Designing Your Organization: Using the STAR Model to Solve 5 Critical Design Challenges

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Great book on the fundamentals of organizational design. Set up workbook fashion, with worksheets in the book and on CD providing practical tools to help you through the design process.

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May 03, Justin rated it liked it. Good set of advice if you want to know how to design an organization and the teams that work within it. Arun Nair rated it liked it Nov 17, Tia rated it it was amazing Apr 02, Kyriaki rated it it was amazing Nov 19, Tarek Galal rated it it was amazing Feb 03, Kyle rated it really liked it Dec 08, Tarun Bajaj rated it it was amazing Jan 12, Katie rated it really liked it Jul 14, John rated it really liked it Sep 24, Thad rated it really liked it Nov 17, Larry rated it it was amazing Mar 06, Martin rated it liked it Jun 14, Swapna rated it really liked it Dec 23, Chad Belville rated it liked it Aug 23, A Sociotechnical Systems Approach.

In addition to a theoretical foundation, there are case studies of work redesign efforts. This may be out of print, but available through any university library system. The Design of Jobs.


Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc. This is a compilation of good articles with an emphasis on the work on job design that was done at UCLA. Richard and Greg R. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, This is part of the Addison-Wesley Organization Development series.

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This book does an excellent job of defining the central issues for the design of work. It is also the source for the Job Diagnostic Survey. Seminal article on job design. This is probably the best single, integrated source of information on STS. Bill does an excellent job of synthesizing the theoretical and methodological issues regarding work design and redesign. May be tough to find in book stores. You may have to contact the publisher. This is a very good reader with lots of foundational articles that you would have to hunt through the journal stacks to find.

The book is out of print, but should be available through any university library system. The Evolution of Sociotechnical Systems: Ontario Quality of Working Life Centre, This is a monograph that Trist wrote recollecting the evolution of STS.

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Discover today what Liberating Structures can do for you, without expensive investments, complicated training, or difficult restructuring. This book focuses on creating competitive advantage by building a lateral capability, enabling a firm to respond flexibly in an uncertain world. In the book is presented an integrated approach to using the most powerful reengineering tools to design single work units that are productive, responsive, and build participant ownership and commitment. Teresa Schrader rated it liked it Jul 01, Case examples from leading practitioners in the field, organized around six challenges for the 21 st Century.

There is great history here and lots of references. Best to call the Centre at Trist, Eric, and Hugh Murray , ed.

The Social Engagement of Social Science: University of Pennsylvania Press, This is a collection of papers from the Tavistock Institute spanning three decades. Some are pretty dense reading, but there are a number of excellent basic articles that outline the underlying assumptions of STS.

Resources / Bibliography

Strategic Groups — Coordinating Work: Managers must, argue Nadler and Tushman, understand the concepts and learn the skills involved in designing their organization to exploit their inherent strengths. This book breaks new ground in tackling organizational design issues related to the implementation of teams, with a specific focus on the new designs required to support the knowledge-work components of an organization.

Building Initiative and Teamwork into Jobs — Implementation: In the book is presented an integrated approach to using the most powerful reengineering tools to design single work units that are productive, responsive, and build participant ownership and commitment. Furthermore, this practical tool kit includes techniques for analyzing and designing daily work flow, group structure, and job responsibilities of intact work groups.

Useful when you need to get down to the nitty-gritty of job and work design.

This book focuses on creating competitive advantage by building a lateral capability, enabling a firm to respond flexibly in an uncertain world. The book addresses international coordination and cross-business unit coordination, as well as the usual cross-functional efforts. The core theme of the book is that any organization is defined by the interaction of two key parameters: Development and Diffusion of Levels of Work Concepts. This executive guide is written specifically for CEOs, their C-Level Team and General Managers who want to create highly productive, accountable organizations within which employees thrive in roles that suit their capability.

Smart leaders know that they would greatly increase productivity and innovation if only they could get everyone fully engaged. So do professors, facilitators and all changemakers.

Table of contents

The challenge is how. Liberating Structures are novel, practical and no-nonsense methods to help you accomplish this goal with groups of any size.

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Prepare to be surprised by how simple and easy they are for anyone to use. This book shows you how with detailed descriptions for putting them into practice plus tips on how to get started and traps to avoid. It takes the design and facilitation methods experts use and puts them within reach of anyone in any organization or initiative, from the frontline to the C-suite.

It contrasts Liberating Structures with conventional methods and shows the benefits of using them to transform the way people collaborate, learn, and discover solutions together.