Secure Forever: Once Saved Always Saved

But, this does not mean those thus saved will not fall into sin. Instead, though they may backslide, they will never fully turn from God and fall out of the state of his grace.

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Furthermore, it means God will work in the conviction and discipline of the believer who backslides. It means that once a person is truly born again, God will work through the person so that the person will persevere throughout his life and not lose his salvation. It emphasizes God's work and ability to perfect the Christian Philippians 1: Once Saved Always Saved is the position that no matter what a person does he will remain saved.

He is always saved once he is saved. This position also includes the reality of regeneration since anyone who is truly saved is also truly regenerated. Regeneration produces in the person a desire to serve God and avoid sin Romans 7: However, like eternal security, those who adhere to once saved always saved acknowledge that Christians can backslide. Term Synopsis License to Sin? Eternal Security Salvation is dependent on Christ's faithfulness--not man's.

In 2 Thessalonians 2: Although I know that Christians can be deceived, this passage in no way is about salvation. It is about the timing of the second coming of Christ, which cannot occur until the antichrist is revealed. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 4: They knew about the Lord Jesus Christ and professed for a time to follow Him, but then they apostatized from the faith.

The context shows that the passage is referring to the treatment of widows.

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Paul gives the advice that the older widows are to be taken care of by the church. However, the younger widows are to remarry and raise a family as opposed to becoming "gossips and busybodies. We don't know if these widows were true believers or not. It is possible that their husbands had been believers while they were not. Hebrews chapter 3 is about how the children of Israel rebelled when Moses was leading them out of Egypt.

Verse 12 says, "See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. However, the verse warns the congregation not to have an unbelieving heart. In other words, it is referring to unbelievers within church. Verse 14 says we "share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end.

Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical?

In looking at the overall context of the chapter, it is making reference to those who rebelled against Moses and God, which were the unbelievers. Ultimately, the passage makes this clear in verses And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief. Salvation is not granted to those who pretend to obey Jesus, but to those who truly believe and obey. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.

Once again, we must ask the question of whether these people are believers or unbelievers. Let's look at their characteristics. First, at one point they had been enlightened about the gospel.

Salvation is not unconditional

Although they knew what is was, the text does not tells us that they ever accepted Jesus as their Lord. Next, they have "tasted the heavenly gift," that is the Lord Jesus.

Once saved, always saved?

Once a person has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, he/she is forever saved. This fact is referred to as the doctrine of “eternal security,” often summarized as. The doctrine of once saved, always saved, also referred to as eternal security, has been the subject of much debate. But what do the scriptures say about.

Tasting is quite a telling word. In the Greek, it means to sample or try out some food. In fact, it suggests that they never made that commitment. They also "shared in the Holy Spirit. A true believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, 54 not merely "sharing" or "partaking" of the Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is not just active in the life of a believer, but also convicts the unbeliever of "sin and righteousness and judgment. Third, these people "tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age.

So, the people who are being described in the passage are those who have been associated with a Christian fellowship, but have fallen away. However, the falling away is not merely a passive thing, but they are "subjecting Him [Jesus] to public disgrace," indicating an active rejection of the gospel.

Finally, verse 9 indicates that the above passage does not refer to those who have been saved, saying, "we are confident of better things in your case--things that accompany salvation. In addition, verses refer to "they" whereas verse 9 refers to "your," indicating that the verses are referring to different groups of people. The first big hint is that the verse is about people who "deliberately keep on sinning. Yes, believers sin, but do not live in a state of continual sin.

In addition, verse 27 describes these people as "enemies of God," which definitely does not describe believers, who are children of God. These people are described as having "received the knowledge of the truth" of the gospel. However, it does not say that they ever accept the truth and put into effect in their own lives. Hundreds of atheists have written me at this site and have "received the knowledge of the truth," although very few have actually become Christians. Here, the author is suggesting that if a person receives the knowledge of the truth of the gospel, but rejects it and keeps on sinning, he is lost and cannot be saved, since he has rejected Jesus' sacrifice for sins.

Is it salvation or something else? The context makes it clear. Verses tell us "He who promised is faithful" and encourages us to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds. The Bible tells us that we given rewards in heaven on the basis of our good deeds. Finally, in verse 39 the author distinguishes between those who are judged from those to whom the author is writing, who persevere:.

But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. It is not promised to those who stand up to persecution the unstated assumption of the eternal security skeptics , but to those who love Him.

The emphasis of the passage James 1: The main point of the verse is that the believer will be blessed by persevering under trial. Once the believer has gone to glory he will receive the "crown of life. The Greek word for crown, stephanos, according to Thayer, has the meaning "metaphorically the eternal blessedness which will be given as a prize to the genuine servants of God and Christ: In fact, there are well over a dozen other verses that make the same claim.

It is the unbeliever who never comes to faith in Jesus Christ, who suffers the second death due to unforgiven sin in his life.

Always Saved?

My contention is that those kinds of people would practice sin whether or not they believed in eternal security. Then they wonder why their lives have not changed. The Bible says quite clearly that we can know that we have eternal life:. Lose salvation through unbelief? This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace?

James addresses "my brothers" and says in verse 5: The fact that the brother had his soul saved from death and it covered a multitude of sins tells us that the "brother" was never saved in the first place. If he had been saved, his sin would have already been covered by faith in Jesus. Peter tells us that judgment should "begin with the family of God" and adds, "what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? Jesus said believers had to enter through the narrow gate and that few find it. His summary statement in verse 19 says that believers should "continue to do good" in spite of trials and persecution.

Beginning with verse 18, the text is clear that the "they" are those who listen to the evildoers. Verse 18 says "they" are "people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

Once Saved, Always Saved

Verse 21 says, "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command This verse does not mean that a person must do the will of God in every single instance. If this were true then none would ever be saved. It is a heart who has chosen to do God's will as best he can. Verse 19 completely refutes the whole concept that eternal security skeptics proclaim, saying that those who "turn away" from the "faith" were actually never really part of it:.

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. Let's look at it:. This is love for God: And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

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Yes, those who love God obey his commandments. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command. The verse comes from a letter from Jesus to the Church at Ephesus. Eternal security is consistent with everything else the Bible teaches about mankind, and God. Examining the doctrine in relation to the rest of Scripture demonstrates that it is consistent with all other biblically sound teachings. The Bible teaches that man is inherently sinful -- that a sinful nature is a part of all of us Romans 3: This means that even after being saved, every single believer is going to sin from time to time.

Thinking that we can live a perfect, sinless life after our salvation is not only unscriptural, but arrogant James 2: If we are not eternally secure, this sinning will cause us to lose our salvation, but how much sin is too much? Scriptural passages Ephesians 2: We cannot make up for our past, present, or future sins by doing good works. A saved believer will, as a natural product of their faith, shun sin and practice good works James 2: If we can do sinful things, or not do good things James 4: This concept is contradictory to Scripture.

It also creates an unlivable scenario where we have to try to do enough good to outweigh our sinful natures. Jesus Christ made some powerful statements about morality during His earthly ministry. In those three short years, He talked the talk and walked the walk of the toughest moral and ethical system in human history. Most religions focus on the external actions, but Christ took the concept of sin and holiness to a much deeper level.