Daughter Of The Wind -- Southern Wind

This is a great series that I woul Read this memorable series probably in the 's finding it the series and all of its books so wonderful that all these year later I recalled the authors name and the titles! This is a great series that I would heartily recommend! May 21, Jill rated it it was amazing. I found this series in a box of books from my mom and once I started them I couldn't put them down. You're taken right into the lives of these strong sisters and you will encounter both romance and adventure. Definitely a great read! Sep 28, Lyn Johanson rated it it was amazing.

Got my hands on an old, battered book; started reading just to shorten my hours on a train, and the hours just vanished. I loved this book so much, I know I'm going to re-read it sometime in the near future.

Sep 19, Elentarri rated it really liked it Shelves: I inherited the first 5 books of this "series" from my aunt. Well written and not too soppy. The characters actually have character! Dec 31, Yvonne Hogg rated it it was amazing. I have enjoyed reading this book. I find the characters intriguing. I recommend this book as well as the rest of the books in this series.

Oct 30, Melanie Ellis rated it really liked it. Read these in high school. I still have 7 of the books. I want to track down the last one. I almost named my daughter Tamsen! Aug 24, Kellie Hogue added it. Oct 21, Bobbie rated it liked it. Loved it, full of stories within stories. Made me not want to put it down. Cannt wait to start the next book by Aola in this series. Guardian Of The Realm 8. Guardian Of The Realm: Book 9 Guardian Of The Realm. Keeper Of The Keys: How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

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You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Southern Wind by Sandra Elsa. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. The winds were represented by poets and artists in different ways; the latter usually represented them as beings with wings at their heads and shoulders Ov.

On the chest of Cypselus, Boreas in the act of carrying off Oreithyia, was represented with serpents in the place of legs Paus. The most remarkable monument representing the winds is the octagonal tower of Andronicus Cyrrhestes at Athens.

Southern Wind: Revised: Anne Wirth: www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Books

Each of the eight sides of the monument represents one of the eight principal winds in a flying attitude. A moveable Triton in the centre of the cupola pointed with his staff to the wind blowing at the time. All these eight figures have wings at their shoulders, all are clothed, and the peculiarities of the winds are indicated by their bodies and various attributes. Black lambs were offered as sacrifices to the destructive winds, and white ones to favourable or good winds.

Boreas had a temple on the river Ilissus in Attica Herod. Zephyrus had an altar on the sacred road to Eleusis. Hesiod, Theogony ff trans. Evelyn-White Greek epic C8th or 7th B. In the time of Hesiod, the Greek recognized only three seasons--spring, summer and winter. In the same manner there were three seasonal winds--Zephyros, Notos and Boreas. Aldrich Greek mythographer C2nd A. Grant Roman mythographer C2nd A. Zephyrus, Boreas, Notus, Favonius [Zephyros]. The Anemoi were often portrayed as man-shaped gods blowing out the winds.

Daughters of the South Wind

Boreas the North Wind and Zephyros the West were the two most commonly personified. See the entries for these individual gods for more information. These are a god-sent kind, and a great blessing to men; but the others blow fitfully upon the seas. Here the seasonal winds are clearly distinguished from the storm winds.

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Lattimore Greek epic C8th B. Then swift-footed brilliant Akhilleus thought of one more thing that he must do. He stood apart from the pyre and made his prayer to the two winds Boreas and Zephryos Zephyrus , north wind and west, and promised them splendid offerings, and much outpouring from a golden goblet entreated them to come, so that the bodies might with best speed burn in the fire and the timber burst into flame.

And Iris, hearing his prayer, went swiftly as messenger to the Winds for him. Now the Winds assembled within the house of storm-blowing Zephyros were taking part in a feast, and Iris paused in her running and stood on the stone doorsill; but they, when their eyes saw her, sprang to their feet, and each one asked her to sit beside them. But she refused to be seated and spoke the word to them: I am going back to the running waters of Okeanos Oceanus and the Aithiopians' Ethiopians' land, where they are making grand sacrifice to the immortals; there I, too, shall partake of the sacraments.

But Akhilleus' prayer is that Boreas and blustering Zephyros may come to him, and he promises them splendid offerings, so that you may set ablaze the funeral pyre, whereon lies Patroklos, with all Akhaians Achaeans mourning about him. They came with a sudden blast upon the sea, and the waves rose under the whistling wind. They came to the generous Troad and hit the pure, and a huge inhuman blaze rose, roaring.

Nightlong they piled the flames on the funeral pyre together and blew with a screaming blast. At that time when Eosphoros the Dawn-Star passes across earth, harbinger of light, and after him Eos the Dawn of the saffron mantle is scattered across the sea, the fire died down and the flames were over. The Winds took their way back toward home again, crossing the Thracian water, and it boiled with a moaning swell as they crossed it. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 2. Way Greek epic C4th A. Now flew on bearing Eos' mighty son the rushing Aetai Winds skimming earth's face and palled about with night.

Nor were his Aithiopian Ethiopian comrades left to wander of their King forlorn: Wailing their King in the Aetai's Winds' track they sped. Trojans over all the plain and Danaans marvelled, seeing that great host vanishing with their King. All hearts stood still in dumb amazement.

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According to Hesiod Theog. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy Tales of the Fallen. Godley Greek historian C5th B. Wide-coursing gales, whose lightly leaping feet with rapid wings the air's wet bosom beat, approach, benevolent, swift-whirling powers, with humid clouds the principles of showers; for showery clouds are portioned to your care, to send on earth from all-surrounding air.

But the tireless Aetai Winds sighing set hero Memnon's giant corpse down by the deep flow of Aisepos' Aesepus' stream [i. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 3. With speed he went, and Aiolos refused not: Fast in mad onrush, fast across the deep they darted; roared beneath them as they flew the sea, the land; above crashed thunder-voiced clouds headlong hurtling through the firmament. Then by decree of Zeus down on the pyre of slain Akhilleus, like a charging host swooped they; upleapt the Fire-god's madding breath: Up to the heavens vast-volumed rolled the smoke.


Read "Daughter Of The Wind: Southern Wind" by Sandra Elsa with Rakuten Kobo. Pink/Bella journey's into Telgar to complete her mission to rescue Prince. The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Daughter Of The Wind: Southern Wind by Sandra Elsa at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $ or more!.

The huge tree-trunks groaned, writhing, bursting, in the heat, and dropped the dark-grey ash all round. So when the Anemoi Winds had tirelessly fulfilled their mighty task, back to their cave they rode cloud-charioted. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 4. But him Apollon's self caught swiftly up out of the blazing fire, and to the Anemoi Winds gave him, to bear away to Lykia-land Lycia. And fast and far they bare him, 'neath the glens of high Telandros Telandrus , to a lovely glade; and for a monument above his grave upheaved a granite rock.

Mozley Roman epic C1st A. Rouse Greek epic C5th A. As they hastened through the hall, Hesperos led Deo to a chair beside his father's seat; with equal affection the Aetai Winds [Anemoi], the sons of Astraios, welcomed the goddess with refreshing cups of nectar which was ready mixt in the bowl.

But Deo refused to drink, being tipsy with Persephone's trouble: The ancient [Astraios] prepared a great spread, that he might dispel Demeter's heart-piercing cares by his tables. The four Aetai Winds fitted aprons round their waists as their father's waiters. Euros Eurus, the East Wind held out the cups by the mixing-bowl and poured in the nectar, Notos Notus, the South Wind had the water fready in his jug for the meal, Boreas the North Wind brought the ambrosia and set it on the table, Zephyros Zephyrus, the West Wind fingering the notes of the hoboy made a tune on his reeds of spring-time--a womanish Aetes Wind this!

Four portals were about that stronghold standing proof against the four Aetai Winds. O Theseus my treacherous bridegroom, if the marauding Anemoi Winds have carried your course from Naxos to the Athenian land, tell me now I ask, and I will resort to Aiolos Aeolus at once reproaching the jealous and wicked Anemoi Winds. The four Winds were often represented as horse-shaped divinities. Individual Winds, such as Boreas and Zephyros, were the sires of immortal horses. Zeus, god of storms, was sometimes described as driving a chariot drawn by the four horse-shaped winds.

Plato, Phaedrus trans.

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Fowler Greek philosopher C4th B. Now the winged horses and the charioteers of the gods are all of them noble and of noble descent. Zeus, the mighty lord, holding the reins of a winged chariot, leads the way in heaven, ordering all and taking care of all; and there follows him the array of gods and demigods, marshalled in eleven bands [i. Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy Presumably the yoked Winds are in the shape of horses. Zeus breasting the tempests with his aegis-breastplate swooped down from the air on high, seated in Khronos's Chronos', Time's chariot with four winged steeds, for the horses that drew Kronion were the team of the Winds.

He [Typhoeus] suffered the fourfold compulsion of the four Winds. For i f he turned flickering eyes to the sunrise [the East], he received the fiery battle of neighbouring Euros Eurus, the East Wind.