I AM FREE! Quit smoking: a creative way

50 Creative (and Crazy) Ways to Quit Smoking Once and for All

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Explore Amagaly Amaro's board "Stop smoking tips" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Best pin for quitting. How To Quit Smoking, . Gift Ideas For People Who Have Stopped Smoking .. quit smoking very clever design! Design Logo. 50 Creative (and Crazy) Ways to Quit Smoking Once and for All Brush your teeth when you want to smoke: Any time you have a craving, just Make it a family affair: Ask other smokers in your family to join you in quitting.

Many of these ideas can also help throughout the year. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself of your commitment to quit, and all the reasons you quit.

Commit to going back to your quit program right away. Try to figure out why you had a setback and learn from it. Here are more ideas that have helped smokers kick the habit for good:. The American Cancer Society medical and editorial content team Our team is made up of doctors and master's-prepared nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing. American Cancer Society, October 7, Last Revised: For reprint requests, please see our Content Usage Policy.

10 Creative Ways Smokers Finally Kicked the Habit

Help for Cravings and Tough Situations What does it take to stay tobacco-free? These all add up to a huge victory over time. How do I get through the rough spots after I stop smoking? For the first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much free time as you can in public places where smoking is not allowed. Libraries, malls, museums, theaters, restaurants without bars, and churches are most often smoke-free.

Take extra care of yourself. Drink water, eat well, and get enough sleep. This could help you have the energy you might need to handle extra stress. Try to choose drinks that are low- or no-calorie. If you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your hand, hold something else — a pencil, a paper clip, a coin, or a marble, for example.

If you miss the feeling of having something in your mouth, try toothpicks, cinnamon sticks, sugarless gum, sugar-free lollipops, or celery.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Some people chew on a straw or stir stick. Avoid temptation — stay away from activities, people, and places you link with smoking. Create new habits and a non-smoking environment around you. To remind yourself of these reasons, put a picture of the people who are the most important to you somewhere you see it every day, or keep one handy on your phone. Take deep breaths to relax.

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Picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remember your goal and the fact that the urge to smoke will lessen over time. If you start to weaken, remember your goal. Remember that quitting is a learning process. Be patient with yourself. Brush your teeth and enjoy that fresh taste. Exercise in short bursts try alternately tensing and relaxing muscles, push-ups, lunges, walking up the stairs, or touching your toes. Call a friend, family member, or a telephone stop-smoking help-line when you need extra help or support.

Eat 4 to 6 small meals during the day instead of 1 or 2 large ones. This keeps your blood sugar levels steady, your energy balanced, and helps prevent the urge to smoke. Avoid sugary or spicy foods that could trigger a desire to smoke. Above all, reward yourself for doing your best. Plan to do something fun. Try these tips to get through these times, and hang in there — the cravings will get better: Keep substitutes handy that you can suck or chew on, such as carrots, pickles, apples, celery, raisins, or sugar-free gum or hard candy.

See your doctor if these feelings last for more than a month. Take 10 deep breaths, and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match. Go for a walk. Exercise can improve your mood and relieve stress.

What Happens When You Stop Smoking?

Take a shower or bath. Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Think about a soothing, pleasing situation, and imagine yourself there. Get away from it all for a moment. Focus on that peaceful place and nothing else. Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette. Practice doing this a few times, and listen to yourself.

  • Quitting Smoking: Help for Cravings and Tough Situations!
  • Crazy Ways Smokers Finally Kicked the Habit - Health.
  • EmotionMatters. How To Reduce Your Stress And Achieve Wellness.

I do accept as true with all the concepts you have presented to your post. They are very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very quick for novices.

How do I get through the rough spots after I stop smoking?

A walk in a park, a local mall, or around your neighborhood is a good way to get moving, too. For the first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much free time as you can in public places where smoking is not allowed. More often than not, having just one leads to another— and you may end up using tobacco again. Keep a clock handy to maintain honest perspective. She chewed on them to kill the craving and she quit.

I agree that getting pregnant can help quit. The first time I quit it was because I wanted a baby. I didnt smoke again for 2 years.

Kick the Habit: 10 Scientific Quit-Smoking Tips

I didnt have a baby though. I hope to have one soon. Thats why I want to quit again. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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Learn how your comment data is processed. Posted on July 8, by NursingSchools. Get pregnant to quit smoking? March 14, at 8: