La resa del guerriero (Italian Edition)

According to Svevo, science was not able to give consoling certainties to humankind and the hereditary laws were uncertain. When they say to me that human history repeats itself, I easily believe in it: It was written during the s, probably between and , in the early period of his literary production, when the thought about the hereditary theory was still strong. As in the ironic play Le teorie del conte Alberto, Svevo wrote about heredity with irony and a sense of humour. The main character, named Amelia, is fond of natural sciences. She knew the origin of hands, feet, and about many other things.

She liked to look at herself in the mirror, never thinking, seeing her blue eyes, that some ancestor had eyes of a smaller type, more restless, closer to the nose.

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From her eyes thought and sentiment were shining, both without ancestors according to her. In fact, even Darwin wrote about the ancestors of man and not about his own ones. Sapeva la genesi delle mani e dei piedi e di molte altre cose ancora. Le sue belle mani e i suoi piedini non entravano nella legge.

Dai suoi occhi brillava il pensiero e il sentimento e ambedue mancavano di antenati secondo lei. In this parody, Amelia used Darwinism to explain the fact that her husband was deformed, attributing it to the inheritance of acquired characters of Lamarck, because the same defect returned in her son. Looking at the mirror, thinking about what we think as we are looking, the result was not granted: Look at these long moustaches! Darwin was convinced that their origin was connected to the need to measure the holes in which some rodents and many other mammals hide themselves for defence or attack.

If the hair does not reach the walls of the hole, it means that there is room for the head and the whole body of the animal to pass. I laugh at the idea to see myself with a contrivance that decorates me and is completely useless for me, and I laugh discovering that I am a ruin of a beast that pomades such a useless contrivance.

I am a travelling museum. Darwin ne attribuiva la nascita al bisogno di certi roditori e molti altri mammiferi di essere avvisati quando i buchi in cui si muovono per celarsi o per aggredire si restringono. In the first fragment, Svevo mentioned his reading of the controversial lectures given in Berlin in by the Jesuit entomologist Erich Wasmann, made known in Italy by father Agostino Gemelli.

According to Svevo, Wasmann made an important contribution to the theory of evolution with his studies on parasites and cooperation, but as a man of faith he denied evolution from one species to another, incurring a contradiction. The source of discontent was the soul given by God and considered as a principle of change that animals succeeded in removing. They are perfect because they stopped developing.

Therefore, they were perfect and not able to evolve, even though environment and climate could change. And he evolved by chance, a chance that would be inexplicable if we do not think in terms of multiple attempts. He learned to build offensive devices, instead of talons and fangs, inventing a new way of evolution. Man was the only animal open to changes, able to improve, but inexorably sick. The erect man, no more adapted to live on trees, survived thanks to a sort of parasitism and friendly relation: As for me, in my ballot-paper I will write: Here Darwin is mentioned directly in some passages, for instance when he wrote about the intrinsic necessity of deformation of nature.

In the datum I already assume all the allowed integrations of those facts which are usually called scientific and historical data: Humankind, its technique and culture, is part of a historical and biological process: So the theory of evolution, in its latest quotations, is used to represent the whole of biological genealogy, for instance animal genealogy, as a successive differentiation or multiplication deviating and diverging, this is the precise technical term, of species from genera. Monkeys and humans followed a common way, till a certain point, and then they parted each to its own way: We feel that all this is true.

In the tale Eros e Priapo, written in and and first appearing in book form in , the Italian novelist mentioned evolution, Darwin, natural selection, struggle for life, and adaptation to the environment, as when he spoke of female and male: See also a passage in Chapter 6 a, — This proposition, funda- mental in Darwin, is now trivial. The English naturalist became the symbol of the official academic attitude regarding new theories, first rejected and then generally accepted.

Descended from the animal kingdom, man is a result of a historical process through the genera- tions. Every individual is the repository of a genealogy: Therefore, instincts and urges had a biological and ethological root in relation to the biogenetic law and the struggle for existence, without being deterministic and mechanistic. Gadda was an earnest evolutionist in a period marked in Italy by a rejection of positivism and the influence of science on philosophy.

The first fault is that of being refractory to natural sciences, ignoring the geological eras, Darwinism, the classifiers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Malpighi and Spallanzani; the second fault is the scarce predisposition towards the economic and mathematic culture. In Gadda the attention to the theory of evolution was mostly a philo- sophical one, regarding concepts such as finalism and causality, multiplicity and matter, teleology and chance, genealogy and heredity, variety and laws, order and disorder.

Evolution became a narrative model to interpret the human species and its place in nature. In Gadda, the universe is a flow, a continuous process of mutation, with no finalism: When science becomes fiction: Among personalities such as the novelist Goffredo Parise —86 Montale , —09, —40 or the novelist, painter and musician Alberto Savinio — , pseudonym of Andrea De Chirico, brother of Giorgio, two novelists and essayists, in particular, elaborated an interesting way to reflect on scientific themes, evolutionism included.

They are Italo Calvino —85 and Primo Levi — In La memoria del mondo e altre cosmicomiche World Memory and Other Cosmic Stories , Calvino, author of Marcovaldo or Palomar , presented a selection of twenty stories taken from the previous anthologies Le Cosmicomiche Cosmicomics and Ti con zero T Zero , adding also some unpublished tales.

The main character of these stories — who is also the narrator — is Qfwfq, old as the universe, who took part in all cosmological events. He was a dinosaur, and he attended to the main geological cataclysm, about which he informed the reader. Calvino reflected on science in many passages of his work, from tales to essays, from newspaper articles to interviews, but the stories of Qfwfq are particu- larly interesting, expecially with regard to evolution Porro Porro , 64 44 La memoria del mondo is composed of cycles of four fantastic and fanta-comical stories about the Moon, the Earth, the Sun, Stars and Galaxies, Space and Time.

A cycle of four stories was specifically dedicated to evolution: In a brief introduction Calvino explained his aim in writing these stories, confronting the data of science: Contemporary science no longer gives us images we can represent: And yet, for the lay person who reads scientific books I, for example, am a non-specialist who loves astronomy, cosmogony and cosmology , every so often a phrase evokes an image. I tried to note some of these down, and to develop them into stories: The most adapted creatures lived by that time ashore.

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The lands that had emerged were a limited phenomenon: They were going to disappear just as they had cropped up or, in any event, they would be subject to constant changes: Ho provato a segnarne qualcuna, e a svilupparla in un racconto: He had to live as a stranger together with the new creatures. In fact, after the failure of the Pteurosaria, for millions and millions of years all traces of animals with wings had been lost […].

The question of winged creatures was considered closed by now. Calvino , 17 49 This belief was then destroyed by the existence of a creature, whose existence was thought impossible. Therefore a Foundation was building a great centre of documentation to preserve and deliver all information about persons, animals and things. Quello dei volatili era considerato un capitolo chiuso, ormai.

Evolution then became a story that gave an occasion to think. In Primo Levi, appreciated by Calvino, literature, science fiction, biology, ethology, chemistry, genetics and science in general find an interesting literary declension, as emerged in novels, essays, articles and interviews. Chemist and novelist, Levi went through the tragic experience of the Holocaust. Thousands of individuals, differing in age, condition, origin, language, culture and customs are enclosed within barbed wire: Levi , 99— 52 For Levi human nature is divided between an animal aspect and a rational aspect.

But the balance is precarious. In an interview of related to his collections of science-fiction stories, he stated: One half of me is of the factory, he is the technician and the chemist, but there is another, quite separate half that lives in the world of writing, giving interviews, working on my past and present experiences.

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Levi , 85; Giuliani , 27—36 54 With an original style, which owed much also to science fiction, a novelist like Levi carried on the reflection on human nature after the Darwinian epistemo- logical revolution. Levi invented a lot of hybrids or imaginary animals for testing the morpho- logical potentialities of nature and man. Bragg and the science-fiction writer Arthur C. As for Calvino, also for Levi, thanks to Darwin, man is not the centre of the universe any more. According to Levi, Darwin had many enemies: They were the upholders of religion, and they attacked him because they saw in him a destroyer of dogmas.

Their myopia is incredible: In these pages, in sharp and almost amusing polemic, directed against the absurd thesis that animals and plants are created beautiful to be admired by human beings, Darwin attains the harmonious beauty of strenuous and rigorous reasoning. Denying man a privileged place in creation, he reaffirms with his own intellectual courage the dignity of man. But how is it that what is beautiful for us is equally so for the insects and the birds?

It is typical of the great answers that they give rise to big new questions. Levi , 25 56 It is hard to find a more effective synthesis of the beauty and grandeur of Darwinian revolution than this passage by a writer who was one of the most brilliant Italian thinkers of the twentieth century. In , theoretical divisions inside life sciences and evolutionism made the centenary a shady and controversial one. In , the centenary of the Origin of Species was the occasion to celebrate the revived experimental power of the theory of natural selection, mostly in its genetic version.

The bicentenary of will be remembered as a flourishing of communication events, with a huge audience and editorial side effects, transforming Darwin into a public figure of science expressed through collective knowledge and imagery. More than a century after , Darwin has become a public personality, but in a completely different social and cultural context. The study of commemorations should help to focus on the multilayered Darwinian Italian intellectual community and to identify the main actors involved in a year- long history: Leading the tributes was the generation that in the second half of the nineteenth century had gone through the advent of the theory of evolution, diffusing it in intense publishing activity, popular lectures, public debates and advanced scientific research.

Some Italian naturalists, like the botanist Federico Delpino — , had had intense correspondence with Darwin, discussing themes such as the theory of pangenesis, while German marine zoologist Anton Dohrn — chose southern Italy to found the inter- nationally renowned Naples Zoological Station, which became a centre of research inspired by Darwin. Saggio sulla evoluzione degli organismi Darwinism: Non sapeva neanche in che sezione fosse.

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