Binding Heart Book 4 The Revelation (BDSM Billionaire) (Master)

Bought by the Billionaire: The Complete Series

Four books, one amazing series, one fantastic box set. I loved this story so much, each time wanting more and Author JS Scott did not disappoint, giving me more of Simon and Kara. Simon is totally in love with Kara and she is falling for him, two wonderful characters each with stubborn personalities but fantastic to read about. You hear all about Simon's past which is stomach churning to read, but he opens up to Kara, she is slowly stripping away all his defences and there is nothing he can do about it, he loves her too much, only thing he never backs down from is her safety it means everything to him, without her in his life, he would be a shell of a man.

Kara can't believe how lucky she is to have a man like Simon in her life. She has never been a one for extravagant gifts, she has had to watch every penny. Rather than buy gifts, she likes to make things for Simon or think of something he would like, it comes from the heart, she is a wonderful person, no wonder Simon is in love with her. Life is not without it's ups and downs, so unfortunately things don't run smooth for this couple but one thing is for sure LOVE will always remain. I did not expect this to be so good!

Not mind-blowing, angsty, full of emotion story, but this is just a perfect book when you just want a romance with some spice, a hot billionaire rescuing a poor girl type of story. It's not all lovey-dovey, some parts were funny, the heroine's not annoying, the hero's an alpha. It's classic but not boring. Now I'm off to Sam and Maddie's story, the hero's brother book: Heart of the Billionaire: Dec 23, Kim C. I just loved the sweetness of this book!

Simon was such a caveman, but his combined bossiness and vulnerability melted my heart. Kara was a strong and sassy and not afraid of her feelings. And I absolutely swooned over the heart wishes. Mine for tonight- Kara is a nursing student who also works as a waitress. Her bosses son, Simon, is totally taken by Kara even though they have never met. When Simon see's Kara walking home from work in an outfit so unlike her he begins to follow her.

He takes her up to his penthouse and has a doctor check her over. She has been sick with a virus for the past few days. The doctor recommends food, fluid and Mine for tonight- Kara is a nursing student who also works as a waitress. The doctor recommends food, fluid and rest. Simon demands she stay with him until she is feeling better. His only pay back is that she doesn't work other then school.

When that finally happens, she comes to realize that Simon is hiding something. But will he let her?

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Binding Heart Book 4 'The Revelation' (BDSM Billionaire) (Master) - Kindle edition by Lucia Jordan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, . All are verry like the Binding Heart: The Master (BDSM Billionaire) book Our boy Binding Heart Book 4 'The Revelation' (BDSM Billionaire) (Master) - Kindle.

Is there more to this one night of passion between the two of them? They have spent some time getting to know each other and she knows that something bad has happened to him. She wants to figure out what it was and help him to get over it. At the clinic where Kara volunteer's, 2 men hold her at gun point wanting drugs.

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When Kara trips the alarm, the men vow to her that they will get her. Kara knows that she is falling for Simon. When she walks down to the boat dock to get away, Sam ends up propositioning her.

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Sam runs into her at a restaurant and asks to speak to her. He apologizes to her and tells her that Simon is miserable without her. She accepts his apology and leaves the restaurant. She is fighting against them. On to book He finally comes clean with her and explains where he got his scars from. Sam is mentioned in this book and it seem's that he still has feelings for Maddie At the end Simon finally takes the steps to move forward in their relationship She has one thing she wants-for him to sign a prenuptial agreement.

When she brings it up, he totally freaks out. She has been so emotional lately that she asks Maddie to run some blood work. The results are surprising. You have to read it to find out Needing nothing less than a miracle to save her, Kara gets rescue from an unknown, unlikely and overwhelming source. Billionaire Simon Hudson , who has been watching her from afar, makes her an offer that is impossible to refuse, but terrifying to accept from a man that she's never met. I bought this s 5 out of 5 Stars Down on her luck, nursing student and full-time waitress Kara Foster gets a massive blow to her already desperate financial situation that will surely find her living on the streets.

I recommend you buy the bundle too, because the individual novellas are quite short and almost always end in a cliffhanger. The story is not exactly mind-blowing and full of intrigues, but the plot, the characters and last but not least the more-than-hot-and-steamy sexy scenes are absolutely enough to keep the reader fully interested if not totally hooked from front to back cover.

I also like the fact that despite the title, this is not all glam and glitz, and the characters are all very much down to earth. You will also find J. The writing is in 3rd person with alternating POVs, which enables you to get a glimpse into both worlds and minds. The writing is extremely good, and despite the fact that many books with a cover and a cheesy title like this one hint at some cheap romance novel, J. Scott does some really qualitative storywriting. I totally recommend you give this book and the whole series a go. Very enjoyable, sexy story with a great hero and heroine.

I really loved both Simon and Kara. I am usually pretty tough to please with heroines, but Kara was totally and completely likable, start to finish. Simon was a fantastic hero; he was obsessive, protective, possessive, generous, affectionate and sexy. My only complaint has to do with one small OW scene which I know was included to bring some drama. Nevertheless, it irked me. As Kara runs off, she looks back and sees the woman bring Simon's head down to kiss her.

We never find out how long the lip contact lasted though we know Simon turned her down -- not that I would have expected him to do otherwise He was really committed to Kara , but I just have an issue with the whole scene in general. Simon is a big strong, confident man. Considering he was with Kara, I literally see NO believable reason for him not extricating himself from that woman's arms immediately. Anyway, it was weird.

I definitely recommend it! I see that many reviewers said this was like 50 Shades of Grey. I can only assume those reviewers don't regularly read romance and so they lump any romance in with it. There is one scene involving the hero securing the heroine to the bed with fur-lined cuffs.

He has no desire to inflict pain ever. He does not expect a woman to act like a submissive. I don't have a clue what those reviewers are talking about! View all 55 comments. SO I got the first book free for iTunes. Fell in love with it and had to buy the whole set. At first I thought it was going to be like Fifty Shades.

Rich guy rescues poor college student gives her money and she lives with him. Well it kind of is but without the bondage stuff like Fifty and with a really sweet story line. Don't let that word fool you I just don't know how else to put it. It has a romance, two people trying to open up to the other so that they can realize they both love each other SO I got the first book free for iTunes.

It has a romance, two people trying to open up to the other so that they can realize they both love each other and can't keep their hands off each other. This rich guys horrible event was really a life changing horrific event. I never would have expected this. It's a really good series that I could not put down.

Simon has a troubled past, he was a poor kid who made is way to the top by developing games. He and his brother started a business and the brother expanded the enterprise from there. Kara is late twenties, parents died when she was 18 so she has no family, and she's putting herself through nursing school barely making enough money to live by. She works as a waitress at his mothers restaurant which is where he first saw her. Events put them together and their happily ever after.

The other characters are Maddie her best friend and Sam, Simon's brother. They have a book of their own Heart of the Billionaire which I now have to read. All my rowdy friends A love so raw and deep the resulting passion is overwhelming! This is a novella series that was free to me via Amazon. I've read it twice and loved it each time. Alpha billionaire Simon Hudson has been in love with Kara Foster since the first time he saw her.

Kara struggles completely alone until Simon kidnaps her from her situation, saving her future. Simon proves he really is a good guy with his obsessive care and concern, and eventually his passion. Kara is so focused on her future she is used to living minimally. Simon has lived that way, but is now rich beyond his wildest dreams.

More billionaires, more fabulous stories, and lots of hot steamy sex. Be sure to read: This is the perfect combination of strong Alpha male and strong heroine. Simon has very deep emotional issues, fearing losing control especially in the bedroom. Kara is an overworked young women with no family making her way through college.

Simon is a billionaire but worked his way to the top and started off poor, which may be why he wants so desperately to help Kara. H was sexy and strong first two books, second two he's this weak guy playing strong in the bedroom. I love books about alpha males, but I don Boring, predictable I purchased this after reading the first book for free, big mistake.

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I've thought for the last few months that they are a cop-out for writers who have a problem writing a tougher story. Thanks for telling us about the problem. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. For a woman who has been with only one guy, she sure jumped the next one fast upon meeting him. He takes her in and takes care of her, offering her the opportunity to concentrate on her studies and he will take care of the rest for one night together. What a pleasant surprise!

I love books about alpha males, but I don't think many of the authors have ever really been with one, or met one. In a relationship alpha males are always alpha, it doesn't change when he's in love the intensity grows. So much potential for a good story wasted. Jan 30, Tami Talbert rated it it was amazing. The passionate connection between these characters, albeit some stemming from hurt and mistrust from the past as well as unexpectedly arousing and exciting, it is absolutely unsurpassed in other erotic romance novels I have previously read, except possibly from Ms.

So be ready for the increase in your own heartrate as you turn page after page in this amazing new series. So when the opportunity presents itself to make her atone for the destruction she caused, Jackson is determined to make her pay, no matter what it takes. Hannah is terrified she may not emotionally survive being at the mercy of the man who paid for her until she discovers he is the only man from her past to ever awaken her undiscovered and deep-seated passions.

Dark Domination began with a powerful and enthralling force grasping my attention almost immediately and maintaining its hold to the end. An end I might add that came entirely too quickly leaving me hanging with anticipation and wanting more, more, more. This is a spectacular beginning to the Bought by the Billionaire series! But be forewarned as Ms. Valente is going to leave you screaming at your Kindle as she did me and hanging with suspense and unabated expectancy as we now must await the release of book two.

Deep Domination is a powerful and erotic story of deception and secrets which picks up right where Dark Domination left us. It completely dominated my mind forcing me to continue reading right through to the end.

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I was enthralled and absolutely grasped by this novella from start to finish. Being held captive by the one man who awakened her submissive side, Hannah decides she must hold onto the secret of her true identity for fear that the deal she made with Jackson could fall through if her captor discovered who she really is. But with his visits to her and the sensual moments they share, Hanna struggles with the undeniable feeling she is experiencing of falling for Jackson.

As days pass, Hannah begins to question whether it was wise to maintain her secret for fear that the deep connection she feels with Jackson could never become a permanent joining with this powerful and dominant man who captivated her that rainy night six years ago. Though Jackson has every intention of forcing her to finally admit the truth from the past, when he gazes into Hannah's eyes he begins to fight with his inner self as he starts to feel the return of the man he used to be before the betrayal took away the life he was living.

But as the walls around Jackson's soul at times waiver, Hannah and he share the most intensely carnal and mind-blowing connection only to be hindered once again as the memories of the hurt and deception from so long ago returns. After reading such an amazing story as Deep Domination, it brings forth the struggle in me to express through my review how incredible this series is without spoiling anything for those who have not yet read it. There are definitely some extremely intense scenes between Jackson and Hannah so I would recommend reading the synopsis carefully as that may not be for everyone.

That being said, the erotic and passionate connection between these two characters both inside the bedroom as well as outside is evident in every word written which left the story swirling in my mind with wonder and great anticipation of what turns it will take. Deep Domination is the second installment to Lili Valente's intriguingly erotic and truly transfixing story. As I expected, I was left hanging and gripping my iPad tightly as I flipped to the final page reading the closing words that left me dangling as my mind continued to whirl as I tried to see the conclusion in my head contemplating where Lili Valente will lead these two characters.

I don't know how she does it! Lili Valente has once again totally outdone herself. Desperate Domination is spectacular and gripping and is another page-turning triumph. After leaving us hanging once again at the end of book 2, Desperate Domination thankfully picks up virtually where we left off immediately drawing me right back into the lives of Jackson and Hannah. Hannah is torn between the fear and uncertainty of this fierce man who holds her heart and the intensity and depth of love she feels for him. Despite the monster living inside of Jackson, the goodness and love emanating from Hannah begins to draw him back towards the man he once was before the deception and hurt of the past.

As Hannah finally confesses to Jackson her true feelings for him, the shackles he has kept locked around his heart begin to weaken bringing to light the hope and possibility of a more gratifying future he could spend with his 'sunshine. This entire series is absolutely amazing. Lili Valente is a master at writing erotic romance and cliffhangers, and she has once again left me grasping onto the end of my seat well mattress for a third time, however, leaving me far more desperate now than she ever has before. I don't know how I am going to survive waiting another month before learning what fate awaits both Jackson and Hannah.

July is the perfect month to release Desperate Domination as the chemistry and connection as well as the intensely erotic moments shared between Jackson and Hannah shoots fireworks off of the pages of my kindle. Desperate Domination is spectacular Ms. If you love erotic romance and suspense, you will most certainly LOVE this series.

But you will definitely need to read the entire series from the beginning in order to enjoy and attain the full impact of this story. I am certain you will be drawn in just as I was and unable get these characters out of your head. This was an absolutely perfect conclusion to her Bought By the Billionaire series which as always captured my attention from beginning to end and to be honest left me a bit sad and not ready to say goodbye. Book four returns us back to the lives of these characters resuming right where we left off with Jackson frantic with anger and worry hoping he can discover who captured Hannah, where she is being taken, and for what purpose before it is too late.

Now realizing the depth of love he has for her, Jackson is ready to place his trust with anyone who may be able to give him some answers as he contemplates what he will do to whoever dared to take Hannah from him. But as this story has progressed, he has metamorphosed into a hero who is filled with a deep and everlasting love for his Hannah.

The connection and unwavering love they share despite past occurrences completely drew me into their lives. She has also upped the ante with more on the edge of your seat suspense making Divine Domination packed full of nail-biting moments as well. This series is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Although I am always ready to read anything written by Ms. Valente, this series has unequivocally solidified her place on my favorites list. A sexy, suspenseful jaunt on the dark side! When I started this book, I thought it would be light and fun. I think it was the somewhat-cheesy title that made me think that. Turned out I was wrong, and it was a lot darker than I was expecting. It still wasn't all that dark, but it definitely wasn't all light and fun. Even in real life, every set of twins seems to have one slightly crazy one and one that is more reserved.

Hannah is the quieter one, the one constantly making excuses for Harl 4 Stars! Hannah is the quieter one, the one constantly making excuses for Harley, her twin sister. While they were raised in the lap of luxury, their family had its secrets. Hannah was the only one in her family that didn't have a twisted moral compass, but she loved her sister like a twin should, even if she knew Harley was deeply flawed. One weekend, Hannah leaves graduate school and shows up at Harley's door to surprise her.

That one choice leads to an unforgettable night for Hannah Then, everything changes, including the life of a man caught in Harley's web: I actually really liked Hannah. Considering this was a four-book serial, I was surprised by how fleshed-out and deep her character really was. She wasn't perfect, but considering who surrounded her, she was damn close to it. She was a good person, but she wasn't afraid to get dirty to protect those she loved.

He became a man that was just like the person he claimed to hate. I was able to look past that What he did RIGHT after that was deplorable, and even though he was sorry, I still wanted to kick him straight in the nuts for at least a few chapters. His dirty mouth, his dominance, his twisted obsession Also, watching him let go of the pain of his past was quite rewarding. As they say, "before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. However, I deducted a star because it got a bit wordy and redundant towards the end.

Also, it got better with time, but for a while, Hannah was so pathetic that I almost disliked her. Some of the things Jackson did to her deserved a lot more groveling. I know he dicked her down and all, but Jesus, Hannah, have some self-respect and stop thinking with your vag only. It would be one thing if she was meek in all areas of her life, but she wasn't, which made me think she was just addicted to orgasms.

Jan 29, Diane rated it it was amazing. The kindle is only now starting to cool off from this tantalizing start to a new serial. Jackson Hawke wants revenge. Living for the chance to right that wrong, Hannah is going to pay the price, whether she owes or not. Hannah, on the other hand, is doing what she can to survive. Enemies have slowly taken away all that she holds dear leaving her clinging to what she has left and willing to do almost anything to keep it. Little did she know what that would really mean. They were one and the same with this man and she wanted nothing more than to give him what he wanted, whatever he wanted so long as he would never stop hurting her, healing her, possessing her….

Reading her first series I know this author can deliver on emotional and sexy and she proves it once again. Hannah is torn as she realizes money is what is needed and how she gets it has to take a back seat to the good of her family. The choices she makes are morally difficult for her but given her options you can see why she does what she does. No matter how uncomfortable they made me feel. So many unanswered questions and mystery surround the two coming together that I cannot wait to watch the rest of the story unravel.

Five, off-the-chart, explosive stars! The second part in a four-part serial, this continues the story of Jackson Hawke and the object of his revenge, Hannah. Believing she is someone who, years ago, made him into a victim, Jackson is determined to make her pay. There is history between them but Hannah knows it is a different one than what he believes.

The misconceptions on both sides add an extra layer of intrigue and suspense to what is already a tension-filled plot. Jackson is out for revenge and he is determined to get it. Not realizing his target may not be all she appears, he is relentless in ensuring that she is going to pay for past sins. How far will this game go before one, or both, break? He would keep pushing until she broke.

This author knows how to build tension, in and out of the boudoir. Jackson is an alpha all the way through and you feel it in every passion-filled conversation and scene. The suspense is building and the cliffhanger to this installment will have me stalking the calendar for the next one. Jackson Hawke wants revenge, plain and simple. He has been grievously wronged and someone has to pay. Hannah is his target but, as with much in this series, not everything is black and white. Hannah may be collateral damage but at what point does love become more important than getting even?

I love the honest expression of feelings and emotions in this episode and it only increases the stakes. As the cliffhanger ends in another life and death situation, with even more surprises, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for how this will all unfold. Hot, suspenseful and emotional, this series continues to prove that good things come in small packages! And what an explosive ending it was! Jackson Hawke has finally realized the cost of his revenge is more than he is willing to pay. Hannah Mason, the strong yet innocent woman who has stood toe to toe with him for weeks, has now become more than a target for him, she is now his partner in love.

The secrets and revelations in this series have come fast and furious from the start and the amazing conclusion has all that and more. At the heart has been the love story between Jackson and Hannah. Truth and trust has caused so much heartache for them and their families that unravelling it all has brought both to their knees.

When push comes to shove they have to make a decision.

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Who are they going to trust? Jan 14, Kat Ryker rated it it was amazing. Honestly, I'm a little tired of the billionaire stories. I've thought for the last few months that they are a cop-out for writers who have a problem writing a tougher story. After all, it is really easy to write a story if the guy has enough money to make anything he wants happen.

No plot necessary, just wing it. Well, that's what I was thinking until I read this series. I'd purchased this a few months ago, but never had time to finish the entire series. I was totally wrong with my assumptio Honestly, I'm a little tired of the billionaire stories. I was totally wrong with my assumptions.

This book is HOT. Just plain, unadulterated, hot. It has a plot that doesn't have anything at all to do with a billionaire doing whatever he wants, at least not at first. The protagonists are well developed, the narrative is well thought-out, the dialogue is interesting and moves the story along, and most of all, the ending is perfect for this book. I'm impressed with the authors ability to take a well-used billionaire theme and turn it into something both dark and light, seductive and primitive, and full of action and suspense too!

I'm glad I discovered this series, you will be too. Jackson and Hannah This book was on fire! The opening chapter will have you wanting to finish the book. I don't want to ruin it for you so that's all I will say about this story. Valente is a daring writer who isn't afraid to take chances with a Character's story. I respect that because she has the freedom to tell the love story she wants to tell.

I'm glad I purchased this, it was a great story. Read this and be a happy page turner. Entertaining from beginning to end Jackson is seeking revenge against Harley. When he finally finds her, it is not her at all. When the mysterious man who crept through their window comes looking for revenge, they find love instead. With lots of hot and heavy sex and plenty of mystery, this story kept me entertained from beginning to end. Apr 07, BookWorm rated it did not like it. Not my cup of tea.

I found this boring and silly. Hot sexy exciting Great sexual connection,mistaken identity intrigue and unexpected twists and turns are ex citing and keep ones attention engaged until the very end. Jun 17, Emma rated it it was amazing. Sep 25, Lindsay rated it really liked it.

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The dominant is definitely in the building and he is with who he was meant to be with. Now, there are some extreme factors that are interesting to the story but I still liked it. This is a well thought out story that is told in parts. The books flow seamlessly from one to the next. Each part peels another layer off the secrets these families have. I'll look for moor of this author. No one does erotic romance like Lili Valente!

Jackson Hawke is out for revenge on the girl who he loved and thought loved him back. One night of passion years ago was different and he thought Harley had finally fallen for him. Turns out it wasn't Harley at all and then she ends up dead, but not before ruining his life.

Hannah, Harley's twin sister was the one who shared that night with Jackson. She never knew who he was, but after 6 years of hiding from danger, she comes face to face with the man who she shared the best night of her life with. He's controlling and out for revenge only she doesn't know why. Can she reveal who she is before it's too late?

Will Jackson break her thinking she is someone else? These two are so hot and their chemistry is off the charts amazing! I can't wait for Deep Domination! Harley has left him puzzled by her reaction and he starts to waiver on his plan to make her suffer. Jackson and Hannah come to life in this story. We see what is going on inside their heads and the struggles they have. Jackson can't decide if Harley is lying or pretending, but something is very different about her. Hannah can't fight the intense need to please him. I don't want to say too much and ruin this amazing journey.

This is another incredible erotic romance story from Lili Valente. I could not put this book down and I can't wait for the next one! I almost have no words to describe this 3 book in the series. These characters have become so complex and real that I'm incredibly invested in their lives and their future and so happy that this wasn't the end! Desperate Domination picks up where Deep Domination ended. Hannah suddenly became afraid what Jackson was going to do to her and she ran.

Not knowing where she's going or what the consequences will be, she's afraid for her life one way or another but can't turn off the feelings that she has for Jackson. She wants him to see the good in himself that she sees in him. Jackson still needs information out of Hannah, but now that he's become so involved with her, his end game has possibly changed. Can Hannah make Jackson see the truth before it's too late? Will Jackson let himself believe that he deserves to be happy? I can't wait for the final book, Divine Domination! Divine Domination I'm so sad to see the end of the Bought by the Billionaire series.

Lili Valente sucked me in within the first two pages of book one and she's kept me on the edge of my sear for the entire ride. Divine Domination picks up where Desperate Domination left off. The Virgin and the Masters: Book Four of the 'Call of the Wild' Series. Rivals Mastering the Virgin, 5.

Bought by the Billionaire Box Set Book 1. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase.

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Ratings and Reviews 3 52 star ratings 3 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Simple and fresh story line but I wish it would be longer. The action is somewhat rushed but then again the length isn't of the book isn't big. Interesting characters although a bit bland. Great read curiosity has me wondering what's next for Elizabeth and Richard … Show more Show less. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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