Everything is under “control”!

Volume #35: Everything under Control

Corey Hammond, a leading practitioner of recovered memory therapy, believes that his work proves the existence of an international Satanic cult of Nazis and C. The purpose of the ritual abuse, Dr.

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Hammond says, is the creation of robotic humans, who are "programmed" to behave in specific ways when specific commands are given. In his own words, the Nazi-CIA group which also includes NASA hopes to create "tens of thousands of mental robots who will do pornography, prostitution, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling. Eventually, those at the top of the satanic cult want to create a satanic order that will rule the world. Hammond has even classified various types of "programs" which have been implanted in the victims of this cult: Alpha represents general obedience programming; Beta concerns performing oral sex and running child prostitution rings; Delta is the program that creates assassins; Omega are self-destruct programs which cause victims to kill themselves if a therapist almost recovers their other deep-buried satanic programs; Zeta concerns the production of snuff films; etc.

Dr Hammond is a licensed psychologist in Utah, founder and director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Clinic at the University of Utah, has served as both president and vice-president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and serves as abstracts editor the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. He says he goes in fear of his life because of the revelations he has made.

His theories have been accepted as literally true by countless Feminists and Fundamentalists. See also Philp K. They now occupy a small building in the Vatican, admit Dames as well as Knights and are correctly called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta -- but almost everybody still calls them the Knights of Malta.

According to David Bernard, the 32nd degree in freemasonry reveals to the initiate that freemasonry is descended from the Knights Tempar and devoted to fighting "tyranny and superstition" of which the main examplar is the Knights of Malta. Making Monsters by psychologist Richard Ofshe and journalist Ethan Watters critiques recovered memory therapy and claims that it is not only scientifically invalid but often seriously harmful to patients and their families.

Each recovered memory expert, using hypnosis, eventually persuades the patient that induced visions are real memories, but since each therapist finds the kind of memories he or she is seeking this does not prove anything except that hypnotized subjects will eventually produce what the hypnotist demands.

Everything´s Under Control

The process of "finding" or creating these memories or pseudo-memories is often very long, sometime three to five years, sometimes even longer than that. This looks more like a process of joint imaginative creation than a process of remembering. Many patients have been encouraged by these therapists to confront and denounce their alleged abusers, with great injury all around to every member of the afflicted familty.

With a procedure as uncertain as hypnotically induced belief, this borders on criminal irresponsibility. Experimental studies of memory fail to support the doctrines underlying "recovered memory" and many famous studies which every qualified psychologist should know flatly contradict it.


Many of the most celebrated recovered memory cases are so absurd on the face of it that nobody would believe them if the recovered memory therapists did not have two support groups, the Radical Feminists and the Fundamentalist Christians, constantly assuring us that this therapy is "scientific. Gelli commented,"If it's possible to take these pictures of the Pope, imagine how easy it is to shoot him. The National Association for Consumer Protection in Mental Health Practices, founded by Christopher Barden, is engaged in a state by state drive to enact laws that would require mental health practioners to provide scientific evidence that their methods are safe and effective, before they can receive state insurance money.

Largely inspired by the dismal record of the recovered memory movement, this organization wants every therapist to show that the methods used have been proven "safe and effective by rigorous, valid and reliable scientific investigations and accepted as safe and effective by a substantial majority of the relevant scientific community.

Everything Is Under Control

Being transparent at the Willis Tower and everywhere. Experimental studies of memory fail to support the doctrines underlying "recovered memory" and many famous studies which every qualified psychologist should know flatly contradict it. Pierre Guerrin "UFO behavior is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it: Angleton's obsession with this ambiguous Russian "mole" code-named Sasha led him to shred documents totally, long before that practise became common, fearing that the mole might ransack his office at night. Most of the evidence for this hypothesis will be found in the Weberman website cited below; but see also E. According to David Bernard, the 32nd degree in freemasonry reveals to the initiate that freemasonry is descended from the Knights Tempar and devoted to fighting "tyranny and superstition" of which the main examplar is the Knights of Malta. Animations in the film are made by Ralf Ricker.

The model law written by Barden, who is both a lawyer and a Ph. In the American Psychological Association set aside nearly a million dollars to fight this proposed legislation.

"Everything´s Under Control" is an evocative film about the self-evidence of surveillance.

Kenneth Olson, in treating a patient named Nadine Cool, persuaded her to disclose some previously repressed alternative personalities. These included Satan, many angels who brought messages from God, a cannibal and even a demonic duck.

Olson then billed Ms. Cool's father dropped dead of a heart attack after she confronted him with her "memories" of Satanic rituals and infant sacrifices. Four other women "recovered" similar memories while in therapy with Dr. Olson and two of them have already sued him successfully. Although Marina Oswald has given a variety of stories about her ex-husband and his involvement or non-involvement in a JFK Assassination Conspiracy, her latest version, given to A J Weberman in , is especially interesting and unexpected:.

It's wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger of the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA. Along with a lot of support for Archbishop Lefebvre and right-wing Catholicism in general, the Virgin reveals many shocking bits of news, such as the UFO phenomenon being produced by demons who sexually molest children. Her most startling revelation, however, is that the creator of AIDS was her own son, Jesus, who was so vexed by the Gay community that he decided to kill them off en masse.

Because the HIV virus was designed by Jesus himself, the Blessed Mother says, scientists will never find a cure for it.

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In Italian, potere occulto means "hidden power," or the clandestine group behind the visible rulers. Roberto Calvi, murdered president of Banco Ambrosiano, was a fervent believer in potere occulto, and before the P2 scandal errupted, many ridiculed him for his fascination with this melodramatic view of the world.

Calvi believed that the secret of success was to find which hidden group held the most power and then join it. Since he ended up hanging from a bridge in London, he perhaps did not find the strongest group after all. After the P2 revelations and indictments, many seemed to see realism in Calvi's view of power.

Over million people in India already gave their biometric data to the government. Bruce Schneier , cryptographer and computer security and privacy specialist. Animations in the film are made by Ralf Ricker.

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Please find the complete credits here: Please watch the official Austrian film website: Learn more about the film: NGF Geyrhalterfilm World sales: Werner Boote photography by: Andreas Hamza sound editing: Markus Ziizenbacher, Isabel Wolte animation: Ralf Ricker colour correction: