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Recognized moments where the captor s Wow!! Recognized moments where the captor showed love and deep emotion toward the victim? In Stolen Gemma is kidnapped from her family in Bangkok Airport and taken to the Australian Outback by Ty, an emotionally disturbed young man. She fights despite futile efforts to get away, but after a series of close calls, she finds herself in a situation where she starts to see Ty through a different lens, one that includes sympathy, resolve, hidden beauty and love. For me, I think my defenses toward Ty fell apart when he rescued Gemma from one of her escapes where she almost died in the desert.

I started to wonder if there was some way these two could come to build a life together. Part of me carried some hope and the other part cringed. After all was said and done, I think the author ended the story appropriately yes, there I go again with that word, but I think it fits here because as much as I wanted Gemma to help free Ty and give him a second chance, I realized that sometimes you must pay the price for your crime before you get your reprieve.

This was definitely an angsty book that created conflicting emotions for me. Lastly… I hope someone went back to the shack and fed the chickens. I also worried about the camel. I hope she was able to find her herd. I know… I know.. View all 53 comments. Oct 30, Keertana rated it it was amazing Shelves: I literally just put down Stolen and my brain I just need to let this book sit and saturate into me, every part of me because it can and it will and I will let it.

I do want to say, however, that Stolen was not what I expected.


When I went into it, I was almost expecting an eventual romance, but there is none and I'm glad there isn't. Stolen is a novel of abduction, but it is also a novel of hope and faith and beauty. I only really fell in love with Stolen seven pages from the I literally just put down Stolen and my brain I only really fell in love with Stolen seven pages from the end; until then, I was on the fence.

I think, more than anything, I was confused while reading this, which is what you're supposed to feel You see, this book is such a mind-fuck excuse my language, but there is really no other better way to put it because on one hand, you despise Ty for stealing Gemma, for taking her away from her home, for stalking her for so many years, for making her life miserable; but, at the same time, I despised Gemma whenever she destroyed Ty's art, when she hurt him with her words, when she mocked him and his love for his desert, when she failed to even try to understand him the way he so obviously understood her Yet, somewhere, she realizes that some of what Ty says is true; society is terrible and cruel and parents really don't understand their children and sometimes even friends don't and terrible things do happen.

But, that gene that tells you in your brain that you have to accept the bad things and move on, that you can't save everyone, that maybe even you can't save yourself Yes, Ty steals Gemma, but he steals her because he thinks he's doing the right thing. Unknowingly, Gemma saves him as a child and he wants to return the favor. It's so mind-boggling because Ty isn't a bad person; he's nice to Gemma, he never harms her or takes advantage of her in any way, he clothes her and feeds her and shows her the beauty of the desert; but he's wrong in his own right, too.

What you did to me wasn't this brilliant thing, like you think it was. You took me away from everything - my parents, my friends, my life. You took me to the sand and the heat, the dirt and isolation. I can't forget that. It's difficult to understand and comprehend properly and it's painful because of that, because of the confusion we feel and the sudden desperation as we want to escape to a desert, see the sunset, and live alone, but happy, without the burdens of society and expectations of our parents and disappointments of our friends.

In life, however, there are always two paths: From my experience, the wrong one is always the easiest, but leads to eventual downfall, just as the right one is full of hurdles, but ultimately leads to happiness. In Stolen, however, all the lines are blurred; just the way I like it in a truly fantastic novel.

I will warn you, reading this novel is a strange experience. I felt uncomfortable, not knowing where the plot was leading, not knowing what I wanted to happen, but I feel better now that it's over. In some ways, I feel like this novel is better for a re-read than anything else, an opportunity to understand what really happened and where Gemma started to feel something more than hatred for Ty.

One of the things that did surprise me, however, was how un-original Ty's story wound up being. Now, I won't say that it isn't terrible and cruel and painful, but the path that Ty took seems so much more strange than most people in his situation. I think, however, that to become a stalker like Ty, to become obsessed with a person, to think that you're saving them Anything, even something as small as six-year-old Gemma talking to him, a stranger, can alter the mind in such a way; after all, who are we to know the depths and recesses of our brains and how events can affect you?

I'd never imagined that you'd have a story, too. Until that moment, you were just the kidnapper. You didn't have reasons for anything. You were stupid and evil and mentally ill. Yes, I do think Gemma suffered from a form of Stockholm Syndrome, I do think she makes the right decision, I do think Ty is slightly insane, I do think he is a good person, I do think his axis in life is just a little off If anything, there is too much of a silver lining to this tale.

It's sad and depressing and unhappy, but it's also right and true and beautiful. But you saved my life, too. And I can't get you out of there, either. You're stuck in my brain like my own blood vessels. Especially if it's a sequel to Stolen that I hope you will eventually write onto paper instead of keeping locked up in your head.

I do have to admit, however, that the ending to this is perfect and it doesn't need a sequel at all. I wouldn't mind if a sequel was written, but I don't need one either. Just this gem of a novel is enough I realize this is long, but it's also not much of a review, for which I apologize. It doesn't even begin to touch upon the complexity of Ty's character; his passion for the stark Australian desert, his talent with animals, his love of art, his intelligence and resourcefulness It barely even grazes the vastness of the backdrop this book is set against, a landscape so harsh, yet lovely, that it was a deeply enigmatic character in its own right.

But, all this isn't something I can just write about or explain or even begin to understand; it's something you just have to experience on your own. Without a doubt, I am in love with this book. It is thoughtful, compelling, and mind-numbingly provocative. It is written in a beautiful and creeping manner, molding its way around your heart all while growing thorns. Best of all, however, it makes you think and question your own life and long for something inexplicable For it to impart some of itself in us, for it to make us see an author's passion, and for it to make us attempt to define that which is undefinable?

You can read this review and more on my blog, Ivy Book Bindings. View all 29 comments. Mar 09, xrysa rated it it was amazing Shelves: I fell in love with the characters but mostly with the writing style. To be more specific , this book is written like a letter, a letter to her captor , which means that she is refering to him. This is very beautiful because the reader takes part in the story and the book is alive. Gemma never thought that a friendly stranger could harm her.

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The story begins when she is in a coffee shop at the airport. There she spots a familiar face but You saw me before I saw you. There she spots a familiar face but she cant remember whether she has seen him again or not. This beautiful blond guy with those mesmerizing eyes approaches her. He is gentle and he buys her a coffee.

However things didnt turn in her favor. Obviously Ty had other plans , for both of them. The one moment she is speaking to him , the next she wakes up in a deserted place. She completely freaks out with what happened. She cant help but wondering if this guy will kill her,rape her or gods knows what. However,Ty is not that guy. He didnt bring her with him to torture her but because view spoiler [he loves her hide spoiler ] and he needs company. Living in the middle of nowhere can be a little lonely sometimes. I couldnt get away. That place is not alive but Ty tries to make her see the beauty of his world and the beauty of nature.

Their relationship is not easy as she cant stop thinking whether she should kill him or wait for him to kill her. It doesnt take her long though to understand that he has no intention to harm her and they start getting closer. Dont judge me but I think that he was sick. He didnt harm her or treated her bad but his perfectly organised capture didnt take him a few months.

In this story Gemma after her pointless efforts of trying to escape she finally accepts what they both agreed to. She starts understanding him and enjoys,as much as she can, the life with him. They say that you shouldnt plan your life bacause you never know what will happen. Gemma's life changed a lot when Ty came.

When I was reading this book I couldnt stop thinking that he would eventually view spoiler [hurt her hide spoiler ] but I started trusting him , like Gem did. Ty is crazy and most of the times he doesnt make sense. He is fucked up and he needs someone to comfort him and ease his pain. Imagine how beautiful it would have been if he hadnt kidnapped her and they had met like a couple? He was deprived many things from life but the most important was love and that was what he was seeking. The ending was view spoiler [so heart breaking hide spoiler ]. It was the right thing but still in this book it didnt feel right at all.

Was that real love? I guess we will never know And I can't get you out of there either. View all 65 comments. Well, I'll be damned. If only this were more realistic thriller than unrealistic romance.

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  6. Stolen: A Letter to My Captor.

Apr 07, Mizuki rated it it was ok Shelves: I must confess, I'm still in the middle of the book and I'm already at the verge of giving up. A Letter to My Captor annoys me so much. At first I thought I'd like this story, because I'm deeply interested with Stockholm Syndrome and the conflicts between kidnapped victim and the kidnapper But so far the author had failed to get the job done. Lucy Christopher didn't redeem her creat Pre-review: Christopher after I'm done.

If you are looking for some worthy drama between kidnapper and his captive, I suggest you to read The Collector instead. And here's my reaction to Tyler MacFarlane the evil kidnapper. Need I say more? When the review arrives, please be prepared for a lot of cursing and swearing. I can't help myself, I am too angry to settle for using half-heartened curses such as "freaking" and the like this time.

And you know what? Let me tell you once more that at the beginning, I had expected myself to like this book, the writing is quite good even though I have my doubt about the subject matter: That dude kidnaps this girl and he expects her to love him? And it's supposed to be a Young Adult book?! So, how does the story actually turn out? In fact this is a difficult book to rant,I like the opening of the story, and Gemma, the kidnapped victim's struggle to grip onto her sanity and how she made her final decision. I also like the author's description of wildness of the Australian Outback. These are the bright-spots of the book.

Plus I appreciate the author for NOT sugarcoating Ty, the kidnapper into some dreamboat or attractive bad boy, in fact she had made it quite clear that what the kidnapper did was wrong. However, I'm pissed off that in the middle of the story, the author had made a handful of clumsy attempts to draw readers' sympathy to Ty by giving him one big fat sorry-ass backstory. I'm equally pissed off by how unrealistic many of the details and setting are in the book. Christopher had made Gemma's kidnapping in Bangkok airport and she being spirited away to the Australian Outback sound ways too easy.

Plus I can't believe Ty, an orphan who had been fending for himself ever since he was 19 years old could somehow manage to buy a farmhouse and stored whatever food and supplies he needed in it. Not only buying the farm, Ty, a homeless teenager, somehow also managed to afford staying in British for years and stalking Gemma in his spare time, AND he also managed to afford buying plane tickets, fake ID, fake passport and a truck for his kidnapping plan.

Wow, none of these seem to be realistic to me. Gemma and Ty's characters also do nothing to redeem this story for me. Although I appreciate Gemma for not giving up and actually fighting back, still from start to end I don't have a grip on her personality and for many times she comes off as a bit of a whinny. I don't care if a kidnapper cried in his sleep, I don't care whether he is emotionally vulnerable or not, I only care about him lying to a girl and telling her that her parents are selfish and don't love her enough to come looking for her; I only care about him being arrogant enough to think he can steal a girl and CHANGE her for the better.

And because he is such an irredeemable fucker, I find it unacceptable for Gemma to moon over Ty, his well built body and the supposed "wonders" he had showed her. She really disgusted me at this point.

See a Problem?

I also can't stand Ty's cornering Gemma by surrounding the farm with chicken's fences like he is trapping some animal. Goodness, this fucker makes me sick. Therefore you can imagine how much shock I was in when I saw on discussion board that some readers actually blame Gemma for being "heartless" toward Ty. Aside from Ty's unacceptable behaviors, I also don't think Ty's character is well built, and as a kidnapper he isn't even realistic. It looks like the author couldn't decide what to do with him, therefore sometime he becomes this lonely lost boy who only wants Gemma's company, sometime the author seems to want us to feel bad for Ty even though his actions lying to Gemma about her parents, stalking her, forcing her to do things she doesn't want to, etc show that he clearly has the making of a cold blooded criminal.

Damn, that's so messed up. Last but not least, Stolen is supposed to be a long letter written by Gemma to Ty, but this "letter format" writing doesn't work. Gemma's voice sounds too cool, level-headed and distant, which doesn't look convening given how much the girl had gone through. Once again, I suggest you to read The Collector instead. It's a much worthy read. A wonderful article by a fellow Goodreads friend: View all 60 comments.

My review and discussion is up! This book has made my list of all-time favorite books! The premise is so unlike any book that I've ever read and so original in its format: The main character, Gemma, is a strong and capable girl who actually makes smart decisions after being kidnapped by Ty. This is so refreshing because, although she is terrified after being kidnapped by a man who My review and discussion is up!

This is so refreshing because, although she is terrified after being kidnapped by a man who has been stalking her for six years, she still tries to survive. I also loved how Stockholm syndrome came into play. Everyone, including the reader, believes that Gemma is suffering from this syndrome and that is what is causing her to sympathize and later fall in love with Ty.

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However, I still questioned whether there was a part of Gemma that actually had fallen for him. Aug 05, Nic rated it it was amazing Shelves: Truly, a stunning and thought provoking read. Lucy Christopher is a brilliant writer. She really get you thinking about what is right and wrong and the place in between. The plot was intense and captivating just like the characters. Stolen is a story that you get emotionally invested in.

And the way Christopher vividly describes how stunningly gorgeous the land really is and how deadly it can be, makes it feel like it is another important character in this tale. When I think of Gemma the first word that comes to mind is brave. To be put in that situation at 16 I don't know if I could have handled it with as much strength as she did.

She never gave up hope for escape even when her feelings towards Ty began to change. Ty, wow, what a damaged yet frighteningly beautiful soul. He is a character that haunts your thoughts. I was so confused about how I felt about him. I know what he did was wrong and I should be disgusted by him but I liked him. You could see why he thought what he did was right in his head. Just thinking about him breaks my heart.

The ending it made me cry like a baby and it hurt. I know some people will disagree with me but I really wish it could have ended another way. Yet I see that it would have been impossible. Stolen, is an unforgettable and breathtaking story that I highly recommend. Just make sure you are ready for a few tears.

Bookers Challenge 3 - thanks to Stefanie View all 62 comments. What would you do if you're abducted to the middle of nowhere? I winced when Christopher described about the heat and the rawness of the desert. Why are we even talking about deserts? Because in reality it's actually beautiful.

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You took me away from everything - my parents, my friends, my life. Translation of stolen Nglish: Reciprocity, Discipline, and the Political Uncanny, c. Just thinking about him breaks my heart. Sorry for updating an old review but this was soooooo good for me that I had to do it!

It shows the vastness of the world, the rawness, the emptiness and the loneliness. I read this short story called the Tears of the Desert by Paulo Coelho. It's a story about this man who listens everyday to the sobbing of the desert and a missionary What would you do if you're abducted to the middle of nowhere? It's a story about this man who listens everyday to the sobbing of the desert and a missionary who confronts the man about its sobbing.

The man said that the desert cries everyday because it dreams of being useful to people and the missionary replies: We rarely discover our true destiny, and feel that God has been unjust to us. Soon the inhabitants built a well there and called the place 'The tears of the Desert' I know this is completely irrelevant to the review but this story floated into my mind while I was reading Stolen. Christopher has beautifully described the desert. A very difficult topic to describe because many of us do not understand the beauty of the desert.

Gemma is our lovely lead who writes a letter to Ty, her kidnapper. A moving letter about how she was kidnapped by him and her life in the desert with him. I would have honestly cried if I was in Ty's place if the letter was addressed to me. Ty, her kidnapper was lovely too. I cannot dislike him because he kidnapped her. Wait - I cannot say 'I cannot dislike him' because I don't know how I feel about him.

I like him, I love him and yet I still dislike him. He is a baffling specimen who is truly lonely at heart and is in a desperate need of company. I believe he wanted to be accepted by Gemma, he had known her for a long time. And unfortunately he found that to be accepted by the girl he likes - the only way is, is to kidnap her.

How I wish he didn't do that and went out with her instead; like a normal boy would. But then, if this had happened the desert wouldn't be a part of this story, would it? The beauty of it shall ever be baffling and confusing to everyone who haven't been in a desert before. Stolen moved me, it blew me and in the end it killed me. Whenever I think about this book there is this slight pull of my heartstrings.

It is not heartbreaking, I honestly don't know. It's not tragic romance. I don't know what this book conveyed but it surely did change my perspectives of various things. A beautifully written novel. I still cannot imagine how Christopher managed to write so beautifully about deserts and abduction. View all 28 comments. Dec 24, Elle rated it really liked it Shelves: The proud Aussie chick inside me was majorly pissed off with this book. An English friend of mine who thinks he's fecking hilarious BTW recently developed his own slogan for Australian tourism: Australia - countless ways to get assfucked by nature" - D.

Further thoughts on the actual story to follow shortly View all 25 comments. All my nerves and emotions felt stretched tight while reading this, the tension high. I felt the zing of excitement as I turned the pages, both hoping for things to turn out one way and dreading if they did, as well. Sixteen year old Gemma is drugged and kidnapped from an airport and taken to the endless desert in th 4. Sixteen year old Gemma is drugged and kidnapped from an airport and taken to the endless desert in the Australian Outback.

He thinks time will change her mind. Well, in theory, anyways. In real life it is disturbing. He actually creeped me the heck out! But her initial feelings are wiped out when she comes to and discovers her situation. Did I want it to end like that? I read on Ms. I hope she does as I would love to catch up with Ty and Gemma and tie up loose ends. It probably would still be sitting on my shelf, unread, otherwise.

How to Replace a Lost or Stolen Passport

You can find this review and more at The Readers Den. View all 32 comments. Evil because I now have Stockholm Syndrome. Beautiful because I didn't realise it was happening, the writing was so subtle yet engrossing and real. I fell in love with Ty, the kidnapper. He was so kind, considerate and almost harmless really Hello, Stockholm!

He'd saved Gemma's life so many times and eventually sacrificed his freedom for her. How can anyone not love him a little for that? I understood his motivations. He was lonely and had been badly tre Beautiful. He was lonely and had been badly treated all his life. At first I had all kinds of ideas of what he was: He was none of those things. He just wanted to escape civilisation and when he spotted Gemma, who he believed was being neglected by her parents just as he was, he wanted to rescue her.

I can't understand why people compare this to Living Dead Girl. Ray, the kidnapper is all of the things I mentioned above. He was not kind, he raped, he's a paedophile and he murdered. I did not fall in love with him. It's not a fair comparison. Although at times Ty seemed scary, he was vulnerable and fragile too. He suffered from nightmares. In some ways he's like a child himself, with his love of the land, his painting and his folk stories. His sense of fun can be a little strange but there are some funny moments. It's not all fear and confusion.

Catching the camel was hilarious. She the camel had my heart from then on. As you can tell I loved Ty but I also cared about Gemma.

At first I just wanted her to accept her situation, to stop looking for trouble. The number of times she said "You're lying! Both characters were to have survived their traumas. You may think I'm as loopy as Ty but I wished for a happy ending. Gemma and Ty together. Maybe not out in the desert forever but living on the edge of a small town. I can dream, right? Everything in this book is stolen, including Ty.

Nothing belongs to anyone. Season of the Witch The Runner I Pay the Ghost A professor frantically searches for his son who was abducted during a Halloween carnival. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Will Montgomery Josh Lucas Tim Harlend Malin Akerman Riley Jeffers Sami Gayle Alison Loeb Edrick Browne Fletcher Barry Shabaka Henley Motorcycle Cop Tanc Sade Never steal from the world's greatest thief.

Edit Details Official Sites: Six Flags New Orleans: Edit Did You Know? Trivia The taxicabs in New Orleans do not have the taxicabs Number in the roof light. They are on the front and rear bumpers. While this was filmed on location, all of the taxicabs filmed had to have New York City roof lights installed, as part of the plot relied on this.

The majority of the taxicabs however, were real local taxis, or automobile extras, If you like. The taxicabs that did volunteer for the service, were mostly independently owned and not fleet taxis, as the majority of them have advertising signs on the roof. Also Medallion Cab Company does not exist. Yellow, Checker taxi, and United cab company are some of the bigger New Orleans taxi companies.