LEGO®-Roboter II - Inventor-Bot: Neue Modelle bauen mit LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT 2.0 (German Edition)

Lehrstuhl fuer Waermeuebertragung und Klimatechnik. The main component of the Dorsten plant is the pressure chamber which was designed and constructed in close cooperation with Messrs. The combustion chamber was installed inside the pressure vessel of the former pressurized fluidized bed steam generator of the heating power station of the RWTH Aachen. It is vertical, with an inner diameter of about mm, an axially movable roof burner, and four points for optical access.

Steinmueller ausgelegt und aufgebaut wurde. Sie ist als stehender Druckbehaelter mit einem Innendurchmesser von ca. Chances and risks of nonconventional natural gas ''Fracking''. Bericht ueber das Nonconventional hydrocarbons are coal seam gas, shale gas, and tight gas. While considerable resources of nonconventional natural gas are assumed to exist in Germany, exploration is still in its early stages. The Aachen conference discussed related legal and technical problems. Professional Curriculum Development and Teacher Training.

It is based on the theories of student-centred learning, project learning, social skills, etc. Six recommendations for the acquisition of electronic books. Full Text Available [english] The AGMB is concerned with current developments which could hurt the publishing eco system, especially the market of academic text books as well as the prosperous cooperation of lecturers, libraries, publishers and users and, in addition, harm the medical education system.

At the AGMB annual conference , the Aachen declaration on the acquisition of electronic books was published to sensibilise colleagues and publishers with the current electronic book situation and to set a signal. Therefore a library had to be established which offers both practical text and specialist books and electronic resources and research material such as special research databases and journals. Temporarily located in only three rooms the library started setting up these electronic services within an e-learning environment and providing students and teachers with the important print material.

As to the establishment of a high level subject and usage related collection, media concept etc. There are no completely fitting statistics or models of other libraries to lean on. Therefore the new library area in the second floor of a new building has to be planned involving the topics library workflows, circulation by RFID, shelving. Expertise preservation in nuclear technology - the new master course ''nuclear safety engineering'' at the RWTH Aachen. The energy concept of the German federal Government in emphasizes the importance of nuclear energy within the energy policy.

The lifetime extension of German nuclear power plants and the long-term safety of radioactive waste storage is the new challenge with respect to the expertise preservation in Germany. The owners of nuclear utilities have started to assist new research programs in the field of nuclear engineering at the German universities. The companies bear the expenses for professorships ''nuclear fuel cycle'', ''simulation in nuclear engineering'' and ''reactor safety and engineering''.

An elongation of the contract is planned. A master course ''nuclear safety engineering'' over 4 semesters covers the complete fuel cycle. The authors discuss issues concerning the information of students, experiences with the expectations of students concerning their future employment, acceptance of nuclear energy and related topics. Full Text Available This publication describes a measurement system that obtains an electrocardiogram ECG by capacitively coupled electrodes. Whereas in usual clinical applications adhesive, conductively-coupled electrodes have to be attached to the skin, the described system is able to measure an ECG without direct skin contact through the cloth.

For system validation, a classical ECG with conductive electrodes and an oxygensaturation signal SpO2 were obtained simultaneously. Finally, system-specific problems of the presented device are discussed. Ammoniakemissie-arme huisvestingssystemen voor vleeskuikens en het effect van vloerverwarming op emissie en technische resultaten. Het Praktijkonderzoek Pluimveehouderij heeft onderzoek gedaan naar het gebruik van emissiearme stalsystemen voor vleeskuikens en het effect van het gebruik van vloerverwarming op de technische resultaten, strooiselkwaliteit en ammoniakemissie.

Haalbaarheidsstudie bio-afbreekbare plastic draagtasjes: Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van een haalbaarheidsstudie naar de technische en economische haalbaarheid en implicaties van een verbod op dunne plastic draagtasjes in Nederland, met een eventuele uitzondering voor bioplastic draagtassen. In deze korte studie staan bioplastic draagtassen. Their thermal conductivity varies between 2.

The high values are related to the quartzite sandstones. Results indicate that for a short period, the borehole may deliver the required temperature. But after a year period of operation, temperatures are too low to drive the adsorption unit for cooling. Post mining hazard assessment in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany at the example of the Aachen hard coal mining district. In North Rhine-Westphalia, large areas are affected by mining legacies endangering the ground surface and public safety. The problems arising and the current risk management are demonstrated at the example of the Aachen hard coal mining district.

Hazards especially result from outcrops of coal seams mined at shallow depths and shafts whilst galleries usually seem to be rather unperilous due to their depth and small dimension.

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In this paper, the design of hazard zones and the assignment of hazard classes are described. Recent scientific developments related to the size of hazard areas are described and an outlook on future procedures is given. Vrouwen weg van techniek: Om de tekorten op te vangen wordt hard gewerkt aan het motiveren van jongeren om een.

De bijdrage van Direct Manipulations Enviroments aan de ontwikkeling van technische geletterdheid in de basisschool. Om goed te kunnen participeren in de huidige maatschappij moeten mensen in zekere mate ' technische geletterd' zijn.

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Het doel van dit project, VT-NRK toepassing bioplastics, is het genereren en verspreiden van kennis met betrekking tot het verbeteren van de technische eigenschappen van PLA folies. Full Text Available Understanding the role of structure and social aspects regarding heat stress of people in urban areas requires an interdisciplinary scientific approach that connects methods from both natural sciences and social sciences. In this study, we combine three approaches to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of the structure and social components of heat stress in the city of Aachen , Germany.

First, we assess the overall spatial structure of the urban heat island using spatially distributed measurements from mobile air temperature recordings on public transport units combined with spatially distributed geo-statistical data. The results indicate that the time of day matters: During the afternoon, areas with a relative low building density, like the industrial area northeast of the inner city, are the warmest, while surfaces in high-building-density areas like the inner city heat up faster during the evening. Second, we combine these measurements with place-based survey data collected in from residents aged 50 to 92 regarding their individual housing conditions, medical history and social integration to examine the match among heat-based stress of older residents, social conditions and elevated temperatures in their residential quarter.

We identify disadvantaged areas for specific already-disadvantaged demographic groups in the city, pointing to a cumulation of inequalities, including heat stress among the most vulnerable. Third, we compare data of biometeorological measurements on urban public squares during the afternoon with results of the micrometeorological model ENVI-met to examine the spatial variability of the inner-city heat load.

A simulation shows that additional vegetation would increase thermal comfort at these public places, whereby the heat load assessed using the predicted mean vote PMV value would. Het effect van grondontsmetting en organische bemesting op het bouwplan in de Veenkolonien: In dit deelonderzoek van het project "Veranderingen in de Veenkoloniale Akkerbouw" wordt aandacht besteed aan de technische en economische gevolgen van vermindering van grondontsmetting in de aardappelteelt en de haalbaarheid van dierlijke mest en groenbemesters.

Berekeningen zijn uitgevoerd met en. Air-cooled recirculation cooling systems. Technical and economic comparison; Luftgekuehlte Rueckkuehlsysteme. There are several air-cooled forced-circulation cooling systems for heat removal from refrigeration systems. Optimum solutions should not be selected on the basis of the cost factor alone; an integrative approach should be used instead.

An exemplary investigation is presented. Laurens Valk: Kindle Store

Die Auswahl des Systems ist oft von kurzfristigem Kostendenken gepraegt, was in technischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht aber nicht immer der optimalen Loesung entspricht. Erst die genauere Kenntnis der verschiedenen Systeme und eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise ermoeglichen die optimale Wahl fuer den einzelnen Fall. Die hier praesentierte Untersuchung wird anhand eines konkreten Falls dargestellt, wobei Preise und technische Produktdaten auf realen Anfragen beruhen. Der Autor ist um objetive Bewertung bemueht, der Leser moege aber selbst urteilen.

Lectures on information literacy are an important part of the work of a scientific library and are crucial for a successful university education. The founding of the state University of Applied Sciences Hamm-Lippstadt created the opportunity to develop a completely new series of information literacy lectures. During the creation of this lecture series, different criteria such as content, format, target groups and others had to be considered.

It was also a part of this process to specify how the term information literacy should be defined for the University of Applied Sciences Hamm Lippstadt. This article discusses the criteria applied to the implementation and also gives an outlook on possible further developments. Comparison of the measured specific activities of cesium in mushrooms, pine tree twigs, blueberries, honey and game in Aachen after After the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl the specific activity in mushrooms originating from the region of Aachen was continuously measured until today.

At the same time the specific activity was determined in pine tree twigs, blueberries, honey and game. There is a strong connection of the living organisms and the inanimate environment within the forest ecosystem. The decrease of the specific caesium activity in living organisms is slower than in the other environment. Violence is a topic of great social relevance, frequently causing tremendous health consequences for those affected and high consequential costs for health care and the national economy.

The established consulting and assistance services are usually restricted to offers for ambulant supply, mainly from private agencies or societies. As a result, there is no identification and care for patients who have experienced violence and who are treated in hospital. Another deficiency is the identification and care of male victims of violence. Despite wide-ranging offers of assistance, only very few gender-specific consulting and support services have been available to date.

Therefore, the model project "Gender Gewaltkonzept" was initiated at Aachen University Hospital to assess the prevalence of violence and the potential consequences of the violence experienced on the patients' health. In addition, we investigated whether males and females are in need of different supply requirements. Based on the results of the project "Gender Gewaltkonzept" so far, and on prevalence estimates proving that there is a high rate of violent experiences in both males and females, this overview is aimed at presenting the aid and protection concepts available for victims of violence, in addition to the existing deficiencies of the care system.

We present approaches to resolving these deficiencies to be able to establish all-encompassing gender-appropriate support for victims of violence. The example of refrigeration technology for air conditioning plants. Practice-oriented advanced training at Technische Akademie Esslingen training centre. The training lasts several days and comprises a total of 12 courses on the subjects: In the present article the structure of the training is illustrated for the example of refrigeration in air conditioning plants. The article also discusses questions concerning the assessment of the training and its benefit to the participants.

Insgesamt werden in diesem gesamten Themenkomplex 12 Lehrgaenge angeboten: Am Beispiel des Themenbereiches Kaeltetechnik in Klimaanlagen wird die Lehrgangsausrichtung dargestellt. Ferner werden Fragen der Lehrgangsbewertung und der Nutzen fuer die Teilnehmer diskutiert. Gasification of biomass - principles and technical alternatives; Vergasung von Biomassen - Prinzipien und technische Moeglichkeiten.

The technical principles of gasification are outlined, and a number of biomass gasification processes are presented and compared with the coal gasification process. On the basis of the knowledge gained in coal gasification, it will be easy to carry out the development work still required on small-scale biomass gasification systems in cooperation with the gas users. Auf der Grundlage der technischen Erkenntnisse bei der Kohlevergasung einschliesslich der vor- und nachgeschalteten Prozessstufen sind die noch notwendigen verfahrens- und apparatetechnischen Entwicklungsarbeiten fuer vorwiegend kleine Anlagen in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gasnutzern durchfuehrbar.

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The " Aachen fall prevention App" - a Smartphone application app for the self-assessment of elderly patients at risk for ground level falls. Fall incidents are a major problem for patients and healthcare. Self-assessment is based on the " Aachen Fall Prevention Scale," which consists of three steps. Second, a ten-second test of free standing without compensatory movement is performed positive criterion: Finally, during the third step, patients rate their subjective fall risk on a point Likert scale, based on the results of steps one and two.

The purpose of this app is 1 to offer a low-threshold service through which individuals can independently monitor their individual fall risk and 2 to collect data about how a patient-centered mHealth app for fall risk assessment is used in the field. The results represent the first year of an ongoing field study. The objective fall risk and the self-assessed subjective risk measured by the AFPA showed a significant positive relationship.

This field study revealed the AFPA as a promising tool to raise older adults' awareness of their individual fall risk by means of a low-threshold patient-driven fall risk assessment tool. Methods and previous results. Reconstructing paleo-landscapes in urban areas is always a special challenge since the research area often witnessed constant human impact over long time periods. Dense building development is a major difficulty, particularly in regard to accessibility to in-situ soils and archaeological findings. It is therefore necessary to use data from various sources and combine methods from different fields to gain a detailed picture of the former topography.

The area, which is occupied by the city of Aachen today, looks back on a long history of human influence. Traces of human activity can be dated back to Neolithic time. The first architectural structures and the first road network were built by the Romans about years ago. From then on, the area of Aachen was more or less continuously inhabited forming today's city. This long history is represented by archaeological findings throughout the city. Several meters of settlement deposits, covering different eras, are present in many locations. Therefore, it can be assumed that the modern topography significantly differs from the pre-roman topography.

The main objective of this project is a reconstruction of the paleo-topography of Aachen in order to gain new insights on the spatial preconditions that the first settlers found. Moreover, further attention is given to the question whether and to what extent a paleo-DEM can help to clarify specific open archaeological and historical questions. The main database for the reconstruction are the archaeological excavation reports of the past years, provided by municipal and regional archives.

After analyzing these written accounts, we linked this information to drill data, provided by the Geological Service of North Rhine-Westphalia. Together with additional sources like geological and hydrological maps, we generated a GIS-based terrain model. The result is a high-resolution terrain model, representing the undisturbed pre-roman topography of the inner city of Aachen without any. The Aachen Mobility and Balance Index to measure physiological falls risk: The most commonly used mobility assessments for screening risk of falls among older adults are rating scales such as the Tinetti performance oriented mobility assessment POMA.

However, its correlation with falls is not always predictable and disadvantages of the scale include difficulty to assess many of the items on a 3-point scale and poor specificity. For this prospective cohort study, 24 participants in the study group and 10 in the control group were selected from a population of patients in our hospital who had met the stringent inclusion criteria. A history of falls and hospitalization in the past year were evaluated retrospectively. The relationships among the mobility tests were examined with Bland-Altmananalysis. Receiver-operated characteristics curves, sensitivity and specificity were calculated.

The study showed a strong negative correlation between the AMBI 17 points max. However, there were no differences in any of the mobility and balance measurements between participants with and without a fall history with equal characteristics in test comparison AMBI vs.

The AMBI comprises mobility and balance tasks with increasing difficulty as well as a measurement of the dominant hand-grip strength. The article reports on achievements of various people, staff changes and position opportunities within the CERN organization and contains news updates on upcoming or past events.

A Summer Study to be held in Snowmass, Colorado, from 23 June to 11 July will allow the US particle physics community to critically evaluate all aspects of the proposed US Superconducting Super Collider SSC in the light of conceptual design, progress in accelerator technology, new developments in collider physics, and innovations in instrumentation. Model experiments on depressurisation accidents in nuclear process heat plants HTGR.

The analysis of depressurisation accidents requires the use of digital computer programs to find out the dynamic loads acting on the plant structures. Because of the importance of such accidents in safety and licensing procedures of nuclear process heat plants, it is necessary to compare these computer results with suitable experiments to show the accuracy and the limits of the programs in question. Using the results of these experiments three different computer programs were tested with good success.

The development of the experimental program and the estimation of the results was carried out in co-operation with KFA-Juelich and the Technische Hochschule Aachen. The plan is permanently communicated to university bodies, protagonist scientists and students. Furthermore an online user satisfaction and interests survey concerning collection, usability, web service and library building was initialized as an additional data fundament. Users also can give personal feedback because of the immediate vicinity to the library.

A special services newsletter, which was launched after the survey, subject database analysis for scientists as well as curricular and individual library training courses information literacy program also preserve approach to the customers. After initial problems a high-quality collection of still important printed material as textbooks and research books together with e-books and e-Journals was built up. Thus a strategic subject search is possible. By establishing the open source library management system Koha embedded in a resource discovery system RDS context the quick access to the up to 40, volumes limited print collection plus lots of electronic resources through an integrative user interface is achievable.

As to the diversity of user groups web portal solutions for students Moodle, academic staff, external users or corporate clients have to be considered. Library building with furnishing and basic technical devices, library user regulations and workflows are further strategic steps on the way to develop a normal academic library and a. Late effects of mining operations. Technical and legal aspects. Conference; Spaetfolgen des Bergbaus. Technische und rechtliche Fragen.

The problem of late effects of mining was reviewed. Solutions were found which may be interesting to other countries as well. Bergwerksstandorte wurden aufgegeben, andere Oberflaechennutzungsformen machten sich auf diesem Gelaende breit. Dort koennen auch noch lange nach Einstellung des Bergbaus Schaeden eintreten. Welche technischen Ursachen haben sie?

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Diese Problematik wird anhand der Situation in Deutschland untersucht. Die Loesungsansaetze koennen aber auch fuer andere Laender fruchtbar gemacht werden. Session reports of the annual meeting on nuclear technology, May , , in Aachen. Attendance showed a slight increase, and the organizers. The program was arranged in the traditional proven format, with plenary sessions on the first day, and technical sessions, poster sessions, special events, and technical excursions on the other two days.

These proceedings were accompanied by an exhibition arranged by vendors, suppliers, and service companies. Following the summary of the plenary day published on pp. So war es Ziel, di Duties of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB in connection with radioactive waste safeguarding and ultimate storage. An outline of the history and duties of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB is to illustrate that the new duties of the PTB in connection with radioactive substance safeguarding and ultimate storage fit in very well with the range of duties of the PTB.

The organisatory and technical accomplishment of these duties in cooperation with a building and operating company and with industry is explained. The department of the PTB for the 'safeguarding and ultimate storage of radioactive wastes' has an examining, appraising and licensing function in connection with construction, operation and shutdown of safety facilities. Methods for the safeguarding and ultimate storage of all the radioactive wastes in the Federal Republic of Germany are described.

Experiences with a technically oriented plant management system; Erfahrungen mit einem technisch orientierten Betriebs-Management-System. This contribution first deals with the duality of mercantile and technical plant management systems. The following aspects are considered: Dissolution of the duality through coordinated interplay. The author then goes on to explain the most important components of technically oriented maintenance management.

These include the collection of technical plant data with maintenance-relevant data and relations ; the establishment of recurring tasks, the commissioning method involving occupational safety, packaging and evaluation , compilation of manuals, reporting and accompanying plant documentation. The following tools are useful for DP-assisted maintenance: Sodann werden wichtige Bausteine eines technisch orientierten Instandhaltungs-Managements erlaeutert. Dazu gehoeren die technische Anlagenerfassung mit instandhaltungsrelevanten Daten und Relationen , die Einrichtung wiederkehrender Aufgaben, das Arbeitsauftragsverfahren mit Arbeitssicherheit, Paketierung und.

Scaling of empirical data uses formal patterns to lead to a better Measuring instruments of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt for realization of the units of the dosimetric quantities standard ion dose, photon-equivalent dose and air-kerma. The realization of the units of the dosimetric quantities exposure, air-kerma and photon-equivalent dose is an important task of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt.

The report describes the measuring instruments and other technical equipment as well as the determination of the numerous corrections needed. All data and correction factors required for the realization of the units mentioned above are given in many diagrams and tables. Small-scale variability of particulate matter and perception of air quality in an inner-city recreational area in Aachen , Germany.

Full Text Available Spatial micro-scale variability of particle mass concentrations is an important criterion for urban air quality assessment. In this study we present results from detailed spatio-temporal measurements in the urban roughness layer along with a survey to determine perceptions of citizens regarding air quality in an inner city park in Aachen , Germany. Particles were sampled with two different approaches in February, May, July and September using an optical particle counter at six fixed measurement locations, representing different degrees of outdoor particle exposure that can be experienced by a pedestrian walking in an intra-urban recreational area.

A simulation of aerosol emissions induced by road traffic was conducted using the German reference dispersion model Austal Concerning simulation results, motor traffic is still proved to be an important aerosol source in the area, although the corresponding concentrations declined rapidly as the distances to the line sources increased. Further analysis leads to the assumption that particularly coarse particles were emitted through diffuse sources e. The contribution of diffuse particle sources and urban background transport to local PM 0. Modelation and simulation of technical systems.

An introduction close to practice; Modellierung und Simulation technischer Systeme. Fakultaet Naturwissenschaften und Technik. There is a growing trend towards using calculation programmes to design and optimise technical systems. Such programmes simulate the systems' dynamic behaviour on the basis of mathematical models. This book first presents the methods used for model identification and model description. A widely applicable basic algorithm has been derived by means of these methods. Creating an overview block diagram of the system under study constitutes an important step of model development.

The methods elaborated by the author are applied to numerous examples ordered in a sequence of growing complexity and hence difficulty. The examples each end with calculations on the model's behaviour, the results of which the reader can verify. Using the applied basic algorithm as a basis the reader can efficiently examine other systems not addressed in the book. Die Programme simulieren das dynamische Verhalten der Systeme auf der Basis von mathematischen Modellen. In diesem Buch wird zunaechst die Methodik der Modellermittlung und -beschreibung dargelegt, aus welcher ein breit anwendbarer Grundalgorithmus abgeleitet worden ist.

Die vom Autor erarbeitete Methodik wird auf zahlreiche Beispiele wachsender Komplexitaet und damit wachsenden Schwierigkeitsgrades angewendet.

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LEGO-Roboter II - Inventor-Bot: Neue Modelle bauen mit LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Laurens Valk, Volkmar Gronau. LEGO®-Roboter II - Inventor-Bot: Neue Modelle bauen mit LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT (German Edition) eBook: Laurens Valk, Volkmar Gronau.

Der Leser kann auf der Grundlage des angewendeten Grundalgorithmus zielstrebig andere, im Buch nicht behandelte, Systeme untersuchen. Requirements of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB for therapy dosemeters with ionization chambers submitted for calibration and approval. Therapy dosemeters are subject to calibration as from January 1, according to section 3 of the second ordinance concerning the obligation to calibrate measuring instruments in the version of the ordinance concerning the amendment of the second and third ordinance about the obligation to calibrate measuring instruments of December 21, , Federal Gazette I p Section 4 subsection 2 of this ordinance determines a transitional period until December 31, In this transitional period those therapy dosemeters may be used without calibration which were already in use on January 1, The requirements of the PTB correspond to the established rules of technology.

They specify and complete the provisions of the standardization regulations and establish terms and conditions of the test. They passed the general assembly of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt concerning calibration and measurement of The requirements of the PTB stipulate the admissible limits for effects of numerous influencing factors and other properties of the equipment and tolerances of calibration and handling.

Gedanken zur Konzeption und Entwicklung spielbasierter digitaler Lernumgebung. Full Text Available Computerspiele sind heute aus der digitalen Medienwelt nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auf diesem Gebiet besteht Forschungsbedarf: Magnetic resonance imaging of pulmonary perfusion. Technical requirements and diagnostic impact; MRT der Lungenperfusion. Technische Voraussetzungen und diagnostischer Stellenwert. With technical improvements in gradient hardware and the implementation of innovative k-space sampling techniques, such as parallel imaging, the feasibility of pulmonary perfusion MRI could be demonstrated in several studies.

Dynamic contrast-enhanced 3D gradient echo sequences as used for time-resolved MR angiography have been established as the preferred pulse sequences for lung perfusion MRI. With these techniques perfusion of the entire lung can be visualized with a sufficiently high temporal and spatial resolution. In several trials in patients with acute pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension and airway diseases, the clinical benefit and good correlation with perfusion scintigraphy have been demonstrated.

The following review article describes the technical prerequisites, current post-processing techniques and the clinical indications for MR pulmonary perfusion imaging using MRI. In der Praxis haben sich dynamische kontrastverstaerkte 3D-Gradientenechosequenzen, wie sie fuer zeitaufgeloeste MR-Angiographien verwendet werden, fuer die Bildgebung der Lungenperfusion etabliert. Hiermit ist es moeglich, die Perfusion der gesamten Lunge mit ausreichend hoher zeitlicher und raeumlicher Aufloesung zu visualisieren. In mehren klinischen Studien konnte bei Patienten mit Lungenembolie, pulmonaler Hypertonie sowie Erkrankungen der Atemwege und des Lungenparenchyms der klinische Nutzen der Lungenperfusions-MRT und die gute Uebereinstimmung mit der Lungenperfusionsszintigraphie nachgewiesen werden.

Der folgende Uebersichtsartikel beschreibt die technische Durchfuehrung, Bildnachverarbeitung und die klinischen Anwendungsgebiete der MRT zur Untersuchung der Lungenperfusion. Measurement of extrapolation curves for the secondary pattern of beta radiation Nr. The following report has as objective to present the obtained results of measuring - with a camera of extrapolation of variable electrodes CE - the dose speed absorbed in equivalent fabric given by the group of sources of the secondary pattern of radiation Beta Nr.

Market segmentation end-consumers of domotica and technical control of behavior. Management summary; Marktsegmentatie eindgebruikers domotica en technische gedragssturing. A qualitative and a quantitative study on the title subject were carried out.

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The quantitative study is based on the third measurement of the multi-client study in which attention is paid to attitudes and use of energy en the interest for domotica. The results are correlated with different types of communities. In the qualitative study attention is paid to motives to purchase domotica applications. In deze studie wordt specifiek gekeken naar de attitude van verschillende deelsegmenten consumenten inzake energie en de potentieale interesse voor domotica en technische gedragsturing, teneinde energiebesparing te realiseren.

Motivaction heeft de studie, die bestaat uit een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve fase, uitgevoerd. Voor het kwantitatieve deel is gebruik gemaakt van het multiclientonderzoek Socioconsult; gegevens daaruit op het gebied van energie en domotica zijn gekoppeld aan woonbelevingsgroepen.

Vervolgens is een aantal domotica concepten voorgelegd aan en getoetst bij individuele consumenten in vier aparte groepsessies. Die Einzelergebnisse bieten eine gute Orientierung; auf der theoretischen und konzeptionellen Ebene der Geschlechterforschung und der Geschlechterpolitik in der Hochschule ist jedoch kritisch anzumerken, dass unterschiedlichen Traditionen folgende Genderbegriffe und politische Strategien unvermittelt zusammengestellt werden, ohne deren Genealogien und politischen Kontexte zu reflektieren.

Dies trifft besonders auf das Konzept des Gender Diversity Managements zu.

About the author

The training lasts several days and comprises a total of 12 courses on the subjects: The chapter on supersonic flow has been extended in the fifth edition as this is a field of great importance in engineering. In deze studie wordt specifiek gekeken naar de attitude van verschillende deelsegmenten consumenten inzake energie en de potentieale interesse voor domotica en technische gedragsturing, teneinde energiebesparing te realiseren. The imaging system in combination with our bee eye model can serve as a tool for assessing the visual world from a bee's perspective which is particularly helpful for experimental setups. Such programmes simulate the systems' dynamic behaviour on the basis of mathematical models.

This anthology contains articles about three main topics: The individual findings offer a good orientation; however, regarding the theoretical and conceptual level of gender research and gender politics at the universities, it has to be noted critically that gender concepts and political strategies from varying traditions are put together abruptly without reflecting on their genealogies and political contexts. This is particularly true for the concept of gender diversity management.

Furthermore, the international state of research regarding new forms of regulation in university and science, particularly considering processes of doing gender, is. Risicoleerlingen bij technisch lezen. Dit project laat zien, dat verbetering van leesprestaties haalbaar is. Men zou de vraag kunnen stellen of die verbetering stand houdt, ook als de begeleiding ophoudt.

Om daar zicht op te krijgen is evaluatieonderzoek noodzakelijk. Stenting und technische Stentumgebung. Die KHK war im Jahre mit Was ein Wort bedeutet, kann ein Satz nicht sagen: Full Text Available Einleitung: Kritische Analyse und Betrachtung. Neben den terminologischen Grundbegriffen Begriff, Benennung und Gegenstand werden vor allem die Definition als Begriffsbeschreibung sowie die Kriterien zur Bildung von Benennungen untersucht. Investigation and modelling of fuel utilisation in the zone near the burner of technical combustion systems.

Final report; Untersuchung und Modellierung der Brennstoffumsetzung im Brennernahbereich technischer Verbrennungssysteme. Optimisation and development of technical combustion systems in order to generate energy efficiently and reduce pollution is an ever-increasing challenge. Mathematical and numerical simulations play a very important role in this context.

This project was dedicated to the implementation and improvement of mathematical models and subsequent verification of the modelling concepts. Verification used data measured by the university department for combined cyle turbines. The focal point of interest was the reaction zone near the burner. Further points of interest: Simulating the combustion chamber of the combined cycle turbines was prioritised.

Bei der technologischen Umsetzung dieses Ziels kommt der mathematisch-numerischen Simulation eine immer groessere Bedeutung zu. In diesem Projekt sollte die Implementierung und Verbesserung von mathematischen Modellierungsansaetzen sowie die anschliessende Verifikation der Modellierungskonzepte anhand der Messdaten des Lehrstuhls fuer Dampf- und Gasturbinen LDuG durchgefuehrt werden.

Der Schwerpunkt lag in der brennernahen Reaktionszone. Konkrete Arbeitsschwerpunkte waren die Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der Modellansaetze fuer Zweiphaseneffekte, Brennstoffumsatz und Turbulenzinteraktion sowie die Weiterentwicklung der Methodik der numerischen Simulation. Technical and economic practicability of novel flywheel mass storage systems in electricity supply networks; Technisch -wirtschaftliche Realisierbarkeit von neuartigen Schwungmassenspeicher-Systemen SMSS in elektrischen Netzen.

Efficient storage of electrical energy is an increasing need.

  • My Life as a Corporate Goddess.
  • Perfection: The Inside Story of the 1972 Miami Dolphins Perfect Season;
  • Les racines des musiques noires (Musique et musicologie) (French Edition).
  • The Poison of a Second Son!
  • ;

According to a first assessment, these systems may provide energy to the supply grid in a range of seconds and thus ensure frequency maintenance and compensation of short interruptions. The authors present first results of a preliminary study preparatory to a feasibility study on the technical and economic practicability of flywheel mass storage systems. Nach einer ersten Einschaetzung eignen sich solche Anlagen, um im Sekundenbereich Energie in das Netz abzugeben und somit zur Frequenzstuetzung und zur Kompensation von Kurzunterbrechungen beizutragen.

Praesentiert werden erste Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zur Vorbereitung einer Machbarkeitsstudie ueber die technisch -wirtschaftliche Realisierbarkeit von Schwungmassenspeicher-Systemen. Technical and economical optimization of wood gasification in a circulating fluidized bed. Final report; Technische und wirtschaftliche Optimierung der Vergasung von Holz in der zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht. Prozessautomatisierung und das Verbesserungspotenzial hinsichtlich Abgasemissionen am Motor.

Darueber hinaus wurde eine detaillierte vergleichende betriebswirtschaftliche Bewertung des Verfahrens vorgenommen. Dabei stellte sich das neue technische Verfahren positiver als etablierte Techniken dar. Technische inpassing en economische haalbaarheid. Een 'representatieve' tuinder of een tuinder met een 'gemiddelde' energiebehoefte is daarom moeilijk vast te stellen. Voor elke situatie geldt een eigen economische rentabiliteit.

De uitkomsten van deze studie kunnen daarom niet zonder meer worden overgenomen voor andere projecten. Technisch is er veel mogelijk, zo blijkt uit de ingediende offertes. Van de zestien leveranciers bieden er drie een vergasser met warmtekrachtkoppeling WKK aan die, onder bepaalde randvoorwaarden, naast hout tevens laagwaardige reststromen aankan. Het voordeel van laagwaardige reststromen zoals bermgras, riet en miscanthus is een gunstigere prijs ten opzichte van hout.

Een lage biomassaprijs heeft een positief effect op de exploitatiekosten, en daarmee op de economische rentabiliteit van de relatief kostbare installaties. De investering voor een complete vergasserWKK-installatie ligt 5 tot 10 keer hoger dan die voor een gangbare gasWKK-installatie. Ook het CO2 -gebruik heeft invloed op de economische rentabiliteit. De inkoop van CO2 is een kostbare aangelegenheid. Onderzocht is of er zowel technisch als economisch beschikbare CO2 -winning uit rookgas mogelijk is.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book: A Beginner's Guide to Building and Programming Robots

Hiervoor zijn twee CO2 -winninginstallaties bekeken: CO2 -inkoop of -opwekking middels de bestaande aardgasgestookte ketel ligt daarom meer voor de hand. Uit de technisch -economische haalbaarheidsstudie blijkt dat door de relatief hoge investerings- en onderhoudskosten, investeren in een vergasserWKK-installatie niet rendabel is.

CO2 -behoefte en de onzekerheid van de biomassaprijzen spelen daarbij parten. A detailed technical description of the test facility SUCOT is given, in which the natural circulation driven two-phase flow within the reactor sump and relevant phenomena such as flow boiling, disperse bubbly flow with and without mass transfer, and geysering are investigated.

The major components of the test facility, the three-loop system and the instrumentation are described. Finally, a perspective for future application of the gained knowledge is given. Das Konzept sieht eine stabile Ausbreitung der Kernschmelze im Reaktorsumpf und deren Kuehlung von oben mit Sumpfwasser vor. This research aims to apprehend: This research used quantitative and qualitative; paper and pencil test and interview.

The former was conducted in the form of test containing objective test instrument. Superconducting electron accelerator in operation. This pioneer continuous-wave c. Thermodynamik grundlagen und technische anwendungen. Darauf aufbauend wird die Thermodynamik der Gemische und der chemischen Reaktionen entwickelt. Auch die thermodynamischen Aspekte wichtiger energie- und verfahrenstechnischer Anwendungen werden praxisnah behandelt: Selection of compressors and drives for natural gas storage and transport - technical and economic aspects; Auswahl von Verdichtern und Antriebsmaschinen fuer die Erdgasspeicherung und den Erdgastransport - technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte.

The contribution presents a comparison of the available systems. Unter Beruecksichtigung des Marktes werden die Varianten Verdichter-Antriebskombinationen definiert und in einem technischen Vergleich Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Alternativen gegenuebergestellt und bewertet. Das Ergebnis der vergleichenden Bewertung der Varianten kann eine neue Definition der Varianten oder der Anforderungen notwendig machen.

In competition for the best energy-plus building. German teams score at Solar Decathlon Europe with architecture, engineering and marketing opportunities; Im Wettkampf um das beste Plusenergiehaus. For the competition, 18 interdisciplinary student teams from all over the world developed and built houses that generate at least as much energy - using solar systems - as they consume. They were supported by their universities, researchers and companies.

Whereas the design from Constance has perfected a modular construction system, with the Aachen team the focus is on recycling. Were also present from the Directorate: Elias, Johannes; Schouls, Leo M. Multiplication of annual incidence rates 3. Gedifferentieerde Risicobeoordeling Technisch -wetenschappelijke mogelijkheden.

This document contains an overview of the technical and scientific possibilities for performing a tailored assessment of the environmental risks in the registration of pesticides in the Netherlands. Various components of this environmental assessment were analyzed to show to what extent, for.

Technisch lego met een Duplo-interface. Daedalus is een ontwerpflow op systeemniveau waarmee techneuten snel kunnen experimenteren met verschillende multiprocessorarchitecturen tijdens de vroege stadia van het ontwerptraject. Het is het resultaat van tien jaar onderzoek en ontwikkeling binnen de Progress-projecten Artemis en Artemisia. Techno-economic accompanying research the national competition ''Bioenergy Regions''. Final report funding measure ; Technisch -oekonomische Begleitforschung des Bundeswettbewerbes ''Bioenergie-Regionen''.

This final report describes the results of the techno-economic accompanying research of the competition of bioenergy regions. The aim of the techno-economic accompanying research was to evaluate the project regions regarding the use of bioenergy. To this end, the bioenergy plants and supply chains of bioenergy as well as the raw materials used were the focus of investigations.

Hereby the comparison between the regions and classification of the national average should be made possible. It was also necessary to be able to make statements about the climate protection contribution of funding the project. Not least the DBFZ supported the office of competition and the regions in answering technical-economic issues. The report is divided into a theoretical part A and the result Part B. After a summary of the results chapter 1 and a brief overview of important and higher-level indicators Chapter 2 the background and objectives of the competition are in Part A, first presented Chapter 3.

This is followed by Chapter 4 of the explanation of the methodological approach. Part B contains the results of the accompanying research project. The individual chapters are based respectively on the specific questions or thematic blocks of techno-economic accompanying research Section The final chapter 9 takes a brief look at the second funding phase from to Study on partitioning and transmutation P and T of high-level waste.

Status of R and D. The main project, where this sub project contributed to, has been structured into two modules: The overall coordination has been carried out by the Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften acatech. The social implications have been evaluated in module B based on the analysis of the scientific and technological aspects in module A.

Recommendations for communication and actions to be taken for the future positioning of P and T have been developed. The topic is opened by a short description of reactor systems possible for transmutation. In the following the R and D status of separation technologies, safety technology, accelerator technology, liquid metal technology, spallation target development, transmutation fuel and structural material development, as well as waste conditioning is described.

The topic is completed by the specifics of transmutation systems, the basic physics and core designs, the reactor physics, the simulation tools and the development of Safety Approaches. Additionally, the status of existing irradiation facilities with fast neutron spectrum is described. Based on the current R and D status, the research and technology gaps in the topics: Stand der Grundlagen- und technologischen Forschung. Specification of a technically justified limiting value for sulphur concentrations in heating oil in order to enhance the use of high-efficiency boiler technology in oil heating systems; Ermittlung eines technisch begruendeten Grenzwertes fuer Schwefelgehalte im Heizoel zur Foerderung des Einsatzes von Brennwerttechnologie in Oelheizungsanlagen.

Different oil condensing boilers, which were available on the German market, have been investigated in order to determine the relevant limit for sulphur content in domestic heating oil. Up to now, the condensate from oil condensing boilers has to be neutralized in many cases due to local legislation. Calculations of the total energy consumption came to the result, that primary energy can be saved. The increase of efficiency on the boiler side has more influence than the energy needed for desulphurization.

Die Voraussetzung fuer eine Befreiung von der Neutralisationsverpflichtung bei der Verwendung dieser Brennstoffe ist damit aus technischer Sicht gegeben. Fuer die Entwicklung von neuen, kompakten und preiswerten Oelbrennwertgeraeten wird von der Heizgeraeteindustrie ein Schwefelgehalt von max.

Both this agreement and the newly developed ''Work and research program to '' thus clearly define PTB's medium-term guidelines focusing on ''Innovation and industry'', ''Energy and the environment'', ''Humans and health'', ''Legal and international metrology'' as well as ''The new System of Units''. The following topics are dealt with: Quality management, legal metrology, technology transfer, technical cooperation, mechanics and acoustics, chemical physics and explosion protection, optics, manufacturing measurement techniques, ionizing radiation, temperature and synchrotron radiation, medical physics and metrological information techniques.

Auf der Grundlage einer Lehre, die sich am Lernen der Studierenden orientiert, hilft der Didaktik-Coach dabei, elementare Fertigkeiten auszubilden: So macht die Lehre Freude! Leistung und Wettbewerb — Die Entwicklung des schwedischen Hochschul - und Forschungssystems seit Full Text Available This paper analyzes the Swedish system of higher education and research with respect to the allocation of research resources. The main findings are a considerable expansion of the system since the post war era as well as a strong trend towards decentralization during the last decades.

The earlier visible hand of close governance has left power to an invisible hand of market governance. Also, methods of New Public Management have been introduced. Despite an increasing tendency for research evaluations in Sweden the link to funding has so far been weak, however.

Even if resources for research to an increasing extent are allocated through short-term project grants rather than long-term block grants a clear tendency towards funding of fewer and larger programmes rather than many small projects can be observed. Functional description of PreSRM v1. The PreSRM software library is prescribed in The Netherlands by the government to be used in the dispersion modeling of air pollution when evaluating air quality guidelines in outside air.

The code is maintained by ECN and needs to be updated annually. This technical manual describes the use of PreSRM by programmers and documents the update for the current year , including all updated meteorological and air quality background information for the year [Dutch] PreSRM is een software bibliotheek voor rekenmodellen gebruikt bij de beoordeling van luchtkwaliteit. In Nederland schrijft de Regeling Beoordeling Luchtkwaliteit RBL voor onder welke condities welke rekenmethodes gebruikt moeten worden om aan de luchtkwaliteitsnormen te toetsen.

Tevens wordt daarin vastgesteld welke invoergegevens gebruikt moeten worden voor emissies, achtergrondconcentraties, meteorologie en terreinruwheid. Deze gegevens worden jaarlijks geactualiseerd. Dit rapport is een technische handleiding voor de programmeurs en ontwikkelaars van de implementaties van standaard rekenmethoden en systeembeheerders van gebruikers en beschrijft aanpassingen in de huidige versie van de bibliotheek.

Solar thermal demonstration projects in public buildings in East Germany - Scientific and technical studies accompanying construction and operation of solar thermal demonstration plants in the states of south western Germany. Final report; Solarthermie Solarthermische Demonstrationsanlagen fuer oeffentliche Gebaeude mit Schwerpunkt in den neuen Bundeslaendern - Wissenschaftlich- technische Begleitung der solarthermischen Demonstrationsanlagen in den suedwestlichen Bundeslaendern.

Exemplary solar thermal power systems with a minimum collector surfaces of square metres are presented, improved and optimized. Their competitive strength is to be improved by reducing the specific system cost and raising the specific useful power generation. Diese Systemloesungen sollen weiter verbessert und angepasst werden. Zugleich soll erreicht werden, dass die wirtschaftliche Konkurrenzfaehigkeit gesteigert wird, indem durch Reduzierung der spezifischen Systemkosten und Erhoehung des spezifischen Nutzenergieertrages die solaren Nutzwaermekosten gesenkt werden.

Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons PHC - end products and intermediate products of technical synthesis processes in surface water of the Rhine region. Site profiles of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons - source-oriented monitoring in aquatic media; Persistente chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe PCKW - End- und Zwischenprodukte technischer Synthesen in Gewaessern der Rheinregion. Band 5 der Reihe: Although some of the licensed themes, Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones, had highly successful sales, Lego has expressed a desire to rely more upon their own characters and classic themes, and less upon licensed themes related to movie releases.

Designed by Jens Kronvold Fredericksen, it was released in and contained 5, pieces. It was surpassed by a 5,piece Taj Mahal. A redesigned Millenium Falcon recently retook the top spot in with 7, pieces. The roots of the product originate from a programmable brick developed at the MIT Media Lab, and the name is taken from a paper by Seymour Papert, a computer scientist and educator who developed the educational theory of constructionism, and whose research was at times funded by the Lego Group.

The set includes sensors that detect touch, light, sound and ultrasonic waves, with several others being sold separately, including an RFID reader. There are also several unofficial programs and compatible programming languages that have been made to work with the brick, and many books have been written to support this community. The earliest is Botball, a national U.

FLL uses Lego-based robots to complete tasks. FLL participants build models out of Lego elements. In its season, there were 16, FLL teams in over 55 countries. In its season, there were 2, Jr. The international RoboCup Junior football competition involves extensive use of Lego Mindstorms equipment which is often pushed to its extreme limits. Designs for these Lego prosthetics allow everything from mechanical diggers to laser-firing spaceships to be screwed on to the end of a child's limb.

Iko is the work of the Chicago-based Colombian designer Carlos Arturo Torres, and is a modular system that allows children to customise their own prosthetics with the ease of clicking together plastic bricks. Designed with Lego's Future Lab, the Danish toy company's experimental research department, and Cirec, a Colombian foundation for physical rehabilitation, the modular prosthetic incorporates myoelectric sensors that register the activity of the muscle in the stump and send a signal to control movement in the attachment. A processing unit in the body of the prosthetic contains an engine compatible with Lego Mindstorms, the company's robotics line, which lets the wearer build an extensive range of customised, programmable limbs.

Lego cloneThe definitive shape of the Lego bricks, with the inner tubes, was patented by the Lego Group in CoCo was ordered to cease manufacture of the products, publish a formal apology and pay damages. There are also moderated message boards that were founded in The website has a built in inbox which allows users to send pre written messages to one another. The Lego Network includes automated non-player characters within called 'Networkers', who are able to do things which normal users cannot do, sending custom messages, and selling masterpieces and blueprints.

The site also has modules which are set up on the user's page that give the user items, or that display picture compositions. Before My Lego Network, there were Lego Club Pages, which essentially held the same purpose, although the design lacked complex interaction. Two Legoland Discovery Centres opened in The opening of each store is celebrated with weekend-long event in which a Master Model Builder creates, with the help of volunteers—most of whom are children—a larger-than-life Lego statue, which is then displayed at the new store for several weeks. Lego Serious PlaySince around , the Lego Group has been promoting 'Lego Serious Play', a form of business consultancy fostering creative thinking, in which team members build metaphors of their organizational identities and experiences using Lego bricks.

Participants work through imaginary scenarios using visual three-dimensional Lego constructions, imaginatively exploring possibilities in a serious form of play. List of Lego video gamesLego branched out into the video game market in by founding Lego Media International Limited, and Lego Island was released that year by Mindscape. Lego board gamesLego Games launched in , was a series of Lego-themed board games designed by Cephas Howard and Reiner Knizia[76][77] in which the players usually build the playing board out of Lego bricks and then play with Lego-style players.

Examples of the games include 'Minotaurus', in which players roll dice to move characters within a brick-build labyrinth, 'Creationary', in which players must build something which appears on a card, or 'Ramses Pyramid', in which players collect gems and climb up a customizable pyramid. Like many board games, the games use dice. In Lego Games, the dice are Lego, with Lego squares with symbols on Lego studs on the dice, surrounded by rubber.

The games vary from simple to complex, some are similar to 'traditional' board games, while others are completely different. Masters of Spinjitzu began in , and another based on Legends of Chima began in A television series of Lego City has also been announced. The first was 'The Ultimate Lego Book', published in A celebration of 30 years of the LEGO minifigure, a smaller book focused on the minifigure.

In , a revised edition was published. The Visual Dictionary and a range of Lego-based sticker books. Bionicle comics, also written by Farshtey, are compiled into graphic novels and were released by Papercutz. This series ended in , after nine years. The clothes are for boys and girls from 0 to 12 years old and the partnership also ties in with other Lego products such as 'Ninjago', 'Hero Factory' and the new 'Friends' theme for girls. How to pronounce Lego in Danish'. Archived from the original on 5 September Retrieved 6 September Archived from the original on 26 November Retrieved 20 February Retrieved 17 July Archived from the original on 31 January Retrieved 28 January Archived from the original on 6 September Archived from the original on 26 July Retrieved 2 May Made Of Spare Parts'.

Archived from the original on 3 May Archived from the original on 3 June Retrieved 24 May Archived from the original on 25 April Retrieved 3 September Archived from the original on 14 February National Toy Hall of Fame. Archived from the original on 25 September University of Copenhagen Faculty of Science. Archived from the original on 2 April Retrieved 29 March Archived from the original PDF on 11 May Archived from the original on 23 August Retrieved 3 October Archived from the original on 3 April Archived from the original on 29 March Archived from the original on 24 January Retrieved 21 May Archived from the original on 19 April Retrieved 29 May Archived from the original on 15 May Retrieved 13 May Archived from the original on 10 September Retrieved 26 September Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 28 July Archived from the original on 4 November Archived from the original on 4 December Retrieved 4 December The average maximum force the bricks can stand is 4,N.

That's equivalent to a mass of kg lbs. If you divide that by the mass of a single brick, which is 1. So, , bricks towering 3. Archived from the original on 28 March Lego kan samles og adskilles over Archived from the original on 14 September Retrieved 25 August Archived from the original on 23 May Archived from the original on 28 August Archived from the original on 31 August Archived from the original on 3 October Archived from the original on 23 July Retrieved 23 July The New York Times.

Retrieved 9 March Archived from the original on 7 July Retrieved 20 August Archived from the original on 19 September Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 1 October Archived from the original on 1 February Archived from the original on 23 January Archived from the original on 2 November Retrieved 6 March Archived from the original on 24 May Archived from the original on 27 May Archived from the original on 7 August Retrieved 1 January Archived from the original on 24 July Archived from the original on 12 September Archived from the original on 17 September Archived from the original on 26 August Archived from the original on 10 July Retrieved 1 November Interview with Cephas Howard'.

Archived from the original on 18 August Retrieved 24 August Archived from the original on 17 August Archived from the original on 15 September Archived from the original on 4 June Sets dates for the Lego Movie'. Archived from the original on 24 September Archived from the original on 13 May Archived from the original on 27 December Archived from the original on 31 December Archived from the original on 2 February Retrieved 25 January Archived from the original on 4 July Retrieved 10 July Archived from the original on 16 March Retrieved 26 August Archived from the original on 22 August Retrieved 8 August Building Robots with Java Brains.

McKee, Jacob H The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs. Pilegaard, Ulrik; Dooley, Mike James May's Toy Stories. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Vermutungen, der Name sei vom lateinischen lego ich lese, ich sammle hergeleitet, werden vom Hersteller bestritten.

Dieses Kupplungsprinzip wurde am Januar zum Patent angemeldet[4], das auslief. Dagegen gingen mehrere Wettbewerber vor. Entsprechend urteilte am Diese Bauweise setzte sich durch und wird noch immer verwendet. Es gibt auch Lego-Uhren, die mit den Grundsteinen kombinierbar sind. Seit wird Lego Castle hergestellt. Piraten-Sets wurden von bis produziert. Eine weitere Serie kam und unter dem Namen Pirates in den Handel. Seit April sind neue Pirates Sets im Handel.

Western wurde nur und produziert, dann aber mangels Erfolg wieder eingestellt. Das Wikinger-Thema wurde von bis vermarktet. Die Anlage wurde von einem Netztrafo versorgt. Die Montage der Gleise gestaltet sich damit wesentlich einfacher, allerdings sind sie zum Volt-System nicht mehr voll kompatibel. Dazu brachte Lego neue Gleise auf den Markt, die aus kleinen Abschnitten bestehen. Jeder Abschnitt besteht aus zwei Teilen, die sich zueinander in einem Winkel von einigen Grad verdrehen lassen. Tron, Mars Mission etc.