Forever (Who Loves Me Book 4)

Tempt Me With Forever

Forever Love takes readers back to high school, to a time that should be easy, filled with romantic flings and parties with friends. Liv's life is anything but easy though and my heart broke for her repeatedly. Like most kids, her parents are a bit disconnected from the reality of what high school life is like, but her mom is the worst and I wanted to strangle her, several times.

She's also a tad spoiled, okay more like a lot spoiled, but I overlooke ARC provided in exchange for an honest review. She's also a tad spoiled, okay more like a lot spoiled, but I overlooked it based on how her parents are so frivolous with money. Then there's Noah, stepbrother turned boyfriend, the only man she's ever trusted enough to not break her heart.

I really appreciated that both characters were previously known for being the love 'em and leave 'em types, both totally uninterested in relationships until they meet the other. While their connection is instant, I like that Jade Whitfield drew out their romance, breaking down their boundaries so that the relationship seemed realistic rather than like insta-love. They're a couple that grows, both as individuals, but also together and I feel like their development through out the novel is perfect for their age group. The plot of Forever Love is incredible, it's multi-layered and a lot heavier than one might expect from the New Adult genre.

From family issues and high school drama to a sensitive issue that Jade Whitfield managed to tackle with a lot of grace. On top of that is the slightly taboo subject of step-siblings and I think how it's done is marvelous. I never felt uncomfortable with the character's relationship and I really like how their friends, the town, and their parents came to understand them.

There were some minor grammatical issues, but I overlooked them and really enjoyed Forever Love. If you're a New Adult fan, or just looking for a heartfelt book, this is the series to start. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. They're well-developed, adorable, and I love them so much. What I didn't love: Throughout the book there were a lot of grammatical errors ranging from run-on sentences, misspelled words, underlines where there shouldn't be, and commas in the wrong places. I'm a grammar freak and all of these particular issues sadly detracted me from the overall sto I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a grammar freak and all of these particular issues sadly detracted me from the overall story. Liv or Noah swearing occasionally is fine to me but every couple of sentences with a swear word is just a bit too much. Overall, Forever Love is adorable story with a few significant issues. It was certainly by no means horrible but I didn't love it either.

It was just okay to me. However, I do plan to be on the lookout for future books by Jade Whitfield though. I read this cos it came up on the bar under the book I was looking at so I thought ok. This is very like a book by another writer that I read 3 wks ago and I think it's got parts of other books too but I can't pinpoint which ones cos I read that much on holiday and need to go back through them. In a category like this there's always going to be similarities yea but this similar no. I haven't got a lot of time to read because of work so when I read this cos it came up on the bar under the book I was looking at so I thought ok.

I haven't got a lot of time to read because of work so when a book is another book you've read recently it sends alarm bells ringing I could give the name of the book copied but I dont want to involve another author in this, it's up to her publisher and other authors publishers to go through the necessary channels to resolve the matter As the first book from an author I cringed thinking what next and maybe it was a mistake until I saw the next book is principessa, which is the name of a book by the same author this book was taken from, that I do remember cos I read it last week.

I own a public affairs company so I know legalities well and I also know there are allowances for similarities but not this similar. I've returned it to Amazon for a refund and notified them of why. I won't pay someone for another persons work. Even my 18 year old daughter who also bought it said the same and she reads that much that it's a wonder she remembers plots of books so it's definitely an issue This is another one of those books that seriously needed a few rounds with an editor before publication but, that being said, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

It's the type of book I wished I had as a teen: The kids talk like real kids talk. They have sex - and enjoy it. They're strong, and gritty, and speak their minds. This story is original because of its taboo subject. I was surprised to read a book with a theme that most adult books won't tackle. Don't let the lack of technical skill put you This is another one of those books that seriously needed a few rounds with an editor before publication but, that being said, I enjoyed it quite a lot. Don't let the lack of technical skill put you off this one; it's worth a read.

Olivia parents are divorced and she lives with her mother a woman who refers to her as a mistake - an unwanted mistake. Her mother is in Olivia's words a "Bitch" who has led her father to believe that Olivia Liv is the problem so she is going to live with her father and his new family. Liv has mixed feelings about the move, she is happy to get away from her mother but not sure about living with her dad and his new family - they have two sons one is Liv's age. She tries to go open minded about Olivia parents are divorced and she lives with her mother a woman who refers to her as a mistake - an unwanted mistake.

She tries to go open minded about the whole new life in a new town but she doesn't see how she will survive in such a small town. When she meets her step-mom and step brothers she is a bit surprised that they are so welcoming of her. Her dad has arranged for his oldest step-son Noah to help Liv get settled into her new school. At first Liv doesn't like nor want his help she sees him as a "Jock" who is too popular and too into himself to be someone she would want to hang out with.

But as time goes by the attraction between the two comes to a head and they become involved which opens up all kinds of problems for not the two of them but her relationship with her new family as well. This book was a well written story that had well developed characters it does not end in a cliff hanger. I received this for an honest review I have to say WOW!! I just totally fell head over heels in love with Liz and Noah.. This book was sweet and romantic I just loved Noah from the very first until the end Even though he starts off as a bad boy his love and devotion are a thing of beauty!!!

This is my first book by Jade and definitely will not be my last!!! Sep 23, elaine m. Loving Soulmates I enjoyed reading this story about Liv and Noah. Other than the continual use of the "F" word, I thought the story of Noah's unconditional love for Liv was heartwarming. I look forward to reading more of your work. Moving in with her dad also means Liv is going to meet his new wife and her sons. And although she tries to fight it, in cocky Noah she meets her match. Add to that having to decide what the future will hold college or not Noah is in a bit of teenage hell.

When he meets his stepsister Liv, Noah immediately feels drawn to the self-assured girl. That just gets my adrenaline pumping thinking about a battle of wills between us. Liv sees the handsome football player; somebody she needs to stay away from. Noah and Liv are a couple in their first real relationship; together they have to find out how love works. As already mentioned, Liv and Noah are both year-old kids still in high school.

When I was a year-old, I probably would have liked Liv, maybe looked up to her a bit. Mom thinks Liv is rude, self-absorbed and materialistic. I get why she is the way she is, but still her behavior is not ok in my world. How could he leave Liv behind with that woman? But due to my issues with the heroine I have to give Forever Love 3 stars.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review. This is my first experience of Jade Whitfield and she already has me smitten, ready, and waiting for Forever Together. Her writing is funny, hot, and keeps you engrossed and ready for the next antic or heated moment by this mischievous group of young adults.

Jade takes her readers from Atlanta to a little town in Franklin to get to know more about Liv and her family including her irresistible stepbrother Noah. Anybody who knows me, knows of my I received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Anybody who knows me, knows of my adoration for stepbrother romances. There is just something about the naughty and slightly forbidden wrapped in a love that can withstand prejudice and ignorance that leaves me gooey on the inside.

Liv Preston has lived her life in Atlanta, left behind by her father in the care of her mother to live a loveless existence after they divorced. Now she is being sent to live with her father and his new family to finish her senior year in high school. Little does she know that she will find the love of her life in Franklin and that he will help to heal her heart. Liv kept me laughing with her sassy, inappropriate, unfiltered comments, her love for Starbucks, and her absolute hatred for the color pink. I couldn't help but like this heroine who buries her heart and emotions deep within until the right person comes along to free them.

Noah Travers has no idea what to expect when the fiery beautiful blonde comes walking through his front door, but the burst of arousal and intrigue he feels is surprising to say the least. From the moment they are introduced she has him under her spell and wanting to become a different man than the partying jock that he has always been.

Who wouldn't love this delicious reformed partier who has a romantic side that will make any reader weep and weak in the knees. He is Liv's knight in shining armor that she didn't even know that she needed or wanted. Jade Whitfield delivers a poignant tale of the right kind of love found in the wrong place at the right time. I highly recommend Forever Love for a romance that will grip your heart and sear your emotions. I can't wait to be pulled back into this crazy fictional world of young people spreading their wings to read Brady and Cindy's story in Forever Together.

Jade Whitfield brings us a heartfelt story full of sexual tension and lots of family drama! Olivia Liv has been living in Atlanta with her mother. She has learned that love is for losers and men are the worst of all, they use you and leave you broken, so no love for this girl. She knows how to use her looks to get what she wants and her heart is firmly sealed off. Her dad live 4 hours away with his new wife and step children.

She instantly sees all the signs that tell her he is attracted to her and she knows how to use this. Noah walks into his family home and is assaulted by the beautiful step sister and instantly he knows his world has started to shift. This was a joy of a young love story. I often felt like I was reading older character and had to remind myself that they were to be 17 years old high school seniors but their back stories do give the potential of maturity that can fit within a wonderful forever love story.

There are those people who meet young and spend their lives together and these two are the quintessential of that relationship. Honestly, I read this book after having read book 2. I wish I had read these in order, there are lots of little pieces in this story that would have helped with book 2. We begin this story with Liv who is currently living with her 'Incubator' but is being moved to live with her Dad and his new family. She has definitely suffered her fair share of misfortune to last a lifetime. I have read this book so many times already, yet it never gets old.

The reason I am so in love with it, is because it gave me so many feels One minute I was laughing my ass off and the next is was crying my eyes out. Laughing, crying, cursing, swooning I loved every single second of it. These two were the best!!

  1. Tempt Me With Forever (NOLA Heart, #4) by Maria Luis!
  2. Forever Loved (The Forever Series, #2) by Deanna Roy.
  3. .
  4. Forever Us (Forever, #3) by Sandi Lynn.
  5. Forever Us!

So let me introduce you ; Lucy is just a teenager 15 when her life completely changes, when her mother dies. She is trying her best to keep her family together, but everything is falling apart. Because this is when Cameron comes in. Even at 15 years old, this boy stole my freaking heart. He is her little brothers baseball coach and he also goes to the same high school. He has seen Lucy aroud and he knows she is struggeling. From the moment he saw her, he knew that she was it for him and he tries his very best to be the rock that she needs His eyes drift shut.

He lets out a groan. And then I touch it. What I also loved about this book was the supporting cast. Cam's mother was amazing, but it was his stepdad Mark that blew me away These two might have been young when they started their relationship, but they knew exactly what they were feeling and what they wanted. It was awesome watching them grow older and Lucy A book geek with a big mouth!! They go of to collage and hat's when the troubles start. My heart broke into a million pieces reading about them struggeling. I know Cameron didn't mean to, but he still brok her heart I didn't hate him though I could never hate him.

Because the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her. He will never give up on Lucy. These two are real soulmates, I don't think one would be able to survive without the other This review is posted on Wendy's Wycked Words View all 20 comments. For Lucy "Clitorusaurus-rex" Preston and Cameron Aladdin Gordon they can say it was fate that brought them together at Unfortunately at the time the fate that brought them together was Lucy's mother passing away. Cameron stepped in and helped Lucy when she needed it. He became her strength and support.

He saved her when she didn't t 5 - Best of the series - Stars "Love has no limits. He saved her when she didn't think she needed it. He became a role model for her brothers "Because in a time of nothing but pain, and anger, and emptiness, and hurt They are like two peas in a pod, always together and always wanting to be together. It's almost as if they live for each other. As they grow up and grow together, life happens and Lucy and Cam have to continuously fight to keep their love strong.

They have college, work, new friends and other commitments all before them. What happens when the one person who you always rely on is no longer constantly there? You guys are forever. If you two can't make it work, then we're all screwed. When I finally got to the end I almost felt a Celine Dion would have been appropriate for me and my happy tears, so here you go. I tend to agree with Lucy and think they look weird. ARC provided by the author for an honest legit review. View all 24 comments. Nov 20, Brandi rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was beautiful, heartbreaking and hopeful.

When Lucy's mother passes, she is struggling to hold on, helping care for her brothers and dealing with her own grief. He is determined to help Lucy. I'm so pre-occupied reading her. They were so ad 5 stars "You still make my world stop, Luce. They were so adorable, I loved everything minute. But as time passes, they face new challenges, life is not as easy as it once was. Watching them struggle, broke my heart. The pain and the loss that they experience.

Through everything, their devotion to each other never wavered. But their love for each other always shined through. I absolutely adore this series and highly recommend it to everyone! View all 59 comments. Oct 12, Mersina Seena rated it it was amazing Shelves: My review will be a jumble of thoughts because I only just finished the book and all my emotions are running inside my head!

Firstly, Jay McLean once again has delivered a book so perfect, enough silly, enough smiles, enough laughs, enough drama and most of all enough love. Before you even open this book, you MUST read the previous 3 titles in the series: Anyway, back to the story We start off when L My review will be a jumble of thoughts because I only just finished the book and all my emotions are running inside my head! We start off when Lucy was only the wee little age of And the first few chapters of this book absolutely broke me!

I have not emotionally gut wrenching sobbed cried because of a book in so long. The first few chapters hit to close to home for me, but McLean does it justice and has so beautifully written a very hard emotion. But McLean you broke me for a little while there!! But it was all worth it, because as Cam mended our Lucy together, I felt as though he mended me in the process.

And Cam, my god there are no words I can use to express the sheer fabulosity that is Cam! When he steps up and faces Lucy's father for her, I absolutely melted for him. That line he says when Lucy laughs for the first time after her mother dies, "You make my world stop, Lucy. It's a crazy roller coaster ride! I don't drink but I felt like a needed a drink on more than one occasion!

Even though you know going in that they had love from the start, it was not an easy ride for them. At first loss and heartache! And then the funnies! And then the insecurities! And then a certain picture was drawn and I have never felt so much betrayal while reading a book! I was so emotionally upset, that I had to stop! And then the hurtful words were said!

And then the most saddest, heart wrenching heartbreak ever! And that stupid no good for nothing Roxy! Hands down, McLean can make you hate a character so much that I actually hate the name Roxy now! That thing needed to be bitch slapped! She was just a total Bitch and heartless cow! AND then your heart stops. Because you realize that you now have to wait for the next book. Like a years wait! But McLean will give us some new goodness in the coming months to tide us over until our next installment of the MORE series.

View all 5 comments. Jan 05, Geri Reads rated it it was amazing. They were the quintessential high school sweetheart. Which is also why I was nervous starting this book because no relationship is that perfect, right? And really, what if Jay McLean would ruin their story for me…forever?

Turns out, my fears were utterly unfounded. Not only is their story perfect, their lo 5 Cam and Lucy stars! Not only is their story perfect, their love for each other is even more breathtaking than I could ever imagine. This book gave me everything; love, angst, jealousy, humor—oh, God, the humor—and then some. I was utterly captivated by Cam and Lucy together. Cameron Cameron is an artist. That sums up Cam perfectly. He is just awesome. Lucy If heartbreak had a face, hers would be it. She's funny but there's an underlying sadness in her character that I found endearing.

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She carried the entire world in her shoulders when her mom died. She was forced to grow up very fast. She was utterly alone until Cam. It was a heartbreaking time for Lucy who just lost her mother to cancer. A year old girl suddenly left alone with a big responsibility of taking care of her younger brothers after her own father suffered a breakdown of sorts. Watching them fall in love was just amazingly sweet. I also enjoyed seeing Lucy and her family especially her brothers. It was full of angst. Some of the things that happened to Cam and Lucy broke my heart.

They knew they were going to be forever.

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Kirsten quickly became a favorite narrator for me and I am eagerly scrolling through her other works to see what I can read next! She told their story one of sadness and hop Wow! Dec 27, K. I wanted to smack him up side the head. I'll give this a solid 4 stars. Gavin finds out Rosa had Manuel and Rosa claims he is the father, after a vasectomy.

They know they love each other very much but sometimes life happens. They had to go through some rough periods in their relationship. It hurts to read about them but the end result was even better. They certainly did come out of better people and stronger together. I thought Logan and Amanda was my favorite in the series.

Turns out, I was wrong. This is, without a doubt, my favorite in the series. View all 28 comments. Geri Reads Shawna wrote: Does this work well as a stand alone or should series be read in order? I got this when it was on sale for. The previous did appear in the book but are not intrusive to the overall plot. Oct 09, Cameron promised her forever, but will their forever be possible? When Ive highlighted half the book I know Ive got myself a winner. This book has everything I love: Granted I would have liked a little more L 5 stars With the stress of looking after 6 brothers, Lucy finds a little hope in Cameron.

But all those small issues didnt matter to me because the romance between these two were adorable and heart clenching. My fav couple of the series. ARC provided by the Author View all 34 comments. It just makes her books that much more fun. If someone gives me more than a minute I am going to be pulling my book out to read even just a page or two. I picked up reading again after college as a distraction and became addicted again. Lucy reads for the same reason: Her mother is dying and she is eldest child and only girl in a family of seven children.

Lucy is my favorite female character in this series for many reasons: We share the same love of books, B. She is so freaking funny, C. She loves with all her heart and takes care of everyone else. Did I mention drunk Lucy is a sarcastic bitch? So yes, I love Lucy. Cam was immediately drawn to the girl who was seemed like she was in her own world, oblivious to things going on around her.

While he wwas present he mostly drank and left Lucy with the burden of caring for them. Cam takes it upon himself to step up and help her. Through this they build a friendship that eventually turns into love. Do you think that is normal? To be sixteen and feel like your life begins and ends with one person? I loved seeing a young Lucy and Cam. I loved seeing their connection and how much Cam loved Lucy and wanted to take care of her. Their connection and story is pretty picture perfect, but things begin getting more difficult as they grow up.

They are in college, pursing different careers, working different schedules and real life begins to get in the way. I will be honest seeing Cam and Luce experience real life really broke my heart. I know we have to have conflict to have a book and I know that it wouldn't be very realistic for things to continue on perfectly, but damn. Lucy and Cam are not perfect people, they are just two people who decided a long time ago to love each other forever. In the end, I absolutely loved this one. I wish somethings had been different, but I have to give credit where it is due.

I am a huge fan of Jay McLean and highly recommend this one. View all 35 comments. And just let me warn you In Lucas' book, we find out how happy and in love Lucy and Cameron are but I was really intrigued as to how they got there being so young. I really wasn't prepared for this intense romance at age fifteen!

Cameron coaches baseball for a c 4. Cameron coaches baseball for a couple of Lucy's brothers and he sees her in the bleachers and is immediately smitten. However, Lucy's life takes a tragic turn and when Cameron sees her Lucy's not too sure about Cameron and what he wants and she can't really spend the time contemplating it. She has her hands full and then some.

Cameron makes it easy on her though but it's really their nightly phone calls that connects them. A little drama helps put things into perspective. I was really amazed at how "wise" Cameron was and how he keeps coming up with ways to help Lucy. I loved their time at the river and how Lucy was able to pay that forward. Soon they're in a full fledged relationship but Lucy wants to take the physical side slow which is a good thing.

This book is jam packed with so many events and situations that it was good to have something slow! And at fifteen, it was nice to have them wait a bit. That certainly doesn't mean that these two don't experiment. It was funny reading about Cameron being so assured with some things and totally inexperienced with others! Thank goodness for Cameron's Mom's boyfriend, Mark. I loved the relationship between Cameron and Mark and all their antics. Before I knew, these two were off to college and that's where the real angst started.

I knew there would be trouble but I had no idea to the extent. And I don't blame Cameron for any of it except one thing That hurt my heart! I haven't even scratched the surface to what these two go through. Some things weaken them and some strengthen but it is one wild ride. I enjoyed getting to know the other couples from the More Than series and if THIS book is close to any of their books, I will be in hog heaven. I've heard Logan's not Lucas' brother book is really angsty and I cannot wait! I already knew how things worked out but I still loved it all the same.

It was a great finish! View all 16 comments. Love this book, it's my favourite on the series! D yes i have Veronica Mckenna Loved it! Apr 30, I mean I could lie, I could tell you it was the first time we had sex, or the first time she laughed. But I don't know This is the kind of book that leaves you in a rut after reading, and I'm definitely there right now. The first half of the book is the past. It's from when they first meet and most of their high-school years. It was the sweetest, nicest, the mostfuckingamazing thing I've read in a longassmofo time. This was pretty much me the entire first half: I am not lying when I say I had to get up and pee in the middle of the night while I was reading this, because otherwise I'd have pissed all over my bed.

I was crying, and then I was laughing and then I was doing both at once. And then the dreaded second half comes along. I was terrified to continue, because nothing good lasts forever. Jay Mclean eased us into it, rather than throw in the reader headfirst in a pile of horseshit. Even though the shit that was happening was fucked up, the character from whose POV that was written somehow justified it all for me. Dramatic irony at its finest right here people. So of course, I was bawling my eyes out again. Cam had me swooning, pretty much the entire time.

He's not an asshole - not intentionally, at least; he was the good guy from the very beginning. He didn't have to try to make fall for him; I was a goner from the prologue. No she's not named after the song, but I have the song stuck in my head right now She's my main bitch. I fucking love her to pieces. She can do no wrong. I am absolutely a million percent biased when it comes to her, because she is fucking real to me. She's the kind of girl that you would encounter in real life, and the fact that she has such an amazing lovestory is what makes me love her.

You know what the best part of reading this book was? I could see this happen in real life. Every aspect was just so terrifyingly real that it gives the commonfolk, the hopeless romantic, the cynic all believe in love. Cam and Lucy are one of my favorite couples of all time, and I can see them making it through to the other end if this were to be reality. This book had me bawling my eyes out the entire time I was reading it. It had me in all kinds of tears: This book made me feel like no other.

I have never been so gutted to finish a book. I am on my knees begging for this series to continue, and please please please write her brothers' stories. Lucas, since he's the closest in age to them, and Lachlan - damn, the cutie! I, for one, will wait, with baited breath, to get a copy of it in my hot little hands! Really loved these two. Lizzie is a sarcastic ray of sunshine, that is in the spot light because of her very successful YouTube makeup show. And she just so happens to wear her heart on her sleeve. Gage is a smoking hot, sarcastic, but guarded cop that tattoos for his brother on the side.

She goes in for a tattoo She ask him if he wants to be her pretend boyfriend for 30 days. I loved that there was no drama with that, straight forward and to the point. This sets the book. These two have so much fun together and I really enjoyed it, Maria Luis books are always so much fun, with quirky and realistic humor.

These two have a few minor bumps, but thankfully no om or ow drama. Gage does have his walls up and honestly, I can totally relate to him, but Lizzie and her sunshine gets to him. We get to see all of our favorite characters from previous books and I wanna say that I completely adore Julian, that kid is freaking adorable This was a safe read with a lot of humor and whole lotta heat.

A really funny groveling scene. We get an epilogue and an hea. Absolutely adored this book and series Nov 20, Deb Markanton rated it it was amazing. Oh, the perils of living your life in front of millions of YouTube viewers! Just his kind of woman. Maria Luis has woven Oh, the perils of living your life in front of millions of YouTube viewers!

Maria Luis has woven a story that is so delicious it melts in your mouth!

Books For Little Ones - Jesus

LIzzie and Gage are beautifully written characters, and their journey will not only pull you in, it will hold you hostage. Best of all, the chemistry between Lizzie and Gage is perfection——passionate, hot, and steaaammy! Nov 08, Brandy Roberts rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed Tempt me forever by Maria Luis I'm a first time reader of this author and even though this is a series you can read as a standalone you wont be lost at all. This is a opposite attract romance that I couldn't put down with characters and story line that will have you wanting more. After being dumped, Lizzie is on a mission.

She chooses Gage, hot cop and tattoo artist. The two embark on a journey that is cute, fulfilling and impossible to tear your eyes away from. Lizzie is a tough, confident woman. She sets her eyes on this project and heads in full force. Gage is just dreamy. I loved him and how he handled everything. I loved how Lizzie pulled him After being dumped, Lizzie is on a mission. I loved how Lizzie pulled him out of his shell a bit. Overall, Tempt Me With Forever is a tempting read for someone looking for a light story with a fun couple. Nov 03, Vicky Wilson rated it really liked it.

This is my first book by Maria Luis and I will definitely be back for more. I loved everything about this story which had me giggling throughout. Even with both the main characters having dark pasts which played a part in this book I don't feel like it took it over really, Lizzie was all about living life to the fullest. Gage just needed the right woman to help him live his life. I felt for Gage truly and just wanted to hug him, and what his ex done! The secondary characters were great and I can not wait for more from Ms Luis I was gifted this arc for an honest review Jul 25, Katherine Evans rated it it was amazing Shelves: Crying before my class.

Just in case anyone was wondering if this book was any good! Now that I've collected myself! I know I said book 3 was my favorite, and I honestly expected to be annoyed by the two main characters a YouTuber and a tattoo artist, I don't think I could imagine anything more obnoxious and trite , but they are so much more multi-dimensional than that. Lizzie was such an original character and so funny, and Gage shattered my heart.

T Crying before my class. This series just got better with every book and I'm going to have to change my vote to this as my favorite. But honestly, I just want more. A girl can dream. Thank you Maria Luis for whisking me back to a place I left a big part of my heart. Nov 02, Jacki rated it it was amazing. Maria Luis is one of my go-to authors. The writing style The characters The chemistry Part of a series: I voluntarily received an ARC from the author. Maria, I loved the book! It was a story about Lizzy, a Make Up artist on you tube and the fellow she meets, Gage the big, dark and handsome Police Officer!

The story of their relationship and hazards of marrying a Police Officer. Their pasts and how it impacts them. The Beauty of New Orleans is very evident in her books. I always laugh t Maria, I loved the book! I always laugh thru your books but, you had me crying, also! It was a terrific book that everyone should put on their TBR shelf! It was a good idea! I voluntarily read and reviewed honestly an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. Nov 03, BookAddict rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of the greatest delights for me as a reader is to watch a writer grow in her craft and come into her own, and Miss Maria makes my heart do kart wheels!

This series was good. Did I like it? Yeah, you could say that that. But it's still not quite enough. I loved this series! Have you ever read a story that so good, you wished you could crawl right in and live in their world? And the entire NOLA series has done exactly that. I fell every bit in love with the first book as I did with each one after that.

These books are so good I felt like they grippe Amazing, amazing amazing!! These books are so good I felt like they gripped me by the heart and refused to let me go. I was completely hooked from page one. Once I started, there was no way I could stop. What isn't there to love about them? Strong, sassy, beautiful, independent women who knows what they want? Gorgeous, sexy, stubborn and romantic men who make you totally swoon and weak in the knees?

God, I loved these books! They have amazing characters who make you laugh, cry, smile, and make you want to reach through the book and throttle them occasionally too with chemistry so hot it will light your pages on fire! They also have a great story that keeps you entertained from beginning to end.

Forever Love

I am so glad that Owens story didn't end with this series. I loved his character and wanted so bad for him to get his happy ending as well. Luckily, were getting blessed with a whole new series!!!!! When I saw that at the end of the book, I literally squealed something I'm not quite proud of but couldn't help. Now, my only problem is having to wait for it come out! I'm so excited, it can't come fast enough! In the mean time, I have me a few other books of Mrs. Luis' books to keep me company!

If you're scrolling through the reviews and reading this and are considering weather you should read this book or not? You won't be disappointed! Nov 10, Book Reading Gals rated it really liked it. Tempt Me With Forever Series: Tempt Me With Forever had its moments, and funny little one liners that brought a laugh.

The sparks between Lizzie and Gage were there, and they even had a few moments where I thought it was really going to live up to the potential that was there, but it just never quite happened. All in all it was a decent read. Nov 08, Ana rated it it was amazing Shelves: I know I said this before, but Maria Luis has once again improved herself. Each book is better than the previous one. I loved the protagonist couple and the secondary characters, the setting, the description of the places I really like how Maria Luis writes, her way of telling the story and her realistic characters.

She makes it easy for to immerse yourself in the story. All her books are great readings, they are full of humor, sweetness, the right amount of anguish, love, sexy men and strong women.

Rosemary Laurey is back with another wickedly delicious tale of love, lust, and Keep Me Forever and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Editorial Reviews. Review. "Maria Luis is a MUST FOLLOW author. This book gets Dare You To Love Me (A NOLA Heart Novel Book 3). Maria Luis.

Without forgetting her way of transportation to New Orleans, always so present in her books. This story has all that and more. Tempt Me With Forever is a romance and, of course, it has a happy ending for Lizzie and Gage, but also a "cliffhanger", although I'm not sure this is the right word. I know that many people do not like cliffhangers, I certainly do not like them, but the end of this book does not bother me because it does not affect the main characters or their story. It is not an anguished ending that makes you regret having read the book, this is not the case. The end of Tempt Me is a way to link two series and present the next protagonists.

I love when an author does this, the characters in one series appear in another series. It's like a little joke from the author, something you only know if you've read the books. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. It was a sweet, hot, sad, funny slow burning romance and I loved every minute of it! Lizzie is a Vlogger on youtube. She is an incredibly sweet, sassy lady who is embarrassingly dumped on Instagram! She has always had a shocking time when it comes to choosing Mr Right so she devises a plan to prove the theory 'once a playboy, always a playboy'.

This is were Gage comes in. He is a little rough around the edges, but is a sweet and loyal man once you break through his outer layers. Covered in tattoos, Lizzie immediately thinks that he will be perfect for her challenge. Will he go along with it? Or will he tell her she's dreaming and walk away? The characters were written for each other and let me just say, Gage! He is totally up there in my top 10 of favourite book guys!