Modern Live Juice Therapy

The Transition Diet will help you transition gradually to a living foods, lacto-vegetarian diet or a similar high fruit and vegetable semi-vegetarian diet. Buy The Transition Diet: Become lighter in weight and Lighter in your way of viewing the world. Get in contact with your own conscience, your true self.

Mystical Anthropology Highlights, Excerpts. Vitarianism now available in Paperback. The Buddhist Essene Gospel of Jesu s. So the man John explains, "There was a man, one sent from God, whose name was John: This man came for a witness, to bear witness concerning the Light, that all might believe thru him. Yes, there are health benefits of drinking freshly-made vegetable or fruit juice, but relying solely on it as your source of nutrition for a prolonged period of time say a week or longer might be doing more harm than you think.

Remove these from our diet and processes can be disrupted. Why snails are the latest superfood]. Also, when you eat a low calorie diet, you use up water that is stored in your muscles with glycogen, causing your skin to feel dry.

13 scary things that might happen to your body on a juice cleanse | BT

A juice cleanse eliminates the possibility of eating fat altogether. But is that really a good thing? Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and the NHS recommends having 14g of fibre a day for good digestive health. But when you put your vegetables through a juicer you end up breaking down all that health-boosting fibre onto a liquid pulp.

Not only that, fruit juices tend to contain a lot of natural sugar, which the bad bacteria in our gut feed on. Fruit juices is a concentrated source of natural sugars — a result of blitzing them through a blender or juicer where healthy fibres are broken down. If you consume it without any other food, juice passes relatively quickly through your stomach to your small intestine, where the both the nutrients and the sugar are rapidly absorbed.

Losing muscle mass can impact on your metabolism longer term. And one of the things that get affected is hair production and hair growth. To make even a cupful of juice at a time with a hand juicer was difficult and laborious. Had larger quantities of juice been advocated, undoubtedly there would have been little market for hand juicers because of the labor involved in using them.

Today, we find the electric Triturator and Hydraulic Press the most efficient. There are certain definite principles involved. First, in releasing the mineral and chemical elements, vitamins and hormones from the tiny microscopic cells of the fibers of vegetables and fruits, and second, in collecting them and separating them and the juice from the fiber. Hand juicers only partly crush the fibers and because they cannot triturate pulverize , it is not possible to extract all the vital elements from the vegetables.

Trituration pulverization is a fundamental principal in the reclamation of these vital elements. Howbeit, centrifugal and other such machines are just as useful when the supreme quality of the juices is not of paramount importance. Furthermore, such machines do not involve the large investment of money required for a Triturator and Hydraulic Press.

The principle of the centrifugal type of juicer extractor involves a fast rotating plate with a sharp grating surface at the bottom of the basket in the machine. As the rotation is extremely fast, the pulp which is grated on the bottom plate is flung by centrifugal force against the sides of the perforated basket and the juice from the pulp is thus separated and collected through a spout. Of course, it is understandable that it is physically and mechanically impossible to extract all of the juice by centrifugal action, but the juice so obtained is generally good and should not be kept long before drinking it.

Notwithstanding the disadvantages of such methods of extraction, there is still much benefit derived from drinking such juices. The inherent natural water in juices is after all, organic water and as such it has great value. Such vitamins and mineral elements as are collected in such juice are very beneficial. When we speak of water, the first thought is quite naturally of that which comes from the faucet or from the spring, or even rain water.

Few people stop to wonder if, or even to realize that, there is vital organic as well as inorganic water. Nature has furnished vegetation as the laboratory in which to convert the inorganic water of rain and stream into life-containing atoms of vital organic water. Not only is the water from the faucet inorganic, it is also, because of the atoms that compose it are mineral elements, entirely devoid of the life principle. Nearly all cities contaminate the water supply with inorganic chlorine and other chemicals, making it truly unfit for human or animal consumption.

The water in the rivers and streams and from the spring is also inorganic as is rain water. The only source from which vital organic water is derived is vegetation — our vegetables and fruits and particularly the juices made from them. Such juices, however, must be raw to retain their vital organic quality and must not be cooked processed, canned, or pasteurized.

When juices have been cooked processed, canned, or pasteurized all of the enzymes are destroyed and the atoms are then converted into inorganic or dead atoms; this applies to the H,0 water as well as to the mineral and chemical atoms composing such juice. To convert vegetables into liquid or semiliquid mush without eliminating the cellulose is also of little value from the point of view of juices.

Drinking juices not only enables the body to assimilate all of the vital elements in a swift and timely manner, but it does so without burdening the digestive organs with the work entailed by the presence of the pulp-cellulose.

Drinking juices which are properly made will enable the body to assimilate them within ten to fifteen minutes. Whereas, the presence of pulp in the so-called liquid, or liquefied, vegetables, or juices still containing the pulp, will require hours to digest. Furthermore, to drink juices from which the pulp has not been extracted taxes the digestive organs more than eating and properly masticating the raw vegetables and fruits themselves, as proper insalivation and thorough mastication is essential to the complete digestion of vegetables when the cellulose fiber is present.

This is not usually done if the fibers still remain a part of the mush or liquefied vegetables; whereas, the juices from which the fiber has been removed furnish, without interference, every particle of the nourishment contained in the vegetable for immediate and quick assimilation by the body. Vegetable juices will contain all of the vital elements, that is to say, all of the vitamins and vital organic minerals and salts contained in the vegetable, if the juices are properly made by means of a thorough trituration or grinding, which will rip open the fibers in the vegetable and reduce the entire vegetable to a pulp so fine that it can be spread almost like apple butter.

By placing this pulp in a filter cloth and squeezing it in a hydraulic or similar press — which need not be any larger than can be conveniently handled on a kitchen table — exercising many tons of pressure, we then get a juice which, in comparison with that made inefficiently, is as different as cream from milk. ALFALFA is a particularly valuable leguminous herb, not only rich in the principal mineral and chemical elements in the constitution of the human body, but it also has many of the trace elements obtained from deep in the soil where the roots reach down 30 to feet.

Of specific value, I would point out the rich quality, quantity and proper balance of Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sodium, Potassium and Silicon in Alfalfa. These elements are all very much needed for the proper function of the various organs in the body. While Alfalfa is widely used as forage for livestock, it is nevertheless of immense value, in the form of juice using only the leaves, when it can be obtained fresh.

It is also known as Lucerne grass, while in England it is known as Purple Medic. Because Alfalfa adapts itself to widely varying conditions of soil and climate, even thriving on alkali soil, there is no excuse for not growing it on one's home grounds, as it is usually difficult to obtain when living in the city. When we are unable to obtain fresh Alfalfa, we sprout Alfalfa seeds and eat the sprouts with our meals. They sprout easily and they are very beneficial. Vegetation miraculously transforms and vitalizes inanimate substances into living cells and tissues.

Cattle eat vegetation, raw, for nourishment. They take into their system one living organism and convert it into a still more complex live organism. Vegetation, on the other hand, whether vegetable, fruit, plant, or grass, takes inorganic elements from the air, water, and earth, and converts them into live organic elements. To be specific, in order for vegetation to flourish, it needs nitrogen and carbon from the air; minerals, mineral salts, and more nitrogen from the earth in which it grows; and of course, oxygen and hydrogen from water.

The most vital and potent factors in this process of conversion are the enzymes and the life-giving influence of the rays of the sun which generate the chlorophyll. The chlorophyll molecule is made up of a web of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms around one single atom of magnesium. It is interesting to compare this design with that of the hemoglobin of our red blood corpuscles, which has a similar web of elements girdling an atom of iron instead of the atom of magnesium.

We find in this analogy one of the secrets of the value of chlorophyll to the human system. Strict vegetarians — whose diet excludes grains and starches but includes an abundance of fresh juices with a good proportion of the green juices are healthier, live longer, and are freer from degenerative ailments than those who eat mostly cooked foods and little or no raw vegetables and juices.

It would seem that we have here fairly conclusive evidence as to which diet regimen is the correct or natural one for healthy human beings. One of the richest chlorophyll foods we have is alfalfa. It is a food that builds up both animals and humans, all things considered into a healthy, vital, and vigorous old age, and builds up a resistance to infection that is almost phenomenal.

The juice of fresh alfalfa is too strong and potent to be taken by itself. It is best taken with carrot juice, in which combination the individual benefits of each juice are intensified. It has been found very helpful in most troubles with the arteries and disfunctions connected with the heart. It is generally conceded by those who have studied the effects of gas in the intestines that in a surprisingly large number of patients suffering from heart trouble, this condition is caused not by any organic disfunction of the heart.

Rather it is caused from excessive gas in the colon which press the walls of the colon against organs connected with the heart. A few colonic irrigations or enemas as a rule have frequently relieved this condition. The heart trouble disappeared until the next accumulation of gas gave warning that the colon, not the heart, needed a thorough reconditioning. Besides benefit to blood and heart conditions, chlorophyll is most useful in the relief of respiratory troubles and discomforts, particularly in the sinuses and in the lungs.

Mucus is the underlying cause of sinus infection and pains, as it is of bronchial and asthmatic conditions, including hay fever. Strict vegetarians who eschew cow's milk, flour, grain, and concentrated sugar products, are not afflicted with these troubles, particularly if they were brought up from childhood to shun and avoid these foods. This is not by any manner or means fanatical. It is just plain common sense and perfectly natural, and proved beyond question or doubt from experience. Those who have adopted such a vegetarian program later in life have been able to help overcome these conditions without the use of surgery or drugs.

After all, sinus infection is the work of our defensive friends, the germs, trying to help us by breaking up mucous accumulations so that these may be eliminated from the system. Instead of helping them by cleansing the body of the waste matter by means of colonics and enemas, attempts are made to "dry up" the mucus and "shrink the membranes" with applications of adrenaline, epinephrine, or other drugs.

thru live juice therapy. When people ask me if it is true that Vilcabamba is an “Isle of Immunity”, I tell them, not only does it heal cardiovascular ailments, arthritis. Modern Live Juice Therapy. Posted on 21 February, by Alice Reinheimer. Lovewisdom, Johnny. Original publication date: Original publisher.

Even "sulfa" drugs now known to be virulent and pernicious are sometimes used without regard, consideration, or understanding of the eventual damage, injury or danger resulting from their use. The most injurious results are essentially developed when the waste matter, consisting particularly of these drugs and of the sewage of the germ colonies, are allowed to remain in the "infected" and adjacent parts instead of being eliminated as quickly as possible. We have in our body the most perfect systems of elimination if we will but get them into efficient working condition. Our lungs must be free of foul air, tobacco smoke, etc.

That is only part of the program. The cells and tissues of the entire body must get live organic nourishment. This means that for some time at least, we should forego as much as possible all those foods whose vital energy — whose life element — has been destroyed by heat or by processing. To carrot and alfalfa juice, lettuce juice may be added to enrich the combination with elements particularly needed by the roots of the hair.

Drinking this combination daily, one pint a day, may help the growth of hair to a remarkable extent. Asparagus contains an alkaloid known as Asparagine in a relatively large amount. Alkaloids are found in living plants. They contain the active life principle of the plant, without which it cannot grow or stay alive. It is composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. When asparagus is cooked or canned the value of this alkaloid is lost, as the hydrogen and oxygen are dissipated and the natural salts formed by the combination of this alkaloid with the other elements are virtually lost or their value is destroyed.

In the form of juice, asparagus has been very effectively used as a diuretic, particularly when combined with some carrot juice, as it may prove to be uncomfortably strong in its reaction on the kidneys when taken alone. It is a beneficial juice in the case of kidney disfunctions and in the regulation of general glandular troubles. Diabetes and anemia are helped by the use of it in conjunction with the juices more specifically outlined for these conditions.

And if you still want to go ahead with a cleanse…

As this juice helps the breaking up of oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and throughout the muscular system, it is good for rheumatism, neuritis, etc. Rheumatism results from the end product of the digestion of meat and meat products, which generate excessive amounts of urea. As the human system cannot completely digest and assimilate so-called "complete proteins", such as meats and meat products, the ingestion of too much of these causes the greater part of the uric acid generated thereby to be absorbed into the muscles.

The continuous use of meat protein taxes the workings of the kidneys and of other eliminative organs, straining them to the point where a progressively smaller amount of uric acid is eliminated and a correspondingly greater amount is absorbed by the muscles. The result is painfully known as rheumatism.

13 scary things that might happen to your body on a juice cleanse

This condition is also one of the underlying causes for prostate gland trouble, in which case this juice combination, in addition to the carrot, beet, and cucumber juice has been helpful. This is one of the most valuable juices for helping to build up the red corpuscles of the blood and tone up the blood generally. Women, particularly, have been benefited by drinking at least one pint of a combination of carrot and beet juice daily.

The proportion in this combination may vary from 3 to 8 ounces of beet juice, using roots and tops, in one pint of the combined juices, carrot and beet. Taken alone, beet juice, in greater quantities than a wineglass at a time, may cause a cleansing reaction which may make one a little dizzy or nauseated. This may be the result of its cleansing effect on the liver and may, therefore, be uncomfortable. It has been found from experience that it is best to take less beet juice and more carrot juice in the beginning until one can tolerate its beneficial cleansing effect — then to increase the proportion of beet juice gradually.

One 6 or 8-ounce glassful twice daily is usually considered sufficient. For menstrual disturbances beet juice has been very helpful, particularly when, during such periods, it has been used in small quantities, not more than a wineglass at a time say, 2 or 3 ounces two or three times a day. During menopause this procedure has been found much more permanently helpful than the degenerative effects of drugs or synthetic hormones. After all, any drug or inorganic synthetic chemical product cannot possibly have any more than a temporary effect in giving relief; the one who takes such drugs or synthetic hormones is the one who may suffer eventually when the body and Nature combine in attempts to eliminate such inorganic material from the system.

Any drug that can be guaranteed to relieve or cure permanently any sick condition of the body can also be guaranteed to start some other and probably more serious condition some time later. It is the one who takes the drug that suffers in the long run, not those who advertise or administer it.

After all is said and done, Nature has furnished us with natural means through which we may seek health, energy, vigor, and vitality. She has also furnished us, in greater or lesser degrees, with intelligence with which to pursue our search for knowledge. If we use our intelligence, Nature smiles on us. If we do not use it, she stands by with infinite patience and compassion, wondering why her handiwork should turn out so badly. While the actual content of iron in red beets is not high, it is of a quality that furnishes excellent food for the red corpuscles of the blood.

This is a valuable proportion for maintaining the solubility of calcium, particularly when, as a result of eating cooked foods, inorganic calcium has been permitted to accumulate in the system and has formed deposits within the blood vessels, resulting in a toughening of the walls, as in the case of varicose veins and hardening of the arteries, or a thickening of the blood, resulting in high blood pressure and other forms of heart trouble.

The combination of carrot and beet juice furnishes a good percentage of phosphorous and sulphur on the one hand and potassium and other alkaline elements on the other hand, which, together with the high content of Vitamin A, completes what is probably the best natural builder of the blood cells and particularly the red blood corpuscles. With the addition of some pure coconut milk extracted from the meat of the coconut making a combination of carrot, beet, and coconut juice, a food is obtained which, in addition to its properties as an intensive body builder, has even more potent qualities as a cleanser of the kidneys and gall bladder.

If properly prepared, this combination contains the alkaline elements potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron in abundance and the other elements phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and chlorine in ample and correct proportions. Gallstones, kidney stones, and gravel in the gall bladder and kidneys are the natural result of the inability of the body functions to eliminate from the system the inorganic calcium deposits formed after eating concentrated starches and sugars. The gall bladder is directly connected with the liver and with the blood stream by means of the bile duct and the hepatic duct.

All the food we eat is "broken down" in the digestive tract, and the elements it contains are carried by the blood to the liver for further processing and segregation. No concentrated grain or flour product can be completely utilized for the reconstruction of cells and tissues, particularly if it has been devitalized by heat. Its component elements, however, must necessarily pass through the liver; and among these elements we have calcium. Such starch molecules are not soluble in water. Vital organic calcium is needed by the entire system, and such calcium, the only kind that IS soluble in water, can be obtained ONLY from fruits and vegetables, and their juices when these are raw and fresh.

As such, it passes through the liver and is completely assimilated in the process of gland functions and cell and tissue building. The calcium in all concentrated starches and sugars which have been subjected to heat is inorganic, and is not soluble in water. Its presence in the system is extraneous and foreign, and as such is cast aside at every opportunity by the blood and lymph streams. The first convenient dumping ground is the bile duct, which carries it to the gall bladder.

The next most convenient place is what we may term the dead-ends of blood vessels either in the abdomen, resulting in tumors, or in the anus, resulting in hemorrhoids. Such inorganic calcium atoms as happen to get past these usually end up in the kidneys. A few atoms of inorganic calcium, either in the gall bladder or in the kidneys, may not do much harm, but with a continuance of the use of bread, cereals, cakes, and other flour products, the deposits become progressively cumulative and result in the formation of gravel or stones in these organs.

It has been found from long experience that the removal of these deposits or encumbrances by means of surgery is often unnecessary except, perhaps, in the most extreme cases; and even then, it is doubtful if better results could not be obtained by helping Nature, the Great Healer, by the intelligent use of natural means.

Lemon juice, in the proportion of the juice of one lemon to a tumblerful of hot water, taken many times a day, supplemented with a tumblerful of the combination of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice three or four times a day, has helped a great many sufferers to experience with satisfaction the disappearance of both gravel and stones sometimes within a matter of a few days or a few weeks. A perfect example would be to share the experience of a business man well into his forties. He stood prominent in the business world having successfully placed on the highway to fortune, several of the large nationwide chainstores in this country and one or two in Great Britain.

He has suffered acute pains for more than twenty years. X-rays were taken with and without idophthalein. He was suffering from stones in his gallbladder. Fear and aversion to surgery was the only thing keeping his gallbladder where it belonged. It was explained to him, that in order to receive a relatively quick treatment with these juices that he may experience, for a short time, more agonizing pain than he had before.

These pains could last for a few minutes or maybe even and hour or so at a time, but would eventually cease all together with the passing of the dissolved calcium. He drank ten or twelve glasses of hot water with the juice of one lemon in each throughout the day and about three pints of carrot, beet and cucumber juice daily. On the second day he did have some terrific spasms of pain for 10 to 15 minutes each.

By the end of the week the crisis arrived and for about half an hour he rolled on the floor in agony; but the pain suddenly left him and a short while afterward stones passed out and caused a reaction like mud in his urine. That evening he was a different man. The next day he took a long trip—from New York to Washington and on to Canada - with me in my car, feeling 20 years younger and marveling at the simplicity of Natures miracles. This is not an isolated instance.

Thousands the world over have testified with gratitude to the benefits derived from fresh-raw vegetable juices. The combination of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice gives us one of the finest cleansing and healing aids for the gall bladder, liver, kidneys, and the prostate and other sex glands.

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Something else to bear in mind is the fact that when we eat meat an excessive amount of uric acid is generated in the system, which apparently cannot be completely eliminated by the kidneys, thus causing a definite strain on these organs, reacting on the rest of the body. This combination of juices is therefore invaluable in his respect to help cleanse the system. At the same time, it has been found advisable to eliminate concentrated sugars and starches, as well as meat, for awhile at least to give the body the opportunity it needs to readjust itself to normalcy.

Once the healthy condition of the body has been reestablished then of course, we should know from experience that to devitalize it again, if we choose to do so, we need only to go back to eating devitalized foods. It is truly gratifying to find that many have no desire to return to a mediocre or worse state of health.

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They have experienced the realization that health, vigor, energy, and vitality are well worth retaining and that it is not a sacrifice to exchange what they thought was palatable with what they now know is more nutritional. Nevertheless, nourishing foods are, and can be made, palatable by the simple method of learning how to do it. The juice of Brussels Sprouts combined with that of carrot, string bean, and lettuce furnishes a combination of elements which helps to strengthen and regenerate the insulin generating properties of the pancreatic functions of our digestive system.

For this reason, it has been found of inestimable benefit in cases of diabetes. This benefit, however, has been derived when all concentrated starches and sugars were avoided altogether and when colonic irrigations and enemas were used regularly to cleanse waste matter from the system. Duodenal ulcers have responded almost miraculously to the drinking of cabbage juice. The only drawback is the frequent generation of excessive gas.

In any case, plain carrot juice has been used with equal success and most people find it more palatable. Cabbage juice has wonderful cleansing and reducing properties. Sometimes it has a tendency to cause distress because of gas forming in the intestines after drinking it. Such gas is the result of waste putrefactive matter present in the intestines being broken up by the cabbage juice, which causes a chemical reaction to set in and may form gas.

This is a natural condition—sulfuretted hydrogen, a foul smelling gas, being the outcome of the cleansing elements in the juice acting on and dissolving the waste matter. Enemas and colonic irrigations help to remove both this excessive gas and the waste matter causing it. The most valuable properties in cabbage are the high sulphur and chlorine content and the relatively large percentage of iodine. The combination of the sulphur and chlorine causes a cleansing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract, but this only applies when cabbage juice is taken in its raw state without the addition of salt.

When excessive gas or other distress is experienced after drinking raw cabbage juice, either straight or in combination with other raw vegetable juices, it may be an indication of an abnormal toxic condition within the intestinal tract. In such case it has been found advisable, before much of the juice is used, to cleanse the intestines thoroughly by drinking carrot, or carrot and spinach juice daily for two or three weeks and taking enemas daily.

It was found that once the intestines were able to assimilate cabbage juice, it was invaluable as a cleanser, particularly in the case of excessive adipose weight. When raw cabbage juice is added to raw carrot juice, it forms an excellent source of Vitamin C as a cleansing medium, aiding particularly where infection of the gums is present resulting in pyorrhea. When boiled or dehydrated with excessive heat, however, the effectiveness of the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and salts is destroyed. One hundred and twenty pounds of cooked or canned cabbage could not furnish the same vital organic food value that is assimilated from drinking one-half pint of straight raw cabbage juice when properly prepared.

Cabbage juice has been used very effectively to help the relief of ulcers and constipation. As constipation is usually the primary cause of skin eruptions, these have also been cleared up with the judicious use of this juice. The addition of salt to cabbage or its juice not only destroys its value, but is also harmful. Depending on the condition of the individual, raw carrot juice may be taken indefinitely in any reasonable quantities—from one to six or eight pints a day.

It has the effect of helping to normalize the entire system. It helps to promote the appetite and is an aid to digestion. It is a valuable aid in the improvement and maintenance of the bone structure of the teeth. Nursing mothers should drink plenty of raw carrot juice, properly prepared, to enhance the quality of their milk, as a breast milk diet may under certain circumstances, not provide sufficient vital foods.

During the last months of pregnancy, raw carrot juice, taken in sufficient quantities, tends to reduce the possibilities of puerperal sepsis at childbirth. One pint of carrot juice, daily, has more constructive body value than 25 pounds of calcium tablets. Raw carrot juice is a natural solvent for ulcerous and cancerous conditions. It is a resistant to infections, doing most efficient work in conjunction with the adrenal glands.

It helps prevent infections of the eyes and throat as well as the tonsils and sinuses and the respiratory organs generally. It also protects the nervous system and is unequalled for increasing vigor and vitality. Intestinal and liver diseases are sometimes due to a lack of certain of the elements contained in properly prepared raw carrot juice. When this is the case, then a noticeable cleaning up of the liver may take place, and the material which was clogging it may be found to dissolve. Frequently this is released so abundantly that the intestinal and urinary channels are inadequate to care for this overflow, and in a perfectly natural manner it is passed into the lymph for elimination from the body by means of the pores of the skin.

This material has a distinctly orange or yellow pigment and while it is being so eliminated from the body will sometimes discolor the skin. Whenever such a discoloration takes place after drinking carrot or other juices, it is an indication that the liver is getting a well-needed cleansing. It is NOT the carrot juice itself nor the carotene that comes through the skin, as this discoloration will take place even if the juice is filtered to the point of clearing it of all color pigment. It is just as practical an impossibility for the carrot pigment itself to come through the skin as it would be for the red pigment of the beet to turn the body red or the chlorophyll of the green vegetables to paint the skin green from within.

In any case, is it not better to have a healthy satin-like skin, even though it may be slightly on the carrot shade, than to have the pasty complexion which, together with its pimples and other blemishes, publicizes the unhealthy condition of the body? Instead of becoming distressed over the appearance of skin discoloration, which will in any case eventually disappear, we should be gratified that the disintegration of the liver has been stopped or prevented by the use of these juices.

This discoloration, however, can be somewhat retarded by slowing up the process of cleansing by changing or adding other juices to the particular one that causes such a rapid cleansing activity. The lack of sufficient rest, sleep and overwork may also result in a certain amount of skin discoloration. The endocrine glands, especially the adrenals and the gonads, require food elements found in raw carrot juice. Sterility is sometimes overcome by its use. The cause of sterility has been traced to the continuous use of foods in which atoms and enzymes were destroyed by cooking or pasteurizing.

Dry skin, dermatitis, and other skin blemishes are due to a deficiency in the body of some of these food elements contained in carrot juice. This is also a factor in eye trouble, as in ophthalmia, conjunctivitis, etc. If properly extracted from fresh, clean, good quality raw carrots, carrot juice is very rich in the vital organic alkaline elements sodium and potassium.

It also contains a good supply of calcium, magnesium, and iron while the vital organic elements phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and chlorine balance perfectly with the former in their action and reaction on the human system. As an aid to dissolve ulcers and cancer, raw carrot juice has proved itself the miracle of the age. It was found essential, however, that it be properly prepared and every vestige of concentrated sugar, starch and flour of every kind be completely eliminated from the diet.

One of the most insidious causes of ulcers and cancer has been discovered in the victim's nursing resentments for a long time, all too often ever since childhood. Unless resentments are completely dissolved, they can frustrate otherwise most effective attempts to help the patient. It sometimes happens after drinking large quantities of carrot juice that a reaction is experienced or perhaps some distress.

This is a perfectly natural sequence as it is an indication that Nature has started house cleaning in the body and that this juice is the most needed implement for this purpose. To jump to the conclusion that the juice does not agree with one shows lack of understanding, as carrot juice is nothing more nor less than the very finest quality of organic water and the kind of nourishment that the body needs. If the juice is fresh and has been properly made there is nothing whatever, even by the wildest stretch of the imagination, that can do other than furnish the enzymes, vital atoms, and the vital organic water which the starved body cells and tissues crave and call for.

The addition of some raw goat's milk or a little pure raw cream to the carrot juice gives it a somewhat exotic flavor and often serves to relieve the monotony when a reaction or distress may have a tendency to turn us against the plain juice. It is pertinent to remark that cream is a fat, pure and simple, while milk is definitely a concentrated protein food. Cream goes through an entirely different digestive process in our system than does milk; and while it is of course mucus-forming to some degree, it is not in the same class of pernicious foods as milk. One very good thing to remember when we are overtaken by fatigue, distress, or reaction in our body is the fact that our colon is perhaps responsible for more trouble and mischief within our anatomy than all other causes and conditions put together.

In our experience, we have found that it is utterly impossible for a colon to develop normally and to function successfully when one lives mostly or entirely on cooked and processed foods. It is safe to assume therefore, that it would be almost impossible to find many colons which are perfect. This being the case, our very first step, if we are suffering from distress or reaction, would be to take a series of colonic irrigations, if possible, or at least, a number of enemas until the cause of the trouble has come under control. The fresh-raw vegetable juices would then have better opportunity to carry on their end of the regeneration processes.

The best food for the colon is the combination of carrot and spinach juice, the formula is given on a later page in this book. Many people do not have the vaguest idea of what the Colon is, what it looks like or where it is located in the body. I have reproduced a picture of it because I consider it of such great importance. At the end of this book you will find details about it. Bear in mind that the quantity of juices needed by the body is predicated on their quality. Usually it will take a greater amount of juices which have been extracted by centrifugal action to get the results obtained by juices made with a Triturator Pulverizer and Hydraulic Press.

At alt times bear this fact distinctly in mind that juices are the very finest nourishment we can get, and if we continue to take them as long as we live the chances are that we will live a healthier life much longer than we would without them. Carrot juice is composed of a combination of elements which nourish the entire system, helping to normalize its weight as well as its chemical balance. It nourishes the optic system particularly, as evidenced by the many young men who applied for admission as pilots to the schools of the army and navy but were rejected at their first physical examination because of defective eyesight.

A few weeks later, after drinking an abundance of fresh raw carrot juice daily, they were examined again. They were accepted with the requisite of perfection of eyesight. If this were to happen just once, it would no doubt be considered a phenomenon. If it were to happen only twice, it would go down into the annals of healing history as a coincidence. When it happens repeatedly, however, there is certainly sufficient reason to place doubt in the background and realize that there are more things in heaven and earth than even the most educated mind can conceive. No less effective is the fresh raw juice of the lowly carrot in helping the treatment of ulcers and cancers.

Tissues emaciated by those insidious ravages of cell starvation classified as ulcers and cancers, have been nourished back to a healthier condition by the abundant use of carrot juice as the principle item of nourishment, and supplemented only by a carefully selected and prepared raw diet. The laymen is generally awed, frightened, and puzzled at the very thought of these particular afflictions, and yet their cause and progression is really simple to understand. After the European war, millions of youngsters in the desecrated regions—orphans without a home, a roof, a destination—roamed the country in a state of starvation, we had the picture of a national or international ulcer developing into a worldwide cancer.

Allowed to spread uncontrolled, their activities would result in crimes and devastation beyond the wildest stretch of the imagination. Properly nourished and trained, they would in a comparatively short time become orderly and useful citizens. So it is with the human body. Due to the deficiency of live atoms in the food people have been eating, particularly during the present and immediately preceding generations, the starved and half-starved body cells, unable to function properly and efficiently the way they are intended to, rebel and become disorganized.

Not being entirely dead these cells become dislodged from their anchorage figuratively speaking , and float around until they find some location within the human anatomy where they can group together. With the entire body suffering more or less from live atoms starvation, there are plenty of locations in the body where protective resistance is low. We must not conclude that ulcers and cancer result only from physical imperfections. As we have already pointed out, these ailments and many others may very likely stem from lifelong resentments, from stress due to states of mind such as jealousy, fear, hate, worry, frustration, and other negative intangible impediments.

These are the first things to be dissolved and banished. Nevertheless we must not overlook the fact that Malnutrition and failure to maintain the system in the highest possible state of cleanliness within and without, and mentally, may definitely also be contributing factors.