Hoodoo Sea

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Interview with Rolf Hitzer, author of "Hoodoo Sea"

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Hoodoo Sea

The Bermuda Triangle provided the basis for a suitably lurid storyline for a movie film directed by Richard Friedenburg. The Bermuda Triangle Mystery, by Payne.

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Ho-Ag is an experimental "noise rock" band based in Boston, Massachusetts. Known for melding the creaky musical worlds of 50s and 60s sci-fi films, Waitsian dissonant underworld, and fast-paced math-punk, Ho-Ag occupies a strange place in the continuum of music that's both thoughtful and utterly crazed. Streaming and Download help.

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Gaddis professed that several ships and planes had vanished without explanation in that area. Obviously it is science fiction. As such, no cookies or any other tracking software will be installed as a part of this website's original programming. It leaves me wanting to see what Rolf Hitzer will come up with next. Do you plan subsequent books?

If you like Ho-Ag, you may also like:. A Compilation For Dan by Various. The proceeds of this extensive compilation of punk and rock go towards the healthcare costs of beloved musician Dan Wild-Beesley. Punch Line by B-Film Etc. Accompanying him is a crew of three.

Love Theme from the Hoodoo Sea

Everything goes according to plan until Reason for Reading: Everything goes according to plan until they enter the Hoodoo Sea otherwise known as The Bermuda Triangle where they see bright lights and the craft behaves in impossible ways eventually landing them in a meadow. What follows is a terrifying tale of evil and man's attempts at survival.

I really enjoyed this book. Right from the beginning I was hooked. The plot was amazing and took me places I hardly expected. A truly, original plot that was exciting to read. I had a sense of where the plot was going as I read but each time, bang! My only complaint I have with the book is the dialogue which I found to be saturated with idioms eg. This did become a tad tedious to this reader but can be chalked up to first book syndrome. It's hard to pinpoint the genre of Hoodoo Sea.

Obviously it is science fiction. But at times I wondered whether it was crossing over to the horror genre as the pure evilness that exists within its pages rightly fit that definition. Oddly, I also found myself wondering whether the book was Christian fiction. There are two strong Christian characters and the feel had me looking up the publisher halfway through to see if this was from a Christian publisher, but no, it wasn't.

A truly fascinating mixture of genres in a top-notch plot that kept me enthralled from beginning to end. Speaking of ends, I absolutely loved the unexpected ending! It leaves me wanting to see what Rolf Hitzer will come up with next. Nov 05, Carole rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book right from the start when the 4 main characters were given their briefing orders for this historic flight.

As their spaceship entered the Bermuda Triangle strange things happened to their instruments that they couldn't control, they lost contact with Mission Control, they were in total darkness and, as they were all beginning to feel scared and helpless, they were then surrounded by a bright blue light and appeared to descend to the ground. This seemed to be in the midd I really enjoyed this book right from the start when the 4 main characters were given their briefing orders for this historic flight.

This seemed to be in the middle of a clearing surrounded by a forest. We were then introduced to what seemed to be primitive cavemen hunters who lived there and who could talk English and even drank chamomile tea! I was constantly wondering where they had landed -- on another planet -- have they travelled back in time -- or among some long lost tribe deep in the forest?

I loved the way that the author kept us guessing about this right to the end. As the crew explored the area the story got quite scary, it actually seemed to be more of a horror book with some fairly graphic details which I won't spoil by saying what they were!

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Overall, a confidently written story with some twists and unexpected turns, nice short chapters with cliffhangers at the end of most of them so you just have to keep reading! Nov 24, Gaby rated it liked it. Hoodoo Sea is an unusual read and full of unexpected plot twists. Like many other reviewers, I can honestly say that I did not expect the ending! From the insight into the competitiveness and discipline of the NASA astronauts to the strange place where the astronauts find themselves, the book is never dull.

Their unintended destination "The Land" seems like it may be an island back in time with the inhabitants living in caves and with minimal technology, but the mysterious properties of the place Hoodoo Sea is an unusual read and full of unexpected plot twists.

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Their unintended destination "The Land" seems like it may be an island back in time with the inhabitants living in caves and with minimal technology, but the mysterious properties of the place and the inhabitants keep you guessing. While the book wasn't for me, I think that someone interested in Science Fiction and Christian fiction would better appreciate its strengths and enjoy it. Oct 16, William Bentrim rated it liked it.

The tribulations of the crew occupy the plot of the story.

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The nickname for the Bermuda Triangle is the Hoodoo Sea. The interpersonal relationships of the crew occupied a great deal of the plot. The action sequences were well done. The premise worked well too.

I felt the ending was abrupt and there were some loose ends left open. Overall, I recommend the book, it was an entertaining story but I did feel it left a little too much unsaid. Oct 08, Bridget rated it it was amazing. Scott Reed has been given the chance to be the first person to test out the new speed of light ship in space.

The American people are not aware that this device even exists. The good outweighs the bad according to Scott.