California Seeds


California Seed Companies to Get Your Garden Started | KCET

Our recent attention has been drawn to the US West Coast, where exciting new cannabis strains are being developed, aided by the widespread legalisation in the area. These exclusive cannabis seeds represent our latest work.

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They are a result of both our cooperation with indigenous populations worldwide, and our constant striving for new and interesting genetic development. Make sure you check out these astonishing achievements in cannabis breeding today. Take a look at these tried and trusted cannabis seeds direct from the coffeeshops of the Netherlands.

These world beating varieties represent some of the finest cannabis genetics on earth.

Marijuana Seeds

Photo 3 mister bottle. Maybe Monsanto or a GMO lover nuked the seeds. The law supports small farmers and home gardeners who grow, breed and share seeds with their communities. With Governor Brown and Senator Mark Leno's help, the recent policy fixes an error and rights a wrong, returning power back to Californians who deserve a voice in how their food is grown, and protections for the state's farmers. Salvia apiana plants grow rapidly.

Be sure you check out these championship-grade seeds today. This High CBD strains collection: New and exciting science emerges about CBD all the time.

The benefits are clear and go far beyond use as a simple anti-inflammatory. Have a look at these transformative new strains now! Treat yourself to some of the most mind-blowing cannabis seeds available.

These explosive and unique strains soothe the soul and massage the mind, giving energy and drive to the day. Supercharge your world with these popular energy boosters. Surrender to the intoxicating power of our penetrating prize winning seeds. These irresistible cannabis strains will quickly seduce you with their potent spell, creating a whole new dreamy dimension of relaxation and relief.

We share a common belief that a resilient food system starts with a resilient seed system based on locally adapted varieties that represent genetic diversity and a longstanding cultural heritage and tradition of seed saving and sharing. But AB was then amended to include a provision prohibiting any city, county or district from regulating plants, crops or seeds.

Wildflower Seed Mixes

Most troublesome, the new provision specifically prohibited counties from adopting or enforcing laws banning or regulating GE crops without consent of the Secretary of Agriculture. County GMO bans have been adopted in California and across the country to protect growers from the pesticide damage and genetic contamination associated with GE crops.

A non-GMO county also protects its local farmers from potential lawsuits launched by agricultural corporations, often on the lookout to bankrupt any grower who has unintentionally sown — or been contaminated by — their patented product.


Governor Brown signed the repeal, Senate Bill , in September, once again making it legal to adopt or enforce an ordinance that regulates plants, crops or seeds — including GMOs — at the county level. For example, the current initiative to ban GMO crops in Sonoma is no longer under threat of being preempted by state law, and will be on the ballot in California in November.

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Monsanto and their lobbyists hoped to steal this control from residents. With Governor Brown and Senator Mark Leno's help, the recent policy fixes an error and rights a wrong, returning power back to Californians who deserve a voice in how their food is grown, and protections for the state's farmers.

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  4. Jonas oder Der Künstler bei der Arbeit: Gesammelte Erzählungen (German Edition);

Our congratulations to California for supporting seed production in the public domain and the right of local governments to take a stand against corporate agriculture. Skip to main content.

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