Zenith: The First Book of Ascension

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Book Review: Zenith (The First Book of Ascension) by Dirk Strasser

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In this series Book 2. Ratings and Reviews 1 1 star ratings 1 reviews.

Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I recieved a copy of this book for an honest review. This book is full of adventure and fantasy and the bond between the brothers. The beginning is a little confusing and hard to grasp, but this is a great read … Show more Show less.

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Book Review: Zenith (The First Book of Ascension) by Dirk Strasser

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Do you need a writer for an article, press release or blog post? Visit my portfolio over on The Over Achiever. Young Adult and up Rating: Can you see the story breathing? Imagine A mountain so great it takes a year to travel from base to summit A sun so powerful it drives you into madness if you look at it An ascent so vital it determines the fate of the world A summit so precious it holds the key to the divine The world of the great Mountain is unstable. Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway.

March 31, at 1: The Blogger Majanka is twenty-six years old and she's loved reading from the moment she finished her first book. Reading Challenges I love reading challenges! Recommended Reads Would you like to advertise your book here? Review Requests Have a book you'd like to get reviewed? Challenges Read about my progress here.