I Used To Think God Was Perfect, But…

God didn't make it a three-strikes-and-you're-out sort of thing. It's more about how God helps us dust ourselves off so we can swing for the fences again. And all of this without keeping a meticulous record of our screw-ups. Their dreams become one of those "we'll go there next time" deferrals. The sad thing is, for many there is no "next time" because passing on the chance to cross over is an overall attitude toward life rather than a single decision. It's a love that operates more like a sign language than being spoken outright.

It's a kind word from a gentle person with an impossible prayer. It's a force sometimes transmitted best hand to hand in a dark place. It's about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us, a hope that makes us brave and expels darkness with light. That's what I want my life to be all about - full of abandon, whimsy, and in love. When you go after something you love, you'll do anything it takes to get it, even if it costs everything. You no longer act like a spectator or consumer, because you're an owner. Working to strengthen my faith again… Thanks for taking time to read.

Touching story, much appreciated and congrats and thanks on the honesty! God is working in your life- think about and be thankful for that and how amazing that is- I know how easy it is to get distracted by things — but how great is it when we remember and enjoy the fact that we have everything we need-Christ! I have learned so much this morning. This was sent to my email and I am so grateful that I took the time to read it in its entirety. What a blessing I received. Than you for sharing this was has truly been inspirational.

To God be the Glory!!!! Hi, I wanted to reply to you and tell you, that I went through a bad child hood, with abuse, that lead me to make a lot of bad choices, and kept me feeling angry, bitter, and mad. But God showed me, after several years, that he was there with me during all those bad times as a kid, that he cried with me, that he hurt when I was hurt. And I know it sounds unbelievable, but his love healed me, and when I really listen to him, and follow what he says, I am calm, filled with peace and happy. He loves you with a love that you can never fathom.

Stay strong and God bless. I was made a complete fool and embarrassed another. At the time I rejoiced because it was confirmation to both me and my wife of what God had already showed us in visions. Well over a year later past their given deadline, nothing has changed. Matter fact our situation has even gotten worse, direly worse.

God knows my heart and how much I desire to do true kingdom work, but yet I keep falling like this and it not only cost me but my wife, and my children who are totally innocent in this and totally dependent on me. So I read this to find help. Find what am I doing wrong. But yet and still, the same results. It has me questioning God. Please, someone out there just sincerely pray for me and my family. Surely I will pray for you brother. Be encouraged my brother. Things come about to test our faith. God is not a man that He should lie or His word return void. God knows and loves you. Often times the enemy will have us feel as if we are the only ones who are facing hard tests and trials.

I know Oh too well how you must feel. Just last night I had to say Lord why am I going through so much when I try so hard to live right. Nonetheless, in 1 Peter 5: After I read this scripture and dissected and studied each word this really helped me quite a bit. Tho he slay me, yet will I trust in him.

May the Lord keep you in perfect peace as your mind is stayed on him. I grew up in a violent home. My mother loved me but was an alcoholic and my father stepfather hated me. I spent so much time in fear and solitude. To have a nice home my home is barely livable right now , and to follow my dreams, travel, explore. And then I have this really wild side.. Like I want to do crazy things, like party and model and drink or just be crazy. I hide in my home. When I have turned to God I feel isolated and lonely.

I know this is a little or a lot off topic I just am stuck. No joy, no improvement, no goals, no motivation,no hope! Im a pretty crappie mom.

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At Hylandale I tried really hard, but didn't have any better success. I used to think God was perfect, but if He was perfect why would He have called me to be a . I feel that if I were truly saved, my sin would have gotten smaller and less you deserve it or I am effective — but miraculously awaken new, fresh, sure faith. Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example” — to those And the article was about how he read a novel and God used a novel.

I lack discipline, organization and any form of authority and structure. All that I lack also makes me s pretty bad wife also. People say like they feel different when they come to know God. Peace and Hope and Joy. All I ever feel is shame and fear. Is it me, am I that unloveable? Our stories are extraordinarily similar. Ive gotten over it to a point where I can function with a career but emotionally feel Could it be God speaking or just random horrible, entropic chaotic acts without focus or purpose.

Email me if you want to talk. Hi, I read your comment, and wanted to say, I to came from a bad background, and abusive child hood. He showed me that he cried with me, he was there, and hurt that I was hurt. I hope and pray God shows you, and others like us, that he was there with you during the bad times, and loves you with a love that you can not even fathom. Stay strong, and God bless. Well I do believe that u are a man of God and what ur experienced is a time out from God he does this to us to test our maturity to stand on ur own two feet and so far u have done exceptionally well , you need to focus on how u can bring people into gods light ur wife loves u.

But u are not god she needs to put more trust in god and not u , since our love ones look to us for inspiration and guidance we need to look to god for that same comfort but not always will he be the life jacket we so desire we need to learn how to swim on our own. God is saying to u that he loves you enough to make wise decisions with out him showing u a sign u are no longer a baby eagle u can now fly on our own and keep shining the past failures are just stepping stones to ur success do not give up but press on ur miracle is moments away one love my brother.

I saw your post. I too suffered with depression. I have been healed of it but it took 3 years. Depression makes everything you do harder and worse. Try to remember that is the depression and not you. Focus on God no matter how much it hurts. Keep your focus on him and think positive. Those things helped me. Hello me says, I was touch by your realness and complete honesty to were you are in life and how you are feeling. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6: Keep a notebook write down questions you may have.

With technology being the way it is you can get answers to any questions and scripture to back it up. Write the answer and scripture in your notebook. You can even write out your prayer to God this will help you to commune with Him daily. God knows what you are going through but Hd wants us to talk to Him. Let God know you are lacking understand of Him, wisdom, joy, love, and peace.

Pray that God will send true believing Christians to come into your life to help you. When we are seeking God He will honor our request. You seem to have the heart to really want to serve God. I will keep you lifted up in my prayers that God will show you the plans He has for your life which will give you all you are seeking.

Stay focus on God. I have a dilemma. I have been helping a friend with her son. My friend is mentally ill and doesn't speak English well. Her son has failed 7 terms in high school with no one doing anything about it. When her son told me he was failing I stepped in and started to help him. I did this as a gift. In the meantime I've been my friends caregiver due to her mental illness. I have been spending more and more time helping her son without getting paid. She told me to put down her hours when helping him so I can get paid.

I called her case worker and she said that I can only get paid for helipng my friend and not her son for payment. I feel like God is telling me not to put down her hours for helping her son. I know God says to follow and obey our government. I know I already know the answer to this. What do you think? It seems as though you know the answer.

I hope you are helping him still. Be glad God is using you. You are not only helping this boy but perhaps others will see how your doing it out of kindness and love.. And that light your shining might be the spark to someone you might not even meet to turn to God. Helping her son is ministry. God will reward you for having the heart to want to help. Stay in prayer about what plans God have for you helping out this family. I will be praying for you. Telling you where to go. I also understand there is a waiting time AND sometimes God is waiting on us too. I know read believe and speak the word understanding that adverse circumstances do not necessarily mean God is not answering.

He needs time to change my heart, circumstsnces and others hearts I just dont want to be in presumption all these years. God is everything to me, Savior, Lord, my healer, all sufficient one etc. Scriptures given to me in my journey is jer I am born again since I have repented years ago for divorcing my christian husband. He lives in a different state now for over 25 yrs, remarried an unsaved woman and now separated for 3 yrs from her may be divorced by now idk. For years and years i have believed and had scriptures regarding restoration of my marriage.

Like a gold chord connecting and running from god heaven thru me, thru my husband, thru my children. Is that God or just presumption, vain imagination or wishful thinking? Pls respond Its been 27 yrs. Looking forward for more. I can't answer while all this has happened to you but I can promise you God has not abandoned you. I certainly understand how you could feel that way but emotions are not necessarily reality.

I suggest you read Psalm 22 which is also a foreshadowing of Christ on the cross. Jesus was abandoned on the cross so we would never be abandoned. We live in a very messed up fallen world. We cry out to God knowing this world is not our home. Someday God will right every wrong. Hi everyone who reads this. By reading all the comments here, I think God has sopoken.

I see many exposing their problems -even I though I could finally get an answer. But now I think I have to tell you this: And there is the responsability that every each have on make the right decisions, remembering our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must take care of it. Those pills can not be taken for so long withuot damage in your body. That could make your issue even worst. May be you should see another doctor. We must give steps forward, one at a time, wisely according yo the word of God. He will keep speaking to us as we obey. The lord of ununderstandable peace is with all my brothers and sisters in Jesuschrist over all the world.

God has not abandoned you. Sometimes we go through circumstances to see how strong we are and if we will continue to lean and depend on God. Continue to reach out to Him. God is still with you. I will keep you lifted up in prayer. So I was watching it until this morning, when I finally could not stay awake any longer.

But then when I went to bed, I could not sleep. I kept waking up. I looked it up, and the meaning is The name Mordecai is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Mordecai is: But i still do not understand what this has to do with me. Are there any other meanings of the name? Is Mordecai mentioned anywhere else in the bible other than the book of Esther?? God will meet you where you are at. God gives many puzzle pieces and just at the perfect time He, all of a sudden, puts all the pieces together to make a beautiful picture. It will amaze you, you wait and see! Am in a so difficult situation and i try to here the voice of God, and my challenges become strong day to day n am so confused ' cuz am a son God n Abra mic seed so n i always ask my self is there any thing i missed?

Jousha, unfortunately challenges are apart of life and if we face them with a clear mind we will learn from them. You may not hear from God during these hard times Jousha but he is with you and sees your struggles. God allows us to learn lessons the hard way because he loves us and knows that this is the only way we really learn. It took55 years, many of them filled with tremendous suffering, admitting that my way was not always the best way before God literally spoke to me.

See a Problem?

Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist. It begins with "Chapter One: We went and had a good time. This is a long story. Hello My Name is Tracy…..

When God spoke to me it was undeniable. God speaks to people differently, some feel him in their heart, some hear his voice while most people realize that God speaks to them through circumstances and through people in there lives. Sometimes God even uses strangers to relay his message: God loves you Jousha so stay strong …. I pray and fast often BT nothing is happening. Hearing from God is part of a relationship. Keep talking to God and listening. He will speak when He's ready. But, He is speaking daily in His written word.

Read it and listen. Also, try this post http: My name is Joseph. Within the last few months of my life things have drastically changed. For the last 20 or so years I had lived a very selfish, drug fueled existence. In the last 5 years I met a woman and had a baby boy. In a deep depression from a drug comedown , I slammed my head into the wall a few times because I wanted to hurt myself.

I truly, in my heart, believe this was my cry out for help. I also switched jobs, which inadvertently put a pastor and a few other church goers in my company every weekday. I talk to them regularly about God. I also believe God has sent me several subtle signs that he is there. I now have no doubt that he hears our prayers and answers them. He proved this to me when one of our cars died a week ago. My family counts on 2 cars and we had no idea what we were going to do. I started praying for help finding a car that was good for us and that we could afford.

And that it happen soon. We had only been looking for 3 days total before we had a new car. Insurance is cheaper on the new car. And the car payment is under what we set as a cap for our finances. The day after we got our car something crazy happened. A tow truck was turning a corner in front of our house and the car that was on it rolled off. The really crazy part, it missed my car that was parked out front by about 15 feet. Not our new car, but my older one. These 2 things showed me all I need to know. They were the most significant though.

I am becoming convinced that God got me to change my ways now. That was really long, lol. Have been jobless for awhile and have been deeply discouraged and so so sad. I fell into the trap of worldly desires and last alcohol and drugs. God bless the world. Through these difficulties you have grown closer to Him. Nothing is beyond the capabilities of the All-powerful Father who created and maintains the Universe in motion and every heartbeat of mankind — power beyond what even the best of our human intelligence can imagine! Life has peaks and troughs. You will be happy again and you will appreciate it all the more because you have experienced the opposite.

I am offered early childhood education course but I'm still not quite sure if I should accept it or apply for other courses. I have prayed about it and is waiting to hear God's voice but I can't really hear so I dont know how I will know if its the course he wants me to take. Please pray for me thanks: Hello My Name is Tracy…..

I was introduced to a new job through a good friend of mine…but I have been getting the run around with the head person that's in charge of the department that I should be working in… I am confused…. I don't know if god is saying no… because it seems that way….. I am not the type to give up easy, but I can't see clear……I am just having some many issues at once,even in my relationship…..

Never let an employer intimate you. Hope both improve for you. Never lose faith and God bless you and yours. I have been walking with God for right years I know their is a purpose for my life. I know I am call to minister the gospel but am having an issue with detaining the word of God. You can't confuse two Biblical truths. He said don't be unequally yoked — but that was advice before marriage.

Then we have lots of advice for being married to an unbeliever. Read 1 Corinthians 7. And, Jesus' teaching on divorce. Your best plan is to pray for your spouse daily. God wants to save them too.

“I Hate You God” - Four words that changed my life for the better.

After reading i still feel confused! I am a 16 year old and I love God with everything but I want to be on fire for God! I want to choose his path! However, I don't know what that is for me! I have had many struggles and am still struggling but I can't understand it! Torrey, I love your heart so much.

When Did Hawking Become an Atheist?

I think you've found God's path — to love Him and long to know Him more. For you to be at this place as a 16 year old is amazing. I'm 52 and sometimes have to wonder God's plan. You will seldom have all the answers — if you did — you'd quit having to run daily to your Father, God — which is ultimately what He wants from you. Keep asking, keep trusting, keep seeking. You are indeed doing the Father's will and as you do, He will guide you as He desires — and you'll know it. But, don't expect Him to show you very far down the road.

It's a daily trust He's seeking. God is a myth I have tried in vein for years to belive in a higher power to have all my prays ignored and if he is real he is a cunt. I hope other people have a better experience with him but I gave give up. Which i agree with her that it is demonic. The Lord has blessed me with my addiction to drugs and alcohol. Are they truly seeking the Lord. Will others that hate God always be on the Devils side like puppets always seeking love and hope but never actually finding it?

Is it possible that some are just not chosen to be Gods children?

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Everything has an opposite. If you never knew hate, how could you know love. Like ripping off a bandaid. Blinded by hatred makes us forget how to love and be loved. Good is here and had always been. Harsh words on a biblical site. Think about why you came here or what you hoped to find. Maybe God and the Lord Jesus Christ is what you need. A higher power we can hand our troubles to especially in the worst of times will bring you comfort and understanding.

He or She I guess enables us to open hearts finding love dissolving anger. Let your higher power do the heavy lifting for awhile. Spiritual living is freedom to experience happiness. I've tried for years to live for him, but He just doesn't listen to my prayers. The bar has been set too high for me. After not supplying my needs and desires for years, and then throwing me to the demons, I'm done. I hope everyone has better luck than I did.

Dear Mark, I felt in the past the way you do now. Our Father is way above such things. What you are experiencing is our Father calling on you to not only change your mind about how you see him in your life,but to let him in so that he can change your life. Live within the plan that he has for each of us. Those plans include things that seem great to us and not so great. To allow us to learn to praise and worship him through all of it and grow strong in spirit because of all of it. Every circumstance molds us, so that we can live above the petty circumstances of this world.

To help them,like Jesus helped us and many others. You are going to have to be willing to get up and touch the hem of his garment. Only then will he know that you truly care to know him and seek him out. You can overcome All things through Christ Jesus. Let your request be known and then act on those prayers through Faith. Get up, shake yourself off. Trust in the Lord again. May Father bless you richly. Did you ask God for forgiveness or pray with a true heart. A relationship with God is the same as any other. Easy to blame the other but we have to put in the work He needs to see results.

Giving up on communication amongst other things kills relationships. I often ask myself where I went wrong and it feels better taking responsibility instead of blaming. I seriously recommend connecting to your higher power. I still have to go and get my self tested ,soon. Everyone knows because she told someone else that is involved in my social network. To all that sleep around.

How do I stay strong ,in faith even though it could be … Or not be…. God ,father give me wisdom ,refresh my thoughts. When he talks to you does it actually mean you literally hear his voice? He speaks to you through good people in your life — people who help and guide you — perhaps even occasional people like me now! Another thing— He answers always in your very best interests. If He knows something would not be a good plan for you at this moment.

Be patient and you will see how His plan for you unfolds. Hi, im a backsliding christian for a while now,every time i go to sin i hear a voice in my head saying dont do it , come back to me. As a Christian you know what and can clearly feel what sin is. Obliviously you know the path to follow. Been having really bad anxiety for a while like I was gonna die soon. It became something I worried about a lot Im not a real religious person although I do believe in God and have some knowledge on the subject.

We got to talking and he ask me to come out to his truck he wanted to show me something. I said ok and he ask if he could read the bible to me so I said yes. He read several scriptures about being saved and not fearing death and having eternal life and how we need to live our lives better bc we never know when that moment will be.

He also said he used to worry that something was gonna happen to him years ago until he turned it over to God.

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I felt like this was a sign bc I never said anything about my problem. It has releived and also scared me. He said he reads this to a lot of people from time to time bc he feels like he needs to spread the word. Hi, ive been back sliding for a while now, but every day i hear a voice saying come back what your doing is wrong,. I agree God works in mysterious ways. Stay strong and explore your Faith. I've have been wishing to speak to god but in the past I regrettably said some bad things about him. It was before I became a true Christian. Does this mean I'm not saved?

Can I still speak to him. Well I have some good news.

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God wants to talk to you also. The Bible is very clear that nothing in us promotes God's activity in our life. God sent Jesus to the cross for all the things you've done wrong. He paid your price. He gives you access to God by faith in Him. God is listening and waiting. Start with telling Him how wonderful He is, then tell Him what you've done wrong.

I said all those awful things before I became a Christian, so he will forgive me for that as well? Hey sorry I wanted to ask: Has thoughts or visions blessed you before? God is always listening to His children. God is love and His forgiveness saves our troubled hearts. My grandfather who is 81 recently had open heart surgery on Sep. He is a diabetic, also he has dementia so recovery has not been easy. Our family, is not the best. Lots of greed and selfishness. My grandfathers wife has battled cancer for the last 7 years.

Me myself I lived 70 miles away from them. When I saw him at the hospital I was overwhelmed to be with him. This great great feeling not to leave his side. He got out of the hospital oct. It was to quit my job and move in with them and my three kids and take care of both of them. So I left my apartment put all our stuff in storage, changed my 3 kids school and now I am my grandpaws nurse and his complete care giver.

Life hasn't been perfect. I've faced many storms. But whatever storm I face, I know that Jesus is in the boat with me. He is in control of my life. About the age of thirteen or fourteen I ended up doing the things that most teenagers generally do - going into the park and drinking and experimenting with drugs and stuff. That became my focus. As I started thinking about God a lot more and, you know, what life was about, I started going a lot more to church meetings and youth meetings and stuff. I had a lot of really good friends around me and they chatted to me and really supported me.

Now I know where I'm going. I know that I'm gonna be in heaven. I don't know what's gonna happen on the way. I don't really know what job I'm gonna do or anything. But I know that I'm secure now - in that I know God. Lois 40 is married with three children aged , and works as a remedial massage therapist. To anyone looking in on the outside, you know, I'm quite a confident person. But actually the truth of it was that underneath it was crummy and had a feeling of sort of real hopelessness - like, "Well is this it?

Mark 41 is married with two children aged He is self-employed in the jewellery trade. I didn't think God or Jesus would want anything to do with me. Now I look back, I can see that Jesus knew all the faults that were in my life but he still loved me. He knew that I was self-centred - working hard, drinking hard, striving for everything. God brought an incredible love into our life which I don't think I would have been able to give to my children if he hadn't been there for me.

Jesus Christ came to make it possible for each of us to have a relationship with God. He did this by dying on a cross - where he paid the massive debt we owe for all the ways we have offended him by our attitudes and actions. These offences are so serious they shut us out of contact with God, not only during this life, but for ever. Only Jesus' death and resurrection make it possible for us to be forgiven and accepted by God. Perhaps this is all so new to you, you want time to think it through; get some questions answered.

Or maybe you want to know God. I am sorry I have been going my own way. Thank you for dying on the cross to deal with every barrier I have put up between you and me. Please come and take first place in my life. Whenever anyone expresses that kind of attitude to God - asking Jesus to come into their life - they can be sure he will.