I think that you must be right. Children do not play a role in the lives of any of these women; the only question the stories pose is: How can these women find fulfillment? As is usually the case in an Oates story, the woman must face something of a comeuppance. This is achieved here by the somewhat trivial gambit of having her going shopping for expensive clothes and then getting lost when she tries to find the apartment building into which she and her husband have been peeping at night.
Although she is anxious, there is no real threat here, for she is in the vicinity of her hotel; it is just that she becomes unreasonably panicked that she cannot find the building. But, alas there is none. For who I am. When she gets an epiphany that the wolfish ghost is a man she knew in graduate school when she was studying biology, she looks him up on the Internet and decides to go visit him where he is a research scientist studying spotted hyenas.
It could be her husband, who died two years before, but why would he be there? And Oates cannot resist using her vast storytelling experience to set up what she takes to be a truly ambiguous ending. The story seems to end with this: The story actually ends with: She heard herself say: Is this just another bogus Oatesian ambiguity?
Posted by Charles May at 2: Newer Post Older Post Home. I have been taking some time off because I have been working on a new book on the short story.
I have submitted a proposal to a publisher and am waiting for a reply. I will let you know when I hear from them. Thank you for continuing to read essays in my archives. Now Available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle Click cover to go to Amazon and read the Introduction and first chapter.
Spotted Hyenas: A Romance (a short story from The Atlantic) (From the Archives of The Atlantic) - Kindle edition by Joyce Carol Oates. Download it once and. The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. . day a large rock alone marked the spot, and the water was six fathoms deep there. .. one of those prisoners by accident left there, which was still going to tell the story. They began their housekeeping-romance back of the shop in two little rooms.
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Email required Address never made public. Lists with This Book. You are commenting using your WordPress. Mark rated it did not like it Aug 03, Aug 23, Jacqui Sullivan rated it liked it. Thank you for continuing to read essays in my archives.
New Yorker Summer Fiction Issue: Gilman's "Yellow Wallpaper" and Poe's "Berenice": Subjects Discussed on Reading the Short Story. Henry Award Stories 1 O. M Forster 1 E.
Short Story 2 Novella 2 novella as a form 1 Novels vs. Short Stories 1 O. Henry Award Part 2 1 O. Henry Award Stories 2 O.
Henry Prize Stories 1 O. Henry Prize Stories 2 O. And I am so glad I did!
But there was a sense of danger, forboding, concern, something terrifying that worked as a low level hum through the whole story which made it very compelling. Maybe it had something to do with the accompanying picture. I mean, Jesus H.
Christ, look at the this thing: The story is set in Africa. Neal has recently bought a place on the veldt where tourists come to hunt. He has had a successful run of things and is reasonbaly content. No big deal it happens all the time. But Roland is unsettled and he wants to fix it. He and Neal, both drunk, decide to march down to the shed.
And they take rifles in case any wild things come after them. And there are wild things galore out here. Wildebeest for one, but more importantly and danerously, hyaena. But the trek to the generatoir is only the front story.
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