La femme choisie (Littérature) (French Edition)

French Courses

La Place Darrieussecq, Marie. French Course Registration Read More Greffard, Madeleine et Jean-Guy Sabourin. Mailhot, Laurent et Pierre Nepveu. But a Matter is not just a set of characters, themes and subjects: The Matter of France, built around the semi-mythical exploits of Charlemagne and his warriors in their defence of the Christian faith, and the Matter of Britain, which focuses on Arthur, his Knights of the Round Table and their adventures, are two of the most popular representatives of this literary practice in the French-speaking world.

They manifest themselves in different genres: In this course, we will explore the idea of Frenchness from the point of view of three key concepts that have formally shaped French national identity since the French Revolution: As contemporary France has evolved, socially and demographically, these three concepts have been subject to increasing pressures. We will explore the history of these concepts, as well as their evolution up to the present day in a series of readings that span two centuries. We will consider how these core concepts continue to inform the political and cultural dynamics of France as it grapples with its colonial past, its postcolonial present and its place in a changing Europe.

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Le plus souvent ses We will examine issues related to a literary genre and its manifold transformations in late 20th century, starting with the construction of the self. What are the interconnections between narrative voice, literary form, and subjectivity, for instance? Does autobiography fit in some happy realism claiming to represent facts? Is it an exercise in reshaping cultural imagination French, bourgeois, gendered, social memory, etc.

Is the impulse to self-narration universal? How does time inform narrative, or is it the other way round? We'll also seek to examine what the impact of the theoretical discourse has been on writing autobiography.

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Tour Jade Marguerite Duras. La Reine du silence George Perec. Le sens a en effet lui aussi sa forme et donc son style. Honours Essay Required of all Honours candidates, the Honours Essay represents an extended personal research project in finished form usually about pages typewritten carried out under the supervision of two members of the faculty.

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Preliminary research on the topic chosen is expected to be completed by mid-term, at which time the candidate is required to submit for approval a detailed outline of the projected work. The finished essay is due on the last day of lectures of the term. The Honours Essay is seen less as an original contribution to knowledge than as a means for providing the student with an opportunity to become familiar with the methodological problems of research as well as with the techniques and problems of scholarly writing.

Students who are planning to do an Honours Essay must submit a proposal to the Major and Honours Advisor. The proposal must include a one-page abstract, a bibliography, and the Force est de se demander: Si oui, de quoi? Que reste-t-il du roman alors?

As an umbrella social theory, Mobility Studies provides a new paradigm to explain significant social phenomena, which range from social inequality to global climate change, all of which are related to movements. Our course will contribute to cultural analysis of mobilities by exploring how to use this paradigm to frame major intercultural events e.

In particular, we will consider the motivations, knowledge, technologies, affects, meanings, and power relations of narratives of these movements. Required primary texts excerpts: The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Sont-ils bien les seuls destinataires?

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  • Chrétien de Troyes | Arlima - Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge?

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Numéros en texte intégral

Jean-Luc Bizien nous offre ici une vision apocalyptique de la capitale, avec des personnages passionnants et en explorant toutes les facettes de ce drame… Jivana de Nadia Coste. Never miss a story from Juste un mot , when you sign up for Medium. Get updates Get updates. May Plouzeau, dans Revue des langues romanes , Burr, dans The French Review , Hunt, dans The Modern Language Review , 71, , p. Verhuyck, dans Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire , 54, , p.

Antoine Calvet, dans Kritikon litterarum , Jeanroy, dans Romania , 33, , p. Gilles Roques, dans Revue de linguistique romane , 65, , p.

La Rentrée Littéraire – Juste un mot

Gaston Paris, dans Romania , 20, , p. Gaston Paris, dans Romania , 18, , p. Mussafia, dans Romania , 18, , p. Emanuel Mickel, dans Olifant , Emmanuel Philipot, dans Romania , 26, , p.

Gaston Paris, dans Romania , 21, , p. Gaston Paris, dans Journal des savants , , p. Jean Acher, dans Revue des langues romanes , 53, , p. May Plouzeau, dans Revue des langues romanes , 99, , p. Tania Van Hemelryck, dans Scriptorium , Rothwell, dans French Studies , Olivier Collet, dans Revue critique de philologie romane , , , p. Fragment de vers; voir N. Geirnaert, Het archief van de familie Adornes en de Jeruzalemstichting te Brugge , Neue verbesserte Textausgabe mit Einleitung und Glossar herausgegeben von W.

Klein, dans The Modern Language Journal , Gaston Paris, dans Romania , 26, , p. Wolfgang Golther, dans Studien zur vgl. Litteraturgeschichte , 4, , p. Nitze, dans Modern Language Notes , Benkov, dans Dalhousie French Studies , 78, , p. Gaston Paris, dans Romania , 7, , p. Dubois, dans Romance Philology , 7, , p. Krause, The Medieval Review , Barber, Richard, The Holy Grail: Lacy, dans The French Review , Keith Busby, dans French Studies , Antonella Sciancalepore, dans Revue critique de philologie romane , 17, , p.

Alexandra Barratt, dans Parergon , Burgess, dans French Studies , Holden, dans The Modern Language Review , Talarico, dans The French Review , Em Angevaare , Susana G. A Critical Study, with Transcription , Ph. Owen, London, Dent, New York, Everyman's Library, Kibler, London, Penguin Books, Leur perspective proverbiale et gnomique , Paris, Nizet,