CHRISTIAN INNER HEALING.How to be free from destructive memories: BE FREE.

Susan Lindquist and Nobel laureate Dr. Eric Kandel, have discovered specific chemical markers on our cells that seem to signal whether to use a certain gene or not. However, research has revealed that something else besides electric shock can change these markers of cellular memory: This research is from Today scientists are still putting their best efforts into studying the specific markers of cellular memory and understanding how to manipulate them in the laboratory.

In fact, you may have already heard about the power of cellular memory through the stories of organ transplant patients. After some investigation, she discovered that all these new personality traits were characteristic of her donor. Dozens of similar experiences by other organ transplant donors have been reported as well. The explanation is cellular memory.

As a research scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Bruce Lipton was cloning human muscle cells, trying to determine why they atrophied. Further research led him to discover that the same is true for human beings as a whole: Another word for these perceptions are our beliefs. Lipton says that virtually every health problem originates from a wrong belief in the subconscious mind. After reading the fine print in their supporting research, I believe what Dr.

Lipton calls the beliefs of the subconscious mind are exactly what Dr. Nestler and his colleagues call cellular memory, and what Solomon called the spiritual heart. Because the subconscious mind is literally one million times more powerful than the conscious mind, the odds of having the life you want without changing those beliefs is a million-to-one shot. The phenomenon of cellular memory applies to every person on the planet, not just the sick or underachieving. Our cellular memories or subconscious beliefs, or issues in your spiritual heart will catch up with you sooner or later.

Sarno agrees with Dr. Nestler and says that adult chronic pain and illness originate from destructive, unhealed cellular memories. In fact, holistic practitioner Dr. Doris Rapp, a world-renowned pediatric allergist, is a dear friend of mine and one of my heroes. Many years ago Dr. Rapp was willing to go outside the box of standard medicine in order to help children through an effect similar to cellular memory healing. She has taken criticism from her peers for doing so but has stayed the course. Today, there are thousands and thousands of people around the world who point to Dr.

Rapp as their turning point, and she has received a list of humanitarian honors as long as your arm. In her bestselling book Is This Your Child? According to the barrel effect, we can think of all the stress in our life as being in one big internal barrel. As long as the barrel is not full, our body can deal with new stress. Somebody might get angry at us, something might not go our way, or we might be exposed to a toxin, and we would still feel okay; our body and mind can deal with it.

Once our barrel is full, however, the tiniest little thing will get us. But today you eat one peanut and have an allergic reaction. Yes, eating that peanut triggered a negative physical reaction. But the peanut would not have triggered the reaction if your stress barrel had not been full. Your stress level was the only differentiating factor. This cellular memory theory proves true both physically and non-physically. His reaction each time depended on how full his stress barrel was.

Externally, it simply appears as if he overreacted. You can see from this that we are not designed to live life with a full stress barrel. But the number one job of our stress response is to protect us, not to make us happy. Also, the amount of adrenaline released at the time of the event, based on how stressful the situation feels in the moment, determines the strength of that memory in our spiritual heart throughout our lives. Our mind will always prioritize experiences that it believes will keep us safe and out of danger, and it determines this based on our cellular memory—specifically, fear-based memories.

Our stress barrel even includes generational memories. You could have had an idyllic childhood and a trauma-free life, but for some reason still have significant confidence issues, depression issues, health issues, or addictions. So the memories affecting you may not even be yours. One of my clients finally figured out that the source of her current symptoms went back over a hundred years. After doing some poking around in her family history, she discovered that during the Civil War, her great-great-grandmother witnessed her husband and three sons killed by the enemy in their home and her entire house was burned to the ground.

The trigger is something in our current circumstances related to the past memory, and the symptom is the stress response. Your body is made up of 7,,,,,,,,, 7 octillion atoms. Every single one of those atoms is influenced by your thoughts. Every time you have a new thought, you are creating new connections or neural pathways in your brain. These neural networks are your cellular memory.

Every time you experience a similar event, the same memory is triggered, and you are usually not consciously aware where it comes from or why you feel that way. The challenge is that most of your responses happen on autopilot, based on these memories of previous experiences. If you grew up with great role models and an empowering life, then you may be one of the lucky ones who have a pretty great life today.

Your cellular memory is the reference points your brain uses to decide how to respond in the here and now. So if you have a cellular memory with anger in it, or fear, or low self-esteem, or hundreds of other similarly negative feelings, that memory can make you sick, lead to failure, and destroy your most important relationships. According to research, our sensory perception a sight, smell, feeling, etc. So however we respond after one second has nothing to do with our senses, it has to do with our memory banks. We see them as we are. One goes into road rage; the other is cool as a cucumber.

They are in the exact same external circumstance.

It has to be something internal, and it is. If your spiritual heart finds a happy cellular memory, you tend to react positively. If it finds a painful memory, you tend to react in fear or anger. That fear-based memory will produce negative symptoms in your physiology, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. A memory functions a lot like a cell phone, broadcasting and receiving constantly. If the cell remains in this closed state long enough, the odds skyrocket that it will unmask a disease gene.

Bruce Lipton says that this is the only way you can have a disease manifest in your life. When the hypothalamus receives the fear signal from the cellular memory, it turns on the stress response. Now we want to either run from that thing or destroy it. Our brain has disconnected or turned down our rational conscious thinking except to rationalize fight or flight.

That stress makes us sick, tired, dumb, negative, and a failure—producing virtually every kind of negative symptom possible. This concept has very important implications for the role of our conscious mind in decision-making and action. William Tiller told me about conscious and unconscious intention: So our conscious choice is actually mandated by our programming if we have a fear cellular memory related to the situation which you are frequently unaware of: If Chevy is number one, then their conscious and unconscious mind are in harmony.

Why do they keep doing this? A more serious example would be our religious upbringing. As for me, I was raised in very strict religious household, which resulted in something like a schizophrenic conflict inside me: I was taught that God is love, but that he was also just waiting for me to put a toe out of line to smack me down. As a young adult I threw this concept of God overboard because it made no sense to me.

Or at least my conscious mind threw it overboard, because it was causing me so much pain. But starting at that moment, I went on a search. I have found good and bad in all of them. However, in no way do I intend to imply that I think less of, or look down on, people who believe and live religion. Today, I consider myself to be a follower of Jesus—period—nothing more or less. My job is not to judge, just love. What is inside of you? Is it Ford or Chevy? Is there any sense of comparison or competition where whatever you believe in has to come out on top? Or are you continually seeking and open to the whole truth, no matter what?

America is one of the richest and blessed nations on the planet. Do you have food on the table? Sometimes we judge groups of people, ethnic groups, or certain cultures. When we exercise a critical and judging nature, we are actually in rebellion against God Num. Now is a good time to take stock of, or to examine, your own life. Have I ever had a critical, fault-finding attitude towards someone else? This is not always the case. We can be sincere, not realizing that we are sincerely wrong about another individual. We are all susceptible to these varying kinds of de- ception if we are not mindfully aware of these forms of entrapment and ever humbly repentant in our relationship with God.

Root of Bitterness If we do not deal in a timely manner with our unforgiveness and judgment Eph 4: Heb 3 Unforgiveness www. Bitterness comes with several other spirits: They all may need to be cast out. We may be making a false judgment before its time. We need to release God to be God—to relinquish our will to Him and our expectations of Him. In these instances, we need to tell God we are sorry and to ask for His forgiveness.

This must be your response even though you feel you have done nothing wrong and that you have been falsely accused. Healing Relationships Deliverance may not occur if the seeker has problems in their relationships with their father or mother. We must honor them Ex. This is the first commandment with a promise that if we honor our fathers and mothers, it will go well with us for the rest of our life.

We must forgive them Mat. This means respect them, and be willing to do anything to help them. It means that we must follow their directions as long as we live under their roof. If one or both of their parents did not spend time holding the seeker, or telling them they were loved, or if they were conceived out of wedlock rejection is likely to be present. Other inner healing may be required if verbal, physical or sexual abuse is revealed. The minister is looking for hurts, or emotional reactions to hurts such as resentment, anger, rejection, self-pity or depression.

When ministering to seekers, ask them early about these relationships with father and mother, and any unforgiveness. Becoming Unoffendable As spiritually mature adults, our goal should be to develop an unoffendable heart, to become unoffendable. In several places, the scriptures tell us not to be offended Ps. While none of us can achieve this goal immediately, the following guidelines may be helpful: We are exhorted not to let the sun go down on our wrath Eph.

We are to recon- cile quickly; the longer we delay, the harder it becomes. Extend forgiveness—which is required, but we are not obligated to trust. Forgiveness is mandatory; trust must be earned. The Lord calls us to love them, not necessarily to enjoy their company. How to Forgive 1.

  • .
  • Overcoming Lifes Trauma.
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  • Divorcio Y Matrimonio (Spanish Edition).
  • Two Brothers: A story of the civil war and brotherly love!

It takes effort to be free of unforgiveness. You have to recognize you are hurt through conviction and confess it. Take a pencil in hand and pray to God that He will reveal anyone for whom you have unforgiveness. Write their names below. Do not be surprised at the number God re- veals. Share your list in confession with a trusted friend or pastor. Ask this trusted friend or pastor to pray with you, that the Holy Spirit would further reveal to you any persons for whom you may still harbor unforgiveness—though you may have already forgotten them. We seldom see all of our own "stuff.

Remember, the Lord does not require you to reconcile with the person if they are un- willing to do so. Reconciliation requires forgiveness on the part of both parties. Know, though, that God does require you to be willing to reconcile. If you have difficulty in forgiving someone tell the Lord, "I am willing to be made will- ing by an act of my agency and will. He will forgive 3 Unforgiveness www. Make sure you are able to forgive this person or get help by asking others to pray for you to accomplish this commitment. If you have a hard time forgiving someone, ask Jesus to fill you with His own under- standing and love for the other party to do for you what you cannot do for yourself and to pour out His forgiving love into your heart.

Ask God to let you see the other party as He sees them. Sometimes the unforgiveness has a root in a previous traumatic or abusive experience. In such cases, the above steps may be insufficient for releasing your offender and the assistance of a knowledgeable intercessor, who can pray for inner healing, may be re- quired. If you have tried to forgive and the unforgiveness keeps returning, inner heal- ing prayer is probably required. In faith believing, pray the prayer stated in Ezek. If the seeker has difficulty forgiving the one who hurt them, have the seeker repeat every hurt or offense against each offender one at a time, or talk to the offender as if they were there.

If they continue to have extreme difficulty forgiving, postpone the forgiveness until the end of the deliverance prayer when all other gates are closed, and their spirit is much stronger. Then, for each person you listed above as revealed by the Holy Spirit pray the following prayer adapted from The Bait of Satan, page Father, in the name of Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you by not for- giving those who have offended me. I have been critical and judgmental toward others.

I re- pent of this and ask your forgiveness. I also acknowledge my inability to forgive without your help. I bring under the blood of Jesus all that they have done wrong toward me. I release them from owing me anything.

Christian or Occult?*

I remit their sins against me. Heavenly Father, as my Lord Jesus asked you to forgive those who had sinned against Him, I likewise pray that your forgiveness come to those who have sinned against me. I loose them from bondage, and I know that what is loosed on earth is also loosed in heaven.

I ask that you bless them and lead them into a closer relationship with you. I pray these favors in the precious name of Jesus. Becoming one speaks of an inseparable union, spiritually and physically. What was joined on earth through sexual union would be joined spiritually in heaven. God intended that there never be sexual relationships outside of marriage, and that the first marriage would be the only marriage.

But God also gave them and us free will. Then Satan, the father of lies whose agenda is to distort and destroy, entered the pic- ture, and he has been working continuously to twist the commands and will of God ever since that first, fateful sin-event in the Garden of Eden. Unfortunately there is as much sexual sin displayed within the body of Christ as is dis- played outside of it.

Consider the following scriptures on this subject: The two will become one flesh. In at least two scriptures in the bible, sexual sins are listed first among reasons the un- righteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God. There is no question as to whether or not God takes sexual sins very seriously. Consider also the 25 consequences of committing adultery see Prov. He calls this behavior spiritual adultery. After intercourse, the bodies may separate but the souls and spirits are still joined together. Something of the man be- comes part of the woman, and something of the woman becomes part of the man.

This is as it was intended by God for the first union and marriage between a man and women. What is bound on earth is bound in heaven. Sexual union between a husband and wife as defined in Gen. Through sexual union, we have become one with their spirit. Not only are we connected with everyone with whom we have had a sexual relationship, we are additionally connected in chain-like fashion with everyone with whom they have had a sexual relationship. Sex outside of marriage is a degradation of God's creation and an insult to Him, of rebellion and foolishness.

Sexual sins allow any darkness or demons present in one partner to pass to the other partner. Not only that, but it allows a partner to be exposed to every dark spirit from any of the previous partners either have had. It spreads darkness like HIV. Some people feel helpless to be freed. But now that you belong to Christ, no other pow- er can force you to do anything unless you give it ground to do so through 1 disobedience see John Even after forgiveness has been asked of god, and the sin placed under the blood of Jesus, there can still be a residue sense of shame.

Forgiveness of sin and cleansing of sin are two different things. Soul bondage or soul ties are the cleaving together of bodies, spirits, or souls in a relationship whereby two souls are joined or knitted together and become as one. The term soul tie is not found in Scripture, but the concept is, particularly in the use of words knit and cleave.

A soul tie can occur spiritually, emotionally, or physically. When these soul ties are disrupted by death, divorce, or adultery, wounding can be severe. Unholy Satan-Empowered Ties Unholy ties created by immoral sexual activities and by dark vows, covenants, curses, oaths, and organizational secret oaths are Satan-empowered and are an abomination to God. Sexual sins produce unholy spiritual and physical soul ties that must be broken before healing can occur and the captives be set free.

Non-Sexual Bonding Ties Non-sexual bonding ties develop when one person dominates another in a manner not designed of God. Sometimes unhealthy non-sexual soul ties are developed with parents, men- tors or friends—those whom we strongly admire or with whom we have a close or intimate rela- tionship. Often these are evident in co-dependent relationships. Consequences of Sexual Sin Summarized 1. Sexual sin blocks the love of God that flows between husband and wife in the true and holy expression of our sexual nature.

Immorality is destructive and will eventually demand a price the law of sowing and reaping applies here. Sexual sin produces sexual additions, prostitution, adultery, sexual abuse, incest, homo- sexuality, Sadomasochism, shame, guilt, and a lack of self-worth. Immorality and the Holy Spirit cannot abide together; if immorality continues, the Holy Spirit will leave. In ungodly sex, something of each partner is given away to the other and becomes part of them See the example in 1 Cor.

Sexual sin becomes a chain of bondage through which people are unknowingly influ- enced by the life and personality of those to whom they have been sexually joined. Ungodly soul ties provide opportunities for all of the following to be transferred for the demonic to transfer from one person to another—both at the time of sexual intercourse and at any time subsequent: Those with many sexual partners begin to lose their own identity.

They begin not to know who they really are. Consider the 25 consequences of adultery noted in the following scriptures. It is the third worst sin after idolatry and murder. Healing Grace The Good News is that God in heaven sent his Son Jesus to die for us on the cross that we might be forgiven of every sin, sexual and otherwise, washed clean by the blood of Jesus, and renewed in relationship with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord forgave King David, the woman at the well, and the woman caught in adultery.

He will forgive and release you also. However, that does not necessarily also allow you to escape the conse- quences of your sin. For example, if you have an abortion, Will God will forgive your sin of murder? Yes; He did that on the Cross; but will He immediately remove the consequences of that sin and return the fetus to life? The sin is on the head of the mother but the result or consequences of that sin is borne by the aborted fetus.

Christians can be totally repentant and still unknowingly be under the influence of darkness in parts of their spirit as a result of previ- ous sin. Until the open doors are closed and the legal rights which have been opened to darkness renounced and given to God, the adversary can still use these past sins against you, even though you are forgiven. Prayers for sexual sins, soul ties, and cleansing are identified below. Prayer for Sexual Sins The prayer for release from sexual sins and bondage or soul ties should cover the fol- lowing areas: Pray for release and loosing.

Pray to break the power of inherited lust; pray to forgive the one who introduced the problem into the family line. Pray for breaking of all soul ties between the seeker and every other partner or previous husband to which they are no longer married. Pray that the sword of the Spirit will separate each partner and break every soul tie.

Place the cross of Jesus between each partner and cover them with the blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, declare the spirits of the persons involved in immorality to be separated. Pray for cleansing of body, soul, and spirit. Pray to cleanse the eyes that have looked upon what they should not have seen. Pray to cleanse the ears from whatever they have heard that is unholy.

Pray to cleanse the mouth, skin, hands, and sexual organs from what they have touched. Pray against any spirits of immorality, pornography, and unusual sexual practices, par- ticularly if the seeker has had an experience with a prostitute or with an animal. Pray the seeker is released from all iniquities and from the consequences of these sins. Pray the Lord heal all of these experiences so that Satan can no longer use them for evil purposes. Pray the seeker is healed of all guilt and shame.

Pray for healing of all these sins and soul ties, that these be covered by the blood of Je- sus. Pray release from any immorality or polygamy of their forefathers. Sexual sin is an area in which it is most helpful to use an intercessor. It is difficult for a seeker to pray for him-or-herself with complete success in this area. The seeker needs first to confess the sins and to repent out loud naming the partner or partners, if necessary, as the Lord directs.

Again, the seeker should also repent from all illicit and unusual sexual practices and pornography, if applicable. Most importantly, the seeker must be determined to live a chaste life in the future or to marry 1 Cor. In every case, the seeker must be warned that Satan will sorely tempt them soon after their healing. Prayer for Loosing and Release The intercessor should pray the following: In the name of Jesus, I direct your spirit to forget these unions.

In the name of Jesus you are loosed from that person or these persons. I declare your spirit to be separated from each of these partners, and I place the cross of Jesus between you and each unholy union. I cover you with the blood of Jesus as a protective shield from any and all detrimental influences to which you may have been exposed through sexual union with this or these partner s. In the name of Jesus and according to Chapter six of the book of Ephesians, I take the sword of the Spirit and I cut every soul tie between you and any partner you have every been intimate with.

I set your spirit free to cleave only to your own spouse. Continue with the prayer for cleansing, which follows. The seeker should pray the following: In the name of Jesus, I renounce all sexual and spiritual bondage to name of the person and to the authority I have given him or her by submitting myself to him or her and offering him or her my body. The person may need to pray this prayer for each one with whom they have had an immoral sexual union. In the authority of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus to stand between me and this person. I separate the one flesh union, I send back to them everything I have taken from them when I became one flesh with them.

I call back to me everything I gave to them in this one flesh union. I declare the blood of Jesus to be a wall of separation between us. Thank you Jesus for restoring my soul. Many times the seeker will feel dirty, unclean, or sexually broken, and need to be restored to innocence by God, and be cleansed in spirit and body. He many times will use the symbol of clean water being sprinkled upon them. Lord, Jesus, From both Ezekiel I pray God pour His holy water over all that needs cleansing.

Sometimes the Lord will give you a picture; pray over what you distinguish within the picture. Let the water flow over every part of his her body, head, arms, private parts, legs, and feet. Thank you, Lord for making him her squeaky clean, inside and out. This was the best resource acquired on this subject—from which much of the above material was taken. In the New Testament there are twenty-six references to porneia. The context of these letters is that believers are not to conform to the cultural norms that the church found itself confronted with. I believe this scripture refers to women we look at online, in magazines, or in person.

Our bodies are not made for porneia I Cor 6: We can keep it a secret by viewing in our own homes with the blinds pulled. People hide their porn habits and try to make sure that no one else finds out. Whatever is hidden is available to the devil to use against us. A group called Promise Keepers was founded in The group held meetings of church men met in stadiums across the country. Those attending were encouraged to commit to the 7 promises of the organization. In one of these meetings, the speaker asked the group of over 20, to raise their hands if they previously or currently had a problem with pornography.

These were church men who attended church regularly and held positions as deacons and elders. It is within the church as much as without. Pornography dishonors the image of God in an individual by treating him or her as a sexual object to be consumed. Pornography takes human sexuality out of its natural context, intimacy between two human beings and makes it a product to be bought and sold. It debases the human body and reduces its value. Pornography is the consumption of sexual poison that becomes part of the fabric of the mind. It inherent degrades and dehumanizes.

Pornography shapes and rewires us in such a way that we become unable to view women as we should. It has numbed the healthy sexuality of men who are active consumers of it. Pornography demonstrates to women the reality that men are prone to selfishness, domination and violence. Many men feel a deep sense of shame or guilt as a result of viewing and sexually acting out to pornography. The more pornography a man views, the less freedom he has over what he thinks and pursues.

Just as food is consumed and digested by the body, pornography is consumed by the senses and digested and deposited in the brain. Pornographic images are stored as pictures in the brain forever, to be recalled at will, or by the influence of the adversary in our times of trial or lust. It affects our brain in ways similar to drugs and alcohol. It becomes very addictive. The brain is a complex organ. How pornography affects our brain is a complex process Pornography is not only addictive, it is progressive. Porn is vicarious and voyeuristic at its core.

Masturbating is almost always a part of viewing pornography. When this occurs it caus- es addiction to the fantasy. When we engage in sexual activity not sanctioned by God married man and wife we dishonor the image of God. It also grieves the Holy Spirit which will leave us. Whenever we sin we grieve the heart of God and we defile His image Eph 4: All human beings, men and women, are created in the image of God. We are created for the purpose of knowing, loving and worshiping Christ,. We are to conform to the image of Christ Sanctification is the process by which we are made holy.

It is the process by which we become what we are intended to be. This process of sanctification extends into our sexuality.


God calls us to live in sexual purity. There should be no question about viewing pornography being a sin. There may be some question as to whether accompanying masturbation is a sin. But this is not the correct question. Some quote Gen This passage speaks of the Israelite law requiring the brother of a deceased husband with no sons to impregnate the widow in order that the dead husband would have offspring to continue the family name. In this case Onan was disobedient to the law, so the Lord slew him also.

How then do we re-wire our brain and move toward sanctification. How does a man change from being addicted to pornography to become addicted to holiness? The answer is the same as for any other thing that leads us away from God rather than toward him: What remains hidden and secret is open to the adversary. It is not enough just to confess to God. This does not suggest we should necessarily confess before the whole congregation. But it does mean that we need to confess to a pastor, or if we are a pastor, to a fellow pastor or bishop.

Or someone of high spirituality to which we can become accountable, and who will mentor and encourage us. And who will help us if we fall. But con- fession is difficult for many men because it is an admission of failure. It goes against our cul- ture to admit weakness. Then, whom shall we follow and who do we fear, or fellow man or God? If we want to be healed, we have little choice. There is no other way. For more information on this subject and what it does to your brain see www. After the seeker has been led in prayers of confession and repentance for the sins of lust, lust of the eyes and adultery in his heart Matt 5: Then a prayer of inner healing should be prayed, asking Jesus to come into that picture in the seekers mind, and to stand between him and the pornography.

Pray the blood of Jesus cover the seeker. A prayer to behold and beheld is appropriate here. This is described in more detail in another section The seeker needs to ask God to remove from his memory all the images that do not glorify God and to unwire his brain from the results of pornography. Demons of lust, lust of the eyes, adultery and masturbation should be cast out. Much of the above material is taken from the book by William M. Struthers, Wired for Intimacy. How pornography hijacks the male brain. One is involuntary and the other is by choice. In both cases, however, a life is lost, typically there is no funeral, and rarely is there emotional closure.

There may also be spiritual and emotional connections with the fetus for years after the event which need to be healed. Miscarriages There is no accumulative account tallied of the number of miscarriages released. Even so, death is an intruder in God's plan; He never intended for us to die.

The sin of Adam and Eve changed all that. God certainly does not desire that babies in the womb die, but because we live in an imperfect world riddled with disease, miscarriages occur. However, before the mother can have peace from her loss, she will need to have spiritual and emotional closure of the experience, and she will need to release the baby to Jesus. Most often, an unborn baby does not have a burial or a committal or memorial ser- vice and the mother often has not encountered closure of the experience or released the baby to the Lord.

Without this closure and release, the law of binding and loosing comes into ef- fect: The mother may blame herself, feeling that she contributed to the miscarriage because of poor health practices or because she is unsure whether or not she could have done something to prevent it. The thought that she could have prevented it may be a lie from the adversary that the mother has accepted and chosen to believe.

Not going to church Man sinned and became alienated from his Creator. Inward perception of a separate personality, name, or voice, that prompts undesirable thoughts or behaviors 3. Attacks viciously 1 Pet. Speaks, cries out Mat.

Fear that the mother won't be able to conceive again or other similar issues pain of separation or unfinished grieving and, therefore, a tie to the unborn child may formulate. In addition to these possibilities, the spirit of death may enter through the experience of miscarriage.

Prayer for Miscarriages the intercessor should follow these steps The mother did not sin, so there is no need for repentance. Bring the experience before the Lord.

Pray that the mother may see the child with Jesus sometimes the Lord will reveal the sex of the child. Ask the mother if she is ready to release the child to Jesus. Pray a prayer of committal for release that the mother frees her soul tie to the child and she also releases the child to Jesus, committing the baby to Him for whatever good purposes He has for the child. Pray the Lord bring peace between mother and child. Pray for healing of any guilt involved. Sometimes the Lord will reveal the name of the child; if not, have the mother name the child.

Pray a blessing upon the mother and upon the child. Pray that what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven Matt During the prayer, the grief may come out as either anger or deep hurt, and there may be much sobbing, which is part of the process of release. Regardless of the circumstances, God considers this the taking of life.

Repentance is required for this act. Remember, God forgave King David for taking a life and He will for- give the seeker as well. Within this process, there is almost always a spirit of abortion that needs to be cast out, along with other companion spirits of various sexual sins.

One of the results of abortion may be endometriosis endometrial-like cells appear and flourish in areas outside the uterine cavity, most commonly on the ovaries because it has to do with the hor- monal interruption. Prayer for Abortion follow these steps 1. Have the seeker pray and confess the sin, repent, and ask God for forgiveness for the sin of murder. Have the seeker confess and repent for the sin of lust. If necessary, pray that Jesus will come into the experience.

The rest of the prayer is the same as for miscarriages. Pray a prayer of committal for release that the mother frees her soul tie to the child and she also releases the child to Jesus, committing the baby for whatever good pur- poses He has in store for the baby. Have both parents pray to forgive themselves. During this prayer, the grief may come out as either anger or deep hurt, and there may be much sobbing, which is part of the process of release. Pray a prayer for cleansing. Occult involve- ment occurs when an individual seeks to gain knowledge or power from a spiritual source other than God.

It is a combination of deception and rebellion. The scripture 1 Sam Satan and his dark angels continually labor to rob the Lord of praise, worship, and devotion, and to usurp or seize these for themselves; they try to keep us from knowing and experiencing God by deceiving people and leading them into the kingdom of darkness. When an individual seeks understanding, guidance, truth, etc. The ensnared person then becomes dependent upon these dark angels, returning to them again and again for guidance, healing, power, and satisfaction of their personal desires.

The Bible in a number of passages, such as in Deut. Occult practices, whether participated in ignorantly or not, always have consequences. Even these minor exposures will often allow a demon to inhabit the believer. These exposures can prevent the Holy Spirit from communicating with the seeker for the healing they desire in other areas of need; they act as serious roadblocks and must, therefore, be dealt with early-on in the healing process. Addressing this ex- panded involvement is beyond the scope of these teaching materials.

In such cases an experi- enced intercessor or deliverance team is advisable. Francis MacNutt, in his book Deliverance from Evil Spirits page , makes a list- ing of the following degrees of occult involvement. Knowingly seeking spiritual power to harm or dominate someone: Becoming a channel or witch: Commencing a knowing, direct relationship with Satan: Becoming part of a coven, engaged in Satan worship: MacNutt suggests these highest levels of spirits are, for at least four reasons, especially hard to cast out. They rule over entire families and clusters of spirits which they have brought with them.

They have the capacity to draw power from other spirits which are higher than they are in their spiritual hierarchy. They are protected by a number of blocking spirits which surround them with a rebel- lious, lying defense system. People get involved in the occult for a number of reasons, some of which are listed below: However the exposure or participation is categorized, it requires very serious deliverance. Why are occult activities so dangerous? I believe they are listed in order of importance. Note the first three: This provides the basis for generational or heritage sin.

Psychic abilities, clairvoyance, divination the feeling of having special powers 2. Inward perception of a separate personality, name, or voice, that prompts undesirable thoughts or behaviors 3. Fearful, repetitive night visitations by an evil presence 6 Occult www. Separation of the mind from the body spacing out, dizziness 5.

Inability to focus on and retain Biblical truths 6. Difficulty staying focused or participating in prayer agitation, nausea, anger, rebel- lion 7. Uncontrolled thoughts or impressions for example, sexual perversion, cursings, vio- lence 8. Uncontrolled compulsive behaviors sexual sin, anger, chemical indulgence 9. Preoccupation with thoughts of death, despair, hopelessness Uncontrollable and irrational or paralyzing fear Unusual, non-typical emotional expressions laughter, sadness, crying, anger Extreme nervousness at the mention of the name of Jesus, while reading the scriptures or while in prayer Thoughts about committing suicide Repetitions of raps and other sounds 2.

Movements of objects tables, chairs, etc. Apports the paranormal transference of an article from one place to another or the appearance of an article from an unknown source 4. Moulds for example, impressions made upon paraffin or similar substances 5. Luminous appearances For example, sometimes images come to people: Some of the people may be al- ready dead or be in some other geographical location. The images are seen as glimps- es—dim, not definite, but with enough of an image that they know who they repre- sent.

The image may appear unclear, observed partly in a shadow or in poor lighting. Levitation the raising of objects from off the ground by supernormal means 7. Materialization or the appearance of a spirit in visible human form 8. Spirit-photography where the feature or form of a deceased person appears on a plate along with the likeness of a living photographed subject 9.

Table-rapping in answer to questions Automatic writing or slate-writing Clairvoyance; descriptions of the spirit-world Communications from the dead 6 Occult www. Wallace see reference material at the end of this sec- tion has an excellent list of primary and secondary symptoms pages It is important—in the process of healing from the occult—to know exactly what the occult involvement was the root of the problem in order to confess, repent, and pray for the eviction of the specific intruders.

As you read through the following list, ask the Holy Spirit to recall to your mind eve- ry occasion of involvement you have had. Keep in mind that many of these activities are clearly occult but the occult nature of others may not be as evident. Mark all items that ap- ply, even if there is a question in your mind as to their having or not having an occult nature so that you are confident that you have renounced all possible occult or demonic influences in your life.

Occult Checklist Check those in which you are or have been involved. Soothsayers, Fortune Tellers Deut. Had your fortune told by tea leaves, palm reading, crystal ball, etc. Read or followed horoscopes or had a chart made for yourself 3. Believed in reincarnation or had a reincarnation reading 6. Played games of an occult nature using ESP, telepathy, hypnotism, etc. Consulted a medium or a numerologist, had your handwriting analyzed, acted as a medium, or practiced channeling 9. Sought healing through magic spells or charms, a Christian Scientist, a spiritualists, or a psychic healing, or had psychic surgery Practiced table lifting, levitation of objects, pendulum swinging, lifting bodies, auto- matic writing, or soul-travel Practiced water-witching to find out where to dig a well Practiced Transcendental Meditation or Yoga or connected with its spiritualist at- tendant Sought or communicated with apparitions that were not of God or with persons who have died Worshipped in pagan shrines or temples 6 Occult www.

Witchcraft, fortune telling, magic, ESP, psychic phenomena or possession Anything in your home given to you by someone in the occult or of an occult nature or items made in non-Christian countries which might be idols Accepted the humanist theory, that man is self-sufficient, not needing God Sorcery or Magic 2 Kings Practiced mind-control over any person or animal, cast a magic spell, sought a psychic experience or contacted a psychic in person or through a psychic hotline Devil Worship 2 Chr.

Made a pact with Satan or been involved in or witnessed Satan worship or Black Magic Attended the meeting of a coven Attended a Black Mass Made a promise, pact, or blood compact with Satan Have been or are a victim of Satanic ritual abuse Witchcraft 1 Sam. Attended witchcraft or voodoo activities Visited or was taken to a witch doctor. Participation in tribal ceremonies such as at birth, circumcision, weddings or calendar celebrations.

Using traditional medicines Africa Visited or was taken to a witch doctor Wished somebody else was dead or wished you were dead Planned or attempted to take your own life Hoped someone else would die 6 Occult www. Have you any object, image, charm, statue, bracelet, necklace, jewelry, or book s in your possession or in your home, that may bring an evil presence or influence with it; has someone involved in the occult given you any amulet or object?

Have any of your ancestors been involved in witchcraft, pagan religions, or for- tunetelling? Personal Experience I have found that occult spirits are most difficult to dislodge if the parents or ancestors have ded- icated off spring to Satan, or the person has made a contract with Satan. It is extremely helpful if there is a member of the ministry team that has a high level of the spirit of discerning of spir- its, who is able to discern the initial experience in the ancestry of the seeker, and the circum- stances in which the spirit received authority to move in.

In some cases, it is necessary to gather a number of experienced ministers together who have a high level of spiritual power. The greater the dark influence available at the time of entry, the greater the spiritual power needed to remove it. In some cases it is necessary to mentally visualize the perpetrator and the initial ex- perience, and pray against the perpetrator until he turns white, usually beginning at the head and eventually out the feet.

Then the influence is broken for good. Pray the following prayer aloud, against each separate type of occult activity: I am deeply sorry for this sin and I repent of it. I renounce Satan in this area in all his ways; I take back any spiritual territory I have given him and I now give it to God. After confessing and repenting of these sins, pray the following prayer aloud just once: In the name of the Lord Jesus, I repeat my baptismal vows and commit my life to Jesus.

Lord, I claim and thank you for all of the blessings made available to me because of your death on the cross. I therefore release myself and my family from any hold which any of these occult activities have, or have had, on our lives. I cancel any curse against me or against any member of my family. And I claim the pro- tection of the blood of Jesus over my mind, body, and spirit. I close the door on you Satan, nev- er to be opened again. Wallace, The Occult Trap, The best single book available on this topic—some of the material for this section has been taken from his book.

Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 pages It has an excellent list of primary and second- ary symptoms pages May be out of print but available as a used book through Amazon, Barnes and No- ble, or Alibris. Peter Horrobin, Healing Through Deliverance, Chap 16, pages 5. Additional Issues and Concerns 1. Marriage is a spiritual covenant between God and the marriage partners and it is taken very seriously by God.

God intended that there be only one marriage Gen. Godly soul ties are created through the covenant of marriage. Divorce is not within God's original design and, therefore, He considers it sin. Spir- itual laws are violated in the practice of divorce Mat.

There are three easily-identifiable justifications for divorce within the scriptures: When this plan is broken, it provides an entry point for the powers of darkness. Deep wounds of rejection, anger, and abandonment may remain after the broken rela- tionship. Soul ties remain between the couple until these are spiritually cut. The Good News is that God in heaven sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross for us so that we might be forgiven of every sin Matt The focus of healing from divorce should not be on trying to determine whether or not sin was committed through this experience but on asking for forgiveness where due and accepting the grace and forgiveness of our loving Father.

Ask God's forgiveness for your part in the divorce it is seldom one-sided. Ask God's forgiveness for any sexual sin that happened before or after the divorce. Healing from divorce requires total forgiveness of the former spouse. Pray that the part of you that remains with your spouse be loosed. Pray for inner healing for the feelings of rejection, anger, or abandonment. Pray to break the soul ties created by the former union with the sword of the Spirit. If the person is now unmarried, pray they can remain celibate so as not to commit sexual sin.

If the person has remarried, pray God will recognize the current relationship as the original one designed in heaven with all the rights, privileges, and blessings of the two becoming one flesh covenant agreement. Inner Healing Required Notwithstanding the adultery questions involved here, there will almost always be a need for inner healing for feelings of anger, betrayal, abandonment, hate, bitterness, and re- jection that may result from a divorce.

They are words pronounced, decreed, or written in the Bible with spiritual power and authori- ty for good blessing or for evil curse. This declaration sets in motion spiritual laws that will continue the blessing or the curse from one generation to the next until it is broken. Blessings are mentioned times in the Bible. Curses are mentioned times. Scriptures Promoting Blessing Two examples of blessing include: In addition, God promis- es us in many scriptures to bless us if we are obedient.

Blessings are carried out by angels from heaven. Some examples of blessing follow: Blessings of long life as you continue to serve the Lord your God. Blessings of peace and happiness for you and your entire fami- ly. You will be blessed as you come in and as you go out. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. Scriptures Promoting Curses God promises curses for disobedience Ex.

Curs- es always begin with sin: Refer also to Gen. Curses are carried out by demons, principalities and powers. Indicators of a Curse typically exhibiting a minimum of two or more in combination 1. Repeated or chronic sickness 3. Barrenness, the tendency to miscarry, or other female problems 4.

Breakdown of a marriage and family alienation 5. Continuing financial insufficiency 6. A history of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths 8. There is a spiritual wall that keeps the seeker and the intercessor from receiving the spiritual insights necessary for deliverance. At such times, it is best to ask, "In the name of Jesus, is there a curse upon your life? All curses have to have a place of entry, a landing place. At times, when a curse is di- rected specifically toward someone who is a Christian, it is deflected to another person in the family. Witchdoctor curses are among the most powerful.

The seeker is literally in spiritual bondage. Sources of Curses A curse is a supernatural edict enforced by a spirit being. As we minister for the pur- pose of inner healing and come to believe there is a curse involved, there are three questions we need to ask: Seekers can be under the influence of several simultaneously.

While some ministers consider a separate category altogether for generational curses Ex. Disobedience to God Brings Cursing identified as personal sin curses: The Bible lists 37 groups of sins that result in curses of disobedience. These curses cannot be removed without repentance and obedience: Additional scriptural passages referring to curses of the law include Deut. Man Pronouncing a Curse on Behalf of God: Persons with Relational Authority: Those who have parental, spiritual, or govern- mental control over us can curse us, as in the example of Jacob and his wife, Rachel: These are sometimes called non-deliberate curses for example, words spoken by 8 Curses www.

These words are usually negative and destructive words spo- ken—and even prayed—by people close to us with whom we have soul ties or who have authority over us, such as parents or typically elder relatives. Places or homes become occupied by the presence of evil in a number of ways: Other activities that can cause defilement of the place where curses occur include: Because these activities occur as a result of the choices and actions of those involved, it gives the powers of darkness permission or a spiritual right to claim the 8 Curses www.

This is similar to what happens in our human spirit when we sin: To a less severe extent, people with evil spirits bring some evil with them and tend to leave some evil behind. Visiting such places can result in contami- nation from the curse. Coming un- der a curse occurs when one innocently does any of the following: There is no innocent or safe dabbling in the occult. The origin of any alternative medicine under consid- eration for example, Reiki, Acupuncture, and similar alternatives should first be studied carefully before allowing it.

Visits to witchdoctors or psychic healers will re- sult in curses. Visits to psychics, spiritualists, or may result in curses as well. We can open ourselves up to a curse even without our knowledge. Miriam complains against Moses and is made leprous. Repeated or chronic sickness: Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry, or other related female problems: Breakdown of a marriage and family alienation: Experiencing continued financial insufficiency: History of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths: Joshua made a vow not to attack the Gibeonites Josh 9: The curse came in the form of a famine upon David.

Broken marriage vows can bring curses. Witchcraft and Sorcery — Participation in witchcraft and sorcery always brings a curse which may include fear, poverty, and health problems. Family or Generational Curses: Seekers who live in, or come from developing countries—such as Africa, India, Latin, or South America—may have been exposed 8 Curses www. In many of these countries, babies are ceremonially dedicated to demonic gods through blood oaths at birth, and then again when they come into adolescence.

Many Christians are unaware that they or their ancestors have unwittingly made blood oaths with devils through a tradition they are required to keep—while they have only sought to be obedient to their parents in upholding these family tradi- tions. In many cases, these individuals would be disowned by their family if they failed to take part in these demonic ceremonies in disrespecting the elders of their tribe and family. Yet most of these individuals will not even speak about these things or they are unaware that such things ever took place within their family line.

In referring to Exodus Many African Americans for example are only 4 or 5 generations from their African herit- age, and while they may now be dedicated and committed Christians, the curse of previous ancestors still claims them. Examples of these curses can be found in the Chapter on Witchcraft. Many individuals living in developing countries have ancestors who moved from ru- ral areas into urban areas, carrying their spiritual baggage with them.

Inner Healing/Healing of Memories

The enemy does not have the right to afflict your life just be- cause he wants to. Breaking Curses For a curse to be broken the curse must be renounced and the individual must come under the blood oath of Christ Jesus. It is through the blood of Christ and the finished work of Atonement at Calvary that the seeker can be set free from curses, including blood oaths, witchcraft, and the curses associated with ancestral worship.

Jesus became a curse for all mankind. He transferred to Himself the curses that we are under, as at the Cross He took upon Himself all sin. However, one must appropriate the exchange by true repentance and renouncing ancestral sins. Only then does the individual come under the cleansing blood of the Lord Jesus, after which the enemy no longer has any legal spiritual right to continue to work any generational curses. These generational curses become null and void through Christ's finished work and the new blood covenant made by Jesus.