Deer: Picture Book (Educational Childrens Books Collection) - Level 2 (Planet Collection 76)

A place to start a family: Harrison ; illustrated by Giles Laroche. What can a citizen do? Lexile measure ; ages ; Gr. The girl with a mind for math: H46 O46 F. Walker ; [United States]: Distributed by Macmillan Publishers, Lexile measure ADL; Gr. When you look out the window: Pitman, PhD ; illustrated by Christopher Lyles. Valente ; illustrated by Rebecca Green. Pitman ; pictures by Laure Fournier. Ages 9 and up; Gr. Lexile measure IGL; Ages Where do animals live? Alejandra Pizarnik para chic s: Lexile measure ; Ages Lexile measure ; Prk-Gr.

We don't eat our classmates! I W4 F. Lexile measure ADL; ages Ages 7 and up; Gr. Lexile measure ; Ages 7 and up. Lexile measure GN; Ages ; Gr. Vernon is on his way: Otis and Will discover the deep: National parks of the U. T53 T44 F. E P56 F. A F86 F. A T74 F. Hohn ; pictures by Irene Luxbacher. Distributed in the U. Lexile measure ADL; Ages Lexile measure L; Ages ; Gr. From the heart of Africa: Home for Chinese New Year: O S43 F. Song of the wild: Crescent moons and pointed minarets: Lexile measure ; K-Gr. Pocket full of colors: U88 A6 F.

E T45 F. John Deere, that's who! Lexile measure ; Ages ; Prk-Gr. Before she was Harriet: Rhino in the house: Lexile measure e; Ages ; Gr. Lexile measure NCL; Gr. Lexile measure ; Ages 12 and up; Gr. My kite is stuck!

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R L58 F. Mito, leyenda e historia de: U R44 F. When Sophie thinks she can't Lexile measure ; Ages , Gr. S36 W43 F. Lost and found cat: Ordinary, extraordinary Jane Austen: A lady has the floor: Ages ; Gr. N42 F75 F. New Year at the pier: Lexile measure ; Ages ; There is a Spanish version at https: Ages ; There is an English version at https: Clark ; illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault. The stunning variety of crops around the world that end up on family tables are celebrated, recognized, and praised in a multitude of festivals, including the annual Thanksgiving feasts in the fall in North America and the European Midsummer celebrations on or near the longest days of the year.

Some festivals are held in hopes of encouraging bountiful harvests while others celebrate a plentiful yield. Harvest festivals are often big, boisterous acknowledgments of the economic or dietary importance of certain crops to a region or group of people, such as the yam in Western Africa or sugarcane in parts of the Caribbean. Given the diversity of the world's geography and climates, during every month of the year in some part of the world, a community, village, religious group, city, or even entire country is celebrating the beginning or end of a life-giving harvest. No matter where a person lives on Earth, approximately every days one year ends and a new one begins.

People all over the world-regardless of race, ethnic background, or religious beliefs-celebrate these two events. These holidays are an opportunity to acknowledge the passing of the old year and to look forward to the year to come. Typically, people reflect on the events of the previous year and set personal and family goals for the next year.

It is common for people to serve special good-luck foods and to participate in rituals that symbolize the passing away or ending of the old year and the beginning of a new one. In some countries, New Year is also an occasion for exchanging gifts. This book focuses on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day-the two-day public holiday that is probably the most widely celebrated holiday in the world-and Chinese New Year, which is celebrated by more than 1 billion people every year. American families are changing. New attitudes toward adoption, same-sex marriage, interracial relations, and more have influenced the makeup of families all across the nation.

The Changing Families series helps young readers understand the experience of being part of a non-traditional family. Chapters examine the changes that are taking place, how young people within these families view themselves, and how they are affected by the views of outsiders. Each book also presents stories of well-known people who have grown up in non-traditional families. Today, approximately one out of every 25 families have an adopted child. This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of an adoptive family.

On any single day, there are nearly , children in foster care in the United States. Foster parents open their homes to these children and take care of them. Together, they become a foster family. This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of a foster family. As society has become more accepting of LGBT persons, an increasing number have become parents. This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of an LGBT family.

Multiracial families are becoming more and more common. In fact, multiracial youngsters are the fastest growing segment of the population. Their numbers are predicted to triple by This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of a multiracial family. Single parent families are becoming more and more common. Approximately twenty-two million Americans under the age of twenty-one are being raised in a single parent family. This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of a single-parent family.

This series explores the myth that leadership can't be taught. In fact, everyone can teach themselves leadership skills if they put their mind to it, and the sooner students understand the qualities of their own character, the sooner they can make positive changes. Each book in the series guides young readers as they explore the importance of grit, communications skills, cooperation, problem solving, integrity, self-confidence, and more.

Parents and schools often emphasize the importance of academic achievement, but success in life also requires good social skills. This series encourages students to develop a broad set of such skills, including creativity, initiative, perseverance, tolerance, a sense of responsibility, and self-discipline, and to put these skills into practice.

Good social skills invariably lead to a certain level of accomplishment in modern-day life. However, having a great personality is not always enough. Without being able to communicate effectively, whether verbally or in writing, real success can never be achieved. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the way you conduct yourself and communicate with others, no matter what path you take in life. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you to communicate effectively in all situations.

Without initiative, grit, and perseverance, real success can never be achieved. For this reason, it is important to be a self-starter who can see all goals through to the end, no matter what path you take in life. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you to follow your dreams and goals with dedication, purposefulness, and persistence in all situations. Without integrity and honesty, real success can never be achieved. For this reason, it is important to always do what you think is the right and correct thing to do.

Strive to improve your relationships with others and take account of other people's feelings. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you understand the importance of integrity and honesty and how it can improve your life. Without good organization and problem-solving skills, real success can never be achieved.

For this reason, it is important to be logical and good at processing information and ideas, no matter what path you take in life. It is also important to be able to learn by your mistakes. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you get organized, stay organized, and learn effectively from the challenges you face in life. Without self-confidence, real success can never be achieved.

For this reason, it is important to like yourself as well as others, no matter what path you take in life. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will help you to develop self-confidence, and then go on to form successful relationships and a forward-thinking personality. Without self-discipline and responsibility, real success can never be achieved. For this reason, it is important to be a well-organized, capable, and effective individual who can plan and schedule the important aspects of life no matter what you're doing.

This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you to thrive successfully, looking after your own needs, as well as others. Without tolerance and cooperation, real success can never be achieved. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the diverse world around you, no matter what path you take in life. This book provides useful, authoritative, and important information, which will enable you to communicate with others and understand their needs in a respectful and diplomatic way, in all situations.

For centuries, the Peoples of North America hunted, farmed, and fought throughout the continent's diverse landscape of dense woodlands, gleaming lakes, rugged canyons, and rolling plains. This series examines the cultures and lifestyles of these peoples as leaders, warriors, and families throughout history, as well as the immediate and long-term effects of European contact and conflict. Presented with objective coverage and eyewitness accounts, each title also includes a traditional legend and a focus on the present-day efforts of these peoples to retain their culture in a changing word.

A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Cheyenne, including warrior Black Kettle and conflicts such as the Sand Creek Massacre. A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Comanche, including chief Quanah Parker and conflicts such as the Council House Massacre.

A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Hopi, including chief Lololoma and conflicts such as the strip-mining of Black Mesa. A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Inuit, including the Inuit Circumpolar Council and conflicts such as early encounters with Europeans on Baffin Island. A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Seminole, including warrior Osceola and conflicts such as the Seminole Wars.

A history of the people and events that influenced the North American Indian tribe known as the Shawnee, including chief Tecumseh and conflicts such as Little Turtle's War. Even the most rigorous training would not prepare young readers for the sheer amount of intel they will uncover about four of the most secretive U. Each title covers the chronology of the special ops force and supplements the main narrative with 'Force Fact' side bars about such topics as weaponry, facilities, and popular culture references.

From historical missions and controversial calls to details about equipment and selection processes, this series aims to inform! A chronological account of the American military special forces unit known as the Army Rangers, including key details about important figures, landmark missions, and controversies. A chronological account of the American military special forces unit known as Marine Force Recon, including key details about important figures, landmark missions, and controversies.

A chronological account of the American military special forces unit known as Night Stalkers, including key details about important figures, landmark missions, and controversies. A chronological account of the American military special forces unit known as SEAL Team Six, including key details about important figures, landmark missions, and controversies. Our YA Fiction collection stands out not only for the quality, but also for the breadth of genres encompassed, from coming-of-age stories to exceptional nonfiction to mysteries.

Once there was a mermaid who dared to love a wolf. Her love for him was so sudden and so fierce that it tore her tail into legs. Even though they scrape by in the seedier part of Venice Beach, she's always felt lucky. As a child, she imagined she was a minor but beloved character in her mother's fairy tale. But now, at sixteen, the fairy tale is less Disney and more Grimm. And she wants the story to be her own. Then she meets Felix, and the fairy tale takes a turn she never imagined.

I'm telling you that right up front, so you're not disappointed later. Finn is a year-old full of paradoxes. He's a drug dealer, but he's scoring money to send his twin sister to Harvard. He's desperate to shoot up even though he's the most popular kid in Dammertown. He's a philosopher and orator who's failing all his classes. The only time he finds peace is when he's bird-watching. Finn's life begins to spiral out of control, until he discovers a miracle drug called indigo. Finn is convinced that the drug is the way out of everything broken in his life. But is it really as magical as it seems?

In Scotland of the s, a demon bound in the form of a gargoyle solves murders as a way of seeking redemption. Bound to a church ledge, he gathers a motley group of rogue priests and runaways to do his footwork. As the crimes begin pointing toward a larger, equally supernatural threat, the gargoyle and his assistants prepare to fight for humanity. During this book, he takes a scrappy runaway under his wing.

The gargoyle, the runaway, and a weary priest turn their attention to a series of killings that may have ties to political unrest, as well as to the supernatural. When a young girl escapes the underworld, she seeks refuge with Silex the gargoyle and his human assistant Craig. Her presence soon forces Craig and Silex to tangle with a fallen angel and supernatural hounds. The story unfolds against the moody backdrop of Scotland in the s, where Silex solves crimes as a way of seeking redemption. The Careers in Demand for High School Graduates series profiles jobs you can land right out of high school and explains how to use them to build a fulfilling career.

Chapters include a questionnaire to see whether the job is right for you, a description of a typical day on the job, an interview with someone working in the field, information about salary potential, advice on how to move up, and much more. Each volume in the series is based on one of the U. Department of Labor's career clusters, introducing readers to some of the most in-demand careers in each field. There is a wide range of exciting and satisfying military careers available without a college diploma.

The military offers thousands of specialized jobs, and the majority of those have direct civilian counterparts. In the military, you earn a steady paycheck from the moment you sign up. If you join at age 18, you can serve a full 20 years and retire at age 38!

What's more, the U. If you're good with computers or have an artistic flair, a career in the field of computers, communications, or the arts may be right for you. Many of the jobs in these fields require no further degree than a high school diploma or GED to get your foot in the door. Whether working as a computer help-desk specialist or AutoCAD technician in an office or camera operator, grip, or stagehand on a film or television set, these jobs can lead to exciting careers. On-the-job training is the norm for many of these positions; in general, employers of entry-level workers aren't looking for degrees and academic achievements.

They want employability skills: For people who enjoy working with their hands, entering the construction or other trade fields can begin right after high school. Carpenters, masons, construction workers, painters, and plumbers are among the in-demand jobs in these fields. Apprenticeships provide on-the-job training and trade unions afford solid wages and benefits. Employers of entry-level workers in these fields are looking for employability skills: What's more, once a worker has gained enough experience, many of these well-paying jobs have the potential for self-employment.

If you enjoy building and fixing things, a career in construction and trades could be right for you. A career in the field of food, agriculture, or natural resources is ideal for people who enjoy the outdoors and don't mind getting their hands dirty. Farm work with crops or livestock is just part of the picture. In-demand careers in the field include butchers, groundskeepers, forest firefighters, and more.

The good news is that the skills needed for these fields can largely be learned on the job, and you can enter these positions with just a high school diploma or GED. Health care is the largest industry in the United States, providing more than 19 million jobs. For high school graduates, the health field can be a land of opportunity. When people think about the medical profession, many mistakenly assume that most jobs require years of advanced training. And while it's certainly true that doctors, dentists, and similar professionals require advanced degrees, many rewarding health care careers are available to high school graduates.

In fact, a high school diploma is the highest educational milestone for more than half of the workers in nursing homes and residential care facilities, and for more than a quarter of all hospital workers. In this volume, you'll learn about the many rewarding career opportunities in health care and science for high school graduates. All hospitality jobs share a common purpose: The goal of every job is to make people's lives a bit brighter, whether it's by preparing an exquisite meal, making sure someone's flight is enjoyable, or putting together a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

It's a fun and fast-paced industry filled with jobs that affect people's lives in a positive way; so if you enjoy working in crowded environments, and have a friendly or outgoing disposition, this may be the field for you. Unlike other industries, hospitality employers aren't necessarily looking for good grades or fancy degrees.

What they value most is employability skills: And if you stick with it, a hospitality job can lead you to a satisfying and lucrative career. Land, air, and sea vehicles need to be driven, built, and maintained, as do roads and rails. Besides offering a base of employment, the transportation field provides people with plenty of personal satisfaction. Some of these jobs are union jobs, with excellent benefits; others, such as revolutionary ride-sharing services like Uber, offer few benefits but a lot of freedom and control over where and when you work.

The manufacturing jobs featured in in this book also play important roles in the national economy. One great advantage of these fields is that your supervisors recognize the need for ongoing training that will help you expand your knowledge and make you more valuable in the workplace. And best of all, you can get started in a career in transportation or manufacturing with just a high school diploma.

Careers in fitness, personal care services, and education can be great for people who like to work with other people or who like to work with their hands. Most of these fields are not hard to enter, though they may take years to master. Many of these jobs are deeply satisfying to their practitioners as you can often see the results of your work immediately.

Opportunities in personal care and services, fitness, and education include some of the most plentiful and popular jobs in the country. If you think you'd like to help people, work with your hands, and be creative in your work, you should consider one of the careers profiled in this book. Public safety, law, and security jobs can be stressful, but you will often be helping to make the world a safer and more enjoyable place.

The rewards are huge; every safe day testifies to your hard work and dedication. There are few jobs that offer similar levels of inner fulfillment and personal satisfaction. People in these jobs help maintain the security of modern society. And employers of entry-level workers in this field often do not care about diplomas. What they do want to see is a sense of responsibility, a willingness to learn, and a show of enthusiasm. If you have those things, you can begin a successful career without completing four years of college. Young people who choose a career path in sales, marketing, or finance often do so because they've got a nose for business or the hustle required for turning entrepreneurial spirit into a paycheck, or maybe even, someday, a business of their own.

Whether it's a financial clerk making sure that all the employees get paid on time or a customer service agent addressing the concerns of a valued customer, workers in the fields of sales, marketing, and finance take great satisfaction in being a part of a thriving career world that offers endless possibilities for growth and advancement.

For high school graduates, the fields of sales, marketing, and finance can also be a great resource for self-education and the development of business skills. In many cases, you can learn the required skills on the job. This book is a great step toward paving your way to a bright future. Each book is illustrated with numerous photographs.

The up-to-date information in each book is supplemented with a glossary of key terms, guides to additional resources for more information, scan-able links to educational videos, text-dependent questions and report ideas. The Reverend Al Sharpton is a flamboyant and controversial figure who for decades has led protest marches and demonstrations to draw attention to injustices committed against the African-American community.

During the s and s Sharpton's high-profile cases occurred mainly in the New York area, but today he is a nationally recognized figure. Sharpton has been the target of violence, including an assassination attempt. Yet he has persisted in his attempts to end social injustice. To his widow Coretta, Martin's death meant more than the loss of her beloved husband and the father of their four children.

It also changed the world's perception of her from supportive wife to prominent civil rights activist in her own right. After Martin Luther King Jr's death, Coretta perpetuated his message of peace and equality for all Americans, living a life dedicated to public service until her death in James Farmer was one of the most influential leaders in America's fight against racial discrimination. Holding defiant yet peaceful protests for the purpose of ending segregation in housing, restaurants, and other public facilities, the organization emerged as a major force in the civil rights movement.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson is one of the most articulate and recognizable figures of the civil rights movement. Jackson waged groundbreaking campaigns for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in and In recent years Jackson has continued to draw attention to the major issues of the African-American community. During the early s, as a spokesperson for a black religious group known as the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X argued against the nonviolent tactics favored by most civil rights leaders.

He proposed instead a revolutionary program to create a separate society for African Americans. Malcolm moderated his views after his religious conversion to a mainstream sect of Islam in Although Malcolm was assassinated the next year, his call for black self-determination remains alive.

No leader of America's civil rights movement was more inspirational and influential than Martin Luther King Jr.

The SCLC encouraged nonviolent resistance through numerous acts of social protest-sit-ins, interstate bus rides, voter registration drives, and an enormous march on Washington, D. King's call for a prejudice-free nation remains the greatest of American dreams.

A distinguished educator and government adviser, Mary McLeod Bethune won enormous social and political gains for African Americans during the first half of the twentieth century. In she founded a school for black girls in Daytona, Florida that would eventually become Bethune-Cookman University.

In she became the first African American woman to head an agency of the federal government. A tireless, inspirational leader, Mary McLeod Bethune devoted her life to promoting black achievement. At the end of her work day on December 1, , Rosa Parks took a seat on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama. This began a journey that would change America, when a weary Parks chose to defy the system of racial segregation by refusing to give up her seat, as required by law, to a white passenger.

Her refusal to move to the back of the bus resulted in her arrest-and ignited a citywide bus boycott by black riders, that in turn sparked the civil rights movement and brought an end to legal segregation in the South. Thurgood Marshall was a lawyer, judge, and civil rights leader. While working with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP from the s until the early s, Marshall helped move a reluctant, segregationist nation toward racial justice by battling in court for black rights in schools, voting booths, criminal courts, public facilities, and housing.

Discrimination based on race, sex, age, and more is as prominent in the public discourse today as it ever was. The Discrimination in Society series examines these and other types of discrimination-what they entail, how they are manifested, how widespread they are, their effects on real people, and efforts to address these problems. Personal accounts and quotes from experts in various fields provide added insight into these timely topics.

As the population ages, many people plan to keep working past age 65 or have no plans to retire at all. While their skills and experience are valuable assets, older workers may not get the chance to show what they can do, simply because of their age. Age Discrimination in Society examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination.

Disability discrimination occurs when people with physical or mental disabilities are given fewer opportunities or unfairly treated because of their disabilities. Examples can be found in schools that don't make accommodations for disabled students, buildings that are hard to manoeuvre in, and workplaces that keep people with disabilities from advancing.

Children's books (new) -- elementary level

Disability Discrimination in Society examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are frequently denied equal rights in America. LGBT people face discrimination as employees, students, adoptive parents, spouses, and consumers, and they have been targeted in violent hate crimes.

LGBT Discrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address it. Although it is a considered a problem throughout the United States, not everyone agrees about the seriousness of it. Racial Discrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination.

Religious discrimination affects people of all different faiths, from Judaism and Christianity to Islam, whose followers are known as Muslims. Research has shown that Muslims face religious discrimination the most of any religious group, followed by Jews. Religious Discrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination. Although men as well as women may encounter sex discrimination, it affects women far more often than men. SexDiscrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination.

Technology's Impact explores how cutting-edge technologies will affect our society in the future-both positively and negatively. Readers will learn how these technologies work, how they are already affecting today's world, and how researchers are working to unlock the opportunities of these advances while avoiding the potential pitfalls.

The books look ahead to the future, charting the likely future paths of these technologies. Each volume includes callout definitions for subject vocabulary, diagrams to enhance reader's understanding of complex concepts, source notes, and an annotated bibliography to facilitate deeper research. Developing a computer that can match human intelligence-or even exceed it-is the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence researchers. How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future.

Today some drones are conducting military missions, while others are toys for hobbyists. Tomorrow the sky may be filled with drones delivering packages, rescuing disaster victims, or doing countless other jobs. How Drones Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future.

Tiny particles and devices, invisible to the naked eye, are capable of amazing things in medical care, construction, space exploration, and a wide variety of other fields. How Nanotechnology Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future.

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In the next few decades, cars zooming along without drivers will become a common sight in the world's major cities. How Self-Driving Cars Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future. When anyone can print out a full-formed 3D object at home, the entire manufacturing industry will be turned on its head.

How 3D Printing Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future. By putting on a headset, virtual reality users can transport themselves to a world that only exists inside a computer. How Virtual Reality Will Impact Society examines the progress in this field, looks at the science behind it, and discusses how it will shape our world in the future. Teen Health and Safety explores important issues that teens face today. Readers will explore the underlying causes of these issues, the ways in which the issues affect teens, and strategies teens can use to protect themselves or get help if they encounter the issues in their own lives.

Each volume includes diagrams to enhance readers' understanding of complex concepts, source notes, and an annotated bibliography to facilitate deeper research. An addiction to drugs or alcohol is dangerous for anyone, but the effects on teens and their developing brains can be especially severe. Teens and Addiction explores the causes of this health issue, how it affects teens, and ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. Dieting can be an effective way to lose weight, but only when it is done safely and under a doctor's advice. Dangerous forms of dieting can be harmful to teens' health.

Teens and Dieting explores the causes of dangerous dieting, how it affects teens, and ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. When driving a car, a moment of distraction can mean the difference between a safe trip and a tragic accident. Teens and Distracted Driving explores the causes of this safety issue, how it affects teens, and ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. Mental health issues may not have all the outward signs that physical health problems do, but they are no less serious.

Teens and Mental Health explores the causes of mental health issues, how they affect teens, and ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. Social media can be a useful tool for teens, but its power and popularity can also make it hazardous. Teens and Social Media explores the causes of social media concerns, how these issues affect teens, and ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. Many teens are hesitant to talk about sexually transmitted diseases STDs , but it is important to discuss these health issues openly in order to treat them and improve the lives of people affected by them.

Teens and STDs explores the causes of this health issue, how it affects teens, and the ways in which teens can protect themselves and get help. Orca Limelights is an ongoing series of performing arts novels. Each book focuses on one performing art, such as music, theater, dance, circus, slam poetry, magic or stand-up comedy. Limelights are at-level novels for ages with lots of performance action, drama and passion! In this high-interest novel for teen readers, Spencer is commissioned to create a music video for a blues-rap band. In this high-interest novel for teen readers, Ava lands a part in a professional outdoor theater production.

In this high-interest novel for teen readers, country singer Elle discovers the downside to fame. In this high-interest novel for teen readers, ballet-obsessed Natalie has to spend the summer with her Irish-dancing cousins. Maxine Benson, police chief in a small town, sets out to solve the murder of her ex-husband's new girlfriend in this work of crime fiction.

Score a goal with this fantastic series about the world's most popular sport. Explore soccer from many angles, from its popular players to the rules of the game, and get in on the action. Are you ready to get On the Pitch? This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about animals and weather in the Winter season. This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about animals and weather in the Spring season.

This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about animals and weather in the Summer season. This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about animals and weather in the autumn season.

What holidays do people celebrate? What customs and traditions make a holiday special? These books for young readers explain holidays from around the world with easy-to-read text and bright photos. A diagram in each book helps readers understand holiday symbols, and a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. In Independence Day, young readers will learn about this American holiday and the ways people celebrate it. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this unique holiday.

A labeled diagram helps readers understand the symbols of Independence Day, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about Independence Day online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Independence Day also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Earth Day, young readers will learn about this holiday and the ways people celebrate it. A labeled diagram offers readers ways to help Earth on this holiday and every day, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary.

Children can learn more about Earth Day online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Earth Day also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Presidents' Day, young readers will learn about this American holiday and the ways people celebrate it. A labeled diagram introduces readers to the three U.

Children can learn more about Presidents' Day online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Presidents' Day also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Labor Day, young readers will learn about this American holiday and the ways people celebrate it. A labeled diagram helps readers understand the many kinds of laborers we honor on this holiday, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary.

Children can learn more about Labor Day online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Labor Day also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. From the vanlike appearance of ambulances to the spinning rotor blades of helicopters, vehicles of all forms have long been used in emergency situations.

Appealing to future paramedics, pilots, captains, drivers, and crew, this new series explores the continued use of four Amazing Rescue Vehicles. Detailed photos and STEM-appropriate text examine the featured machine's parts, functions, variations, and worksites. Each book also includes a labeled pictorial diagram of the vehicle. A basic exploration of the parts, equipment, and variations of ambulances, the fast-moving rescue vehicles. Also included is a pictorial diagram of the important rescue vehicle and its equipment.

A basic exploration of the parts, equipment, and variations of fire trucks, the firefighting rescue vehicles. A basic exploration of the parts, equipment, and variations of helicopters, the flying rescue vehicles. A basic exploration of the parts, equipment, and variations of rescue boats, the nautical rescue vehicles. This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about semi trucks and how they are used to haul deliveries across the country.

This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about fire engines and how they carry firefighters and their equipment to help put out fires. This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about garbage trucks and how they pick up trash in order to keep communities clean.

This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about the role of pickup trucks in helping people haul large items. This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about semi trucks that haul liquid and dry bulk.

This Spanish version of the search-and-find book invites early readers to look for new vocabulary words and pictures while giving simple facts about tow trucks and how they haul wrecked vehicles from accident scenes or other scenarios. From antlered elk to pouched pelicans, and from scouting prairie dogs to upright-swimming seahorses, the world of animals is wonderfully diverse.

This popular series-extended to include more Spanish-language titles-travels the planet to study these and other fascinating mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and invertebrates. Beautiful photos are paired with STEM-appropriate text to examine the featured creature's appearance, habitat, behaviors, and life cycle. Heavy guns, enormous tanks, and sonic-booming airplanes. Get up close with some of the world's most high-tech military tools. See how technology plays a key role in today's fighting forces. Great for current event and STEM lessons. Get up close with some of the worlds most high-tech military tools.

  1. Search form.
  2. Allein auf der Ostsee: 2500 km im Kajak zum Polarkreis (German Edition)!
  3. !
  4. ?
  5. Community Helpers!
  6. Wilfrid Cumbermede.

See how technology plays a key role in todays fighting forces. Kids are inherently curious about spiders, and there are so many different kinds! Explore what makes different spiders from around the world so interesting with An Eye on Spiders. Carefully leveled text and up-close photography introduces readers to a variety of spiders. Includes a labeled map of spider habitats and a picture glossary to reinforce new vocabulary. In Black Widows, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of black widows.

Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage beginning readers as they learn about this type of spider. A labeled range map highlights where these spiders can be found around the world, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Children can learn more about Black Widow spiders online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Black Widow Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

In Garden Spiders, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of garden spiders. Children can learn more about garden spiders online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Garden Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Jumping Spiders, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of jumping spiders. Children can learn more about Jumping spiders online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites.

Jumping Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Tarantulas, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of tarantuals. Children can learn more about tarantulas online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Tarantulas also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. Tarantulas is part of the An Eye on Spiders series from Jump! In Trapdoor Spiders, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of Trapdoor spiders.

Trapdoor Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Water Spiders, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of water spiders. Children can learn more about water spiders online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites.

Water Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. In Wolf Spiders, young readers will learn about the physical features and characteristics of wolf spiders. Children can learn more about wolf spiders online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Wolf Spiders also features reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index. When her best friend moves out of the house next door, Amelia Bedelia wonders who the new neighbors will be.

Amelia Bedelia and her classmates hit the trail literally in this Level 1 I Can Read title starring the young Amelia Bedelia, who loves nature and hiking especially when there is so much to see, discover and record in her journal. When Amelia's mother is having a gray day, Amelia knows just what to do to make it better. She enlists her friends to help do chalk drawings all around her house. Chalk one up for Amelia Bedelia in this reader about teamwork and creativity. Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia!

The Amelia Bedelia books are great for growing the vocabularies of newly independent readers. Amelia Bedelia by the Yard is a funny story about community, family, and helping out, and it stars Amelia Bedelia as a young girl. More than 35 million Amelia Bedelia books sold since !

Amelia Bedelia's parents are holding a yard sale-but Amelia Bedelia loves playing in her yard, and she doesn't want to sell it! Luckily, her mother promises they will only sell things in the yard. When one neighbor wishes she could buy the flowers, Amelia Bedelia fetches a shov. Amelia Bedelia and her friends are hosting a bake sale, with all of the proceeds from the sale going to their school library.

Amelia Bedia bakes all kinds of delicious treats to sell, but she doesn't understand why she should take the cake. She'd much rather eat it. Amelia Bedelia and her friends learn the concepts of business and the importance of giving back. Amelia Bedelia, the maid who always follows directions literally, accompanies her employers on a camping trip. Rogers leave for the day and give Amelia Bedelia a long list of chores to do.

Amelia Bedelia gets right to work with totally unexpected results! Amelia Bedelia has her hands full when she takes care of Mrs. As usual, the literal-minded housekeeper mixes things up, but she also wins the heart of her newest and youngest fan. This laugh-out-loud favorite comes to life as the lovable, literal-minded housekeeper strips the sheets, pares the vegetables, and makes a jelly roll for Great-Aunt Myra's visit. Amelia Bedelia is up to her antics again as she tries to help plan a surprise bridal shower for Miss Alma. Amelia ends up surprising all the guests with a shower that turns out to be all wet.

The lovable, hilarious amelia Bedelia is back, filling in for a sick player on the Grizzlies baseball team. Watch out Because nobody plays ball like Amelia Bedelia. A first entry in a new chapter book series for early reader Disney Fairies fans introduces Kate, Mia, Lainey and Gabby, who are whisked away from their everyday lives to Never Land, where they become Lost Girls and are in no hurry to return home, despite the assistance of Queen Clarion and Tinker Bell.

Emily and her brother Navin head for Kanalis, a beautiful and mysterious city of waterfalls, where they hope to find the antidote for the poison that felled their mother. The plot contains mild violence. The Elf King has forged new amulets which will allow him the ability to invade and destroy the nation of Windsor. Emily and her friends desperately make preparations to defend Windsor in what will inevitably be a brutal war. Navin and his friends travel to the city of Lucien searching for a beacon that will help in their battle against the Elf King.

Meanwhile, Emily returns to the void with Max, a follower of the Elf King. Emily, Trellis, and Vigo visit Algos Island, where they can access and enter lost memories. They're hoping to uncover the events of Trellis's mysterious childhood -- knowledge they can use against the Elf King.

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What they discover is a dark secret that changes everything. Meanwhile, the Voice of Emily's Amulet is getting stronger, and threatens to overtake her completely. Emily has lost control of her Amulet and is imprisoned in the Void, where she must find a way to escape the influence of the Voice. Meanwhile, Emily's brother, Navin, travels to Lighthouse One, a space station where the Resistance is preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces that would drain planet Alledia of all its resources. Emily and Navin must be smarter and stronger than ever to ensure Alledia's survival.

They sound like bad guys, they look like bad guys. Shark are about to change all of that Wolf has a daring plan for the Bad Guys' first good mission. Will Operation Dog Pound go smoothly? Will the Bad Guys become the Good Guys? Snake please stop swallowing Mr. The Bad Guys are back with a daring plan to rescue 10, chickens from a high-security cage farm!

But how do you rescue chickens when one of you is known as The Chicken Swallower? Join The Bad Guys as they return for more dodgy good deeds with a new member of the team. And watch out for the super villain who might just be the end of them! Whether you like it or not.. Wolf and his bad buddies have messed with the wrong guinea pig--one who is secretly an evil mad scientist.

And the nasty little furball wants revenge! Will they be heroes?


SLJ - "Dramatic opening scenarios will hook readers into learning about community helpers. Photos depict workers employed in typical settings, wearing job-related garb, or using Binding Type: Reinforced Library; Reading Level: 1; Total Items in Series: 10; ATOS Philadelphia 76ers, , $, $ Home» Guides» Children's books (new) -- elementary level Education Library (Cubberley)» Curriculum Collection» PSG39 WAL Lexile measure ; ages ; PrK-Gr.2 . E S76 Three times four with Annemarie: a TOON book / by Ivan Brunetti. Cover image of John Deere, that's who!.

And will they ever stop trying to eat each other?!? It's time for the Bad Guys to spring into action! It's a zombie kitten apocalypse! Can the Bad Guys save the world from evil Dr. They'll need help from foxy Agent Fox, a swampy secret zombie antidote, and the feistiest, toothiest, hungriest granny around. Get ready to watch the fur fly! While Puppy wants to play, Bad Kitty only wants to nap, and she tries to incorporate sleep into playing. Kitty has never seen snow. So Kitty looks it up on the computer.

Bad Kitty can handle this. She'll just put on her snow gear and try. All Kitty wants to do is play her favorite video game. Now it's time for Kitty to: Kitty doesn't want to do any o. Big Nate knows trouble. He is the king of detention, after all. Self-proclaimed genius Nate Wright blazes a haphazard trail through the sixth grade at P.

Nate Wright is known to his pals and teachers for many things, his penchant for mischief and his school record for detentions being the foremost. But beating out brainiac Gina's grades is not one of those things! In Big Nate Makes the Grade, the school life goings-on of Nate, his pals, and his long-suffering teachers are recounted in hilarious detail. Master of pulling pranks. Big Nate knows fun. To sixth-grader Nate Wright, life is one big game. So when he suits up for any sport, he does it with an unmistakable swagger.

From fine-tuning his trash-talking skills on the basketball court to his cocky 'tude in the soccer goal, Nate can be a bigger challenge to his teammates than their opponents. Enjoy Nate and his friends' mostly hapless sports encounters through not-always-highlight-reel moments in the all-color Big Nate: Here comes the latest comic compilation from Lincoln Peirce, all about king of detention and cartooning genius Nate Wright.

And the Big Nate: I Can't Take It , featuring our mischievous middle-school hero, is big fun. The second collection of all-color Sunday Big Nate cartoons! Life can be stressful for Nate Wright. Godfrey makes every day a nightmare. At home, he's stuck between Ellen, his incredibly annoying older sister, and Dad, perhaps the most clueless parent of all time. And don't get him started on Gina, the ultimate teacher's pet, or Artur, the unassuming exchange student who bests him at every turn. It's enough to make even a can-do kid like Nate scream: Two heads are better than one, except when they're crashing into each other!

But that won't prevent Big Nate and his pals from hatching great ideas for fun. Big Nate is a New York Times bestseller and the star of his own comic strip. Here comes the latest comic compilation from Lincoln Peirce, all about king of detention and cartooning genius Nate Wright! Includes over full-color comic strips, plus bonus Big Nate activities in the back! Big Nate is big news! Aspiring cartoonist Nate Wright is the star of Big Nate, the daily and Sunday comic strip, which has been nationally syndicated since Nate is 11 years old, four-and-a-half feet tall, and the all-time record holder for detentions in school history.

He's a self-described genius and sixth grade Renaissance Man. Nate, who lives with his dad and older sister, enjoys pestering his family and teachers with his sarcasm. To draw Big Nate, Peirce relies on memories of his own childhood and the experiences he collected teaching art at a New York City high school. Peirce occasionally turns his pen ov. When Nate Wright's least favorite teacher, Godzilla, assigns his archenemy, the overachiever Gina, to be his partner, trouble ensues, but somehow, Nate manages to persevere.

Supremely confident middle-school student Nate Wright manages to make getting detention from every one of his teachers in the same day seem like an achievement. Big Nate is back with an all-new chronological collection of cartoons! Can Nate Wright get any cooler? Not according to Nate himself. But does Nate have what it takes to hang with Marcus, leader of the school's most notorious posse? Or will he decide that being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be? The more Big Nate, the better! Readers will have their fill of Nate's wisecracks and school day shenanigans in this giant collection, combining three bestselling ebook-only collections.

Now Nate's stuck in second place. And Artur means business. Will Nate take the grand prize? Or wipe out, big time? Self-described genius, aspiring cartoonist and sixth-grade detention record holder Big Nate navigates the trials and tribulations of life in the halls of P. In book four, daredevil Nate's quest to achieve greatness lands him in the hospital with a broken bone, and while his family and friends are eager to help him cope, they soon tire of his increasingly ridiculous demands.

Kindergarten to 1st Grade Preview

There's never a dull moment with Nate Wright in the picture. Whether getting caught playing table football in the library or raiding the teachers' lounge, Nate's antics are always hilarious and detention worthy! Sixth grade can be a tension convention for Nate Wright. His baseball team's just been given the lamest name in Little League history; he's on the verge of becoming know-it-all Gina's personal servant for a day; and Spitsy, the closest thing he has to a dog of his own, is in love with a CAT. Yup, Nate's up to his ears in stress. Luckily, the perfect remedy is close at hand: