Virtual Heat: Exposed

The temperature of the brass disc is measured by thermometer T 1 and the temperature of the brass base is measured by thermometer T 2. In this way the temperature difference across such a thin disc of sample can be accurately measured.

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The temperatures T 1 and T 2 are constant when the apparatus is in steady state. By measuring how fast the brass disc cools at the steady state temperature T 1 , the rate of heat loss can be determined. It shown in figure 3. At steady state, heat conducted through the bad conductor per second will be equal to heat radiated per second from the exposed portion of the metallic disc. A - Area of the sample in contact with the metallic disc,. T 2 - T 1 -Temperature difference across the sample thickness,. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor using Lee's disc apparatus.

Retrieved 19 December , from vlab.

Virtual Heat: Exposed - Kindle edition by Kelly Haven. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks . At steady state, heat conducted through the bad conductor per second will be equal to heat radiated per second from the exposed portion of the metallic disc.

Previously, products had to be tested and classified according to national standards in each country in which they were launched to the market. In the new system, the Euroclass classification of a product is acknowledged in all member countries based on its performance in the harmonized fire tests.

The decision on the classification of the reaction to fire performance of construction products [ 40 ] was published in February The Euroclass system requires including the test methods and classifications of the Euroclass decision in the legislation of the member countries. The required fire performance for various purposes of use of construction products are still decided nationally, but the requirements are expressed in terms of harmonized standards.

This section is organized as follows: Single Burning Item test EN 1. The European classes of reaction to fire performance for construction products excluding floorings are based on four fire test methods: The details of specimen conditioning and substrate selection are given in EN [ 46 ], and the harmonized procedure for the classification is described in EN [ 47 ].


The first two test methods below are only applicable for non-combustible materials. Fire retardant wood products cannot reach these criteria. The purpose of the non-combustibility test EN ISO is to identify the products that will not, or significantly not, contribute to a fire. The test apparatus is shown in Figure 6a.

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Temperature changes due to the possible burning of the specimen are monitored with thermocouples. The flaming time of the specimen is visually observed.

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After the test, the mass loss of the specimen is determined. The gross calorific potential test EN ISO determines the potential maximum total heat release of a product when burned completely.

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The test apparatus is shown in Figure 6b. A powdery test specimen is ignited in pressurized oxygen atmosphere inside a closed steel cylinder calorimetric bomb surrounded by water jacket. The temperature rise of water during burning is measured. The gross calorific potential is calculated on the basis of the temperature rise, specimen mass, and correction factors related to the specific test arrangement used. The SBI test is a relatively new fire test method developed specially for the Euroclass system.

The test is based on a fire scenario of a single burning item, e. The SBI test is used for construction products excluding floorings. The SBI test was developed by a group of European fire laboratories on the basis of the specifications defined by a group of European fire regulators.

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The development work included the design of a prototype, the installation of test facilities, the determination of the accuracy of the method, and the production of data needed to finalise the classification system [ 48 ]. SBI test specimens are installed on a specimen holder with two vertical wings made of non-combustible board. The thermal exposure on the surface of the specimen is produced by a right-angled triangle-shaped propane gas burner placed at the bottom corner formed by the specimen wings.

The burner simulates a single burning item. Combustion gases generated during a test are collected by a hood and drawn to an exhaust duct equipped with sensors to measure the temperature, light attenuation, O 2 and CO 2 mole fractions and flow-induced pressure difference in the duct. The test apparatus is shown schematically in Figure 6c, and a photograph of a test in Figure 6d. The performance of the specimen is evaluated for an exposure period of 20 minutes.

During the test, the heat release rate HRR is measured by using oxygen consumption calorimetry. The smoke production rate SPR is measured in the exhaust duct based on the attenuation of light. Falling of flaming droplets or particles is visually observed during the first seconds of the heat exposure on the specimen. In addition, lateral flame spread is observed to determine whether the flame front reaches the outer edge of the larger specimen wing at any height between and mm during the test.