Gefahr für Coole Kicker - Band 3 (German Edition)

Reddit Books Download Gefahr Für Coole Kicker Band 3 German Edition Pdf B00dj4qtou

Did you like the Graveyard Book? For anyone who is interested, you can have Neil himself read it to you in its entirety on Youtube. Neverwhere habe ich gestern auf openlibrary. Oder warum eigentlich nicht? Comment "The Graveyard Book" is actually rather harmless, despite the gloomy title - but if you get "Coraline" nightmares, I seriously don't envy you Those could be weird.

Wenn nicht, dann Asche auf mein Haupt. Nachdem ich Folgendes im Faden Mr Darcy gelesen habe: You may say "Im Jahr bin ich umgezogen,", but you should say " bin ich umgezogen", if you leave out the "Jahr" although there are some who say "in ", but this is a Anglizismus, I think. So, the same applies to your sentence - as you wrote: Du musst bis warten. But you may also write: Du musst auf warten. As "warten" needs "auf" if it is followed by an object.

Same costruction as with "freuen auf": Ich freue mich auf Ich erinnere mich gerne an So the prepositions here come from the verbs. Hope this helps a little. Comment I don't think anyone here is against discussing grammar in general, it is simply speaking for myself when there is a neverending to and fro on recurring items that made me disappear at times.

I have no real reason for you apart from: Bis zum Jahre is very formal and a bit old-fashioned and I only would use it if I refer to a date in the future like "Dann musst du bis zum Jahr warten" to simply specify that I am talking about a year and not a random number starting with I might give Neil Gaiman a try on youtube. Generally, he does not sound too enticing to me and Lara and I seem to differ quite a bit in our taste in books. Comment I think the use of bis zu has something to do with the definite article or the possessive pronoun.

Du musst bis zu deinem Geburtstag warten, dann bekommst du die Geschenke. Du musst bis Weihnachten warten, dann bringt das Christkind Geschenke. Thanks, Amy, for the new house. Comment Thank you, Amy-MiMi, for the new home and the large collection of sparkling highlights. All I can say is that the correction in is correct. Maybe, the reason is that "Herbst" being a noun comes with an article, "der Herbst", while does not. A parallel case seems to be "bis zum Morgen" der Morgen vs. Maybe, someone will come up with the term "adverbiale Bestimmung der Zeit".

However, I should like to add to the confusion: How slow can I be? Comment Kisan breaks my theory about having a noun. Maybe someone comes along and actually knows a rule: What I wanted to say - for anyone who wants to read some light German - the Liveticker on Spiegel Online for World Cup matches is quite nice. I generally have it on my screen just for having a laugh. Emil, for a snail and the time of day you are fast - three answers at this time of day is pretty good, if you ask me. Comment Actually, I should be in bed right now; I will be suffering tomorrow.

For me the rule is, as follows: An indefinite article would also need 'zu', I think. Considering that this chat room has been almost hibernating and now we have 7 answers in 6 hours, I would say but everybody here likes discussing grammar: Comment To be honest, I always thought that discussing grammar and other language questions was one of the points of the CC, and am rather surprised to hear that there are some people who hate to see those questions discussed. I agree with kisan and Gibson that it is bis zu with an y article, and no zu if there is no article.

I tried to find a confirmation for this rule on the Duden homepage, but without success.

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Comment I don't think anyone who comes here hates grammar discussions but some got weary about a certain overload. But I would either just change the topic or stay away. So I tried it, and the above is the result as is 58 but there I corrected the spelling. It doesn't do capitals or punctuation and it seems to be a bit prudish, but considering how many typos I make on the tablet, it might be an alternative. Unfortunately, I can't remember what 'animal house' was supposed to be.

Comment Possibly, but I don't think I would have said 'thus' ;- I've been playing around with it, trying to get it to write 'animal house' again, but no luck. I think we'll never know Comment Maybe you should say "animal house" and see what it writes then? Vielleicht hast du "and I must say" oder "and I'll say" gesagt und daraus ist "animal house" geworden. Das mit dem vorhandenen oder nicht vorhandenen Artikel ergibt einen gewissen Sinn und ich werde versuchen, es mir zu merken. Vermutlich muss man Artikel im weiteren Sinn verstehen, d.

Solche wie bis zu vier Comment Is it still the World Cup? We need another grammar question I have a different question, though: In one of the books I've read, they talk about the 'waitron' in the restaurant. I understand that it's supposed to be a gender neutral term, but is that really used? I can see it coming in handy if you talk about 'the waitrons in New York' or something, but in my case, it wasn't necessary, as the waitron in question was clearly a man and he was the only one. So is 'waitron' common, or was somebody being the spearhead of PC? Comment Waitron, is that a joke?

Maybe it's just something that hasn't made it to Michigan yet. Typical PC-speak would be server, so if someone actually said waitron, I would think they were trying to be funny. I reacted to that word the way my students do when I write long words on the board. Come on, you're kidding, aren't you? Germans don't really say that, do they? Hier ist der Tag ziemlich langweilig. But, no, no kidding. You can't even mumble it properly, all the syllables need to be pronounced. And the waitron wasn't funny either.

No 'as they're called now apparently' or ironic comment, it was very factual, as if that's the normal word. Maybe I should read books from Michigans. That sounds rather grand: Comment When I read "waitron", I was wondering if Gibson might be reading a science fiction novel not an unreasonable assumption, probably, given her name Yes, Amy, we do use that word. But sometimes, I am in a "stay indoors"-mood, too. Comment Hi Amy, I really thought you were polishing silver, too! I've never heard of "waitron" - you seem to read very interesting books, Gibson ;- Have a nice evening or a good night, snails!

Comment "waitron" - I immediately understood this as a merger of waiter and patron, so it could be a French landlord who serves the guests himself. Nach Merriam-Webster kommt das Wort aus den 80er Jahren. Da Gibson eine grammatikalische bzw. Wie kann man den Unterschied zwischen "der Teil" und "das Teil" merken?

Amy-MiMi kann sagen, was ihr lieber ist. Statt Michigander vielleicht Michigeese? Wie wi-chan habe ich bei waitron zuerst an Sci-Fi gedacht. Leider nicht an patron , der auf Englisch eher der Kunde oder der Schirmherr ist, aber nicht der Wirt. Der Teil versus das Teil related discussion: Der Teil oder Das Teil Aber wenn die Frage schon so knifflig bzw.

Comment May I add my teo cents? Maybe nobody knows the tern anymore - rhe sound is still there. When I was still a child there was a quiz on the radio: The radio host dialed a number on the telephone and the listeners had to guess the correct number. Comment "Silber putzen" for procrastination is Goldammer family speak.

Are you affected by the unusual heavy rains in the US which have even made it into our weather news? Why did you have to get good at football? Die meisten von uns nennen uns Michigander. Schick mir mal bitte eine PM und sag mir, wie ich ein Probeexemplar deines Buches kaufen kann. Ja, um 12 Uhr muss ich eine Sportskneipe aussuchen.

I must have missed that. It's very nice, though. Thanks for the Michiganders. I had a feeling 'Michigans' might be to easy thinking of Mancunians, Liverpudlians and the like. Yes, 'waitron' sounds vaguely sci-fi and like 'automaton'. I wouldn't want to be called that. I was driving home at about ten to six, and the roads were empty the game starts at 6 local time , so there are some good things about the World Cup, I guess ;-.

Comment No, don't stop posting because you're misreading. This is a place where it's perfectly okay to write random and unrelated things, intentionally or not: Anyway, weiterhin gute Besserung. You're getting there, aren't you? Comment Well, I'n on the mend, but the recovery lasts longer than I can bear Recover from pneumonia — I still need fluid oxygen wherever I go. Comment Gute Besserung, RenaRd. Hat zwar nichts mit Kellnern zu tun, war aber trotzdem interessant.

Kann jemand mir einen Rat geben? Hier ein Beispielsatz, wo ich ehrlich gestanden bezweifele, dass ich ihn richtig verstanden habe: Die mal so ordentlich bis obenhin behandschuhen. Zum Paradies der Damen - Kapitel 4 - Teil 5 ca. Der Satz sollte wohl eine gewisse verruchte Zweideutigkeit enthalten. Comment Gell well soon for Renard. That seems to be the best place for fast answers and no one complaining that you got the wrong forum. I would use " gut behandschuht" in a slightly humorous sense, e. Comment I agree with 'behandschuhTen', that's probably what was said, but that still doesn't turn the sentence into one that makes sense.

The problem is that it's only a fragment. We'll all keep our fingers crossed for your recovery. When I took the dog last night, I heard crickets. Living in a biggish city as I do, that's not something I normally hear, and it put me instantly into a holiday mood. It was really nice and I kept lingering until the dog finally had enough and began to drag me home. Comment Actually, I listened to the podcast, I just did not answer on that part The sentence in itself is fine - slightly odd today.

But the complete minute before is about how the smell of leather arouses her. But to me this sounds as sexual as when someone writes a song about seeing a woman's knee So I won't ask for context again, sorry. Comment I've just listened to the podcast, as well for some reason it only worked when I downloaded it, could not listen online.

He definitely says "behandschuhen", and he seems to attach his own meaning to the word. Literally, it merely means "provide with gloves". So, your guess is as good as mine, and Dixie's sounds rather convincing. RenaRd, get well soon! Comment Many thanks for your get-well-wishes!

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Dixie had the same idea. And with regard to Emile Zola: I agree with Dixie, it is an innuendo. He wants to touch her all over like a tight glove. Comment Die mal so ordentlich bis obenhin behandschuhen. I'm thinking that it might mean a lot more than 'touch'. The sentence structure and 'ordentlich' suggests a variation of 'rannehmen'; maybe 'behandschuhen' is the gentleman's version: I have to admit, though, that I've never read Zola or any French classics.

Even as a teenager, I preferred English authors in German, of course. I also haven't read 'Shades of Grey', for the record ;-. Comment Just back from watching fireflies glowworms. Two individuals made their first appearance on Thursday night. Friday and Saturday night they were much more abundant flighing above patches of stinging nettle. Yesterday night was too cold and none would show up, but today there were quite a few again. I am always amazed by this spectacle. And isn't it strange that it all depends on compounds like luciferin and luciferase.

I just heard someone shout, "Mensch, du Strampel! Comment "Mensch, du Strampel"? Oh, I love that. I really like name-calling that isn't actually that offensive, but rather funny and just that little bit weird. I once heard a boy call his mate "du Obst" and I'm pretty sure he didn't mean "fruit" in that sense. And when watching Catweazle in the German translation which I can heartily recommend , he once called someone "du Rollmops". Wi-chan-Mann and me actually had to stop the DVD because we were laughing so hard. To this day, we occasionally call each other "Rollmops" and then start giggling.

I will try out "Strampel" tomorrow and see what happens. I did, however, translate an erotic short story once. No gloves were involved in any way. Comment Was ist denn ein Strampel? Und ein Rollmops hat etwas mit Heringen zu tun, oder doch nicht? Das ist ein gutes Zeichen. Wir haben dich offenbar aufmuntert. Diesem veralteten Wort werde ich wohl in dieser Form nie wieder begegnen. Thanks for your "nitpickery".

Yes, a Rollmops is a pickled herring. And as herrings are rather small fish, a thin person is sometimes referred to as "Hering" this is probably a bit dated, but so am I, I suppose, so I wouldn't be the one to tell. Not offensive as such, but certainly not complimentary, either. This has, however, nothing to do with "Rollmops". Calling someone a "Rollmops" does, as far as I know, not make any sense at all. That was the beauty of it, actually. On a similar note, I have no idea what a Strampel is, either do you know, Emil? I just like the sound of that word.

So in Richtung "Rollmops", "Strampel" usw. Comment I hope your students aren't all too disappointed now, Robert! I didn't watch the match to the end after so many long soccer nights I needed to go to bed earlier yesterday. It must have been dramatic! Comment Rollmops made me think of someone in school long time ago who used the word for people who were a bit plump. For a "Rollmops" the pickled herring is rolled around sticks of gherkin which leads to a rather round result. But I don't think I ever heard it from anybody else.

Perhaps he had watched Catweazle too. Comment The person who said Strampel told me that she knew the word as short for Strampelanzug. In the situation I was reporting on, however, it was an ad hoc neologism, possibly combined from Trampel and strampeln, and intended to comment on the clumsy movements of one of the German players which nearly made him lose the ball. Gibt es denn manchmal kein Klopapier in den WCs?

Comment Ja, Goldammer , das Spiel war wirklich dramatisch, und der amerikanische Torwart hat eine Hochleistung gezeigt: Oder waren es 15 parierte und der Comment Gibt es denn manchmal kein Klopapier in den WCs? And they rarely have toilet paper, so you either use the one from your car for those, or you avoid them altogether no cleaning staff to speak of and go straight into the woods, where there is no paper either. So it's a very useful thing to have ;- Having said that, the only person I personally knew who had one was my grandfather, and he was the classic 'old man with hat'.

The upper body sticks out of the roll, and the wide also crochted skirt hides the paper. I think they originate from a time when there weren't many toilets along the roads, and so, if you had to go, you stopped anywhere along the road and went behind the bushes with your loo roll What I always asked myself: Why don't they hide it underneath the seat,or in the booth? I never found an answer - only maybe that one can see it as an expression of the collective "anal character" of the German nation?

Edith wishes all leftpondies a lovely 4th of July! Falls ich heute Tippfehler mache: Die N- und M-Tasten funktionieren oft nicht. Aus Goldammer wurde zuerst Goldaer und dann Goldammer. Und "und" musste ich gerade viermal eingeben. Comment There was some shouting enthusiastic, I thought a while ago, but I don't hear any celebrations. Does that mean we lost? I've just downloaded 7 ebooks from amazon for 0 Euros each. How can that possibly make sense economically? Admittedly, if I like a book, I tend to buy all the others by that author too, and they are usually not free.

They're not all authors starting out, grateful for any kind of platform, either - with most of them, you can get the paper version for a normal price, it's just the ebooks which are free. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty or not; I'm uncomfortable, somehow. Comment No, we won.

You didn't hear anything at I bet you hear things now, or in a few minutes when the car parade? Sorry to have to admit it, but "booth" was unfortunately no typo Comment How can that possibly make sense economically? It's a free sample with a marginal cost of zero. Sure, you might have bought the books anyway, but for many it will be their first encounter with this author, and they'll like it and end up buying the sequels which otherwise they would have not.

An additional ebook costs nothing to produce and to deliver. It makes perfect sense to give them away in order to gain attention. This is really the authors' biggest problem in today's publishing world. Comment You're right, Goldammer, it started a bit later.

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Gefahr für Coole Kicker - Band 3 (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Dieter Winkler. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. See details and download book: Reddit Books Download Gefahr Für Coole Kicker Band 3 German Edition Pdf B00dj4qtou.

So maybe I won't feel guilty. Comment Heute habe ich das Ebook Neverwhere ausgeliehen. Bin gespannt, es zu lesen. Im Gegensatz zu amazon. Vielleicht versuchen sie Leute in D dazu zu verleiten, einen Kindle zu kaufen. Comment Is there a special term for "everyone took to the streets in their cars, honking and shouting"? I looked for "Autokorso" in Leo, but the results are not really satisfying - as you pointed out correctly with "car parade". Don't people do that regularly enough in Leftpondia to make it worth coining a word for it?

It has become very popular in Germany over the last 10 years or so I remember being in Rio in when Brazil won the World Cup for the third time and got to keep it - traffic broke down completely, everybody took to the streets and the party probably lasted all night I was too young to check ;-. Comment Amy, for my favourite recommendation see Apart from that, I'll leave it to the Austrian snails to answer that one. People are still getting used to ebooks in Germany, opinion is only just starting to shift from "I prefer real books" to "might be an alternative".

So, if you are considering buying a book, and the ebook version is actually free, whereas the print version might cost you money Might be worth to give it a shot, hm? In fact, it is often the platform that is paying, not necessarily the publisher. Either directly or indirectly, by making concessions to the publisher concerning some other matters in exchange for providing their ebook for free. So, no need to feel guilty, I am quite sure Amazon can afford it. Comment Don't people do that regularly enough in Leftpondia to make it worth coining a word for it?

Vielleicht sollten wir einfach 'Autokorso' aus dem Deutschen entlehnen.

Hier einige nordamerikanische Beispiele: Spurs' fans flock downtown in celebration Super Bowl: Hockey joy turns to violence in wake of Canadiens' victory So, if you are considering buying a book, and the ebook version is actually free, whereas the print version might cost you money People are still getting used to ebooks in Germany So the clever thing to do would be to 'buy' as many as I can before ebooks are common and amazon changes their strategy in a year or so But I'm quite sure I won't.

With other languages, the book stores are free to do what they want although German stores usually order foreign languages through a wholesaler who puts a price on them. They don't have to stick to that price, I think, but they usually do. I like 'leeres it': Nicht nur ist 'it' leer, sondern auch mein Kopf. A tip from a very recent bad experience: Even if you think it is only a weekend trip and the battery lasts much longer Comment This posting was intended to be sent after my visual acuity visus was good enough to check the text all over again.

The Aborigines believe that only in dreams they live their real lives. I think that my examples prove that these realities are only mirror images. I survive by eating them one after another— each marble bursts like a cherry between my teeth, delivering sweet jelly and enough oxygen for another deep breath. While taking a last deep breath I wonder what will happen next — will my mind spread his wings and fly away or will I just feel like being garotted strangled. It glues at my eyes brows, even my sunglasses, hence I try to tear it out. A lung embolism followed, then sepsis and artificial coma, intubation, kidney failure, drip-feed.

The compartments are swinging slowly outside, the doors get unlocked. I hear the doors getting locked and feel the spaceship starting. And I know that I may never see my family again. The biggest part of the building dark, run-down and dirty, ruled by a violent gang of drug dealers. As I reached the floor near their hiding place I found the girl raped and shot to death.

Through a gap I see the boy, sitting in his hiding place, a cabinet, shivering, pointing at me with a big revolver in his small hands. They will punish and kill you. Not one ended positively. People especially women spent a lot of money, to watch him sitting at the pool, playing the Ukulele and singing sad love songs. He was the one who let the cash tills ring, When he suddenly died, we got short of money.

New sketches had to be written, to attract people. That had been neglected as long as the giant had guaranteed a regular income. I sit down in relief. There they made me breathe on my own again. My dreams turn to be a little bit more optimistic. Now they brought this man to take care of.

What shall we do? This is the intensive care unit! Do you want to cause a blood bath?! How do you think about washing? Two weeks later I managed to get up from bed and I started to walk with a wheeled walker. After ten weeks I came back home. Unfortunately Marcumar, that saved my life weeks ago, damaged my eye blood on the macula. You may ask yourself, what the heck is RenaRd doing? I guess I wrote it down mainly for myself, in order to come to terms with my nightmares.

And a little bit to thrill and enjoy you. At least that's what I heard about, mainly during the stage of awakening. But you really seem to be on a way into the right direction now. I keep my fingers cross it continues like that. Another few words about book prices: I once decided to order an English book oldfashioned paper at my local book store instead of buying it via internet. It took about 6 weeks till they finally received it and the price was more than twice as high as what I would have payed for it on interenet.

So guess where I buy my English books since except of the very few occassions it's something they have in stock. Comment RenaRd, words fail me! Thanks for telling us! And I hope that you continue to get better! I once for a very short time got medication that led to nightmares - very bloody but not so much connected to reality as yours seem to have been.

Comment Hi, my dearest Sachs! You can imagine how many days it took to write a text four pages long by using 3 fingers only… How are you doing? Do you still like this old-fashioned music — opera? Have there been important events you participated? Did Goldammer welcome you already asking for all the relevant data for enrolment? When correcting my posting, please don't be too nitpicky. It might probably spoil your weekend Comment Hello RenaRd - I've been here before and gave my credit credit card number and shoe size according to the ritual. Normally I am even to slow for the snail thread to write a lot.

I mostly read along and try to learn from other people's corrections. But thank you for the kind welcome nevertheless! Sehr faszinierend das alles zu lesen. Etwas halbwegs zu tun ist mir zu widerlich. Da du dich aber immer noch von deiner furchtbaren Krankheit und vor allem von den Nachwirkungen deiner Behandlung erholst, belasse ich es diesmal lieber bei keinen. Sofort habe ich bemerkt, dass, obwohl die Nadel sich immer noch bewegen konnte und der Stoff normal transportiert wurde, keine einzige Naht entstanden ist.

Eine Frage an Sachs: Kennst du die Operette Bruder Leichtsinn? In Zum Paradies der Damen nennt man jemanden einen "Bruder Leichtsinn" und ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie genau das zu verstehen ist. Und da du nicht darum gebeten hast, von pingeligen Korrekturen verschont zu bleiben But you really seem to be [on a way into] heading in the right direction now or: I 'm keep ing my fingers cross ed it continues like that.

Comment No, RenaRd you haven't told me about that. Is there a chance that your visus will increase again is it a side-effect of some treatment or will you have to get used to it? You're right, I'm a rare guest here too. First it was because of too little time due to the refurnishing of my living room. But now that is already finished for quite a while, so now, I'm afraid, it's pure laziness. I'm a bit out of practice, I'm afraid, since there also wasn't much time to watch films and hardly any opportunities to talk to someone But I managed to see 3 operas within one week by end of June, so it seems, RenaRd, I'm still liking this sort of music, doesn't it?

Comment Good luck RenaRd! Thumbpressing and fingercrossing impede efficient typing. Comment Thanks, He-le-na and Walther! BTW, where is Goldammer? Aren't tje hard times gone yet? LEO mit 'Windhund' oder 'Luftikus' wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Sinn verstehe ich jetzt 'Bruder Leichtsinn'.

The Aborigines believe that only in dreams do they live their real lives. How do you [think] feel about washing? Comment Neverwhere habe ich gestern Nacht zu Ende gelesen. Die Geschichte hat mir gut gefallen, obwohl ich sie nicht so fesselnd fand wie The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Trotzdem war ich sehr neugierig, die Fernsehserie zu gucken, auf der die Geschichte basiert. Verschreibung und Verbuchung sind leider alle beide schon besetzt.

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Eine Nachdichtung oder eine Umschreibung vielleicht? Auf Englisch kurz und ziemlich erschreckend: Neverwhere - Introduction of the Marquis Der Roman scheint der Serie ziemlich treu geblieben zu haben. Liest du noch mit, Qual der Wal? Wenigstens hat die US-Version keine Lachkonserve laugh track?

Mal sehen, ob weitere Folge unterhaltsam bleiben. Wie du schon darauf hier hingewiesen hast, scheinen sie in dieser Serie sehr tief in die Klischeekiste gegriffen zu haben. I tried to watch Tatort last night, only to find out that Tatorts are now also geofenced. Or that specific one was. Very annoying nearly as annoying as all the items on YouTube that are geofenced - and don't get me started on the WorldCup. I saw last weekend a book by Neal Gaiman but it did not look very appealing so I walk right past it.

Etwas halbwegs zu tun ist mir zuwider. Jetzt, wo ich der Sache aber nachgehe, glaube ich, dass die Serie, die in den USA ausgestrahlt wird, kein Remake, sondern genau dieselbe Serie ist wie im Schweden. Wenn etwas auf Schwedisch ist, gibt es Untertitel und nichts wird synchronisiert, was ich gut finde. Dixie, hat dir denn das Buch Strumpet City gut gefallen? YouTube Unblocker hilft dir vielleicht. So I walk ed right past it.

Comment Fireworks outside, and even though I'd been determined to be unimpressed, I can't help smiling. Comment Well, this was quite an adrenaline loaden soccer night indeed. Usually, our daily newspaper doesn't include any news which happen later than about 10 pm the previous day. But today they obviously put in extra night shifts and created a title page with a full size photo of Phillip Lahm holding up the cup and the one word "GESCHAFFT" I bet the printers on duty cursed when the score was 0: Comment It is so strange to be here in Sweden where absolutely nobody is impressed.

They just can't imagine what is going on in Germany but they've never been Weltmeister before Yesterday evening, we met for a little German-international Football-watching-party. The internationals an Italian and a Swedish-danish couple left at half time We were watching all 10 episodes with delight, although some were better than others. But maybe our experiences here with Swedes just not looking at you and not saying hello or goodbye when sitting at the next table - very close to you - in a restaurant i. In der Aufregung der Weltmeisterschaft ist dir aber den ein oder anderen Bindestrich und das ein oder andere 'd' verlorengegangen.

Schweden, wie es in der Serie Welcome to Sweden dargestellt wird, scheint ganz das Gegenteil zu sein von jenem in Mankells Krimireihe um Kurt Wallander. Inzwischen habe ich Kapitel des Romans Strumpet City gelesen. Es gibt viele interessante gut beschriebene Figuren aus jeder Schicht der irischen Gesellschaft am Anfang des zwangzigsten Jahrhunderts. Comment Ich gratuliere allen Fans der deutschen Nationalmannschaft und freue mich, dass ihr die WM geholt habt.

Obwohl ich ziemlich viele Spiele geschaut habe, verpasste ich das letzte Spiele. Also verzichtete ich auf dem Spiel. News ist immer im Singular. If I had ever learned to type with ten fingers, I would produce fewer typos nowadays Wie "Man kann es essen. Comment news which happen s was already corrected by hm--us - but thanks all the same. I'm afraid I'll "feel" the word "news" as plural until I die Yes,certainly, but the goal was of course much more exciting and sensational after having watched all those previous minutes of the match You missed soccer history there, Amy-MiMi, I'm sorry to say so!


An amazing number, no doubt, but considering the size of the rooms and the fact that they are really high and there are two levels with shelves everywhere I thought it were a lot more than "only" a hundredfold of my own book collection. Of course the economic situation is indeed very complicated, especially after the recent incorrect decision of some American judge, who should long be retired, on the eternal vulture fund issues. That's fine, just don't generalize "surely it is not standard German". Did you figure out how to get up on the balcony, by the way? As I reached the floor near their hiding place I found the girl raped and shot to death.

Also verzichtete ich auf dem das Spiel. Ich finde aber, dass Du gut tippst. Comment Before it is completely lost over all the football joy: Yes, I enjoyed "Strumpet City", although it is not the most encouraging books. I disagree, I think Fehlschluss is ok, too. I hope Gibson took the opportunity and went somewhere on Sunday: Comment Goldammer, I am sure it is one of those regional things Comment Edit zu In der Aufregung der Weltmeisterschaft ist dir aber de r ein oder ander e Bindestrich oder das ein oder andere 'd' verlorengegangen.

Hast du solche Tiere in Afrika gesehen, harambee? Danke, dass du meine Fehler korrigiert hast. Comment but the goal was of course much more exciting and sensational after having watched all those previous minutes of the match Da sind wir gleicher Meinung. Ah Wien - damals und heute. Schnecken, die 2 Pfund wiegen? Bin mir nicht sicher, ob man so was auf Deutsch als Adjektiv oder als Substantiv versteht.

Seems to be the first time I make it into this snailhome Amy-MiMi constructed more than a month ago, under an apparently already obsolete provisional name. Slowly creeping forward as any decent snail should try to do. The game we watched incognito, in a restaurant in San Telmo, a rather touristy quarter of Buenos Aires, an Ecuadorian friend and I more than half of the guests apparently were Argentines though.

On the way to the bus terminal we passed by the obelisk, and it was difficult to pass through the Avenida 9 de Julio, thousands of persons, clothing and banners all sky-blue and white, partying nevertheless, though many of them obviously disappointed. Well, turned into violence by a few idiots shortly afterward, as already a policeman who boarded our bus on the way home commented to the driver Best wishes for RenaRd.

Comment Interesting photographs of snails somewhere between "nice" and "kitsch": I did not see anything of the world-cup celebration and when I hear and read the comments about some parts of it I think I prefer to stay ignorant. Comment Mr Goldammer and I immediately thought that stupid "goucho"-thing was tasteless, very disappointing and annoying indeed when we saw it live in the celebration, especially after the very friendly and positive impression the German team had given until then, all throughout the championship - if I only think about the spontaneous and certainly not rehearsed behavior of the Germans directly after the match against Brasil.

And the Argentine fans have a pretty stupid and pretentious chant where they ridicule the Brazilians. I liked most of the little "shows", particularly the one where little Philipp Lahm was hidden behind those tall players who then suddenly fell down and revealed him and the trophy. But I really wondered how the goucho thing got through the PR department - or maybe it didn't, and those shows were just thought out by the players and weren't checked.

Aber das Plan, Gemeinschaftsgeist? Was haltet ihr denn von der Situation in Argentinien? Frau Kirchner scheint die ganzen Probleme nicht gerade im Griff zu haben. Comment they just wanted to bring in a little bit of show to make things a bit more funny or entertaining From an American perspective that just seems so odd. I knew that the groups Das sind Sportler, keine Entertainer. Comment Amy, I don't know if you ever lurk in Quasselzimmer , so I'll just copy-paste snickerdoodle's post here: Amy are you enjoying your summer?

Did you ever get answers on questions about Austria? If you do go the National Bibliothek is a must. When I visited there were several really cool large globes. I think they were from like In the picture below you can see a globe in the background on each side of the statue. Posted by snickerdoodle in Quasselzimmer last night at Comment Did you ever get answers on questions about Austria? When I was there last year in Vienna we did a tour in the Burgtheater which was actually interesting clearly, I was the part who did not pick the tour.

Would that also apply to grown up women being called "girls" in whatever context? In German a grown up if younger woman might quite normally refer to her female friends as "the girls", for example Tiny doorlet: I sat outside for some time during dusk, on this beautiful and warm summer night, and just kept reading, without ever needing a light. Comment Which brand and model do you use, Goldammer? Comment Kindle Paperwhite not the newest model, but the first one.

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But with a recent update, it offers nearly the same functions. Comment Late comments to Hi, hm -- us. My friend liked the game and wanted Germany to win. If nothing else because she is thoroughly fed up with Argentine bureaucracy. And too bad that Ecuador had lost against Switzerland and did not make it to the octavos de final would have been much more important for the Ecuadorians than for the Swiss, who lost against Argentina anyway.

As for the situaton in Argentina: The head of our working group today at lunch referred to the administration as "gobierno de mierda". And many intelligent people seem to think that way. I for one am pissed off with the ever-increasing protectionism: Change of Argentine Pesos to Brazilian Reais only possible on the black market. Of course the economic situation is indeed very complicated, especially after the recent incorrect decision of some American judge, who should long be retired, on the eternal vulture fund issues.

Kirchner seems to be more and more retreating into her own world of self-falsified reality, within her widely incompetent and corrupt government. Meeting with the major MHshot-down responsible Putin on Saturday to back up nationally-distracting claims on the Falkland Islands Islas Malvinas , having announced beforehand that she would feel indisposed on Sunday, and therefore not able to attend the final. Then welcoming the Argentine team on Monday, commenting that she did not watch a single game. Things couldn't be more preposterous. That might be an explanation albeit not an excuse!

Rodos is being her usual self Sie auf ein Teller leg. Ich habe selten so oft ein Sweatshirt im Juli getragen. Und das schwarze T-Shirt, das man sonst im Sommer nicht anzieht? Can one offer doorlets for "Erikatives"? Just move the "en" a tiny bit over to the right Sie auf ein en Teller leg. Comment "in dicke n Scheiben schneid" - if you ask me. The nights are fairly cold though.

I came down with a cold just before the weekend, but it seems to be getting better already. And better now than next weekend, when I want to leave for a short trip to Brazil. Comment Pressing the dead snail button Hi all, just wanted to quickly slime through and make known that I'm at the moment if at all a rather silent lurking snail.

Mainly because I'm very busy at work, including way too much travelling. Mostly to England, and typically with flights departing between 6 and 7 a. No wonder I've been quite tired recently. And then, "civil" life goes on and has not been the most relaxing. Positive excitement, though, amongst others a new little nephew, and a family wedding coming up next weekend.

Great reason to have a trip "home": I don't want to talk too much about the weather, it's been okish with temperatures rarely above 20 C and a typical amount of rain, but the metereologists forecast a heat wave will we see the mercury climb to 25 C????? Pitty I'm going to miss it, since - you guessed it - I'll catch a flight tomorrow early in the morning and come home just before midnight on Thursday Comment 25C is rather too hot for Ireland. At least in my opinion as it also gets quite humid then.

But I hope you've good weather whereever you are going on your trip. Also, I hope you are not too sad of missing the Garth Brooks concert. SCNR - I was in Dublin the weekend it all fell apart and I was mightily amused; so was everyone who told me about it We've got 72F, so just the right temperature if you ask me. Enjoying summer and too much work.

Comment 'ello, 'ello, 'ello! Comment Someone is left, yes! Although I'm already almost on my way to bed, I've been reading several posts in this thread. And I've learned a lot by doing so!

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Maybe I'll return for further improvement soon: Comment Guten Abend, ihr zwei, und wer noch mitlesen mag. Wolfman, hola, eine Weile nicht gelesen. Wie geht es dir? Seid ihr denn diesen Sommer schon nach England gefahren, oder noch nicht, oder dieses Jahr eher nicht? Sie scheint etwas aus der Nachrichten gefallen zu sein. It's 72 degrees here. Comment Hi hm -- us, I'm afraid I don't understand quite well what you're getting at!?

Just to answer one of your questions that I am able to answer: I do like the summer, but only when there is summer whithout so much rain as we're having these days. But what 'Feriengruppe' do you mean? Anders als bei z. Comment hm -- us: Now I got it: But it won't take too long any more, and then I'll be out here, watching beautyful nature instead of screens and paper, breathing fresh air instead of climatised office fug. And my oldest sister has one more week before her retirement as a teacher. We'll meet at her place the weekend after next for our annual "sisters' gathering" to celebrate.

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