Les Vies valses (French Edition)

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Es el problema de los best-sellers, que tienen que durar y durar y durar Balzac meets Elizabeth George in this enjoyable sequel, which revolves around the unmasking of a serial killer who strikes repeatedly in Josephine's neighbourhood. Meanwhile, Hortense goes to London to study fashion, Zoe falls in love, Iris's marriage falls apart and Josephine struggles to conquer a forbidden attraction. While the crime story was fascinating and convincingly written, that was more than could be said for some of the subplots Hortense's encounter with Russian mobsters and Henriette's attempt to kill her ex-husband's new wife via voodoo come to mind.

Jeg fikk den nemlig ikke til. Ikke i det hele tatt. Denne boka var slow. Jeg ble ikke engasjert i hovedpersonene, verken Jo eller Iris.

La valse lente des tortues by Katherine Pancol

Livene deres angikk meg ikke. Og boka var virkelig som en skilpadde. What did I just read? I wasn't expecting this to be a dark murder mystery, filled with helpless, brainless women.

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I misread the back of the book " Not a single character was likable, relatable, or even believable. The women were pathetically weak creatures who obsessed over having meant to protect and save them. And to buy them things. Mayb What did I just read?

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Maybe some of the strangeness comes from a poor translation from French, but I'm definitely not inspired to seek out more from this author. I received this book as an Advance Reader. Publish date is November I enjoyed it and would recommend reading it, however, it is not a fast paced book. Falls somewhere between reading for escapism and reading having to pay attention. It appears from the beginning who the bad guys may be and it is the story of getting there that holds your attention.

Maybe if it wasn't so obvious it would move better. Characters are well thought out and the diversity of them is interesting. I did like the cov I received this book as an Advance Reader. I did like the cover that was on the ARC. I finally got my fix on this much anticipated English translated sequel to The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles.

It's the continuation of Josephine Cortes' saga. Think it's just a French rom-com? There was murder, mystery, misery, witchcraft, jealousy, new loves, old loves and some looney characters. It went in a bit of a darker turner than the first book, but still enjoyed devouring it. Jan 17, Elise rated it really liked it.

Waw, I really like these books! I'm really looking forward to the third! The first book was pretty crazy, but this one was worse better! Gosh, my head was spinning while and after reading it. So much is going on. Every evening I said to myself: I'll just read a small part before I go to bed, but I almost always had difficulties trying to stop. I like Josephine and I'm curious about what is to come!

The ending of this book was sensational and shocking! De por dios, que fue esto, en serio no es el mejor libro del mundo, no es mejor que el primer libro pero tiene algo que no deja que los sueltes, es adictivo de una forma que te lo llevas hasta la hora del almuerzo. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I am disappointed in myself for picking up this book. I should have read Ms. Pancol's previous novel, to which this is obviously a sequel, first. Without it, this second book tries to be a stand-alone, but it can't be; too much of the story from the first propels the events in this one. I was interested in the story and the characters until I realized I was missing a great deal of the backstory. I'd read the book jacket as a teaser for one story, and I ended up getting the continuation of anothe I am disappointed in myself for picking up this book.

I'd read the book jacket as a teaser for one story, and I ended up getting the continuation of another. Since I didn't know any of the secondary characters' background stories, I was annoyed by their presence A whole elaborate set-up is created for Marcel, Josiane, and their baby. Not only is it elaborate, it becomes fantastically absurd. Marcel's estranged wife who I later learn is Josephine -our protagonist's- mother is hell-bent and, we later realize, inexplicably on revenge. Not only does her intervention in their lives feel forced, the baby himself is an absurd character.

This kid is the equivalent of Babyface Finster in the Bugs Bunny cartoons Because post-partum depression isn't enough, let's throw some black magic in there, shall we? Another elaborate set-up is created for Iphigenie, and nothing short of a "makeover scene with music montage" happens to her apartment. How the small, run-down apartment of a building super becomes the hub of social interaction in a book about a building where people have a lot of money is beyond me. The love story between Josephine and Philippe is uncomfortable; while the landscape of literature is littered with awkward attractions They both have other lovers during the course of the novel, and much is made of them, and then they disappear Dottie Doolittle seems a bit of a stretch for the name of a character who is basically sleeping with Philippe so he will teach her to be more worldly in a socially acceptable manner.

Why not just write a book called "Professor Higgins and the Pussycat"? Hortense and Zoe are there to be Josephine's daughters. No more, no less. Whatever role they played in the previous novel, here they are just incidental. Why give Zoe a storyline where she is dipping her toes into adolescent rebellion, a budding romance, and then -by the way- that was just to make up pages and never you mind what happens to that Oh, and the murders Murder investigations are apparently a revolving door of asking the same questions of the same people We have the curious case of the second murder victim.

Before then we know why she is vile, and how she manipulates people; we get every detail of her murder and how she slowly loses consciousness before expiring Thanks for playing, mademoiselle! We also have the case of the conveniently disposable sister who is married to Josephine's forbidden love.

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If you didn't know that this caricature was going to go from one extreme of behavior to the other only to be brutally murdered leaving the way open for the lovers to give in to their love -their passion has already been given in to The explanation for why the murders are being committed and why Josephine in spite of almost falling victim to our murderer doesn't get killed no book without her???

The villain is uninspired. His crimes are uninspired. His accomplice is uninspired.

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Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Paperback , pages. Mon je me rappelle ta chere belle voix si jeune. The villain is uninspired. April 12, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Comme beaucoup d'autres, j'ai achete ce livre apres avoir lu le premier tome.

Even the victims are Pancol wanted to write a colorful series that would keep her working. She has accomplished that. She has her series. The book had its moments. None of the characters aside from du Guesclin Since du Guesclin is not in the first, and everyone who didn't get murdered in this one will make an appearance in the next one even if briefly and for unjustifiable storylines Feb 13, Lipooh rated it it was ok.

A fun read that has a mix of family interactions, a bit of romance and murder.

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It moves along quickly and the solution of all three is bit quirky. Jun 27, Rebecca Winter rated it really liked it Shelves: There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Katherine Pancol moved from Casablanca to France when she was five. She studied literature and initially became a French and Latin teacher, before turning to journalism. While working for Paris-Match and Cosmopolitan, she is noticed by an intuitive publisher who encourages her to begin writing.

Following the success of her first novel Moi D'abord Me First in , Pancol moves to New York City where she spends the next decade pursuing creative writing and screenwriting classes at Columbia University while producing three more novels La Barbare in , Scarlett, si possible and Les hommes cruels ne courent pas les rues. Influenced by the American way of life, her style becomes even more enjoyable, action packed and fast paced.

Pancol's insights into human psychology, and particularly women, are amazingly accurate and her sense of details often shaded with wry humor. Her gift to lift people's spirits while providing great entertainment has been key to her success, inspiring many women to dare to be themselves while keeping a positive relationship with life itself. Her novel The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles published in has been a huge success in France, where it sold more than one million copies and received the "Prix de Maison de la Presse, " for largest distribution in France.

It hides from the bright lights of day and exists in a world of forever moving shadows. Love in its many guises and disguises; loss and new hope; the end of innocence and the fragility of the human mind are all within the pages of this moving collection.

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Toute une vie en valses de crises bipolaires (French Edition) [Tara Wells] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Tara est bipolaire. Au détour . www.farmersmarketmusic.com - Buy La Valse Des Souvenirs book online at best prices in India on www.farmersmarketmusic.com La valse des souvenirs (French Edition) and over 2 million other books are . Lorsque le bonheur est à son comble, lorsque la vie vous a tout donné.

The poets have been introspective, looking deeply within themselves and have excavated through layers of experiences, feelings, thoughts and beliefs. These poems have been written with their true feelings about emotions and experiences that have touched their lives and are intrinsically shared globally in different personal ways. With the shadows of the darkness of depression, for example, comes the balance of the fleeting glimmers of hope that can occasionally burn strongly.

The poets are from very different backgrounds and have been bought up in separate cultures and yet they have found a shared set of emotions and feelings that they present here through their words. There are no shadows without light but sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the two as they dance together in The Waltz of Shadows.

Jolie valse de France

Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. She has recently completed two illustrated volumes of poetry in memory to her young sister, Odes Macabre I and II. Benjamin Cusden is a poet who spends his time travelling between Cornwall and London, Great Britain, where he is a regular reader within the thriving poetry scene. He is currently forging poetry connections in Portugal.

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Although the two poets have never met, their poetry has joined together to dance The Waltz of Shadows. Product details File Size: April 12, Sold by: Enabled Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.

La Vie Parisienne - Valse Pour Piano - No. 1 for Piano Two Hands - French Edition

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. This book is a marvelous creation which conquers the distance between languages. Poetry here is the sprouting of two brilliant youthful minds from the seed of euphoric creativity. Reality, here, is so tangible with the touch of an imaginary world where even a walk between the graves can lead us a beautiful way.

This entire masterpiece touches both sides of human nature by engaging senses, imagination, powerful emotion and intellect. Excellent use of imagery and figures of speech offer a wonderfully different way of adding extra dimensions to the verses I highly recommend this book. All my heartfelt thanks to great poets: Benjamin Cusden and Faten Gharbi for this amazing book. Best wishes to both of them.