Country Profile of Thailand

Country profile: Thailand

The government approved a 3. Six mass transit projects in Bangkok under a public-private partnership framework have been launched.

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Thailand is the second-largest consumption market in Southeast Asia. Its people spend around half of their average household income on food and beverage, and retail consumption. Spending is also high for leisure activities and luxuries.

Kingdom of Thailand | Muang Thai | ประเทศไทย

Thailand is also a food production hub with stringent food manufacturing standards and halal food accreditation. Thailand is home to Buddhist temples, exotic wildlife and spectacular islands.

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It is also known for its fascinating history, unique culture and delectable local food. The tourism sector not only depends on foreign visitors but also domestic tourists whose number dwarfs that of foreign tourists.

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Retrieved November 7, , from http: The survey of population change. Office of the Prime Minister.

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Kong Thap Thai constitute the military of the Kingdom of Thailand. Other Countries in Southeast Asia: Retrieved 4 January Retrieved 23 January It provides users with regularly scheduled light. The democratic elections in mid saw Vejjajiva defeated at the polls and Yingluck Shinawatra -- sister of the deposed Thaksin Shinawatra -- elected as the country's first female prime minister. Largest municipalities in Thailand See template.

Bilateral collaborations between Singapore and Thailand. Retrieved November 7, , from https: Tourism Authority of Thailand. Financial services, banking and payment systems in Brunei.

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Working in the Philippines. Business culture in Malaysia. Since the modern nation state's founding in , Thailand has been served by a constitutional monarchy and is the only country in Southeast Asia to avoid coming under European colonial rule. The current head of state is King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who has reigned since , making him the world's oldest serving monarch.

The King is viewed by most Thais as a symbol of stability and a unifying force in what has often been a politically divided country.


The extent of this polarization is borne out by the fact that Thailand has seen more than 18 attempts at military coups since the early s. The county's political climate has been turbulent in recent years punctuated with scenes of civil unrest and violence. In former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra -- a charismatic populist who drew the majority of his support from the urban working classes and rural poor -- was deposed and forced into exile in a bloodless coup.

Post-coup elections in were won by allies from Shinawatra's party, however Thailand's Constitutional Court ruled that the three main coalition partners were guilty of electoral fraud. This decision opened the door for the leader of the country's main opposition party, Abhisit Vejjajiva, to form a coalition government in late Vejjajiva's Democrat Party, which draws the majority of its support from Thailand's middle and upper classes, found itself with a majority in parliament.

A formal parliamentary vote appointed him as prime minister.

Thailand country profile - BBC News

Large scale protests against Vejjajiva's government led by supporters of the political pressure group the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship UFDD , commonly known as "the red shirts", lead to large scale protests in and The demonstrations turned violent in May when the military intervened to confront thousands of protestors who had occupied parts of Bangkok, demanding the removal of Prime Minister Vejjajiva. More than 80 people died while hundreds more were wounded.

The democratic elections in mid saw Vejjajiva defeated at the polls and Yingluck Shinawatra -- sister of the deposed Thaksin Shinawatra -- elected as the country's first female prime minister. In her first months in charge Yingluck has had to deal with a busy in-tray, including responding to some of the most severe monsoon floods to afflict the country in living memory. More than people have died as a result of the floods and over , have been forced from their homes.

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Thailand is the only country in south-east Asia to have escaped colonial rule. Buddhist religion, the monarchy and the military have helped to. Topography. Thailand is divided into 6 regions; North, East, North East, West, Central, and South,The country is divided into 76 provinces.

Deadly floods wreak havoc in Thailand. Yingluck has also had to remain attentive to an ongoing border dispute with Cambodia and a long standing terrorist threat from Islamic Malay separatists based predominantly in the countries southernmost provinces. In spite of these threats and the country's volatile political life, Thailand has remained one of the strongest performing economies in Southeast Asia.

Thailand: A country profile

Indonesia is the only nation in the region that has a larger annual output according to the U. Thailand operates a free enterprise economy and is generally pro-investment, according to data from the CIA World Factbook. It is a major exporter of machinery and electronic components, agricultural commodities, and jewellery. Combined, these industries account for over half of the country's GDP.