The Kabbalah of Time: Revelation of Hidden Light Through the Jewish Calendar

Hidden Light Revealed

The division into nations and sexes is purely relative. So, whatever corrections the different souls made, ultimately they become thoroughly interconnected. This means that the luminescence of Hochma appears from Chazeh and below, i. What does the Baal HaSulam mean? The problem is that the light of Hochma cannot shine in the Kli unless the light of Hassadim enters it previously.

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A vessel is created as a desire to receive pleasure. Unless the vessel acquires a screen, which complements the Ohr Yashar with the Ohr Hozer , no light can enter into the Kli. We can explain it in a different way: But how can these altruistic intentions manifest? This can only happen during the last two millennia, when the light of Neshama descends to our world. Therefore, before this period i. In other words, the light of wisdom, the knowledge about the structure of the universe, cannot be revealed to the souls.

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They are still insufficiently egoistic to be corrected with the light of Neshama and to receive even a minimal amount of the Ohr Hochma. We are now living in the year , which corresponds to of the Jewish calendar. This means that we have less than years left. Only during the time of the Ari, when the time for completion of the Kelim from Chazeh and below arrived, i. Suppose that the Kelim of NHY were developing from the beginning of this period and onwards until the time of the Ari. Thanks to the holy soul of Rabbi Isaac Luria the Ari for short the radiance of the Supreme wisdom was revealed.

The Kelim de NHY were sufficiently developed by his time, hence this special soul descended to our world. Any descent of souls, including yours and mine, is predetermined by the previous general and individual development of the Kelim de NHY. So in fact, the history of humankind is a development of Partzuf from up down. This determines what souls descend to this world, how they dress into bodies, in what society, state or environment they find themselves, etc.

That is, from the moment " The Book of Zohar " appeared, it concentrated in itself all the knowledge that had been received from the Kabbalists living before the destruction of the Temple. The book is considered so great, not because the Kelim of NHY were still undeveloped, but because its wisdom was received by very exalted souls that lived at that time. Only the Ari could be the next in line; only he could explain and elevate Kabbalah by expounding everything that is available to us today. Practically, the Ari introduced the method of correction to the world.

Since the Kelim de NHY had completed their development, his soul could descend to our world and provide us with everything necessary for the correction of our souls Kelim. He, as it were, completed their development. After the Kelim manifested, but before the lights entered them, the Ari appeared at once. Therefore, the collection of his works more than 20 volumes constitutes a complete method of spiritual ascent, spiritual correction. None of the Kabbalists before the Ari could understand exactly how the spiritual correction takes place.

No one could reach his level of attainment because these Kelim were not sufficiently developed in the creation. Since his time and on the acquisition of a screen and reception of the light in these fully developed Kelim has begun. However, the Baal HaSulam continues:. But these Kelim were not fully developed because the Ari did not have enough time to complete all the necessary corrections.

We shall later discuss why the Ari failed.

Introduction to the Book of Zohar. Items 60-71

Naturally, it so happened because there were objective, profound reasons and not because he suddenly fell sick and died. Rather, he fell sick and died because there had been certain prerequisites in the development of these Kelim. But these Kelim were not fully developed because the Ari, as we know, passed away in according to the Jewish calendar. His legacy, forbidden to be disclosed to the world, was used only by a chosen few. In one of his letters, the Baal HaSulam tells this story. The Ari lived only 36 years.

He never wrote any books by himself. During the last one and a half years of his life he had a disciple by the name of Haim Vital Marhu. Haim was 28 at the time, while the Ari was Think of how young these two men were! During the time he spend beside the Ari, Haim Vital learned everything that later allowed him to write more than 20 thick volumes.

It seems incredible to us. Vital had learned from his great Teacher in only eighteen months, he described in a series of note-books, which were buried with him after his death. In his will he insisted that they be put in his grave in Safed Tzefat, a town in North Galilee. The Ari and Haim Vital used to live in this ancient town in the north of Galilee. My students and I often come to this place, and immerse ourselves in the same spring where the Ari used to have his ablutions.

Haim Vital was unwilling to publish his writings, believing that neither he nor his generation was sufficiently mature for this knowledge. Some of them were revealed at the time of the Baal Shem Tov Besht. This great Kabbalist lived in the 17th Century in the Ukraine. Like the Ari, the Baal Shem Tov never penned anything by himself. A few books were written by some of his disciples. With the help of these two books, we can complete our correction, because during the time period between the Ari and the Baal HaSulam the Kelim of NHY completed their development and were filled with all principal lights.

As this greatest Kabbalist of our time had predicted, starting from the end of the last century the spiritual ascent towards the End of correction began. With the help of his books all subsequent generations will follow our path. Now we can clearly see that the souls of the earlier generations were immeasurably higher than those of the later generations. The rule for all Partzufim, both pertaining to worlds and to souls, is that the purest vessels are corrected first. Thus, the Kelim of HaBaD of chaos both of the world and the souls were introduced first to our world.

Therefore, the souls of the first two millennia are incomparably higher than those that came after them. Man of that time needed very little. He was quite content with a shelter, a small amount of food, and security. His egoism did not push him towards any serious undertakings. Exalted souls are not necessarily those that have profound attainments. They can feel the spiritual worlds due to their purity. Despite their tremendous elevation, they could not receive the full amount of light due to the lack of their own lower components, the Kelim of HaGaT and NHYM. During the middle period, when the vessels of the worlds and of the souls that emerged were of the Kelim of HaGaT, the souls were still extremely pure.

We know that there are ten Sefirot: Hesed is similar to Keter , Gevura is like Tifferet. At the same time, the lights were still concealed in the worlds due to the lack of egoism in these Kelim. For the most part, egoism is in the Kelim of NHY. As soon as these vessels began developing, both the first and then the second Temples were destroyed. The spiritual collapse that took place as a result of a transition from Bina to the vessels of reception Kelim de Kabbalah through Tifferet echoed in our world as the physical destruction of the two Temples.


Accordingly, in our generation, in which the lowest souls in all creation that could not be corrected until now, they still complement the Kelim-Partzufim of the common soul. The work can only be completed with their help.

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He will be constantly bombarded by the deadly desires of the surrounding people, dictating to him what he has to do. The nations with a higher level of egoism are greedy, resourceful, craving for pleasures of this world. Consequently, it is the only means of perceiving ourselves, our dependence, and our dissimilarity from the surrounding light. However, by correcting ourselves and becoming similar to our root, we are able to change our inner sensation of what we receive from above. It researches the events in the Upper world, from where all the powers descended into our world and generated and instigated all that happens here. Everything that occurs in the whole occurs in its parts as well, and vice versa.

The Baal HaSulam says that although the Kelim of NHY are the worst and most egoistic, yet the completion of the work is impossible without them because they are exactly the vessels to be corrected. Their development starts after the destruction of the Temple, and then followed by the development of the lights in these Kelim. Therefore, all that is left for us to do is to realize this method of correction, i. In our time this power is called Mashiach. Therefore, only with the completion of preparation of these lowest souls could the highest lights be revealed, and not prior to this.

Only thanks to us will the light enter into this world. We will attract it with our most evil, awful egoism because by this we complete the structure of the Partzuf of the entire creation. This was a problem that pre-occupied the sages, and it was clear to them that the earlier generations were much more important than the later ones pertaining to their vessels, properties, and desires, which were considerably closer to the properties of the light.

Their vessels were very small, pure, and sublime in comparison with ours. They were much closer to the light, whereas we are completely opposite to it in our desires. But the wisdom of Torah all understanding, attainment and depth of sensations is manifested in the later generations a lot more, due to the increased general volume of the Kli. As is well known, the general volume of egoism is contained in the Sof of the Partzuf. So it turns out that the correction takes place with the help of the last generations.

This is because actions originate in the pure Kelim, whereas the secrets of Torah stem from the light of the Sefirot. The revelation of light occurs inside the soul, in our Kelim, inside our consciousness.

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Our generation is therefore able to draw tremendous light to this world. We are now in the Kelim of NHY , which approach their completion, but do not possess a screen. The Kelim that manifest now are empty. That is why our time is so tough, egoistic, cruel and barbaric in its essence. We are now standing at a threshold of reception of light in the empty Kelim. If we acquire a screen, we shall instantly begin drawing the Upper light. She gives lectures and university classes, exploring the links between Judaism and Brazil.

Similar to the zodiac, where every month has its own symbolism, every week of the Jewish calendar also has a unique meaning The Kabbalah of Time: To Work in a Focused Manner and without Ego. To Thank Gd in Unison. To Trust in Gds Mercy.

To Publicize Miracles with Pride and Humility. To Keep Things in Perspective. To Complement One Another in Happiness.

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The Kabbalah of Time. Revelation of Hidden Light Through the Jewish Calendar By Rabbi Daniel Kahane & Ann Helen Wainer. The Kabbalah of Time: Revelation of Hidden Light Through the Jewish Calendar [Rabbi Daniel Kahane, Ann Helen Wainer] on *FREE* shipping.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it… That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. Its gates shall not be shut at all by day there shall be no night there.

And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. Hanukkah reminds us that Yeshua is the light of the World!