Your parents let you down by not healing themselves and depending on YOU from such a young age. I truly hope you find peace and the freedom to live your own life. By posting, you have shown your courage. Nobody can take away your accomplishments. I have struggled with drugs and alcohol, and depression. I hate my life too.

As someone in similar situation, I will tell you what will I do. I used to feel for people like this, feeling guilty — not anymore. And I think after all this shit my life has become I deserve to be happy once again. Just leave, today if you can! Finish your master and learn how to play a boardgame! And actually enjoy your life. Im 32, divorced and no children. In high school i had a ton of friends and no worries. Now im constantly bullied by grown women at work, one who happens to be dating my ex husband. I have an awesome job, own my own house and an easy going boyfriend but i cant get over the past.

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The next day I dropped four pounds and was living in pain. I found out after he left my sick daughter and I to spend the New Year there. Hopefully one day you can share your experience with someone in your current position and help them to see that they too can create their own light at the end of the tunnel. The entries are nicely organized and the page is clean and inviting. Wonderfully varied, this compilation is a perfect celebration of her distinctive artistry. Dottie Ingels Samantha Mathis

Instead my husband chose to tell people that i had mental issues. Of course that woild be the only reason for a girl to leave. We only had mutual friends together which made it very difficult. The girls sided with him and i have 15min guy friend that chose to stay neutral. It hurts to the core that people i considered best friends chose to believe his lies.

I went through everything by myself including a miscarriage. I trust no one now and only have 1 friend that i became close with after the separation. I hate where i live because i constantly have to see my ex husband and his family. I love my job but hate the cattiness of he women here. I feel like and can now relate to high school bullying. Because im tall, blonde, smart and successful now people have to find faults in me. I just want to be invisible.

Im just so tired of being miserable. If you choose to use this review on your site please link back to this page. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Find out more about page archiving. The Greatest Hits Review Compilation. Links Reviews available at www. Find out more about our use of this data , and also our policy on profanity Find out more about our use of this data.

BBC Review A perfect celebration of her distinctive artistry. We want you to see the beautiful rice fields, the Barong dance by torch light, pounding surf below temples perched on the cliff top, the arts and crafts in the markets and so much more. So when you think about your next holiday, think about making friends with the people of Bali.

As a statement it is emotional, honest and true , it invites the world to discover why Bali is so special. In this campaign we we are proud to present Bali not through its beauty, or its tourism industry but through the one consitent backbone of the island; its people. Bali Hotels Association is a professional group of star rated hotels and resorts in Bali. Members include General Managers from more than hotels and resorts in Bali that representing more than 15, hotel rooms and almost 30, employees in tourism sector.

Living in a Balinese community is ruled by the local philosophy called the "gotong royong" which means joined responsibility and mutual cooperation.