Wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen HGB und IFRS (German Edition)

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Vorräte Hgb Ifrs

The following table shows a transfer of the balance sheet items to the classes of financial instruments in accordance wit h IFRS 7. It is not possible to disclose a pro forma result because, at the time of acquisition, Wilden's financial year.

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In the course of changing the consolidated accounts from HGB German Commercial Code to IFRS format, adjustments to various items in the consolidated balance sheet and the consolidated income statement were necessary in order to meet the accounting requirements of the IFRS. The disclosures to be included in the segment report. T he reconciliation sho ws both t he other do mestic companies which do not constitute an own reportable segment due to their size, which take over intermediate holding company, central purchasing, logistics and market research functions other areas as well as the adjust me nts unde r IFRS a nd c onso li dations carried out on a group level.

It is not possible to state pro forma results since Gerresheimer Zaragoza's financial year is the same as the calendar year and it is not.

Definition Vorräte Hgb

Da die Segmente nach lokalen Rechnungslegungsvorschriften berichten,. In the case of foreign subsidiaries, local KPMG accountants are generally charged with reviewing and auditing the semi-annual and annual financial statements and with overseeing the conversion to IFRS. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Please click on the reason for your vote: This is not a good example for the translation above.

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