La libertad religiosa en el pontificado de Benedicto XVI (Libros Palabra) (Spanish Edition)

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Fellay a Catholic Herlad, 29 de noviembre de Fellay tiene una mirada amable hacia el Santo Padre. Escuchen, hago el bien a los protestantes. Soy bueno con los anglicanos. Gabriel Amorth, jefe exorcista del Vaticano en ese momento, comentaba sobre el nuevo rito de exorcismo revisado. Estoy totalmente convencido de ello. La evidencia es simplemente demasiado incriminatoria. En cuanto al mundo, Estados Unidos se encuentra en un estado de caos. Odia todo lo que proviene de Dios y se disfruta con la disputa y la fealdad. La Iglesia, que alguna vez fue un lugar de consuelo y paz, parece haberse vuelto irrelevante.

Sinceramente, no creo que la Iglesia pueda ser restaurada por medios humanos. Email enviado hoy, nov. Lefebvre, lo ha destronado? Learn more about Amazon Prime. Please try your request again later. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography.

Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Available for download now. Thermal properties of 56 Fe are studied within the statistical canonical ensemble. The experimental heat capacity in 56 Fe is compared with the theoretical heat capacity calculated within the shell model Monte Carlo approach.

Diffusion of Nb in Fe and in some Fe alloys. Diffusion data of microalloying elements such as Nb, V, Ti, are required when analysing the transformation and recrystallization behaviour of HSLA steels in order to optimize grain refinement and precipitation hardening. The diffusion behaviour of Nb in pure Fe , Fe 1. Results indicate that Si increases Nb diffusivity while Mn decreases it. The sequence of diffusion coeficients values is: D sup Nb sub Fe 1. Thermodynamical Properties of 56 Fe. The experimental heat capacity is compared with the theoretical heat capacity calculated within the shell model Monte Carlo approach.

Il fenomeno abachistico a supporto dei cambiamenti socio-economici: Particularly angry disputes arose from different interpretations of ancient texts, say, Dioscoride's Materia Medica. I deal with the first one, the Apologia. What was behind the quarrel? Full Text Available This article shows the role accomplished by political alliances between catholic orders and indigenous groups during the Spanish conquest of the Apolobamba high forests.

This was an alternative way to set missions positions and power spaces in front of the military State advance. Furthermore, this strategy shows that catholic orders did not form a compact block neither with the State nor with more or less irregular troops which entered to Apolobamba from the middle sixteenth century, as they looked indeed at any moment for their own autonomy based on indigenous consensus.

The work of the 16th. Some aspects of his life and work deserve attention, at least because he had written about topics of their own land. Some of his poems deal with the former Region of Orihuela, in the south of Valencia kingdom, and celebrate the creation of the diocese of Orihuela, so the author describes this territory in a Renaissance style. His friendship with the humanist Justus Lipsius mark his biography, where wars and prison are also present.

Full Text Available This article pretends to reflect on the spanish swords from 16 th and 17 th centuries. The history of this production has been eclipsed by Toledo fame. The identification of spanish types have been mainly made according its marks, signatures and some typologies, but little is know about another centers. Therefore this article studies the variety and richness of the spanish contemporary productions, not only from Toledo. Full Text Available This study emphasizes the conceptual changes in regard to sex, sexuality and general genre relations in the Andes, in the 16th and 17th centuries, in the context of the establishment of the colonial society.

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See details and download book: Google Books Mobile Download La Libertad Religiosa En El Pontificado De Benedicto Xvi Libros Palabra Spanish Edition Pdf . La libertad religiosa en el pontificado de Benedicto XVI (Libros Palabra) ( Spanish Edition) Feb 13, by Alfonso Riobó Serván, Raúl Ostos García.

It is analyzed the way in which a new discourse on the body was developed as a consequence of the deeply represive baroque culture. This culture recreated religious values which controlled every aspect of the daily life. It also enforced a rigid legislation which ruled through society as a whole. This article seeks to analyze the origins of the historiographical treatment of Juan de Juanes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

European description of American nature, the first visual images of the local species described with the colors of paradise, exotism and beauty, fertility and abundance, help in constructing a positive image of America. Despite the original disdain or indifference towards the indigenous food, these percepctions will change over time when many of these products become a solution to world wide hunger and important ingredients for national gastronomies. Domain structures of Nd Fe B thin films, ranging in thickness between and 29 nm, have been studied qualitatively by magnetic force microscopy MFM.

Samples were prepared using a range of sputtering conditions resulting in differences in properties such as texture, coercivity and magnetic saturation. MFM images of all the films showed extensive interaction domain structures, similar to those observed in nanocrystalline bulk Nd Fe B.

How oxygen attacks [ FeFe ] hydrogenases from photosynthetic organisms. Green algae such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesize an [ FeFe ] hydrogenase that is highly active in hydrogen evolution. However, the extreme sensitivity of [ FeFe ] hydrogenases to oxygen presents a major challenge for exploiting these organisms to achieve sustainable photosynthetic hydrogen production. X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows that reaction with oxygen results in destruction of the [4 Fe -4S] domain of the active site H-cluster while leaving the di-iron domain 2 Fe H essentially intact.

By protein film electrochemistry we were able to determine the order of events leading up to this destruction. Carbon monoxide, a competitive inhibitor of CrHydA1 which binds to an Fe atom of the 2 Fe H domain and is otherwise not known to attack Fe S clusters in proteins, reacts nearly two orders of magnitude faster than oxygen and protects the enzyme against oxygen damage. These results therefore show that destruction of the [4 Fe -4S] cluster is initiated by binding and reduction of oxygen at the di-iron domain—a key step that is blocked by carbon monoxide.

The relatively slow attack by oxygen compared to carbon monoxide suggests that a very high level of discrimination can be achieved by subtle factors such as electronic effects specific orbital overlap requirements and steric constraints at the active site. At the end the texts of said relations are offered transcribed in acordance with the documents kept in the Vatican Archives. Pedro de Rojas , Fr.

Domingo Pimentel , D. Al final se ofrecen transcritos los textos de dichas relaciones conforme a los documentos conservados en el Archivo Vaticano. Full Text Available Using epigraphic testimonies and unpublished documents, we can establish that the chapel of the family Neira de Luaces was founded in the first quarter of the 16th Century, being sponsored by Juan Outeiro, ancient alderman of Santiago de Compostela. We try to describe the historical evolution of this chapel till today, making a bibliographical review and a historiographical synthesis, where are combined material evidences and textual testimonies.

We are also publishing new information about its artistic configuration that acquires a new dimension and a new meaning, being understood in the context of the family pantheon. Full Text Available This article examines the relationship between public ritual and colonial authority in sixteenth and seventeenth-century New Spain. This helps explain the great transcendence attributed by contemporaries to all kinds of public rituals. Their effects were far from negligible: Royal officials constituted their power and identities through public ceremony, and therefore placed crucial importance on maintaining an authoritative public image.

Percebemos que esses dois aspectos podem ser compreendidos como algumas das diretrizes da Coroa portuguesa para reformar a Universidade de Coimbra. Previous studies have shown that magnetic behavior in multilayers formed by repeating a bilayer unit comprised of a ferromagnetic layer and a non-magnetic spacer layer can be affected by small structural differences. For example, a macroscopic property such as giant magnetoresistance GMR is believed to depend significantly upon interfacial roughness.

X-ray diffraction XRD studies were used to examine the long-range structural order of the multilayers perpendicular to the plane of the layers. Transmission electron diffraction TED studies were used to probe the long-range order parallel to the layer plane. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAFS studies were used to determine the average local structural environment of the ferromagnetic atoms. These metal deposits were very important to the colony economy.

The porpouse of this text in to analize the colonization and pacification policy that the Spanish goverment used in the North of Nueva Galicia during this history period of time, in which a group of tlaxcaltecas families took the leading role. Specific dimer formation is validated by nuclear magnetic resonance NMR techniques and cell-based analyses reveal that Fe PTB2 together with the WW domain are necessary and sufficient for dimerization.

Together, our data demonstrate that Fe 65 dimerizes via its APP interaction site, suggesting that besides intra- also intermolecular interactions between Fe 65 molecules contribute to homeostatic regulation of APP mediated signaling. Physiological function and pathology of the Alzheimer's disease causing amyloid precursor protein APP are correlated with its cytosolic adaptor Fe 65 encompassing a WW and two phosphotyrosine-binding domains PTBs. Magnetic structure of molecular magnet Fe[Fe CN 6. Temperature dependent DC magnetization study down to 4. Dolo y mala fe. Full Text Available Se ha dicho por grandes penalistas que las tesis en nuestra disciplina son una eterna vuelta al pasado.

The samples were irradiated at two facilities: This system consists of a high-purity germanium detector with spectrometric electronics, a sample changer, and a control software. Mass fractions of arsenic, mercury and other elements were calculated by relative and absolute NAA methods. The obtained values confirmed the fact of an acute mercury poisoning of the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible - Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna. The obtained results allow us to introduce into scientific circulation the exact values of mass fraction of mercury, arsenic and some other elements in the samples from the graves of Russian historical figures of the second half of XVI - early XVII centuries.

The paper is about the acquisition, by the University Library of Saragossa, of two rare 16th Century Aragonese prints: It includes the bibliographic study and description of both so as to form part of 16th Century Aragonese typo bibliography. The seed Ni Fe layer shows maximum exchange bias at 4 nm seed layer thickness.

The bias shows inverse thickness dependence with increasing thickness. The top Ni Fe layer on the other hand shows only half the bias of the seed layer which is retained even after the sharp fall in seed layer bias. The pure Fe layer contributes to the toughness of composites, and the TiC- Fe cermets layer endows the composites with an improved tensile strength and hardness.

The effect of TiC contents vol. Among the TiC- Fe cermets, the 40 vol. The maximum fracture toughness of In addition, the The bilayer composites are expected to be used as wear resistance components in some heavy wear conditions. Full Text Available Resum: The study of music academies is not quite known. From few works on literary academies, this article will focus on the music academy that of Juan de Borja i Castro hold in Madrid. In this way, if the courtly literary patronage is already an issue with multiple variants, the approach to other artistic activities, such as the music, it is even more.

In the following pages, it will delve into the various aspects of erudition of Juan de Borja with the thread of the academies, as a centre of intellectual, creative and cultural promotion and personal. The article aims to show the relevance of this. The ultimate objective of the Monarchy was, first, to guarantee the maintenance of its production overseas Empire and, secondly, to ensure both the safety of their fleets and their men as well as State coffers, since the shipwrecks posed serious economic losses.

La partecipazione dei fedeli laici alla vita pubblica. Neutron transmission through crystalline Fe. The neutron transmission through crystalline Fe has been calculated for neutron energies in the range 10 4 Fe as a cold neutron filter and a large Fe single crystal as a thermal one is given. Cultura letteraria nella Spagna del XVI secolo. Lo stesso anno, a Toledo, si pubblica la traduzione dello stesso testo, questa volta con il permesso dei traduttori.

To this end, chlorophyll production SPAD ,. These resonances are superimposed upon the photoion yield produced by direct photoionization, which is a smooth, slowly decreasing function of energy. The data collected will also serve to test models for the propagation of light through ionized matter. Co Fe Rh alloys. The results support a predominantly progressive nucleation of Rh on all three-electrode surfaces.

The nucleation kinetic parameters ANo steady state nucleation rate and Ns saturation nuclear number density were found to vary with potential and are electrode-dependent in order: The nucleation and growth of Rh on GC glassy carbon , Ru, and Cu electrodes from NH 4 Cl solution was studied using the potentiostatic current-transient methods. The electrodeposited Rh films obtained from NH 4 Cl solution and nonmagnetic Co Fe Rh film obtained from Co Fe solution were characterized in terms of the following properties: Simulation of radiation damage in Fe and Fe -Cr.

Steel is an important structural material in nuclear reactors used for example in pressure vessels and fast reactor cladding. In reactor environments it has been observed that ferritic steels are more resistant to swelling than the austenitic steels typically used. Much effort has been put into developing basic models of Fe Cr alloys which can serve as model alloys for describing ferritic steels. As a result, a number of interatomic potentials for Fe and Fe Cr alloys exist today. For the work in this thesis, basic material properties coming from experiments or ab initio calculations were used to fit interatomic potentials for Fe , Cr and Fe Cr implementing both the embedded atom method and the Finnis-Sinclair formalisms.

The potentials were then validated by molecular dynamic calculations of material properties such as defect formation energies, migration energies and thermal expansion. Further studies of potential performance were carried out in simulations of radiation damage cascades and thermal aging. The influence of the interatomic potential on the primary defect state in materials under irradiation was analyzed in a study comparing results obtained using four different potentials. The objective of the study was to find correlations between potential properties and the primary damage state produced in simulations of displacement cascades.

The defect evolution and clustering during different cascade stages were also investigated to try to gain a better understanding of these processes. Iron has been deposited electrochemically by short current pulses in Na-saccharin containing Fe II-chloride and sulphate solution electrolytes. In the case of anodically oxidized pulse plated iron and of samples after repeated deposition of anodically oxidized pulse plated iron an additional minor doublet, assigned to ferrous chloride, also appears in the Moessbauer spectra.

The thickness of the layers were estimated from the CEM spectrum data by a modified computer program of the Liljequist method. The coercive field and the power loss versus frequency data showed that the pulse plated iron cores are good inductive elements up to several kHz frequencies. Isotopic fractionation associated with [Ni Fe ]- and [ FeFe ]-hydrogenases. Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible formation of H2 from electrons and protons with high efficiency. Understanding the relationships between H2 production, H2 uptake, and H2-H2O exchange can provide insight into the metabolism of microbial communities in which H2 is an essential component in energy cycling.

In this manuscript, we used stable H isotopes 1H and 2H to probe the isotope effects associated with three [ FeFe ]-hydrogenases and three [Ni Fe ]-hydrogenases. All six hydrogenases displayed fractionation factors for H2 formation that were significantly less than 1, producing H2 that was severely depleted in 2H relative to the substrate, water. We also obtained isotopic fractionation factors associated with H2 uptake and H2-H2O exchange under conditions similar to those utilized for H2 production, providing us with a more complete picture of the three reactions catalyzed by hydrogenases.

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This volume records the Proceedings of the sixteenth conference in the biennial Sensors and Their Applications series which took place at the Clarion Hotel, Cork, Ireland between September This year the conference returns to Ireland, having last been held in Limerick in The conference proceedings record the continuing growth of the sensors community nationally and internationally. The conferences bring together contributions from scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and industrial establishments, and therefore provide an excellent opportunity for these communities to present and discuss the latest results in the field of sensors, instrumentation and measurement.

Amongst the more traditional themes, such as optical sensing, there is growth in new areas such as biomedical sensing and instrumentation, and nanosensing, which is reflected in this volume. Similarly the contribution of modelling and simulation techniques in sensor and instrumentation design and their applications is acknowledged by a session in this area. The sessions across the conference are supported by notable contributions from invited speakers.

We would like to thank all of our colleagues in the sensor and instrumentation community who have supported this event by contributing manuscripts. Our thanks also go to Tyndall National Institute for hosting this conference and all the sponsors who, with their generous financial and in-kind contributions, enabled the better organization of this conference. We would also like to thank all the members of the Instrument Science and Technology Group for their support, and in particular for refereeing the submitted manuscripts.

We are also pleased to express our thanks to the Conference Department of the Institute of Physics for their invaluable support in organising this event. We are especially grateful to Dawn Stewart for her responsive and efficient day-to-day handling of this event, as well as to Claire Garland for her planning and management of this event. We hope that the conference authors, participants and a wider audience will find these proceedings to be of interest and to serve as a useful reference text. Los seguidores del enfoque del Mayor salieron doblemente reforzados: The present paper makes a bibliographic checking of the pedagogic treatises of bookkeeping in the United Kingdom since 16th Century, when the double-entry system was introduced, up to the end of 19th Century.

The most outstanding didactic feature of the first years of bookkeeping teaching could be summed up in the prevalent role the Journal was given. With the development of the double-entry system, it became common extending the meaning of the terms debit and credit beyond the original personal connotation and applying them to inanimate objects and abstract. Some informations on Fe-O-Fe bond structure are also obtained.

To this end, chlorophyll production SPAD , plant dry matter yield, and the mass fractions of important mineral elements in the plant were quantified in a greenhouse pot experiment.

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Compared to the other Fe chelates, total Fe content in the young leaves was lower in the Fe HBED treatment; however, total Fe content was not directly related to chlorophyll production and biomass yield. For each chelate, the ortho-ortho isomer was found to be more effective than the other isomers evaluated. All pyrolyzed samples show porous textures with middle specific surface areas.

The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS results demonstrate the successful introduction of N atoms into carbon framework. Moreover, sample Fe -N demonstrates a dominant four electron reduction process, as well as excellent long-term operation stability and methanol crossover resistance. Magneto Optical Kerr Effect has been exploited to study the in-plane magnetization reversal processes in the iron layers. A phenomenological model has been developed to reproduce and discuss the results. Complementary information has been obtained by means of spin polarized low energy electron microscopy. In fact, for the Chilean case, together with Chiloe and Valdivia, the Magellanic region is the most represented.

The reasons are both navigational and strategic purposes. That means that the surviving examples on public and private archives of several countries are comparatively abundant. Melting relations in the Fe -rich portion of the system FeFe S at 30 kb pressure. The melting relations of FeFe S mixtures covering the composition range from Fe to Fe 67S33 have been determined at 30 kb pressure. The phase relations are similar to those at low pressure. The eutectic has a composition of Fe Solubility of S in Fe at elevated temperatures at 30 kb is of the same order of magnitude as at low pressure.

Sulfur may have significantly lowered the melting point of iron in the upper mantle during the period of coalescence of metal prior to core formation in the primitive earth. We present a comparative theoretical study of the hexagonal forms of the Fe -chalcogenides Fe S, Fe Se and Fe Te with their better known tetragonal forms.

While the tetragonal forms exhibit only an incipient antiferromagnetism and experimentally show superconductivity when doped, the hexagonal forms of Fe S and Fe Se display a robust magnetism. We show that this strong magnetism arises from a van Hove singularity associated with the direct Fe-Fe c-axis chains in the generally more three-dimensional NiAs structure.

We also find that hexagonal Fe Te is much less magnetic than the other two hexagonal materials, so that unconventional magnetically-mediated superconductivity is possible, although a large T c value is unlikely. Compared with single Fe Pt alloy films, a thin Fe layer can affect the crystalline orientation and improve the chemical ordering of L1 0 Fe Pt films.

Benedicto XVI ¡El papa que renunció por conocer demasiada información!

Moreover, the coercivity increases when a thin Fe layer covers the Fe Pt layer. Structure of Alm Fe. The model was in qualitative agreement with diffraction patterns as well as HREM micrographs, recorded in and. Streaks along hhO in the diffraction patterns were ascribed to faults on Correlation of rate constants for TCE reduction kobs with electrochemical parameters corrosion potentials and currents, Tafel slopes, and polarization resistance and descriptors of hydrogen activation by metals exchange current density for hydrogen reduction and enthalpy of solution into metals showed the controlling process changed with aging.

Speciation of Fe in Fe -modified zeolite catalysts. However, samples with higher content of gamma- Fe 50Mn50 showed significant exchange bias. The mechanisms for exchange bias and enhanced coercivity in the system We have determined the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation induced by organic ligand activity in experiments with solutions having co-existing inorganic Fe III species and siderophore complexes, Fedesferrioxamine B at pH 2.

Calculations based on these results indicate that isotopic re-equilibration is unlikely to significantly affect our determined equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between inorganically Irrespective of the proportion of inorganic Fe , equilibrium fractionation factors were within In-plane magnetic moment exhibited typical hysteresis loops of spin valves in the normal state of NbN film at 20 K. On the other hand, the magnetic hysteresis loop in the superconducting state exhibited more complex behavior in which exchange bias provided by antiferrmagnetic Fe Mn layer to adjacent Fe N layer was disturbed by superconductivity.

Because of this, the ideal superconducting spin-valve effect was not detected. Giant magnetoimpedance GMI effect on Ni Fe thin film is very promising due to its application in developing the magnetic field sensors with highly sensitivity and low cost. The results obtained are useful for developing the high-performance magnetic sensors based on Ni Fe thin film.

Box 49, H Budapest Hungary ]. Box 49, H Budapest Hungary.

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According to AFM, the effect of surface roughness is also negligible. In spite of the fact that Fe and Ag are completely immiscible in equilibrium, this tail, however, suggests that some Ag is located in the Fe layer. Spin structure of exchange biased heterostructures. In the temperature range from K to 80 K, the Fe -layer spin structure does not change just by zero-field cooling the sample in remanence.

A depthdependent Fe spin structure in an applied magnetic field applied along the bisector of the twin domains was observed at 10 K, where the Fe spins closer to the interface are not aligned along the field direction. The depth-dependence disappears at K. The coercivity is a key parameter in the control of technical performances of Nd- Fe -B films. A small amount of about 1 at.

A coercivity of Simultaneous use of Mo as addition and the stratification of Nd- Fe -B-Mo films using Fe as spacer layer are important tools for the improvement of the hard magnetic properties of Nd- Fe -B films. Effects of Fe fine powders doping on hot deformed Nd Fe B magnets. The composite Nd Fe B magnets with blending melt-spun flakes and Fe fine powders were prepared by the hot-pressed and hot-deformed route.

Characterizations of the hot-deformed Nd Fe B magnets affected by the doped Fe powders were tested. XRD patterns show that the doped Fe powders have little influence on the c-axis alignment of hot-deformed Nd Fe B magnets in the press direction. The doped Fe of hot-deformed Nd Fe B magnets exists in the elongated state and the spherical state surrounded by the Nd-rich phase. With the Fe fraction increasing, the potential of magnet moves to the positive direction and the diameter of the Nyquist arc becomes larger, which indicate that the corrosion resistance improved effectively.

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This report presents research findings and discussion to help develop an understanding of what gives rise to mergers and, when they do happen, what makes them work. The research has focused on merger activity between further education FE colleges since incorporation in Mergers are highly contextual, and part of ensuring success is…. Five chromite samples procured from two different belts of India have been studied by 57 Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy. Atom exchange between aqueous Fe II and structural Fe in clay minerals. Due to their stability toward reductive dissolution, Fe -bearing clay minerals are viewed as a renewable source of Fe redox activity in diverse environments.

Recent findings of interfacial electron transfer between aqueous Fe II and structural Fe in clay minerals and electron conduction in octahedral sheets of nontronite, however, raise the question whether Fe interaction with clay minerals is more dynamic than previously thought. Here, we use an enriched isotope tracer approach to simultaneously trace Fe atom movement from the aqueous phase to the solid 57 Fe and from the solid into the aqueous phase 56 Fe. Over 6 months, we observed a significant decrease in aqueous 57 Fe isotope fraction, with a fast initial decrease which slowed after 3 days and stabilized after about 50 days.

For the aqueous 56 Fe isotope fraction, we observed a similar but opposite trend, indicating that Fe atom movement had occurred in both directions: Calculations based on electron-hopping rates in nontronite suggest that the bulk conduction mechanism previously demonstrated for hematite1 and suggested as an explanation for the significant Fe atom exchange observed in goethite2 may be a plausible mechanism for Fe atom exchange in Fe -bearing clay minerals. Mechanical alloying of Hf and Fe powders. Pure crystalline Hf and Fe powders were mixed and milled under an argon atmosphere.

The evolution of the system with milling time was followed with Moessbauer effect spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that in the first stages an amorphous Fe -rich alloy was gradually formed together with a solid solution of Hf in Fe beyond the solubility limit.

Laser alloyed Al-Ni- Fe coatings. Full Text Available The aim of this work was to produce crack-free thin surface layers consisting of binary Al-Ni, Al- Fe and ternary Al-Ni- Fe intermetallic phases by means of a high power laser beam.

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The laser surface alloying was carried out by melting Fe and Ni Biogeochemical speciation of Fe in ocean water. Two types of data sets were used, i. Point defects in B. Radiation damage produced at 20 K by 2. The results suggest that replacement collision chains are difficult to propagate along the direction. Frenkel pair creation superimposed with disordering can account for the resistivity damage in the initially ordered Fe -Co alloy. Informations concerning replacement collision sequences in direction are derived.

During the recovery of all the alloys, three main stages are observed and an ordering enhancement occurs. Evidence presented shows that the position of the minimum resistivity is a function of total iron content.

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Process and genes for expression and overexpression of active [ FeFe ] hydrogenases. Magnetic properties of Fe -Zr system, viz. Both the compounds show soft ferromagnetic behavior. Curie temperature is well above the room temperature. The intramolecular didehydro-Diels-Alder reaction of styrene-ynes was catalyzed by Fe II and Fe III to produce various naphthalene derivatives under microwave heating conditions. For the calculations, Slater parameters are optimized on the basis of minimizing the discrepancies between observed and computed wavelengths. Calculated wavelengths are compared with observational data, and the compositions of energy levels are listed.

This completes a series of similar computations for these complex configurations covering Fe I to Fe VI. Diffusion in ordered Fe -Si alloys. The measurement of the diffusional Moessbauer line broadening in single crystalline samples at high temperatures provides microscopic information about atomic jumps. We can separate jumps of iron atoms between the various sublattices of Fe -Si intermetallic alloys D0 3 structure and measure their frequencies. Close to Fe 3 Si stoichiometry iron diffusion is extremely fast and jumps are performed exclusively between the three Fe sublattices.

The change in the diffusion process when changing the alloy composition from stoichiometric Fe 3 Si to the iron-rich side is discussed. Biosynthesis of the [ FeFe ] hydrogenase active site the 'H-cluster' requires the interplay of multiple proteins and small molecules. Among them, the radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme HydG, a tyrosine lyase, has been proposed to generate a complex that contains an Fe CO 2 CN moiety that is eventually incorporated into the H-cluster.

Here we describe the characterization of an intermediate in the HydG reaction: The identification of this intermediate—the first organometallic precursor to the H-cluster—validates the previously hypothesized HydG reaction cycle and provides a basis for elucidating the biosynthetic origin of other moieties of the H-cluster. Mining activity and metallurgical production were aspects that played important roles during the history of the native Northwestern Argentine population.

On the one hand, during the prehispanic times, metal objects and metallurgical production had a high social value. On the other hand, profiting from mining was the primary activity during the processes of conquest and colonization in the New World during the 16th and 17th centuries. While it is known that the extraction of metal was one of the main elements of exploitation of indigenous labor force in Alto Peru, little attention has been paid to its analysis in the context of the native rebellions in the Calchaqui valley before The absorption behavior of 99 Tc on Fe , Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 powders from aqueous 99 TcO 4 - solutions is studied by batch method in atmospheric conditions.