Framing. Strategie der Manipulation. (German Edition)


  • Scheufele DA Framing as a theory of media effects. Pictures and the text body were the same across conditions. Igartua and colleagues [ 15 ] framed the issue of an increase in immigration in Spain as either causing positive economic consequences or a rise in criminality, and measured framing effects on attitudes towards immigrants, emotions, and cognition. Peter Lang Publishing; , Vol. These consequences once again were depicted according to the respective frame. Tankard JW The empirical approach to the study of media framing.

    There were two newspapers in the cab: the daily telegraph (oddly. The shorter of the two flipped his badge at us.

    Wie du Manipulation erkennen und abwehren kannst - Manipulationstechniken

    You have any idea what any of that fruit loops spaghetti actually does. The boy was there, digging carefully, whistling as he did so.