Contos do fogar (Galician Edition)

The last words of Domenico. Portuguese Cultural Leisure Time Visualization. May 26 - 28, , in Chengdu, China Sylla, C. Global Terrorism Database Visualization: Endowing Virtual Characters with a Repertoire for Acting. Erfurt, Germany, November , , Proceedings. Spierling, Ulrike; Szilas, Nicolas Eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. E-Learning and Virtual Science Centers. Information Science Publishing, , p. Proceedings of the Computer Science and Magic Digital Game Based Learning.

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium for Information Design. Proceedings of ED-Media Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments. Lecture notes in computer science LNCS , p. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, , pp. In the on-line publication, Vieiros, he has published the following narrative series: Por conto alleo and Necesariamente X. He is the author of the first serial on Facebook, Balada triste de moqueta , and co-authored the collaborative work, Matar un conselleiro after posing this question to people: She has published the following volumes of poetry: He has also participated in collective exhibits like Col.

A Blog on Literature and Cinema from Ireland and Galicia (most of the times)

Space Artsandlabour , in London. He has shown his works in the following exhibition halls: She works as a specialist and investigator in the field of rare or orphan diseases. Her research work has taken her to many different countries where she has coordinated multidisciplinary and multicultural work teams.

At the present time she is coordinating three clinical trials with experimental drugs—two involving Phase I-II gene therapy on diseases which can be transferred from animals to humans. A tribute to optimism, hope and the beauty of life from every possible way of appearance. En palabras de la propia autora, Medrar nas mans tiene dos partes: Co paso do tempo vai medrando entre eles unha bonita amizade. Andrea and Breixo meet each other at a park, while playing at the swings. As time goes by, they forge a beautiful friendship.

Andrea feels very upset. Both of them dream about meeting again. Days later, chance —or maybe fate— makes it possible for them to meet each other again at the same park. Emotions overwhelm the two friends. A father and his four children embark on an adventure that will take them across a grass field, a river, a forest… until they arrive into a cave where a bear makes them flee back home.

By using a traditional song, Michael Rosen makes up a simple text with a rhymed, repetitive structure which ends changing the order of the actions. An ideal album for first readers, interspersed onomatopoeias describe the family movements, making it a dynamic reading. Andrea y Breixo se conocen en un parque, mientras juegan en los columpios. Con el paso del tiempo va creciendo entre ellos una bonita amistad. Andrea se siente muy triste. Very simple, it is at the same time universal, close to children and accessible for readers of all ages and cultures. The poem is complemented by exuberant colourful images in which nature is present from the very beginning to the very end.

Mariana Ruiz Johnson wanted to express her maternity experience from an artistic and literary approach. Blues, yellows, reds, greens… intense colours harmoniously contrasting among each other in an album that highlights Mother Nature: Given their colourful feathers, their slender figure and their enviable flying skills, birds usually wake up children curiosity. Suddenly, a hairdresser, a couple of dancers, a knitting-lover grandma, and some other Fortunately, before he ends up losing his temper, and his judgement, he comes up with a practical idea.

It is starred by very different animals: The tale makes up a postcard about biodiversity in which fantasy comes included. Art as a display of knowledge and culture all around the world; as creativity and freedom expression; as path to transform reality. It will help him focus on his hopes: The author shares with readers his two big passions: Arrangements and adaptations have been made by Magoia Bodega and Paulo Nogueira, both musicians and educators.

And both —as well— members of the group Treixadura, which is closely linked to different projects focus on widely spreading traditional Galician music. Renato feels sad because his antlers get tangled in the trees. So the rest of animals tease him. Trying to find a solution, something will happen that will make him realize how insignificant his problem seems to be when compared it with true problems.

So strong visually and with such a narrative strength, illustrations allow words to be absent in some of the pages. Appealingly designed, expressive and simplified figures have been used, only highlighted by a basic chromatic scale: A simple tale structured as a list of premises. The main characters are animals of different species proving they can live together in harmony: Even humans are present to reinforce identification by readers. Illustrations help finding the sense of humour. Their isolation is confronted to the progressive interaction of the children and to the absolute freedom of the two pets.

Illustrations come brimming with details foreign to the text: Tarzan and Charlotte, the Statue of Liberty…. The status of bonobos and bonobas was unequal within the forest they all lived in. Bonobos ate what bonobas gathered. Bonobos, the males, travelled, learned and adapted to modernity. However they did not accept bonobas, the females, to evolve. Bonobos teased bonobas, since they wrongly used to think that it was dangerous for a whole mixed group to progress and get equally educated. Until bonobas lost their patience and stopped tolerating that selfish behaviour from bonobos.

An album for pre-readers and first reader, it stands out due to its repetitive and accumulative structure. Throughout the tale the main character is approached by other animals whose voices make sleeping during daytime an impossible task. Besides the approach to fauna and the environment discovering, this book allows a mnemonic game. So it becomes a great book to develop reading strategies in the classroom.

To this charm, a great comical ending is added. A estos alicientes se suma un inesperado final lleno de humor. Instead of telling how the world will be when children of today will become adults, this book reverses the role of narrator and addressees. Contos de auga, de ceo, de terra e de noite. Ter paciencia, valorar a disciplina e obedecer os maiores. Saber escoitar e gozar do silencio, ir afrontando retos para perder os medos, ser prudentes e perseverantes. It comes divided into four sections: Water tales, Sky tales, Earth tales and Night tales. Among the main characters readers will find a nudist turtle, some flying female lizards, some skater snails and a lion wearing a wig.

Small, powerful, shy, playful…, they all empathize with readers. Their charm reinforce the symbolic nature of the stories. To be patient, value discipline and obey adults. To know how to win and lose, to be part of a team, practice comradeship. To be able to listen, and to enjoy silence; to keep facing challenges in order to overcome fears, to be cautious and persistent.

Cuentos de agua, de cielo, de tierra y de noche. Tener paciencia, valorar la disciplina y obedecer a los mayores. Set in the war of , this tale depicts the life at Cangas village in those times —portrayed from the perspective of an orphan boy who is strictly guarded by his aunt and grandfather. Timid, good student and obliged to go to church, the boy will discover the cinema thanks to his restless young brother, Milucho. Eighty pages of poetry and illustrations brimming with luminosity and specially tenderness. This work envelops us with a universe of animals: Ambientada en la guerra del 36, Medre o mar!

Sabela represents positive values such as solidarity and generosity —opposite to technology abuse, greed and lack of freedom. This composition of beautiful illustrations tackles happiness, self-esteem, the little pleasures of living, art and creativity; as well as the rejection of strict capitalism and authoritarianism. Nestes aspectos inciden tanto o texto como as imaxes.

Thus, text and images work together in that direction. The illustrator humanizes the animals in the story: A gesture can be equally important. When Benita hears Ms Xulia screaming, she gets up.

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She realizes she has lost her bell. That is how this fun story starts. Benita goes back along her tracks and she will meet other inhabitants: And they offer key information to allow finding the lost object. Sometimes we build impassable walls, built on prejudices, distrust and specially ignorance. That is exactly what happens between this village inhabitants and the Giant of the swamp. The creature and his neighbours feel separated by the wrong stereotype the inhabitants have made about the Giant. A brave and clever girl, Camila will uncover the truth about the creature of the swamp.

Muchas veces levantamos muros infranqueables construidos a base de prejuicios, desconfianza y, sobre todo, desconocimiento. Con todo, o amor todo o pode.

Centro Ramón Piñeiro para la Investigación en Humanidades

Gran parte do lectorado sentirase identificado co noso protagonista: So he stays hiding in his shell until the rains appears. Given the circumstances, the difficulties to their relationship seem unsurpassable. However love overcomes all. Readers will face a story of perseverance and fight against adversity.

Most readers will identify with our protagonist: Parents usually struggle to get their children eat healthy, it being essential for their appropriate physical and intellectual development. It will be animals such as an ant, a mouse, a duck, a cat, a pig, a donkey and a cow who will try and convince children —instead of obstinate and boring adults.

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Caracol no puede salir al sol, ya que se queda seco, y espera escondido dentro de su concha a que comience la lluvia. Por el contrario, Lagartija enferma al mojarse. Con todo, el amor todo lo puede. A child was with his grandpa, Looking into the sea, and saw a huge rock. What if they come out of the horizon? But his grandfather will be skilful to sort every dilemma with inventiveness and humour —without losing a bit of patience. Atypical story of a small penguin called Tonino, who wants to become a Bedouin.

In order to accomplish his eccentric dream, Tonino flees from home and arrives to… Tunisia! Peculiar as Tonino and this story itself, the camel limps and stumbles while walking. That is what Tonino is to find out soon when embarked in this adventure. The hypothesis proposed by the hare in this tale: Readers will laugh —and think. The hyena —embodying hypocrisy and meanness of humans — will feel the bitter pain of being lied to.

Illustrations complement this writing exercise with expressive, exaggerated, humorous characters. A free adaptation of a Burmese traditional tale, Cocorico help children learn to share, to keep promises and to listen to the advices wiser people give them. The little chick makes the Cat furious by eating the entire afternoon snack and leaving nothing left for him.

Una historia que nos aproxima a la palabra, al pensamiento y a la herencia cultural de Costa de Marfil. Para iso, coma sempre, non hai nada mellor que refuxiarse no humor.

O Fogar do Santiso Restaurante ecolóxico - Teo (Galicia)

A literary, graphic manual, Demo de dente! For that, as usual, nothing better than turning to humour. Those romantic people prefer to kiss somebody. It is also a source of inspiration for many other creative uses. Diona tackles a behaviour disorder called Diogenes syndrome.

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Buy Contos do fogar (Galician Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon. com. Contos da Coruña has 11 ratings and 0 reviews: Published June 30th by Edicións Xerais de Galicia, pages, Paperback.

Para ello, como siempre, no hay nada mejor que refugiarse en el humor. Este conto demostra que non hai inimigo pequeno. Rooster the Hairless gulped —literally— everything he found obstructing his way. After all, what he swallows ends up becoming a useful tool to get some benefit from. The tale proves that every solved problem enriches us and transforms into a kind of key to help face the next problem to come.

After many experiments, this monochromatic wizard finds a formula to satisfy his unlimited greed and gratuitous hostility. This tale shows that there is no small enemy. Mais o humor e a inocencia non son unha cortina de fume coa que o relato pretenda eludir a realidade do que sucede. Todo o contrario, son un instrumento para restar seriedade a un tema que aos pais e nais lles resulta embarazoso abordar cos seus fillos. Actually, they become an instrument to help parents talk about a topic normally difficult to tackle with kids.

Pero el humor y la inocencia no son una cortina de humo con la que el relato pretenda eludir la realidad de lo que sucede. Todo lo contrario, son un instrumento para restar seriedad a un tema que a los padres y madres les resulta embarazoso abordar con sus hijos. Completely devoted to chocolate, this book presents 20 simple, creative recipes. Que esas cousas non suceden? Todo empezou cando se desatou a tormenta…. Children can aim for becomes true chefs at home. Helped by this book they will be able to try and cook their own dishes based on hamburgers, nuggets, Cordovan flamenquins or fajitas.

Together with the recipes, readers will find several advices and an article teaching about different types of meat, Galician beef and other Galician breeds. What would you think if, suddenly, you turn up in an extremely weird place? Do you really think those weird events are unlike?

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That was what Bernar, Sara and myself used to think. And I guess Aline too. It all started when the storm broke out. Disque es un can? At the alleyway next to the fish store, a white kitten was born —tiny and with a temper tantrum. So you are a dog? Until one day a restless 9 year-old Catuxa meets by chance Xilda the goblin. They all will embark on a thrilling journey brimming with surprises and adventures.

Dices que eres un perro? They feel so curious about who is behind the story of that bottle that will experience different situation, hear fun tales and discover the secrets of recycling. A book to play and learn, this work offers the possibility to help solving the mystery at the same time as the characters by means of some games, tests, coded messages and other clues. Todos los miembros de la familia de Amabel tienen superpoderes: Cuatro gatos de la calle: Now I am telling you how I met that white man.

Having been considered a supporting character for years, now Friday will tell us his friendship, equality and living experiences. With a refined and poetic language, Friday will present the exchange of cultures making reader of all ages enjoy the learning. Outside the safety of his home dangers stalk. Everything seems unstable to him. Only when he feels comforted enough does he dare look outside from his window and watch the active life at his neighbourhood.

One day he notices new neighbours have moved in. Will they be a new threaten? Will they make his habits change? Fuera de la seguridad del hogar acechan los peligros; todo le resulta inestable. Hai anos que unha sospeita atenaza a Abril. Lusco and Fusco were two twin brothers. Physically identical as two peas in a pod. Lusco was a scatterbrain, adventure and travel-lover. Fusco, though, was calm and hardworking.

The former went through many amazing experiences —spells, treasures and shudders; to the latter hardly anything happened. Besides, one of them had a daughter who came just to mess things up even more…. Abril had felt threatened by a suspicions for years. However she now finds an old photography at the boxroom and that deep anxiety revives in her. She feels tempted to try and clarify once and for all the reasons for her worry. Lusco era un alocado, amigo de las aventuras y de los viajes; y Fusco, tranquilo y trabajador.

Together with them, the boy starring the novel will uncover those secrets by going back up to the crucial episode of the II World War. A novel in which illusionists are able to stop bullets with their teeth, beautiful ladies work as spies and there are night trains and luxury vehicles. A story about illusions and lies, truths and certainties, and about the ability to dream in order to get what we long for. Liberal and progressive, the writer becomes our bard —the poet bearing high ideals and showing the people the way.

Eduardo Pondal —as nobody had done before— applies himself to make of Galician language a refined literary language. A few examples are: Son contos que invitan a que o lectorado reflexione partindo da premisa do medo. E por que son contos de sombras? Gathering thirteen short tales, readers are invited to think out of fear. Some of the tales are written in a humorous tone; others in a bad temper. Son cuentos que invitan a que el lectorado reflexione partiendo de la premisa del miedo. Mais Daia non cre nas casualidades. Us kroguinin, Degon Aerinaira? She is heading to a cold destination where she will find the warmth of friendship.

With her friends Daia will discover what is hiding behind the centenarian dust of a book which asks them for help in order to save Degon Aerinaira. But who is Degon Aerinaira? Did that book end up in their hands just by chance? If neither do you, be brave and embark in this story that nobody remembers so that you can learn the answer. Actually, you are not reading this teaser just by chance: Daia no cree en las casualidades. Here you have the second window, the unheard of, and opening before you so that we can glimpse the pillars of scientific fiction: Stopping at a unique chapter about scientific fiction in Galicia, we will go through books, anecdotes, authors, approaches, times and spaces.

Thus, curious readers will find out that literature is just a game between converging or divergent, realities —superimpose or juxtapose. All crosswise by the disturbing timeline. Mouchos, curuxas, sapos e bruxas non hai moitos por este cemiterio. However there are moles, spiders, worms and even some ravens. Cats also come along as if making errands from one world to another. And I am here, in the middle of both, without being allowed to nor die nor leave this job.

I can only enjoy blackmailing each and every one of the authors lying here, so that they give me their stories and drawings. They would accept anything in order to have Death scared from them.