For Your Consideration: A Bryant Street Story

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The steel skeleton for the addition is nearing completion, the Birge Clark Building has had the interior spaces completely renovated and now we will begin to build out the Program Spaces! Staff has made the final touches on the interior design plans with our an Age-Friendly Design Architect, Susi Stadler , to make sure lighting is sufficient, way-finding is easy, signage is clear, and the overall experience of the new building is inviting for all ages.

Leave Your Mark at Avenidas. Groundbreaking Ceremony, pictured left to right: The Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 7th marking the beginning of the construction phase of the project. Staff is busy making final touches on the interior design plans which includes input from an Age-Friendly Design Architect to make sure lighting is sufficient, way-finding is easy, signage is clear, and the overall experience of the new building is inviting for all ages.

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For Your Consideration: A Bryant Street Story [Dean Wesley Smith] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sometimes, what we all wish for can. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith has written more than one hundred popular novels and hundreds of published short.

Meanwhile, the fundraising effort for the project will continue. The event was open to the public and guests of all ages enjoyed a sunny day filled with Jazz music, delicious treats, kids activities and more. Supervisor Joe Simitian spoke on the support the Campaign has already received from Santa Clara County and encouraged others to support this exciting project.

Meanwhile, work is underway to design the programming space for the multitude of classes, workshops, lectures, and social events that are currently bursting out of our current space. The approved design reflects a number of modifications that have been made since May including third floor set-backs to reduce the massing of the addition, some alternate exterior detailing that replaces metal panels with glass, and flat tiles on the roof which now has a lower slope. There are now two open air decks on the third floor. We are turning our attention to detailing the interior of both the historic building and the new addition, and we remain on track for groundbreaking in the latter half of Several members complimented the team and said that this design was better and responded to concerns that they voiced last year.

They made several of suggestions that we will take into consideration before returning to the HRB in late summer. We welcome your comments, too. There will be two public meetings, on June 13 at 7: Please join us to learn more and tell us what you think. Avenidas submitted a revised design that reflects the feedback received last year from the Historic Resources Board, the Architectural Review Board, City staff and others.

As before, the design aesthetic is contemporary but with elements that relate to the historic building, including a red tile roof and punched windows. The new wing will be visually separated from the historic building with a connector and the historic eaves will remain intact. The existing rear wall will become a prominent feature of the new wing, visible on the interior as well as the exterior. This design will be reviewed by both Boards in the coming weeks. We hope for design approval in , paving the way to groundbreaking in The funding will be included in the FY16 and FY 17 City budgets and the sources of the funds will be determined as each budget is developed.

Meanwhile, Avenidas is developing a modified design of the new addition at the rear and expects to submit it for review by the Architectural Review Board and Historic Resources Board next year in the first quarter.

In addition, the Park and Recreation Commission considered the proposal to build a small dining patio adjacent to the new wing in Cogswell Park. These reviews provided the opportunity for the board members and commissioners to ask questions and give feedback about the design.

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We are carefully considering all of the feedback and will be making changes to the design in the coming weeks, after which we plan to submit for formal design review by the same Boards. A complete remodel of the existing building and small classroom in the courtyard the Garden Room 3. Replacement and update of the old mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems 4. Seismic upgrade of the historic buildings to current standards 5.

Installation of an ADA-compliant elevator. Her body was flown to Montgomery and taken in a horse-drawn hearse to the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church. The following evening, her casket was transported to Washington, D. This allowance made her the only woman and second African-American in history to receive such an honor. He was the 11th of 12 children born to the couple; three others had died in infancy.

His father was disabled much of his life, forcing Bryant and his siblings to work on the family farm. Although he is best remembered as the longtime winning head coach of the University of Alabama football team, Bryant achieved many accolades prior to Crimson Tide stardom.

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Standing a little over six feet tall, he was a successful player on his high school football team in Fordyce, Ark. He attended college at the University of Alabama in the s and also played football there. Between graduating college and returning to Tuscaloosa to become head coach, Bryant completed a brief stint in the Navy in the s and held several athletic positions in the late 40s and 50s. It was at Texas that he continued a quest he had begun earlier, which was to integrate the game of football. Ironically, years before he took over the Alabama football team in , Bryant was accused of racism for refusing to recruit black players.

His response to that was the prevailing social climate would not let him do this.

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However, he could not play because he was a freshman. John Mitchell a junior college transfer was the first to play against Southern Cal in During his year tenure at Alabama, he amassed six national championships and 13 conference championships.

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When he retired in , he held the record for most wins as head coach in collegiate football history. When you arrive in Tuscaloosa, take Exit 71 and follow the signs to the campus. Park in the rear of the Paul W. Bryant Museum Paul W. Bryant Drive; for a tour. And sweet; unbearably, cloyingly sweet. In , social and economic changes began to affect their neighborhood and Jan and Fred finally settled into a home in New Rochelle, NY. Some reports say that Jan committed suicide in the bathroom on June 18, , prior to the publication of her book.

Others say that Jan died of a heart attack. Through additional research, I did find a Frank Bartel that passed away on April 1, As we well know, one haunting does not a haunted hot-spot make! For your consideration, some other haunted and unnerving occurrences at 14 W 10 th St. He said on more than one occasion that women would run out upon seeing a woman in a long flowing black dress followed by a cat. Is anyone else having a hard time believing that women were running from a ghost and not from Dennis himself? Nussbaum was not charged in the killing.

The couple had illegally adopted Lisa after Steinberg had been asked to find a suitable home for the child. He instead took her home and raised her with Nussbaum.

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As of , Steinberg maintained his innocence. Steinberg was sentenced to 8Y to 25 years in state prison yesterday in the death of 6-year-old Lisa Steinberg, the girl he helped raise.

The penalty was the maximum he could have received, and the judge said he would recommend strongly against parole. Steinberg received the sentence without any sign of emotion, except for slumping slightly in resignation at what he knew was coming. Before the sentence was imposed, Mr. By the end, his voice was breaking, although he said that he felt no remorse because he had not caused her death.

Editorial Reviews

For Your Consideration avoids the need to give every last character an extended 'interview' segment and instead weaves minor characters naturally into the fabric of the story. Milk's nephew Stuart accepted for his uncle. The geometric composition of the overall layout is related to and fits the geometry of the layout of the large lobby wall and the lobby generally. Numerous options were evaluated, including buying land and building elsewhere, renting commercial space elsewhere, building on City-owned land and renting another City-owned property. He attended college at the University of Alabama in the s and also played football there. A well-organized group of conservative fundamentalist Christians responded, headed by singer Anita Bryant.