Chancen und Risiken von Web 2.0-Trends im Online Marketing (German Edition)

Information Diffusion in Twitter Communities: Theory driven approach towards explaining topic based information diffusion. Social network based individualized agenda setting: An approach towards developing an social network based agenda setting.

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Revenue Streams of Cloud-based Platforms: Microblogging as a Tool for Public Relations. Visuelle Kommunikation in Facebook. What are the Business Benefits of Enterprise Mashups? Opportunities and Threats by Mobile Platforms: The Applicability of Context-based Multicast: A Shopping Centre Scenario. Discovering new roles of journalists using social network analysis and twitter. BPM International Workshops. Putting a Face on Service-Oriented Architectures. How to handle the Long Tail of Business Negotiations: Business Models for Digital Business Ecosystems: Design Principles of Enterprise Mashups.

Using social network analysis to enhance information retrieval systems. Dissolution of Dynamic Electronic Institutions, a first Approach: Relevant Factors and Causes. Domestication of Mobile Email. The Impact of eCollaboration.

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A lot of new companies and a lot of new ideas. On the other hand the tour operators and travel mediators. The topic of this project on the one hand links the three interests and on the other hand shows up the great potential of Tourism 2. Theory driven approach towards explaining topic based information diffusion. Grid and Cloud Computing:

The impact of interactivity on mobile broadcasting value chains. Impact of Mobile E-mail in Corporate Environments. Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes, and Institutions". Why do corporations favour special interest topics for their blog experiments? Overview of business models for Web 2. Classification of Collaborative Working Environments in Organizations.

Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research. Towards Guidelines for Design of Mobile Services. The Transition from E- to M-Commerce. Impact of mobile and ad-hoc networks on the mobile value system. Modeling Business Media Platforms. Modeling Communities of Business Media Platforms. Legal Aspects of Electronic Contracts. Conference on System Sciences. Tools for Knowledge Management.

Integrated Business Information Systems. Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina ; Geyer, G. Representation, Normalization and Processing of Quantitative Information. Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications. Springer, , - ISBN Nomos, , - ISBN The Digital Economy - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: E-commerce, E-business, and E-government.

Teaching Information Literacy in Secondary Education: How to Design Professional Development for Teachers? Springer International Publishing, , S. Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. Location Based Commercial Services. In Mansell, Robin ed.

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Conference or Workshop Item

Mediated Communication in Times of Crisis. War of the worlds to social media: Erfolgreiches Marketing in Sozialen Medien. Business and Technological Drivers of Grid Computing. Die Potentiale des Web 2. Folksonomy und Tags oder warum es im Web keine Regale gibt. Especially in the tourism sector, this consumer empowerment changed the market completely through more transparency and communication amongst the customers.

As, in the near future, the strength of the buyers market will grow even more, suppliers now have to adapt to the new trend to stay competitive and to satisfy the customers. The personal reasons for selecting this topic can be concluded in 3 different facts. Firstly, my last studies in tourism introduced me to the market and the recent developments and therefore showed me the importance of differentiation and of using modern distribution channels.

Secondly, my first studies were focused on information technologies and thus showed me current possibilities within Web 2. Thirdly, my own enthusiasm for the idea of Web 2. The topic of this project on the one hand links the three interests and on the other hand shows up the great potential of Tourism 2.

Thus, the project will identify practices used to apply Web 2.

How important is Web 2.0 for the tourism sector and how can the industry apply to this trend?

As a result, a suitable plan for the implication of Web 2. Therefore, current and future examples of Web 2. The character of this project may be described as explorative, as the topic itself still is quite unsought. Nevertheless, the basis for the research will be supported by comprehensive literature investigation, using books and studies about tourism marketing, e-commerce and the influence of the internet on intermediaries in the tourism sector. Hereby, adequate studies and market research projects will help to allocate the statements and to show up future trends.

Additionally, internet sources will be constituent for the research project, as the topic is highly dynamic and up to date. Therefore, this project is based on desk research with the help of literature and adequate websites, but as well considers primary research, accomplished by professional research companies. Having described the basis of classical tourism and Web 2. Subsequently the most famous Web 2. To show the importance of the adaption, a SWOT analysis will help to clarify the advantages. Finally, the results of the project will be clearly abstracted in a conclusion.

The concept of Web 2. The expression consists of the word "Web", often used as another expression for the Internet, and of the number "2. Therefore the expression Web 2. As the expression attracted so much interest after the conference, Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly Media, wrote an article about Web 2. Thereby the boundary between the classical form of the Internet and Web 2. Nevertheless it is clear, that Web 2. Beneath the User Generated Content there are 4 other phenomenons of Consumer empowerment.

The digitalisation of word of mouth combined with the viral and fast circulation of information, the digitalisation of social networks and the high relevance of search engines. But although Web 2. The transparency for the consumer may for example also often mean transparency for the supplier. As apparent, Web 2. The following chapters will carefully analyse those possibilities and show the importance of using those opportunities.

As the expression "Web 2. Since then, everything with the appendix "2. Within this trend, the concept of "Tourism 2. In conformance with "Web 2. According to Oliver Rengelshausen, chief of the e-commerce department at the Thomas Cook AG, consumer empowerment in the tourism sector is mainly caused by applications like hotel rating websites and online communities. With the help of those platforms, users change themselves to prosumers.

The word prosumer, created by Alvin Toffler, means a combination of producer and consumer. The expression thereby stands for the empowerment of the consumers, giving them the possibility to tell the producers what they desire. Thereby the consumer participates in the manufacturing process and becomes consumer and producer at the same time. Rengelshausen also highlights the possibilities for the industry and the importance to adapt to the changes in the near future.

To understand the importance and the influence of the Internet and Web 2. As a basis, different literature and opinions of the authors helped to clarify the strengths and the weaknesses of the upcoming trend and thereby helped, to find a justifiable conclusion at the end of this project. Although all the literature, on which the assignment is based on, find a high importance of a focus on Web 2. The book "Consumer Empowerment through Web 2. In the report of , Web 2.

Nevertheless, the analysts estimate a high potential for Web 2. In the book "Marketing 2. Haderlein strengthens the opinion of exaggerated expectations by using a citation of Bill Gates: A lot of new companies and a lot of new ideas. But the other 10 percent will bring us new, exciting things. Thus, tourism enterprises should try to adapt to Web 2.

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Furthermore they should focus on a high degree of differentiation to be competitive in this business. But also online tourism in general should be handled carefully. Freyer states, customers are often still hesitant when it comes to online booking. With the slogan "a lot of looking but few booking", the author clarifies the slow-going development within the market.

Within the work "The influence of the internet on intermediaries in the tourism sector", the author D. Tietz as well brings up another issue.