Prayers to Close my Day

8 Evening Prayers To End Your Day

Prayer for my night for the peace of God will invade my space in every area in my 2 bedroom condo… That our Father who are in heaven would blot out all my transgression that has been made in that place that I will not be lead to temptation and that I will be delivered from the evil spirits that their are more spirit worser than the last above my head that is using my neighbors I pray the devil wear them out. My dear Heavenly and Merciful Father, as we come to the end of the day. I pray that You will spread Your protective arms over me and my family. Cover us with Your protecting angels and keep us well and safe all harm and spiritual attack.

Evening Prayer for the Family

Give us peace and love toward one another. Now that I am done for the day. I ask for one more thing, a blessed peaceful night. Thank you so much for this day. Please give me strength to do everything that I have to do today. Heavenly father, I adore you, I give you all the praise and honor.

5 Evening Prayers to Close Your Day

Thank you father for restoring my life and thank you for renewing my faith in you. Although I am facing a huge storm in my life, today I stand firm knowing that you will always be with me and I will see your glory when it has all come to pass. Thank you lord for loving me even when I dont deserve it. Thank you Father for this wonderful prayers, bless and protect each and every person who prays for other fellow Christians and families.

In Jesus Name Amen. I give You Glory today,for all You have done for me in my life. I ask for one more thing,a blessed peaceful night. Because of You my dear Lord Jesus. I have joy in my heart and in my soul. Please walk with me through my life, help me through the difficulties I face, please take my burdens one by one I lay them down at Your feet, carry them for me Father as I struggle today under the load. In Jesus name I ask You this. I thank you for Your daily protection,Dear Heavenly Father. Wrap us in Your tender loving arms oh Lord. Guide my step each and every day and bless my life and my family.

I am so grateful. In Jesus minghty name. Thank you Heavenly Father for the privilege of coming to the throne of grace with prayer I am grateful. In Jesus name amen.

Evening prayer of peace. Thank you my LORD for the peace that surpasses all understanding. It is only through you I find peace and refuge. Thank you Holy Father for letting us make it through another day. Thank you for your protection over us as we lay down to sleep tonight and for sustaining us. You are our great protector.

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Thank you Abba Father. I love and praise you. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy. Thank you for connecting your church for your glory and the fulfilment of your promise, for your Kingdom. Father God, we thank You for bringing us all safely though this day to its end. We take refuge in You and ask You to restore us as we sleep. Even when we struggle Lord we are blessed to have faith and thank You for giving us this daily opportunity to rest and be refreshed and when we wake up we know that You will be there at the start of our new day. In the name of our Redeemer Father I ask You to hear this prayer.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for blessings me. I thank you so much for gift life, and breathing air we breath.

1. Thankfulness

I love You, Father! Thank you Lord,for always be my side,and help me to do everything good in my daily life. I pray that You will spread Your protective arms over me and my family. Forgive me for anything I may have said or done that is displeasing to you, and help me to be the Christian you have created me to be. He bled and died for me! You are the biggest reward of all-time!

You led me safely through this day! May Your Name be praised always! Lord, I praise You for so many things!

I praise You for my family, job, car, house, friends, church, Bible, prayer time, and most importantly, Jesus! Lord, thank You for Jesus!

A Prayer to End the Day

He bled and died for me! He loved me enough to embrace those nail-scarred hands and feet! Oh, how He loves me! I am weak right now. There is so much going on in my life physically and emotionally that I am at my breaking point! I need Your strength to make it through these times. Father, I pray that tonight while I sleep You will refresh my mind and strength for tomorrow morning. Lord, I pray that You will watch over me as I sleep and bring pleasant thoughts into my mind as I dream away. Thank You for loving me, Lord!

You are the treasure that I seek. You are my all in all. I imagine beautiful walkways where the saints talk and sing praises to You! I imagine the room that Jesus has prepared for me! A room prepared by the greatest designer ever! I imagine talking with the people that I love right now and the ones that are already with You! Oh Father, I will be in Your presence! In the presence of Yahweh! You are the biggest reward of all-time! Thank You for loving me so much, Father! I hope you have enjoyed these prayers for the evening time.

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Read A Prayer to End the Day and learn how to pray in ways that reveal God's power and strength. 9 Good Night Prayers - Sleep Peacefully at Bedtime! No matter what you faced today, talking to God through goodnight prayers will renew your faith. Bless us with rest tonight, Jesus, and a good night’s sleep.

God is so good and the evening time is a wonderful time to express how much you love Him. God bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling!

Prayer Before Bedtime - A Beautiful Prayer to End the Day - Daily Prayers

Would you like to get the daily question in your FB messenger? Just click the button below to get started. Derek Hill is a father of two beautiful children. He plays guitar for the worship team at his church. Listening or playing music is one of Derek's favorite things to do. He has been in the church his whole life. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 8: If God is for us, who can be against us? Read them in the archive below. If you like what you're reading, you can get free daily updates through the RSS feed here.

Thanks for stopping by! Derek, it seems you are on a roll with prayers lately and these are so very important…I know that God will not first do in us what we first do not pray to Him by and my prayer is that He continues to richly bless us thru your articles and so many more yet to come to His glory…amen. That means a lot to me. That is what our entire being should be about: Living like today is the last day of your life! So, live it to the fullest! Live it for Christ and His glory! Blessings on you, brother!

You are a good friend! Modern life is busy and leaves us tense. What can you do to get rid of this tension so you can rest? Spend some time talking to God at the end of your day, and you can shed your troubles. It is commonly understood that starting off your day with prayer is an excellent practice, but sometimes we forget that it is important to end your day in prayer as well. A bedtime prayer helps you to forget the turmoil of the day and concentrate instead on spiritual things.

Prayer is spiritual armour to protect you from attacks of the enemy and troubling thoughts.

Goodnight Prayer for Blessings

Here are five prayers you can use to end your day in a positive way and get your mind right for a blissful sleep. Lord, I thank you for walking with me through another day.

5 Evening Prayers to End Your Day

Thank you for your love and provision, and for helping me do your will. Forgive me for anything I may have said or done that is displeasing to you, and help me to be the Christian you have created me to be. Be with me now as I sleep and fill my heart and mind with thoughts of you.

Bless my family, my home and my loved ones and keep us safe from all harm. Thankfulness is a great way to turn your thoughts in the right direction and away from worries and cares. Lord Jesus, please cleanse my thoughts of anger and worry. I know that worry is not your will for me.