A Guide to Positive Thinking and Having a Good Opinion of Allah

Having Good Thoughts About Allah : by Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Ibn ‘Abdul Muhsin

Maintain a sense of humility if you do gain a lot of knowledge, as there will always be someone who will be more knowledgeable than you. Learn everything you can in small chunks, no one is asking you to be a scholar! Trying to constantly defend your religion is something that will cause you a lot of stress. I remember when I first accepted Islam, it seemed like the whole world was after me. This may happen to different people at different levels, but it was a very overwhelming experience for me. The best thing to do is avoid these arguments at all costs.

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Husn udh-dhann billah means having a good opinion of Allah. certain of receiving only good from Him, to have positive thoughts about Him. Our thoughts have a powerful ability to determine our feelings and Positive thoughts are those that produce good feelings, good deeds.

If you are mature about your religion and display a desire to explain yourself without refuting others, then many doors will open for you. You are bound to give someone a refreshing view of Islam, which is what so many people are hungry for after seeing Islam in such a negative light in the media. Staying away from these discussions will put you at peace and give you breathing room. A lot of converts are not really comfortable with bringing up their religion because of the backlash they receive.

Personally, I recognized that if I just mention it when necessary, I get a more positive reaction. This is one of my favorite parts of becoming a Muslim. These methods can be found online or in books; with a little research you can pave your way to gaining an understanding of Arabic. Start by learning the alphabet and connecting letters together.

You can learn this in an afternoon if you know someone that is a native Arabic speaker but go at your own pace. You will start to recognize words, after which you can get into simple grammar rules. Arabic can be really enjoyable, and you are bound to gain an Islamic vocabulary after listening to talks or lectures.

He said it three times. Coming to Islam will sometimes put you in a situation where you are overwhelmed with opinions that are hard to follow. For most Americans, the idea of wearing leather socks is something that we find extremely unusual. If we do a little research, we find there are opinions of scholars that mention the permissibility of wiping over cotton socks even ones with holes in them! To an American convert, these opinions can cause a huge sigh of relief. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

Being a Muslim is a huge part of your identity now. If there are things in your culture that do not directly contradict with basic Islamic creed, then you are welcome to keep those things in your life. You do not need to start wearing Arab or Indian clothing. As long as your clothes cover what they are supposed to cover, you are in the clear. Many converts are also exposed to really weird food that is overly spicy or funny tasting.

We can still have our own culture and tastes in food: There are many other examples of things that you will be exposed to that are from foreign cultures and do not necessarily have anything to do with Islam. Our goal as new Muslims is to worship Allah swt , not to add a Pakistani or Arab identity to our persona.

Islam is a vast tradition and we should not make it small. These diverse opinions are there to help us, not cause strain on ourselves. You will meet people who are connected to Islam; networking opportunities are more readily available; and you are bound to make long-lasting friends.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The payoff will be huge, even if you just pray and leave right after. Today I shall shelter them in My shade where there is no shade but Mine. It immediately lets people know you are Muslim and they usually will be happy to return the greeting and hopefully share a few words with you. Doors of friendship will be opened and you will meet lots of people.

Thinking Well of Allah

Try and spend some time with Muslims when you can. It is beneficial to remind yourself that you are not the only Muslim on the planet and you share your religion with almost 2 billion people around the globe. You can be a light to your Christian, Agnostic, Jewish, or Atheist friends. You never know who Allah swt will guide, and showing that you are living an ethical life can encourage these people to learn a little about Islam or change their mind to having a positive view of the religion.

This is a major problem in the convert community. The best thing we can do to fight the feeling of loneliness is to spend as much time as possible with good company. Having dinners with people a few nights a week is a sure way to maintain a good attitude. The practice of becoming a nun or a monk is alien to Islam; we are social creatures and Islam recognizes this. Try not to lock yourself away in your apartment to avoid the world.

Make it an obligation on yourself to remain a sociable human being. It takes a lot of work but the result is happiness and contentment in life. Most converts do not enter Islam looking for an extremist point of view. Unfortunately, we have seen some converts do end up overseas working for terrorist organizations.

This is something that can happen from a person feeling victimized or ostracized by their own culture and being overcome with anger. It does happen enough though that it should be a concern. It will be best for you to keep your head on your shoulders and not get caught up with extreme points of view. Extremism is on the very edges of the Islamic thought. Do your best to stay on a middle way. Being a convert to Islam, you will face a lot of tribulations.

See a Problem?

There is not anything that you cannot overcome though, and never despair in Allah swt. Allah swt guided to you to Islam, you searched for the answer and you found it. Be happy and constantly remind yourself of the blessings in your life. Rejoice in being Muslim. Be strong and find comfort in your prayers and worship to Allah swt. Masha Allah, these are amazing tips and as a revert I want to try them.

What if you are not permitted to wear hijjab at work and your other community members look you down for that? What really comes to your mind when you think of Allah? Do you think good of Him or otherwise? It refers to, being certain of receiving only good from Him, to have positive thoughts about Him, believing that He will deal with us in the best of ways. That is, in order for us to expect something good from Allah we have to truly believe that He is Capable of giving us that good. Thinking well of Allah is a fundamental aspect of our worship. How can we worship Him the way He deserves to be worshipped when we are not aware of His Attributes or when we think that He is akin to the people around us?

All such thoughts indicate that we do not know who Allah actually is or how Just and Merciful He is. In order to avoid all these negative thoughts, we need to study and know the Attributes of Allah. Allah is nothing like any of His creation. He is free of defect and deficiencies.

His Promise is always true and He never forgets. Even the tiniest of our deeds does not escape His Attention. He is never too busy to ignore us. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him, nor sleep. He always remembers us no matter how many times we forget Him. Count all your Blessings and ponder over your past, recounting all the moments that Allah never let you down. This creates hopelessness in us and we begin to despair the Mercy of Allah. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him set out of his home with Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him as his companion to migrate to Madeenah, while the Quraysh were conspiring against him.

This is an example of nothing but having a strong conviction that Allah is the Most Powerful and the One in control of everything.

Islamic Knowledge – Islam, Sunnah, Salafiyyah

Allah mentions this historical event in the Quran:. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was having his mid-day sleep under a tree, with his sword hanging on one of the branches. We also need to keep in mind that good opinion has to be followed by good actions. And whoever relies upon Allah — then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose.

For instance, if He Promises ease with every hardship, then indeed we will have that ease.

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Sis Jinan, thank you for sharing that experience of yours. View all 4 comments. Be strong and find comfort in your prayers and worship to Allah swt. If we do a little research, we find there are opinions of scholars that mention the permissibility of wiping over cotton socks even ones with holes in them! And then I forget for seven or eight years before stumbling across it again. The mindset we should have when we sin is firstly recognizing that we have done something wrong, sincerely regretting and turning to Allah for forgiveness and trying not to make the same mistake. I could not have read this article at a more opportune time.

When sins are forgiven, are we still inflicted by punishment? Thank you very much for this article, as it deeply moved me. And for the Salah series. But more appropriately, Alhamdulillah for this. JazakiAllah khair for your comment! Allah tells us that as long as we constantly return to. When bad things happen, in that case, they could be tests and not necessarily punishments.

The mindset we should have when we sin is firstly recognizing that we have done something wrong, sincerely regretting and turning to Allah for forgiveness and trying not to make the same mistake. I remember once when I was younger, I was a little annoyed at a family member and i stormed away from them. As soon as I did that, i hit my leg on the corner of table and got a huge bruise. I knew that that was a punishment! Sis Jinan, thank you for sharing that experience of yours. Thank you very much for that elaborate answer. May Allah Bless you always.

You narrated an example where you learnt from your mistake. This is the case almost always. I do feel guilty. And like I said, I feel that horrible dread in awaiting punishment. I feel restless sometimes. Am I still inflicted with hardships as repayment? Punishment is a response to sin- so if we repent sincerely, then we are forgiven and inshAllah there is no need for punishment.

Whatever hardship we go through may be considered as tests to raise us and elevate us inshAllah. That said, as the Prophet pbuh told us, all the children of Adam constantly make mistakes, so while sins should make us feel bad, they should not incapacitate us. Therefore He is forbearing with us when we sin, and so He does not punish us immediately, but allows us the time to seek forgiveness and to erase the bad with good deeds that we do.

And we should always think well of Allah- He is not just waiting for us do bad so that He can punish us. Rather, he wants to accept our repentance, alhamdillah! We see everything as coming from Allah swt , and because we love Him and think well of Him, we know that everything is for a […]. In the verse above, […].

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Thank u so much: May Allah give u a beautiful place in Jannat for giving us this great information. I will start thinking alot more positive now JazakAllah.

Absloutly fantastic need more people who can enlighten our hearts in respect to the lord rather than telling us be all and end all we are doomed thank you again! I have been unemployed for a year now and think I will always be punished until I establish prayers. Does it mean that I am punished for my actions or is it rather a test of patience?

Brother, it seems to me you already know the answer. Jazakallah for educating us, we are surely lost without Allah.. We can only gain by getting close to him. Thank you for this great reminder. May Allah SWT rewards your good deeds, aameen. Thank you for reminding me.

To the best of my knowledge only a few were and are known about this. And much is not talk about and write about this topic. Yet it is one of the core principle in deen. I forgot a very long hadhees that talks about thinking well of Allah swt. Think well of Allah when you sin What about when we constantly slip-up and cannot leave a certain sin? Think well of Allah when you are tested Tests come to us in a myriad of ways. So what does it mean to think well of Allah? Towards Building Ummah Consciousness.

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Asalamu aliakuam, This was a wonderful read. Inshallah, may Allah always guide us to believe in a good Allah. Salaam alaikm I pray you are well inshAllah. I am not sure if you read the previous articles in the series, but I think this one deals with some of the questions you have asked: Jazakallahu khairan khatira for this article May Allah forgive all our sins inshaAllah: Thank you again for sharing your story.

Having Good Thoughts About Allah : by Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq Ibn ‘Abdul Muhsin « www.farmersmarketmusic.com

W alaikm isalam w rahmat Allah JazakiAllah khair for your comment! I hope that helped! Assalamu alaikum, Thank you for this great reminder. Assalamu alaikum sis Jinan MashaAllah. Go ahead my sister.