The Honest Truth About Honest Abe (The Best of Read JDM)

For Whom the Rebel Flag Flies

Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Photo courtesy of the Internet Let me start by saying this. I admire the movement amongst some writers and TV people to banish the name from their everyday language.

This week—the first week of the Major League Baseball season—one Met in particular, Daniel Murphy, missed some games to be with his wife, who had just had a baby. He was out on what we call patern. Letting Go of "Lost". Heavy spoilers and a large number of words to follow.

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Mark is a twelve-year-old from Washington State who has repeatedly faced death since age five when he was diagnosed with cancer. He was set to take part in a duel, but it was cancelled at the last second. I admire the movement amongst some writers and TV people to banish the name from their everyday language. View all 3 comments. Un libro sobre las metas y como a pesar de todo debemos luchar por conseguirlas.

I was a big fan of Lost. The first time I noticed this trend was a few years back when flocks of birds were mysteriously dying, and people suddenly became bird experts in their comments on articles. Why I Support the Secessionist Movement. Photo courtesy of the Internet I have never been to Colorado. I know they have four sports teams and a city that bills itself as being a mile high. I know that city is supposed. The Fourth of July in Valley Forge. Photo courtesy of ValleyForge. Well, not all mapped out.

I saw it all unfolding in my mind. Sometimes these life experiences will. Photo courtesy of the Internet Sometimes people move. I totally understand Jessie's dilemma.

50 interesting facts about Abraham Lincoln's life

The Honest Truth About Honest Abe (The Best of Read JDM) - Kindle edition by Jonathan David Morris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, . Was that worth reading? The Read JDM Newsletter are proud to finally present JDM's debut novel, THE BEST SNIPER EVER, And also be sure to check out THE HONEST TRUTH ABOUT HONEST ABE, now.

Honour her friend or save his life? She is 12 so, yeah. But her sections did nothing for the story. The adults were mostly smart But Mark wasn't being very covert, yet they couldn't find him. And then when a random dude finds him and gives him a life and figures out who he is, he just sits back and says "Ah, well, the kid really wants to climb the mountain. It was a bit of a moral problem for me reading this. On one hand I understood that Mark was clawing for this one wish what he thought would be his last and he's so angry and he's so fed-up with being sick.

He was just doing this one last thing. But on the other hand, I couldn't understand why the adults he met who figured it out always let him slip through their fingers. It was a bittersweet story and very emotionally moving. I'm left a bit in a twister as to what to think buuuuuut View all 3 comments. Es una historia de lucha y de plantarle cara a la muerte. No os voy a mentir y es una historia triste pero a la vez es muy bonita.

Y me han gustado mucho porque aportan mucho a la historia de amistad de esos dos amigos, Mark y Jessie. Y por supuesto, no duda en llevarse a Beau, su gran y fiel amigo su perro. Me ha encantado esta amistad. Os la recomiendo muy mucho. Lo recomiendo a los que os haya gustado Un monstruo viene a verme, en ese caso, es una lectura casi obligatoria ya que ambas caminan de la mano. All the stars in the universe! But together we build light; shared, it keeps us warm.

About friendships and promises. About trust and love. About a dying boy and his loyal dog. I did not expect it to leave such impact to me. I was certainly did not expect myself to clutch the book and cried my heart out at how much feels it giving me. Read this book please, share the feels with me.

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Let us all sit and think of a Actual Rating: Let us all sit and think of all that matters, of the love and people who are always there for us, of kind strangers in this harsh world, of hopes that might seem dim but glow deep within us, of everything. I just want to lay down and hug this book to sleep. Un libro sobre las metas y como a pesar de todo debemos luchar por conseguirlas. Sobre la amistad humana y animal y su apoyo incondicional. Sobre afrontar las adversidades a pesar de todo. Sobre como teniendo poco puedes conseguir mucho si te lo propones.

Un libro donde querer es poder a pesar de todo. Un libro donde las promesas son ley. Dec 10, Yaily rated it it was amazing.


View all 4 comments. I can't even begin to imagine how a person with terminal illness must feel like but I know for sure that it's one of the worst if not THE worst feelings one can ever encounter in life. The Honest Truth tells the story of Mark, a young boy who is battling cancer and he is just tired of it all. Tired of being sick, tired of being pitied, tired of feeling like his time on Earth is running out. So, he decides to "claim" his life which is the only thing he feels he has a claim of and sets off on a I can't even begin to imagine how a person with terminal illness must feel like but I know for sure that it's one of the worst if not THE worst feelings one can ever encounter in life.

So, he decides to "claim" his life which is the only thing he feels he has a claim of and sets off on a journey to fulfill his only goal in life: When I bought this, I knew immediately it will make me cry and boy, I was so right. It made me tear up more than once and I rarely get emotional when it comes to reading.

There were a lot of heartbreaking moments in this book. So if you're planning to read this, be emotionally prepared. The writing, although simple, is beautiful. It deals with some dark themes and I applaud how it's done so well in such a little book. I loved the characters in this book. Friendship and family is a huge theme.

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I adore the relationship between Mark and his dog — Beau was so loyal until the end! He made the saying "A dog is a man's best friend" truer than ever. Jessie, Mark's best friend is a lovable character too. I really felt their closeness in words and I love how they share a secret bond with Haiku poems. There were some "bad" characters too but if there's anything this book teaches is that there's more good people in the world than bad ones.

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A tiny book with a powerful message about the important things in life. Ending this review with this quote: We look for mountains in the clouds to make it all seem like it's worth it, like it means something. And sometimes we see them. And we keep going. Jan 27, Ms. Yingling rated it it was ok. He's been fighting it since he was a child, but it's back now, and he's tired of it. His grandfather had mentioned climbing Mt.

Rainier, but his grandfather has passed away. Tired of treatments and always being the sick kid, Mark takes his dog Beau, boards a bus, and makes his way to the mountain. And a jolly time he has of it, getting rolled by street thugs who steal his money, spending quality time in dive diners, and riding on bu E ARC from Edelweiss Above the Treeline Mark is dying of cancer.

And a jolly time he has of it, getting rolled by street thugs who steal his money, spending quality time in dive diners, and riding on buses. When he gets fairly close to the park, the weather gets awful, and he is picked up by a man whose son died in Iraq. This man thinks it is a good idea to help Mark further endanger himself as well as his dog, so takes him to where he can begin to climb even after he has seen Mark's terrified parents on the news. Sure enough, poor Beau falls into a crevasse and is almost stuck there. Mark manages to get him out, but then collapses in the cold where he gets his wish and tries to die.

Rescue workers follow the dog and find him. Add to the depression Marks lifelong friend, Jessie, who is worried about him as well. The dog is loyal and true, even when stuffed into a bag and carried on the bus. At least Beau gets bacon. There is some outdoor adventure.

It's bad enough worrying his parents. But to worry his friend like that, and to expose the dog to the elements-- unspeakable. The author says in the notes that this is in honor of a friend who died of cancer and it's a book about living rather than dying. While I appreciate that this isn't the "kid facing cancer with noble courage" type of book, I don't know that choosing to end your life somewhat prematurely with a series of bad choices that worry and endanger others is a good idea, either.

Dec 26, Carrie Gelson rated it it was amazing Shelves: A start and don't put down until done book. Boy with the weight of the world.

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Honest truths are the hardest because we don't often tell them. Feb 08, Kerry Cerra rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a quick and easy, though gut-wrenching read with a plot that made me turn the pages for a straight-through-in-one-day read. I HAD to know what was going to happen. The main character, Mark is faced with sobering news about his fight with cancer and decides he wants to die alone on the mountain he's longer to conquer for years. So, he scoops up his dog and they set out on an unforgettable journey that leads Mark to come to terms with life and death, love and friendship, and hope over desp This is a quick and easy, though gut-wrenching read with a plot that made me turn the pages for a straight-through-in-one-day read.

So, he scoops up his dog and they set out on an unforgettable journey that leads Mark to come to terms with life and death, love and friendship, and hope over despair. While I just finished it today, I have a feeling I'll be thinking about it for a long time. And that's the honest truth. Mar 28, Tami rated it it was amazing. I had to run away. Would other people respond the same way? I'm a child of the 80s, and I grew up on movies like "E.

To me, a great story takes a little bit of the fantastic and dips it into the lives of otherwise normal people. So one of my goals in writing "Versus Nurture" was to do just that. This is a story about a couple named Chris and Karen Ransom, who've been together for nine years, married for five, and life hasn't gone according to plan. One night, they receive some news that they weren't expecting. But then something happens to them. Before they can so much as process this news, they find themselves facing what may well be the single biggest choice in all of human history.

In their effort to deal with this news, and deal with this decision, you get to see exactly who they are and what they're made of, and I hope readers find that compelling. They'll also find that there's a lot of stuff in there beyond the characters - themes that we all have to deal with in this world, such as what you would do to secure your love, and what it means when humans go to war.

The truth of the matter is, we live in a world with a lot of great writers, so you need to do whatever you can to try to stick out from the pack. I've spent the last several months heavily promoting the arrival of "Versus Nurture" on Facebook and Twitter, trying to get people ready for it, letting them know it was coming.

I also have a nice foundational readership, since I wrote a syndicated column for several years. A lot of people know me better for my nonfiction than my fiction, but I'm hoping to change that, since fiction is the thing that really fulfills me. What advice might you offer to other first-time novelists in the areas of writing A lot of beginning writers make the mistake of thinking that writing is about language. If you're worried about whether your story "sounds good," you're focusing on the wrong thing.