In Paradise: A Novel (Complete)

Winter in Paradise

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What a haunting and bewildering novel “In Paradise” is. .. It's an intense subject , full of long held entrenched beliefs, and in many ways, Matthiessen does them. Read "In Paradise: A Novel (Complete)" by Paul Heyse with Rakuten Kobo. It was a Sunday in the midsummer of The air, cleared by a thunderstorm the .

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We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. A Novel Complete by Paul Heyse. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! The air, cleared by a thunderstorm the night before, was still tremulous with that soft, invigorating warmth which, farther south, makes breathing such an easy matter, but which, north of the Alps, seldom outlasts the early morning.

And yet the bells, that sounded from the Munich Frauenkirche far across the Theresienwiese, and the field where stands the great statue of Bavaria, were already ringing for high mass. Here, outside the city, there seemed to be no human ear to listen. The great bronze maiden stood there in the deepest solitude, holding her wreath above her head, and with a mazed and dreamy look, as though she might be thinking whether this were not an opportune moment to step down from her granite pedestal, and to wander at will through the town, that to-day raised its towers and roofs like a city of the dead above the bare green plain.

Now and then a bird flew out of the little grove behind the Ruhmes-halle, and fluttered about the shoulders of the giant maiden, or rested for a moment on the mane of the lion that sat lazily listening, pressed close to the knee of his great mistress. But away in the city the bells rang on.

The air grew drowsy with the steadily increasing heat, with the hum and the vibration of the distant ringing, and the strong fragrance that rose from the meadow, which had been mown the day before. She has great friends who she spends holidays with, what really could be wrong? One day Ireene gets a phone call that her husband has been in a helicopter accident in St.

But why was he in St. John's and who is this woman and pilot that he was with when the helicopter crashed? Ireene has to put her life on hold and go down to the Caribbean only to find out about his second life that he was living. She discovers so many new secrets about the man she's been married to for almost 20 years and just can't believe what she's found.

I won't say too much more as the secrets are fun to find out as they come Overall I read this book at the exact time I needed it.

Winter in Paradise (Paradise, #1) by Elin Hilderbrand

It's an easy read and not too long. It also had great pacing so it made me want to come back for more. I read it in about a day and half but easily could have read it in one sitting! The only thing that is tough for me is the ending. It left us in a total cliffhanger and yes, I know this is a series but I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait another year to get more!!

Nevertheless, I will definitely be picking up the second and third when it comes out in this series. I need more Steele family in my life! View all 11 comments. Cheri Wonderful review, Meredith! I haven't read anything by her, so you are one ahead of me, and I'm tempted by your enthusiasm for this one! Dec 11, I highly recommend it! Dec 03, Kat rated it it was amazing Shelves: I devoured every word of this one. The thing I love about Elin Hildebrand novels is she always packs them with fascinating characters and then you get drama, drama, drama and the twists just keep coming!

This one is set in both Iowa and the Virgin Islands. The characters are really great, and there are hints Elin Hildebrand may yet be able to turn this s I devoured every word of this one. The characters are really great, and there are hints Elin Hildebrand may yet be able to turn this story of marital disaster into something of a hopeful note one day as lost characters from the states meet lonely souls on the island. Still, this book on its own is an absolute delight, particularly in the lush descriptions of the islands, the fishing, the rivalry between the two brothers so believably written!

You have some major improvements to do before I can pull for you! And of course the twists keep coming in this one right until the end. I will definitely be reading on in the series. Entered on screen reader. View all 4 comments. This book was so much fun! The characters are easily relatable and the setting is beautiful. My only complaint is that I have to wait for the second book to see what happens to these amazing characters. Me reading this book Me having to wait for the next one in the series Aug 24, Amy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Per usual the characters are immediately relatable and feel like fast friends and the setting is idyllic.

You hear from Irene and her two sons Baker and Cash and you also hear from St. I was a little hesitant about reading a Hilderbrand book not set in Nantucket but I worried needlessly because the authors ability to bring a setting to life is unmatched. Escapist, Picturesque and Lush.

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View all 5 comments. To say that I was disappointed it's an understatement. Winter in Paradise tells the story of Irene Steel. A woman in her fifties, married to Russ and who has two grown children, Cash and Baker. She recently received a promotion at her job but she understands it really leads to an early retirement. She is very unhappy about this news when she receives a phone call after New Year's telling her that her husband has been in an accident and he has perished in a helicopter crash in the Caribbean.

Irene doesn't understand what her husband was doing in St. Worse, when he died, he wasn't alone, a West Indian woman was with him. She calls her sons to inform them about the accident and they all fly together to learn more about his death. Cash and Baker both had bad news before this particular phone call. Cash has lost his two business stores which Russ gave him the money for and Baker's wife, Anna a cardiothoracic surgeon, has told him she has fallen in love with another woman.

Soon after arriving at the USVI, the brothers learn that her father was not as good as they thought. He had a mistress and probably was working in something illegal. Russ owns a secluded villa with nine bedrooms which had to cost millions. I'm going to stop here with the plot and I'm going to tell you what I dislike about it. They all kept secrets from each other. A complete disconnect in a family that should be mourning together. Although, it's more like a square since she also has a cheating ex-boyfriend one that by the end of the book she chooses to go back to because it's the one she knows the best.

Her choice as a woman is to go to the cheating guy because she can't do any better she doesn't even consider staying alone or because every man cheats???? Neither was good enough. One was a pot head and the other one wanted to live like a bum. Neither had any type of aspiration. Cash lost his two stores and the only thing he was looking forward was to go back to skiing.

He didn't seem worried about his future and no money. I thought Cash was so immature. He calls Ayers to tell on his brother. He spent his time trying to undermine Baker. The worst part was that Irene had a favorite son and she was blinded to his incompetence. No protection needed or mentioned and when they get interrupted, life goes on without much fanfare. I believe Irene, Huck, and Maia saved this book.

They were so much more interesting to me. Huck was grieving the loss of his step-daughter while trying to be a good grandparent to Maia. He was nice to Irene when he didn't need to be. He also supported Ayers emotionally. Maia was a sweet kid who lost her mother Rosie Russ's mistress and yet she was dealing with it in a positive way.

She behaves much more like an adult than Baker or Cash ever did. They should learn from her! I had no idea this was a trilogy and when it ended in a cliffhanger, it took me by surprise. One last thing, I'm still mad at Irene for having favorites. View all 17 comments. Holly B Insightful review Sheyla!

I haven't read this one, but will keep the end in mind! Dec 04, Nadia rated it really liked it.

In Paradise: A Novel Audiobook by Peter Matthiessen

I used to think that Elin Hilderbrand's books were not for me. Irene Steele has been happily married to Russ for 35 years, and they have two grown up sons together. Russ is a successful businessman who is always away 'on busines I used to think that Elin Hilderbrand's books were not for me. Russ is a successful businessman who is always away 'on business'. Out of nowhere Irene receives a call that her husband had died in a helicopter crash on St John's when taking a trip from his holiday home.

All three passengers, the pilot, Irene's husband and a local woman are dead. Irene is devasted, but also very confused.

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What was Russ doing in the Virgin Islands? And who is the local woman? Irene knows that the only way to find out what is going on, is to travel to St John's and see for herself. She is joined by her two sons who have problems of their own. Everything gets more complicated when the boys realise they are both interested in the same girl.

With each chapter narrated by a different character, we get to experience the story from different angles and see Russ' secret life in a different light. I find Erin's book entertaining and very addictive.

The pacing of the story was perfect, I was never bored, but it was not rushed either. You have time to get to know the diverse cast of characters who are relatable, with every day problems. You might not like all of them, but you are still curious to see how their story ends. This is a book 1 in a mini-series and for me, it had the right mix of family drama, romance and interesting cast that I'll be happy to pick up the book 2 to see where the story goes.

Especially as Winter in Paradise finished with a cliffhanger! View all 6 comments. Aug 23, Jamie rated it it was amazing Shelves: I devoured this book in one day and loved every single page. My only regret is now I need to wait a year for book two in this amazing Paradise series! When Irene receives a middle of the night call informing her her husband has died on St. John USVI, she is baffled - what was her husband doing there?!

Johns to gather the remains of their husband and father, respectively. Now, this would not be an Elin Hildebrand book without some juicy drama, so of course, once the Steele family arrives, they discover that Russ owned a multi million dollar villa As the Steele family uncovers more and more about the life of the man they thought they knew, they encounter many USVI locals and romance and more starts to build. In true Hildebrand style, look for a cameo from the Winter series early on! And be sure to pick this one up in October!

Thank you to Little Brown for an advanced copy. Nov 16, Debbie Oliphant rated it really liked it. I'm a fan of this authors, and excited to read the first installment of this series. Whatcha love about her books is the detail and development of her characters. I could visualize this story unfolding in color. The story begins with the news of Irene's husband of 35 years has died suddenly from a helicopter crash. This news prompts her and her two sons to go to St.

John's where they learn he had another life and another family. They learn that there was another victim in the crash who was his mi I'm a fan of this authors, and excited to read the first installment of this series. They learn that there was another victim in the crash who was his misress.

Russ had an oppulent lifestyle that is contrary to the one they know living in a small town. It's as if he is a stranger to them because they know nothing about his life or business there and the people they meet who were close to his mistress, Rosie, are just as clueless. The story escalates to new information that leaves you hanging Well done, I can't wait.

Oct 01, Book of the Month added it. What if everything you know is a lie? Irene seems to have the perfect life as a wife, mother, and magazine editor.

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Was everything really as perfect as it seemed? Leaving the suburbs behind, Irene journeys to the Caribbean in search of answers not only about her husband, but also about herself—about the woman she wants to be and the life she wants to lead. I was drawn from the start to this vivid story of heartbreak, betrayal, and the life-altering effects of being blindsided by love.

Hilderbrand writes with such detail and clarity that I felt like I was on vacation in St. John right beside Irene and her family. Oct 11, Stephanie rated it liked it Shelves: I found the love triangle part really annoying and unlikely. I mean… both brothers fell head over heels in love with this girl immediately? Honestly both brothers seem like jackasses to me.

Also I feel like there was a lot of telling us instead of showing us. I wish there was Gosh. I wish there was more dialogue. It just felt very stilted to me for lack of a better word. Nov 30, Kate Olson rated it it was amazing Shelves: John to my list of travel dreams! Oct 17, Jennifer rated it really liked it Shelves: Engaging and enjoyable, Winter in Paradise introduces characters, explains relationship dynamics, sets a tone that women everywhere can appreciate, explores the harm of secrecy, and uses an epic cliffhanger to add mystery while transitioning to the next book in the series which is unfortunately not yet released.

This is a series I will be following! My feelings about this book have truly shocked me. Unfortunately, for me, this story was way over the top and at times a bit boring. Irene Steele is celebrating New Years Eve at home alone and receives the worst news anyone can ever get— her husband, who is away on business, has died in a plane accident. When facts about the accident come to light, she realizes that her husband was lea My feelings about this book have truly shocked me. When facts about the accident come to light, she realizes that her husband was leading a secret life in the Caribbean Island of St.

Irene and her two grown sons travel to St. Sounds super intriguing right? I thought so, too. But as I began reading I was overwhelmed with very little dialogue and a lot of telling instead of the author showing us the story.

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Later, she hears her mom on the phone saying, "you better get up here pronto". I do hope the payoff is good eventually, if it's going to take three whole books to get there. Irene gets a phone call on New Years that her devoted husband has died from a helicopter crash while away on business. The women of the Convent care for Menus as he recovers from alcoholism. I couldn't wait to be swept away and you didn't disappoint. Irene is reeling with grief after finding out that her husband Russ has died in a helicopter crash near St. John right beside Irene and her family.

This book contained not a love triangle, but a love square. So over the top. Insta-love— and not the realistic kind. Extremely unrealistic and frustrating. I really hated both brothers. They were petty and just spoiled men. Like I said above there was just a lot of telling us things. Like her other Winter series, this book ends on a cliffhanger and will span a couple more books as we learn about what the dad was hiding. Will I read the next book? Sep 26, Stephanie rated it it was amazing Shelves: That is until now.

If the next two in the series are as good as the first, then I'll be in for reading heaven! Maybe it's the new setting that made me love this book so much; I mean how can you NOT love a book set in St. Reading Winter in Paradise immediately transported me back to this past spring when my husband and I took an anniversary cruise to the Caribbean and although we went to St. Thomas and not St. John, I could still picture everything in my mind exactly the way Hilderbrand described in such beautiful and exquisite detail!

She's a master at describing her settings, but she's, even more, a master at writing characters who you feel like you not only know but want to be friends with most of them anyway because there's always someone awful in one of her books! Irene is reeling with grief after finding out that her husband Russ has died in a helicopter crash near St. John on New Year's Day. She had no idea he was even in the Caribbean although he was traveling for work as he always seemed to be ever since taking a new job more than a decade ago-a job that changed their lives from struggling middle class to very wealthy.

No one will tell her anything about what happened besides some mysterious details that leave more questions than answers, so she and her two adult sons, Cash and Baker, fly to St. What awaits them there is more than lush beaches, crystal clear water, and stunning views. Irene, Baker, and Cash arrive at a multi-million dollar villa that they discover belonged to Russ and begin to uncover a web of deception and secrets he'd been keeping from his wife and sons for years. In true Hilderbrand style, the novel is full of juicy drama and scandal, mainly brought on by the actions of a dead man.

It's interesting to see how the main characters in the book, who also include islanders Huck, granddaughter Maia, and family friend Ayers, who all three lost someone they loved in the same crash that killed Russ face their grief differently and how the characters interact when they finally cross paths. This is definitely a book about grieving, heartache, and loss but also about love and forgiveness. I found that I admired Irene so much for having the strength she did under the most tragic and painful circumstances not to be bitter but to actively forgive and do what was right.

I think she's one of the best characters that Hilderbrand has written and in aside she's cousin to Mitzi from the "Winter Street" series, so she has to be pretty great! Of course, Winter in Paradise left me feeling all kinds of warm fuzzies What a way to leave readers in suspense but the good kind! Because between now and next year, I'll be doing my own detective work and trying to sleuth things out Make sure you start your holidays off perfectly by reading Hilderbrand's fabulous new start of a holiday trilogy, Winter in Paradise coming out on October 9, !

Lilly Lair Of Books. This was my October Book of the Month pick! Sep 13, Elle's Book Blog rated it really liked it Shelves: October 9, Genre: Women's Fiction Actual Rating: Her books have originality, relatable characters, and tackle real life issues for the most part. Her writing style is also my favorite. She weaves her stories though the eyes of several different characters so readers can get a glimpse of everyone and everything involved in whatever is happening. I can't recall many authors who write like this it's real Release Date: I can't recall many authors who write like this it's really hard to explain to be honest and I truly love it.

Winter in Paradise is the first book in what is going to be a Trilogy.

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I wasn't expecting this when I went in, I thought this would be a complete standalone, but it simply can't be. This one ends with a lot of loose ends and a bit of a twist. So I am excited to read the next one. In Winter in Paradise, readers will meet 5 ish characters and their connections to one another that comes from the death of a husband. Elin doesn't confuse us with multiple POV's, but rather enriches our knowledge of their lives.

She tells AND shows us how all these people, some of whom never knew the others exist, are connected. It's shocking and frankly quite scandalous.