La foresta oscura: 2 (Fantasy Way) (Italian Edition)

Un prologo che lascia senza fiato.

Two presentations of Marilena Renda’s new novel this October

Nel primo capitolo si incontra Gemma, una ragazza come tutte le altre, che ama leggere e stare con il suo cagnolino. E' paurosamente uguale a me, con la mia stessa passione per la lettura. Ma Gemma, del tutto ignara del sentimento che prova il suo amico verso di lei, incontra un ragazzo misterioso nella foresta. Lo rincontra a scuola, dove i due fanno amicizia. Gemma crede che quest'ultima sia la fidanzata del "Selvaggio". Ma, Peter in fondo aveva ragione: Evan ha davvero qualcosa di oscuro e misterioso dietro al suo sorriso.

Ho trovato una forte somiglianza con Alis Grave Nil dal punto di vista della trama. I personaggi e le situazioni sono ben caratterizzate e descritte, mi sono legata in un modo impressionante a Gemma: La storia sembrava che crescesse dentro di me, creando le situazioni come se le vivessi di persona.

Il mio cuore non ha smesso di palpitare un secondo. Appena si pensava di essere usciti da quel tunnel di segreti e bugie, succedeva un qualcos'altro che faceva tornare l'attenzione del lettore al libro. Leggi qui la recensione completa: Sin dal primo approccio con la sua opera, non ho potuto fare a meno di ammirare la sua bravura, il suo modo di scrivere, chiaro, poetico e intenso. Ogni parola evoca immagini inequivocabili, Leggi qui la recensione completa: Ogni parola evoca immagini inequivocabili, le descrizioni sono perfettamente curate, davvero ben poco in questo romanzo mi ha lasciata perplessa.

Se non vi avessi colto l'influsso "twilightiano", purtroppo molto presente nei romanzi di ultima generazione, sarebbe stato praticamente perfetto. E' una ragazza che ama tantissimo leggere e che vive in un mondo tutto suo, immersa sempre nei suoi pensieri e con la testa altrove, anche durante le lezioni a scuola o le conversazioni con gli amici. Trasparenti come cristallo ma ardenti come il fuoco, avevano provocato in me un turbinio di emozioni incontrollabile". Un legame indefinibile e sconosciuto. Come se non potesse farne a meno Esso si trasforma in un luogo d'incontro con Evan, un luogo in cui entrambi possono lasciarsi andare, avvicinarsi l'uno all'altra, legandosi con un filo invisibile e delicato, lasciandosi rapire da emozioni impossibili da contenere.

Per non parlare della splendida ragazza che lo accompagna sempre, Ginevra, di cui Gemma non riesce a non essere gelosa. Nessun angelo caduto in Touched, ma angeli che vivono tra gli uomini, come se si trovassero in una dimensione parallela tra paradiso e inferno a scontare una pena risalente secoli addietro, con un compito terrificante al quale non possono sottrarsi. Tra ostacoli da superare e tante dure prove per Evan e Gemma, dei nemici accaniti e un destino ineffabile da tenere a bada, vi posso assicurare che non rimarrete delusi!

Ho adorato questo libro. Ci sono libri fin troppo descrittivi, che a non tutti piacciono, ma questo non riguarda affatto questa categoria. Riuscivo a vedere con gli occhi di Gemma, sentire con le emozioni lottare in Evan; provavo il suo tormento nel dover uccidere la persona di cui si stava innamorando, ed ero ossessionata da lui come Gemma. Come invece "La carezza del destino", almeno con me, ha fatto. Un romanzo tutto italiano che, secondo me, fa capire che non serve andare a cercare altrove dei fantasy ben scritti.

Un romanzo che, secondo il mio personalissimo punto di vista, merita di essere letto. Bellissimo libro, mi ha stregato. La mia recensione qui http: Sensuale, misterioso, da lasciare ammaliati. Ecco l'intera recensione qui: Mar 01, Siobhan Davis rated it really liked it Shelves: Touched is one of the most endearing romantic books I've ever read and one which totally took my breath away.

Amore is a gifted writer and her prose is simply stunning. I was highlighting like a crazy person, as there is a multitude of sentences that are beautifully crafted. I adore her writing style and it's clear she is naturally talented. Gemma has lived in relative obscurity in Lake Placid with her hard-working diner-owning parents, and her two best friends - Peter and her books.

She Touched is one of the most endearing romantic books I've ever read and one which totally took my breath away. She is an excellent student, who gets good grades and never gives her parents an ounce of trouble. She yearns to experience the type of sweeping, passionate romance she has read about in her books. She is completely oblivious to the fact that her BFF, Peter, is in love with her.

He hasn't said anything to her because he's afraid of ruining their friendship. One fateful day in the woods changes everything. There she sees someone she shouldn't be able to: Evan, an Angel of Death who has been sent to kill her. Inexplicably drawn to one another, Touched is the story of their romance and how they deal with the obstacles and challenges to their love. This book is so romantic. It goes beyond swoon-worthy, and heart-stopping, into a realm all on its own.

While it could be argued that it's insta-love, it's actually not. Although they feel an instant connection or attraction, their love story is a slow, gradual sensual build-up that had me feeling everything Gemma and Evan felt. Which brings me nicely onto emotional complexity and characterisation. Both of which were superb in this book. It is told in both Gemma and Evan's point of view, which I always love, and the emotions bled off the pages of my Kindle. I felt every emotion skin-deep, heart-deep.

I felt the pain, heartache, joy, longing, and the frantic urgency to save one another. Be still my heart. Those sections, in particular, were stunningly written. Secondary characters are solidly developed too though I wish Peter hadn't been relegated to such a small part by the end of the book.

I loved the concept of the Angels Subterraneans as Angels of Death or Executioners and the addition of Ginerva, a witch who is supposed to be their natural enemy. The fantasy aspect was well developed, and an original and fresh take on Angels mythology. And the overriding concept - how can you kill the one you love - hooked me in the first place. That and the stunning cover. I did find parts of the inner monologue, in both Gemma and Evan's sections, repetitive and in my opinion some of that could have been cut. I also didn't like how dismissive Gemma was of Peter who was supposed to be her best friend.

Once Evan appeared on the scene, she pretty much forgot all about him which wasn't nice. The plot of this book is very reminiscent of Twilight, and though I love Twilight, and it wasn't really a big issue, I wish it had been a little more original. Those are my only complaints, though, and they are minor because overall I really loved this book.

It's obvious that Gemma has some kind of gift or power that I assume will become transparent as the series progresses. I can't help wondering if she is a witch? Or descendent from a witch? Pure speculation on my part and I could be way off track. I'm intrigued to find out in later books! Overall, this was a truly spell-binding read.

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If you adore gushing, heart-stopping romance, set within a well-developed fantasy world with complex characterisation and beautiful prose, then you will love Touched. I can't wait for the next book and I hope it isn't too long before it's released. Some of my fav quotes: She wasn't all wrong; I'd always been a thousand miles from reality Shyness is a lasso that binds the wings each of us has. Only if you untie it can you fly. No matter what you called it, it existed. It was an emotion you felt. A memory you kept. The only way I can lose everything is if I lose you. I'd rather be damned forever than live an eternity without you.

View all 3 comments. La grammatica E' un romanzo auto-pubblicato, quindi qualche svista me l'aspettavo, ne ho trovate spesso in questo tipo di libri. Ero sola in quella stanza, i fantasmi non esistevano e i morti non tornavano E cosa centrava Evan con quella sensazione? Un muro con la testa? Le scelte lessicali Si possono solo descrivere come imbarazzanti, irrealistiche e assolutamente barocche.

Ma vi pare possibile che un'adolescente pensi usando queste parole? Non potevo fingere di non vedere la sfumatura tenebrosa che gli velava gli occhi. Sentii un fremito di terrore attraversarmi le ossa. Per non parlare della ridondanza di certi aggettivi. Oscuro, mistico, agghiacciante, misterioso, spettrale compaiono ogni 3per2 rendendo la lettura pesante senza peraltro riuscire a dare al romanzo quell'atmosfera gotica che l'autrice voleva forse suggerire. Per esempio Divaricai con ansia il cancello fa venire in mente una violenza contro il povero cancello, non un voler tornare a casa in fretta e furia La sintassi Il congiuntivo, questo sconosciuto!

Prima che sarebbe stato troppo tardi. A cosa si riferisse, per esempio, un certo gerundio o una certa relativa. E' un Twilight 2. Da qui si comprende la grande considerazione di Gemma per l'amicizia. Poi abbiamo Ginevra, la sorella di Evan. I fratelli di Evan, Drake e Simon, sono i simpaticoni della situazione. Alla fine non l'ho capito.

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View all 24 comments. I requested this book as a review cop, because it has such a high rating on Gooodreads and even better on amazon. I have no idea how this book has such a high rating. Wild boar, wolves, pheasants, a bear cub, ants, a woodpecker, foxes, a badger, grass snakes, frogs, an elk and many other creatures live in the forest.

How do they play and rest? Who sleeps in the day, and who sleeps at night? What are their favourite treats? Look for answers across the pages of this remarkable book.

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Or ghost from ghastly tale? Consegnatigli i documenti, sono tornato in ufficio. Non potevi trovare una scusa? Here the action of the verb can be completed by answering the question che cosa? Gender is a purely grammatical term. Se non vi avessi colto l'influsso "twilightiano", purtroppo molto presente nei romanzi di ultima generazione, sarebbe stato praticamente perfetto.

A Year in the Forest contains fourteen double-page spreads, twelve of which correspond to each month of the year. Each month shows the same snapshot of the forest and features the same cast of characters in a variety of weather conditions, at different times of the day and night, and in various situations.

Two additional spreads contain an introduction to all the characters and an interactive game. This remarkable book stimulates the imagination and develops skills of perception and logical thinking. It also builds storytelling skills and the ability to identify cause and effect. Above all, it guarantees great fun. Sex, drugs and kicks in the teeth , published by Giunti and written by our Renzo Stefanel , is being reprinted for the 3rd time. You can find it online on Amazon and Ibs , as well as in bookshops.

Rippa Survivaloso V2 - Episodio 1 - La foresta oscura!

If you are curious, read an excerpt in Italian here. An Italian excerpt can be found here and you can buy the book online both on ibs and amazon. A snowstorm is about to hit a remote lake in North America. An Italian-Canadian young man is waiting for it, standing completely still by the window of his cottage.

A suicide he witnessed without trying to stop her. The stillness of body and spirit seems to him like the right kind of weapon agaist the dangerous softness of the present world. Yet nothing stays still for very long, and nobody can be alone forever. All it takes is a brave postwoman who, in spite of the terrible snowstorm, delivers to him a telegram from Italy; all it takes is a half-sister, the obscure object of incestuous desire, who begs him to go back home; all it takes is the news that his father is terminally ill to break his stillness and make him return to his old family home.

He is ready to make come true the omen that followed him during his voyage home: Alberto Gaffi for the second time. The presentation is taking place in Udine, at the Tarantola bookshop, and the editor, Alessandro Lutman a poet , Nicola Skert a writer and Roberto Mete are going to discuss with the author.

When he was a boy, Peter felt for his sister Celeste something that brothers are not supposed to feel. It was to escape these feelings that he moved to the solitary banks of Dawn Lake, Canada.

Two presentations of Marilena Renda’s new novel this October

Everything changed when his father was involved in an accident and Peter was forced to cross those boundaries that had kept him away for so long. Saturday 4th November, at 18 pm, our Mauro Casiraghi is presenting his new novel, Estate indiana ed. Alberto Gaffi , for the very first time. The presentation is taking place in Monterotondo Rome , at the Ubik bookshop and Dario De Cristofaro, an editor, and Anna Mittone, an Italian writer, are going to discuss with the author.

Our Marilena Renda , whose book Regali ai fantasmi has been longlisted for the Biblioteche di Roma Award , is presenting her novel in two occasions. The second meeting is taking place in Catania, during the SabirFest , on the 6th of October at 6pm at palazzo Platamone. The Italian version, called Fascial release per il riequilibrio funzionale , has been published by Edi. This thoroughly revised edition of the authoritative reference Fascial Release for Structural Balance brings the book up to date with all of the most current research on the role of fascia and myofascia in the body, and how treatment affects it.

This edition takes advantage of more sophisticated testing to explore in greater detail the relationship between anatomical structure and function, making it an even more essential guide. Fascia, the soft tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in supporting the body.

Ancora sesso, droga e calci in bocca , published by Giunti and written by our Renzo Stefanel , is out at last. This dazzling book, a sequel of Sesso, droga e calci in bocca published by Giunti in , is in fact a collection of peculiar stories: Read an excerpt in Italian here. Carlo Vanin , an author of our agency, took part in a very interesting project for Neo Edizioni: This book, which is a collection of short stories written by many Italian authors, is surprising and moving at the same time.

All the authors involved agreed to donate the money earned with their rights for this book to an Italian NGO fighting for freedom in scientific research: Anna Mioni from our agency is debating on translation of books about rock music at Turin International Bookfair. In bocca al lupo! One of our Italian authors, Marilena Renda , has just published a book with the Italian publishing house Mesogea. An intriguing story, told in a very poetic and resonant prose, about two orphaned sisters from Sicily. They lost their parents in a plane accident and Lena, who moved to Northern Italy as a teacher, goes back to Palermo in order to take care of her younger sister Vittoria who is deaf and lives with their aunt.

Lena goes to a school to learn sign language, and Vittoria is the main character of their little world, with her antics and her unconscious grace.

Palermo is an eerie city teeming with strange characters, where the two sisters used to live in an enchanted atmosphere when they were children, but now it looks more like something unreal. In school Lena makes some friends, young unemployed people like her. When Giacomo, the teacher, decides to stage a play, he choses Vittoria as the leading actress.

Again, Lena is in the backdrop. We are thrilled to announce that Roy Jacobsen , who we represent in Italy on behalf of Cappelen Damm Agency, has been shortlisted to the prestigious Man Booker International Prize for his novel The Unseen — Congratulations to this wonderful author! The Unseen will be published in Italy by Bompiani in the first months of It is quite the achievement, being shortlisted along with authors like Dorthe Nors and Amos Oz.

Roy Jacobsens down to earth and ultimately touching novel has really impressed readers in many countries — and there are more to come….

Maria Burnett Italian-English literary translator

The family seems to accept these vicious tempests as necessary rituals. Read more about the prize and the other nominees here. Sex, drugs and kicks in the teeth by Renzo Stefanel is being reprinted for the 2nd time in a new copies batch.

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Il sogno di Keribe , fantasy novel by Ilaria de Togni, is out today for Gargoyle. Erinke awakens inside the Orlog, at the same time a sea that no one can cross, and a powerful and obscure deity. Erinke is considered a mistake of Nature that can unleash the wrath of the gods and is destined to a future of prosecution and escape, like her peers; she is forced to quickly learn how to survive in a world oppressed by fear and devoured by injustice.

The result is an extraordinary heroine, whose inner strength and proactivity, along with lucky encounters and unexpected alliances, keeo her alive until her ability to cope with hardships exceeds expectations, to the extent that she understand she is able not only to change her fate, but that of her people as well. Meanwhile, in the West, the awakened Selah is enlisting followers to declare war on humans and bring back his race to the glory it once had.

As soon as he hears of the recent reawakening of four new souls, after years in which the breeding ability of the Borders had been declared inactive, he instructs many hunters to find them for him. Among them is Brant, that will convince Erinke to follow him, out of loyalty to an ideal of reunification that, unbeknownst to her, will send Keribe on the brink of a disastrous war between worlds. In the difficult path they will have to face together, the love soon to be born will change everything, even the harsh laws of a world that is, beautiful and scary at the same time, and will hinder their union until the end.

A great love story, the depiction of a world and an adventure novel. The Beatles who work like slaves at the Cavern and are expelled from Germany because they do not comply with work permits; their audition with Decca on 1st January they are rejected! In queste pagine ripercorriamo le biografie di dieci donne che hanno fatto la storia del Veneto passando da personaggi quali Caterina Cornaro e Tina Merlin. Figure diverse per epoca, astrazione sociale e fama,dando prova di come tutte abbiano trovato una forma di riscatto attraverso la cultura, in particolare la scrittura.

I personaggi e le situazioni sono ben caratterizzate e descritte, mi sono legata in un modo impressionante a Gemma: La storia sembrava che crescesse dentro di me, creando le situazioni come se le vivessi di persona. Il mio cuore non ha smesso di palpitare un secondo. Appena si pensava di essere usciti da quel tunnel di segreti e bugie, succedeva un qualcos'altro che faceva tornare l'attenzione del lettore al libro.

Leggi qui la recensione completa: Sin dal primo approccio con la sua opera, non ho potuto fare a meno di ammirare la sua bravura, il suo modo di scrivere, chiaro, poetico e intenso. Ogni parola evoca immagini inequivocabili, Leggi qui la recensione completa: Ogni parola evoca immagini inequivocabili, le descrizioni sono perfettamente curate, davvero ben poco in questo romanzo mi ha lasciata perplessa.

Se non vi avessi colto l'influsso "twilightiano", purtroppo molto presente nei romanzi di ultima generazione, sarebbe stato praticamente perfetto. E' una ragazza che ama tantissimo leggere e che vive in un mondo tutto suo, immersa sempre nei suoi pensieri e con la testa altrove, anche durante le lezioni a scuola o le conversazioni con gli amici. Trasparenti come cristallo ma ardenti come il fuoco, avevano provocato in me un turbinio di emozioni incontrollabile". Un legame indefinibile e sconosciuto. Come se non potesse farne a meno Esso si trasforma in un luogo d'incontro con Evan, un luogo in cui entrambi possono lasciarsi andare, avvicinarsi l'uno all'altra, legandosi con un filo invisibile e delicato, lasciandosi rapire da emozioni impossibili da contenere.

Per non parlare della splendida ragazza che lo accompagna sempre, Ginevra, di cui Gemma non riesce a non essere gelosa. Nessun angelo caduto in Touched, ma angeli che vivono tra gli uomini, come se si trovassero in una dimensione parallela tra paradiso e inferno a scontare una pena risalente secoli addietro, con un compito terrificante al quale non possono sottrarsi. Tra ostacoli da superare e tante dure prove per Evan e Gemma, dei nemici accaniti e un destino ineffabile da tenere a bada, vi posso assicurare che non rimarrete delusi! Ho adorato questo libro.

Ci sono libri fin troppo descrittivi, che a non tutti piacciono, ma questo non riguarda affatto questa categoria. Riuscivo a vedere con gli occhi di Gemma, sentire con le emozioni lottare in Evan; provavo il suo tormento nel dover uccidere la persona di cui si stava innamorando, ed ero ossessionata da lui come Gemma. Come invece "La carezza del destino", almeno con me, ha fatto.

Un romanzo tutto italiano che, secondo me, fa capire che non serve andare a cercare altrove dei fantasy ben scritti. Un romanzo che, secondo il mio personalissimo punto di vista, merita di essere letto. Bellissimo libro, mi ha stregato. La mia recensione qui http: Sensuale, misterioso, da lasciare ammaliati. Ecco l'intera recensione qui: Mar 01, Siobhan Davis rated it really liked it Shelves: Touched is one of the most endearing romantic books I've ever read and one which totally took my breath away.

Amore is a gifted writer and her prose is simply stunning. I was highlighting like a crazy person, as there is a multitude of sentences that are beautifully crafted. I adore her writing style and it's clear she is naturally talented. Gemma has lived in relative obscurity in Lake Placid with her hard-working diner-owning parents, and her two best friends - Peter and her books. She Touched is one of the most endearing romantic books I've ever read and one which totally took my breath away.

She is an excellent student, who gets good grades and never gives her parents an ounce of trouble. She yearns to experience the type of sweeping, passionate romance she has read about in her books. She is completely oblivious to the fact that her BFF, Peter, is in love with her. He hasn't said anything to her because he's afraid of ruining their friendship.

One fateful day in the woods changes everything. There she sees someone she shouldn't be able to: Evan, an Angel of Death who has been sent to kill her. Inexplicably drawn to one another, Touched is the story of their romance and how they deal with the obstacles and challenges to their love. This book is so romantic. It goes beyond swoon-worthy, and heart-stopping, into a realm all on its own. While it could be argued that it's insta-love, it's actually not. Although they feel an instant connection or attraction, their love story is a slow, gradual sensual build-up that had me feeling everything Gemma and Evan felt.

Which brings me nicely onto emotional complexity and characterisation. Both of which were superb in this book. It is told in both Gemma and Evan's point of view, which I always love, and the emotions bled off the pages of my Kindle. I felt every emotion skin-deep, heart-deep. I felt the pain, heartache, joy, longing, and the frantic urgency to save one another.

Be still my heart. Those sections, in particular, were stunningly written. Secondary characters are solidly developed too though I wish Peter hadn't been relegated to such a small part by the end of the book. I loved the concept of the Angels Subterraneans as Angels of Death or Executioners and the addition of Ginerva, a witch who is supposed to be their natural enemy. The fantasy aspect was well developed, and an original and fresh take on Angels mythology. And the overriding concept - how can you kill the one you love - hooked me in the first place. That and the stunning cover. I did find parts of the inner monologue, in both Gemma and Evan's sections, repetitive and in my opinion some of that could have been cut.

I also didn't like how dismissive Gemma was of Peter who was supposed to be her best friend. Once Evan appeared on the scene, she pretty much forgot all about him which wasn't nice. The plot of this book is very reminiscent of Twilight, and though I love Twilight, and it wasn't really a big issue, I wish it had been a little more original.

Those are my only complaints, though, and they are minor because overall I really loved this book.

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It's obvious that Gemma has some kind of gift or power that I assume will become transparent as the series progresses. I can't help wondering if she is a witch? Or descendent from a witch? Pure speculation on my part and I could be way off track.

La carezza del destino: Touched

I'm intrigued to find out in later books! Overall, this was a truly spell-binding read. If you adore gushing, heart-stopping romance, set within a well-developed fantasy world with complex characterisation and beautiful prose, then you will love Touched. I can't wait for the next book and I hope it isn't too long before it's released. Some of my fav quotes: She wasn't all wrong; I'd always been a thousand miles from reality Shyness is a lasso that binds the wings each of us has.

Only if you untie it can you fly. No matter what you called it, it existed. It was an emotion you felt. A memory you kept. The only way I can lose everything is if I lose you. I'd rather be damned forever than live an eternity without you. View all 3 comments. La grammatica E' un romanzo auto-pubblicato, quindi qualche svista me l'aspettavo, ne ho trovate spesso in questo tipo di libri. Ero sola in quella stanza, i fantasmi non esistevano e i morti non tornavano E cosa centrava Evan con quella sensazione?

Un muro con la testa? Le scelte lessicali Si possono solo descrivere come imbarazzanti, irrealistiche e assolutamente barocche. Ma vi pare possibile che un'adolescente pensi usando queste parole? Non potevo fingere di non vedere la sfumatura tenebrosa che gli velava gli occhi. Sentii un fremito di terrore attraversarmi le ossa. Per non parlare della ridondanza di certi aggettivi. Oscuro, mistico, agghiacciante, misterioso, spettrale compaiono ogni 3per2 rendendo la lettura pesante senza peraltro riuscire a dare al romanzo quell'atmosfera gotica che l'autrice voleva forse suggerire.

Per esempio Divaricai con ansia il cancello fa venire in mente una violenza contro il povero cancello, non un voler tornare a casa in fretta e furia La sintassi Il congiuntivo, questo sconosciuto! Prima che sarebbe stato troppo tardi. A cosa si riferisse, per esempio, un certo gerundio o una certa relativa. E' un Twilight 2. Da qui si comprende la grande considerazione di Gemma per l'amicizia. Poi abbiamo Ginevra, la sorella di Evan. I fratelli di Evan, Drake e Simon, sono i simpaticoni della situazione.

Alla fine non l'ho capito. View all 24 comments. Era da tempo che un libro non mi faceva provare emozioni cosi intense. Evan e Gemma mi hanno trascinato nel loro mondo meraviglioso. I vocaboli "selvaggio" ed "oscuro" si ripetono all'infinito Emozioni: Ammetto di aver acquistato questo libro, per riuscire a provare un coinvolgimento fortissimo, come non mi succedeva da tempo.. Elisa tu ci sei riuscita.

I requested this book as a review cop, because it has such a high rating on Gooodreads and even better on amazon. I have no idea how this book has such a high rating. To start with, the author spends a lot of time using big long and over used words to describe things, places. The characters themselves seemed blah and very two dimensional.

I found it very hard to connect to any of them. Here are just a couple examples: