God Without Dogma:... a path to reclaiming your spiritual life

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Nimue explores the ideas and concepts related to stepping away from the established Spiritual Paths and blazing your own trail through the Spiritual wilderness. If you have ever had thoughts of exploring your Spirituality without having a structure that is laid out by someone else - this is definitely a great starting place! I am proud to have this in my library, where I can pull it back out in the future when I need to reco As an individual that walks my own Path, this book is simply excellent!

I am proud to have this in my library, where I can pull it back out in the future when I need to reconnect with my own reasoning for following my own Path.

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Aug 03, Thomas rated it really liked it. This book addresses a tough subject: If none of the paths available today 'work for you' then clearly you don't believe in all of wha This book addresses a tough subject: If none of the paths available today 'work for you' then clearly you don't believe in all of what they teach - so 'praying to a god' for example, doesn't work for you - 'meditating' neither You're attracted to Witchcraft but don't believe in 'magic' In many ways the author resets our understanding of what Spirituality should be or could be - not what other people say it is.

She's rebellious which is a trait inherent to anyone striking-off on their own so knows what she's talking about.

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  • God Without Dogma: a Path to Reclaiming Your Spiritual Life - Hugo Fruehauf - Google Книги.
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You can feel she's already walked her own path and has the cuts and bruises to show for it - and she's kind enough to come back and share a few bits of advice and wisdom she learned along the way. But there is a hidden not-so-hidden, since she admits to it in the introduction agenda: If you want to resist the call of Paganism, by all means go ahead, but read the book anyway - it'll do you some good to see "The Others" and how they do it.

Oct 20, Shelby Rollenhagen rated it liked it Shelves: Brown gives readers a lot to think on when it comes to spirituality.

Spirituality Without Structure: The Power of Finding Your Own Path by Nimue Brown

Spiritual without demands Lovely read ,thought provoking,an aid to your own decisions on how you want your path to go, I really enjoyed this book and will dip into it again and again! Dec 28, Sheena Cundy rated it really liked it. Nimue Brown has stuck her head above the Pagan pulpit with courage on a subject which can baffle and disorientate many seekers of a spiritual path which does not reek of control and formality. Again, the author demonstrates a sound knowledge of a well - researched subject and the wisdom earned through experiencing it.

She goes on to explore spirituality as an emotional experience, building a personal philosophy, community without dogma and the chapter on ethics; I found extremely helpful on many levels. In fact, I learned much from the book as a whole and am all the wiser for it. Dissecting spirituality is no easy feat in words. It requires a higher perspective as its very nature demands it.

But this writer does it. She does it with grounded reasoning, a self-enquiring honesty that endears and a level of spiritual awareness which will inform and inspire all who delve into this invaluable work. Very well done to Nimue Brown. The concept of prayer may be problematic for you if it still feels connected with your old religion, but prayer can mean something entirely different. One person told me: But finally I began looking at that. It was a hard period in my life.

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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Hugo Fruehauf came to the United States from Germany in the s. Trained as an electronics engineer, he has enjoyed a. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Hugo Fruehauf came to the United States from Germany in Look inside this book. God Without Dogma: a path to reclaiming your spiritual life by [. Kindle App Ad.

Then suddenly it occurred to me that I had been doing it. Prayer was really listening, not talking.

Feeling Frustrated and Hopeless on the Spiritual Path? Then Try This and See What Happens!

That made a big difference to me because it was permission to listen to everything. They never shut up, do they? I mean, they never listen or pay attention. They tell him what he wants them to do. As you consider your own newly defined spirituality, you may want to nurture it in some way. For some people, time spent in nature is of spiritual benefit.

This may be a daily walk, day trips, or longer retreats designed to connect with the natural world. Many individuals make use of music and art to experience and expand their spirituality. This brings me to an area of concern that has become more clear and important to me recently.

Spirituality in traditional terms, whether in Western or Eastern religion, has not emphasized creativity. This is because believers are taught to bring themselves in line with authority and hence to fear themselves. In the East, you are also taught renunciation of the self in a quest to unite with all of existence. Self-interest and self-centeredness are the worst traits to exhibit, and in traditional Christianity it is the essence of sin. All of our training has emphasized giving and doing for others and guilt for thinking for oneself.

Yet concern for self is not only normal and natural, but necessary for health. This is not to say that self-interest is above concern for others. But an unfortunate legacy of religions that teach self-denial is a divided psyche. People are at war with themselves, consciously or unconsciously and unaware of the root of the trouble. These authors examine authoritarianism of all forms and the ways that dualistic thinking affects our culture.

Much of our thinking is still in terms of good and evil, healthy and sick, creator and creation, real and false, living and dying, order and chaos, control and surrender. Most devastating is the way we live with so much inner conflict.

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We still try to live up to ideals which are often unlivable standards. As a result we judge and disown parts of ourselves. This creates a constant inner tension and a powerful tendency to project and judge others. These selves are not actually good and bad but are treated that way. In truth, the goodself has aspects one would be far better off without; while the badself contains elements that need to be legitimized and expressed. They typically have the following characteristics: The job of the goodself is to remain in control to ensure these values are lived up to.

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Father Leo Booth emphasized this in Breaking the Chains Over here is the other side which was a black cloud with drops, a lot of movement, and in the center of it is a place of nothingness from which everything else can come—a significant center—and these were like tears too. Life is messy, with chaotic surprises, difficult times, and painful disappointments as well as times of triumph and celebration. Wife of illustrator Tom Brown. In fact, all of life can teach you. Candice "Ordered Steps" Johnson.

The badself is the unwanted part of the self. It cares little about future consequences or effects on others, manipulates people, is hedonistic and reckless, more interested in fun than accomplishment, pushes against boundaries and taboos, flirts with danger and when crossed it displays so-called negative emotions and behaviors such as anger, pettiness, and vengeance.

People usually identify with the goodself and this is supported by authorities in society. Yet the effect can be puritanical and repressive as the goodself fearfully tries to control the badself. Much of self-centeredness and carnality is relegated to the badself where it is distorted. Thus you can see how we develop our own inner authoritarian. We can become driven to be good enough and at a deep level, fear and mistrust ourselves. And then with a world filled with divided selves, it is no wonder that there are deep divisions and wars between cultures.


Spirituality can be considered that process of bringing together all the parts of who we are in a loving wholeness. What we need in ourselves and in our world is to accept the oppositions and include them in a continuous, moving process. Each side is necessary for the other and is embedded in the other. There can be an interplay between polar opposites that informs and feeds the whole.

We need to be both selfish and selfless, altruistic and egoistic, giving and taking. We need both control and surrender, individuation and merging. We need to act creatively with forcefulness and receive with humility. In simple terms we need to make friends with ourselves, allowing every part to be acceptable. The inner child needs to be loved in every way, not just for being good. In conclusion, I believe spirituality is synonymous with life.

It is not something to search for, it exists in the fabric of the everyday. It is the whole of reality, not something separate or ideal. We do not need to strive and change, but rather celebrate everything that already is. We can open ourselves to the wonder around us, here and now, not in the hereafter. We can reclaim our inherent spirituality. Take it back from authorities who would define it and try to monopolize it. Cherish your spirit-filled life as only you can live and understand.

Masks of Authoritarian Power. Leo Booth, Breaking the Chains: Understanding Religious Addiction and Religious Abuse. One way to get a better sense of your present notion of spirituality is to express yourself visually, letting the process unfold without conscious control or planning. Get some paper and crayons or pastels and find a place to relax. You do not need clearly defined pictures, only a place to begin. Then take your crayons and draw something to symbolize your feelings.

As you work, more images develop. Trust the process, and record whatever arises. This is not meant to create pretty pictures or fine art. Walking with God is good and desirable, but religious fundamentalism hijacks the faithful, making spirituality a bondage rather than a liberation.

The author analyzes how religious fundamentalism begins, what perpetuates it, and points to the unintended consequence - faith and spiritual values reduced to dogma of do's and don'ts that in time are viewed as if coming from God Himself More often than not, when fervent believers become disenchanted with their religious group, exiting the spiritual life is the response. These disillusions usually have very justifiable reasons, but because of the believer's lack of knowledge, feelings of guilt, and pressure from faithful peers, the separation can be traumatic.

However, this life-changing period can be turned into a rewarding spiritual experience and this is where the book comes in. It invites the believer to travel with the author on a self-paved road of faith in God, not one imposed by others, a path where the believer can embrace the love of God and justifiable spiritual freedoms. Boo ks can be purchased in any major bookstore, or online at Amazon www.

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