Master Chronology of JFK Assassination Appendix XIII: Jack Ruby

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Sadly, far too many of the characterizations are negative, but equally sadly, necessary. But it is reported as I lived it.

The medical, in their own words; Transcripts of depositions, testimonies, interviews, documents. As in the case of Appendix II,the reader is strongly encouraged to note the metamorphoses in the testimonies of several individuals who are called to testify on multiple occasions.

John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories

In some cases, there is a metamorphosis in only one testimony session. Testimony from Cuban officials as it related to the Oswald in Mexico City scenario, and beyond that, to the assassination. A brief and gentle reminder to the reader that not everything between the covers of a book is the truth. The record is not complete, as many motorcade participants were avoided.

  • Master Chronology of JFK Assassination Appendix XIII: Jack Ruby by Walt Brown Ph.D on Apple Books.
  • Master Chronology of JFK Assassination Appendix XIII: Jack Ruby.
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Following the release of memoirs by retired agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill, new revelations are considered. Testimony and depositions from family, friends of long ago, those who were charged with preventing the murder Ruby committed.

Citizens who viewed the motorcade; their testimony, depositions, and perceptions. While all the installments are appearing on Amazon as ebooks, anyone who orders the set from Walt gets 21 separate Word documents included on their chronology CD, each following the preview on a different subject or topic. So, in total there is more than pages of writing just for those first four books.

Brown continually uses specific moments of interest to stop and digress on the topic at length, analysing the data, giving his opinion, linking to other facts, pointing out things you might have missed - so the whole thing is really an extended, digressive, massive book on the overall conspiracy and event organised progressively by time period. Brown, for example, doesn't get stuck into the Warren Commission until he reaches that section chronologically.

This isn't a hard and fast rule though so there is plenty of forward-looking discussions regarding the assassination even in the earlier pre entries. The section of the chronology that covers Elsewhere within the volumes, Brown's own autobio as a researcher is more than pages long - it's an alternately funny, eye-opening, cantankerous and depressing read he faced senior academic staff at his workplace who were wholly unsympathetic to his efforts , and it offers both potshots and hosannahs to other researchers, some of whom will not be unfamiliar to members of this forum.

A collection of Jack Ruby testimony and interviews included is more than pages, and there are accompanying books fully annotated with notes from Brown on Cuban testimony, the mafia, motorcade witnesses, medical evidence and so on. You get the idea. It is quite overwhelming but as there is no need to rush through the volumes, readers can tackle the various works at their own preferred pace. I would strongly recommend that serious researchers get the books in Word format direct from Walt for two reasons.

The second is that Walt has fully indexed all those Word docs, and the index by itself runs for more than pages of entries.

JFK Assassination Chronology

Purchasers of the ebook versions won't have the option to use that index data to find entries that they're curious about, which would be a shame with a book such as this one. I'm still reading through the main documents but plan to post more details and excerpts on this forum and elsewhere.

Kwitny Report on JFK Assassination (1988)

Author provides hyper linked analysis and annotation of all material. Oswald is a puzzling mystery. The U-2 Brown Walt Ph. D E-book The author provides hyper-linked annotations to the testimony, depositions and perceptions of citizens not "officials" who viewed the motorcade on November 22, In her memoir, "Mee and Lee", Judyth offers extensive documentation of how she came to be involved with cancer research at such a young age, the personalities who recruited her to move to New Orleans in , how she was hired there - along with Lee Oswald - by Reily Coffee Co and fired the same afternoon Lee was arrested for disturbing the peace on Canal Street, and how she became a participant in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro.

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Judyth shows the evidence and relates - from her first-hand experience - all she knows about the Kennedy assassination, her love affair with Lee Oswald over the summer of , her conversations with him as late as two days before JFK's death , his role as a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, and how he was silenced by his old friend Jack Ruby.

Like countless Americans, Donahue was fascinated by the events in Dallas.

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But what separated him from other amateur sleuths, and even the Warren Commission experts, was a lifetime's experience with guns and ballistics. In crisp, rapid-fire prose, Menninger relates one of the greatest true-life detective stories ever told. More important, he offers solutions to questions that have haiunted America for nearly thirty years" Morte di un Presidente Manchester William Italian Version of the famous book "The Death of a President". Books - Testimony and depositions from those in the motorcade who were carefully selected by the Warren Commission to testify.

Walt Brown's Assassination Chronology now in ebook form [Archive] - DEEP POLITICS FORUM

The authors provides background and analysis on passages of memoirs released by Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill. Testimony and depositions from family and friends of Jack Ruby and testimony from Ruby himself as well as those who were charged with preventing the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald.

The author provides hyper-linked annotations to the testimony, depositions and perceptions of citizens not "officials" who viewed the motorcade on November 22, Vary Baker Judyth Judyth Vary Baker was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer, but strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald.

More important, he offers solutions to questions that have haiunted America for nearly thirty years"