Zauberhafte Lesegeschichten rund um die Natur (German Edition)

The average revenue forecast lies at eight per cent. With a revenue of 2. The market participants are on the same page about the fact that digitalisation changes their own business models and that it makes them more efficient at the same time.

Markus Stautner

Digital interconnectivity, such as considering social media channels or IT systems for the daily operations, becomes a substantial success factor of the occupation. Jahrhundert Seit zeigt die KDS in Mainz zielsicher, dass Personalberatung nicht immer steif und trocken sein muss.

Wir berichten wie Popcorn und Personalberatung zusammen passen. Wenn wir an Personalberatung denken, kommt oft ein sehr verstaubtes Bild auf. Dynamisch und smart sollte es sein. Und heute ist klar, dass Steffen Andreas damit voll ins Schwarze getroffen hat. Neben der effizienten Zeitarbeitervermitt-. Einmal die Woche wird ein Teammeeting angesetzt. In meinem Team sind alle authentisch. Genau das spricht sich rum.

l’usage du mot / notes for soloists / zaroum · Gedichte

Zauberhafte Lesegeschichten rund um die Natur (German Edition) eBook: Feride Yurtseven, Doreen Fant: Kindle Store. See details and download book: Ebook Free Download The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho Zauberhafte Lesegeschichten Rund Um Die Natur German Edition.

Richtig, da war ja noch was: Und warum das Team um Steffen Andreas herum das macht? Und damit soll er Recht behalten, denn 90 Prozent seiner Bewerber- und Kundenkontakte entstehen durch direkte Empfehlungen. Interim Management und Outplacement runden das bestehende Service- und Beratungsangebot inzwischen ab. Active Sourcing hat bei Pharecon schon fast Tradition: Seit werden verschiedene Netzwerke intensiv genutzt, um Kontakte anzubahnen, zu pflegen und auszubauen.

Eine geringere Fluktuation bedeutet: No top assistants, no top leader. But often the impact of an outstanding assistant is widely underestimated. Thanks to many years of working as an executive assistant, Barbara Sellke knows the needs of both sides. She supports businesses in the DACH-region during the recruitment process of top assistants and thereafter. Im Grunde ist es einfach: When talking to Sellke it quickly becomes clear that she is extremely passionate about her work and knows it inside out.

And above all, she never stops seeing her clients as individuals. As a human resource consultant Sellke feels responsible for two sides. On the one hand she wants to bring the best candidate to her client and on the other she feels a responsibility towards the candidate. Through her own experience, Sellke knows that applicants are not always treated respectfully and she is very aware of that responsibility.

She is the first internal and external point of contact. She is a source of calm for the executive and management team. The more trusting and intensely the micro-team of executive and assistant work together, the more effective the teamwork within the management team is. Sie ist erster interner und externer Kontaktpunkt. She finds the perfect match of candidate and client and supports them long-term.

I also coach the client. Her expertise and warmth speaks for itself and that is a bulletproof recipe for success. Ihr Team von links nach rechts: Die Suche gestaltet das Team von Nistler Consulting vielschichtig und umsichtig. Welche Unternehmenskultur herrscht vor und wie ist die Organisation aufgestellt?

Welche Marktposition nimmt das Unternehmen ein? Innovating the shopping experience In recent years, technology has significantly contributed to retail success in many different ways. Daraus entsteht ein dreifach positiver Effekt: Besonders deutlich wird dies am Beispiel Disney, deren Flagships-. Dann wird das Licht gedimmt, es leuchtet der Sternenhimmel, es riecht nach Moos Diese neue Technologie hatte einen unerwartet hohen Einfluss auf den Umsatz.

The fitting of a new store is supposed to be finalised quickly and in good quality. During the course of my postgraduate studies I had already noticed a lack of general contractors for innovative and high-quality shop fitting. This observation served as a basis for our idea to become a European service provider and general contractor for high-quality shop fittings and to offer our services at reasonable prices in Western Europe.

Eigentlich ist es ja ganz einfach: Innovative helpers for stimulating shopping experiences They are part of most shopping experiences but probably hardly ever acknowledged by customers. Shop owners on the other hand need them: JEGAB has been an important player on the market for display solutions for 35 years. The company stands out by the extraordinary and exquisite quality of its products, a wide choice of innovative solutions that solve even the most unusual promotional circumstances, as well as a strong focus on excellent customer service. As we have been successfull on the market for such a long time, we have solid knowledge of a vast variety of areas which serves as an excellent inspiration for new product ideas.

It gives us the opportunity to get in personal contact with long-time as well as brand new customers. The advantages of these holders are numerous: They are easily fitted and dismantled and promotional displays can easily be changed. Gewerbetreibende hingegen kommen ohne sie nicht aus: ZGS equipped the airport with a clever, comprehensive emergency lighting solution. Lighting as a service: Creating unique lighting solutions through expertise Zumtobel Group Services ZGS is a full-service provider on the lighting market. This includes, for example, project management for turnkey lighting solutions and digital software services connecting the lighting infrastructure with the Internet of Things IoT.

With the foundation of ZGS, the Zumtobel Group has widened its portfolio, going beyond traditional lighting solutions. As a full-service provider, ZGS advises on all aspects of lighting, from the first concept, to installation and maintenance. Especially in the areas industry, logistics, shops and retail, we see great potential. Furthermore lighting plays an important role in the development of the Internet of Things as an infrastructure carrier.

In future, smart lighting will basically have more than just a visual purpose.

Lighting as IoT infrastructure unlocks numerous new possibilities. For instance, data provided by the lighting control system and integrated sensors can support space management in office applications. This helps the building manager to determine to what extent meeting rooms or offices are actually used, and thus allow their optimisation. And this leads to considerable cost savings. About the Zumtobel Group The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group, leading in the areas of innovative lighting solutions and components.

Virtual International Authority File

As a company with tradition, the Sielaff enterprise offers reliable and successful supply management — ever since KG is situated in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg, with its headquarters in the town of Herrieden. The enterprise counts employees and has generated sales of more than million euros in in the sectors of vending machines, reverse vending systems and services. KG Automatenbau ihren Stammsitz in Herrieden. The trade demands an effective and intelligent processing of empties showing partially extreme similarities without any major personnel costs, easily adapting to new container types and in accordance with the Deutsche Pfandsystem GmbH criteria.

Independent retailers count to the Sielaff client list as well as retail group decision makers and large discounters. The Sielaff modular concept allows combining various components and facilitates adapting the sorting line length to the spacial circumstances at hand. At the EuroCIS, Sielaff will set a focus on progressive background processing and its practical application.

A customer-oriented attitude and comprehensive after-sales service ensure the best possible solution for each individual client. So kann das Unternehmen mit jahrelanger internationaler Erfahrung im Energiesektor und individuell ausgearbeiteten Energiekonzepten punkten. Heute gibt es vier zentrale Standbeine: Die utility scale-Projekte, sowie die Bereiche energy services, energy systems und energy efficiency.

Es ist dabei wichtig, dass alle Komponenten sinnvoll aufeinander abgestimmt werden. Moritz Wickert nennt ein Beispiel: Diesen Vorteil haben bereits viele Industriekunden, Logistikunternehmen und auch Filialisten erkannt. In jedem Fall arbeitet man mit voller Kraft auf der Sonnenseite der Energiewende. Solaranlage auf dem Dach eines Logistikunternehmens. Der Ansatz ist schlicht und ergreifend: Wohin gehe ich, schlage ich neue Wege ein — was passt zu mir und wie kann ich dabei meine Abfindung effizient zum Einsatz bringen? Neue Wege mussten gefunden werden, und das schnell. Sie begann ihren Berufsweg nach dem Studium direkt mit dem Einstieg ins Management und leitete die Kundenberatung eines internationalen Fuhrparkmanagers.

Als probates Mittel gegen etwa Angst, Wut oder Zorn sollen mit der Hilfe von Tontechnikern passende musikalische Schwingungen gefunden, analysiert und in ihrer Wirkung durch eine wissenschaftliche Studie belegt werden. Februar in Wien stattfinden 10 bis 18 Uhr. Arbeiten im Rahmen des digitalen Zeitalters, auch Arbeitswelt 4.

Wir leben bereits in einem Zeitalter, das flexibel, individuell und interaktiv ist. Er ist auf die Beratung nationaler und multinationaler Unternehmen mit Schwerpunkt Risk Advisory spezialisiert, insbesondere in den Bereichen Forensic und Investigations, Compliance und Unternehmensethik, sowie Datenanalytik und Prozessmanagement. Denn digitaler Fortschritt bedeutet immer auch neue Herausforderungen im Bereich Sicherheit.

Die Stecknadel kann nur gefunden werden, wenn man im richtigen Heuhaufen sucht. Dabei spielt es auch keine Rolle aus welcher Branche das Unternehmen kommt, denn heute haben wir es alle mit der digitalen Welt zu tun. Um wirklich auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, braucht man einen starken Partner, der die Welt der Forensic in und auswendig kennt, sie beherrscht und dem man das notwendige Vertrauen gerne entgegenbringt. Grant Thornton hat nicht nur einen weltweit exzellenten Ruf, der auf jahrelangem Erfolg und fundierten Erfahrungswerten beruht, sondern hebt sich durch das globale Netzwerk meilenweit von der Konkurrenz ab.

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Mehr Informationen sind auf der folgenden Website zu finden. Beratung und Information im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung. Lately, two projects integrating both thermal solar modules and photovoltaic elements have kept the team of 21 more than busy: For both projects, architectural and energy concepts form an aesthetic synthesis: Innovative solar technology is visually integrated into the overall design, avoiding any artificial, technoid appearance.

Thermal solar collectors form the large new facade elements for the Schwamendingen conversion and provide hot water, both for heating and household needs. They change colour according to the respective viewing angle. On the roofs, the respective technologies are applied the other way round: Photovoltaic technology on the roof of the conversion, and solar thermal power for the new buildings. Both projects exceed the highest possible Swiss minergie standards: While the new construction is aimed at becoming a zero-heating-house, the conversion will even produce a surplus of energy for heating, airing and hot water all year round.

Ever since, we have further developed these early ideas, applying Swiss quality and precision. Our architecture provides an answer to the current energy and climate crisis, contributing to the preservation of creation. I came across a really fascinating legal issue the other day that I had never stopped to think about and thought that I should share it with you — the inheritance of digital assets. If, like me, you have a library at home where you can retreat with a drink in the evening, sit in your comfy chair by the fire, and delve into a good book, there will be no question that these books will eventually be inherited by whoever you have in mind or rather in your will whether or not they then end up in a charity shop.

But today, things like books, music and photos are increasingly stored in electronic form by users if they are not streamed in the first place. Some of these assets can have sometimes significant monetary value, sometimes they are of purely sentimental interest to friends and family. As the licence agreements, end user licence agreements, or terms and condi-.

Indeed, most user agreements do not even mention transmission on death. For the lawyers amongst you, there will be interesting legal and jurisdictional issues, such as the question of whether English or Californian law applies as lex situs to the digital assets held by an English person who passed away in England but which are located on a server in Silicon Valley, and whether they are movable or immovable, tangible or intangible property, but that all gets a bit technical. With regard to social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, a fairly common practice appears to have developed not to disclose usernames and passwords or other login credentials to executors and heirs.

In the case, for example, of artists, writers, or musicians, those records can be of great historical and scholarly importance. Even where the deceased leaves behind a written note of his username and password, account access by a third party may well constitute unauthorised access under the applicable licence terms and lead to the relevant account being closed.

Football lingo — the delights of the German and French vocabulary In this column, author Adam Jacot de Boinod explores the weird and wonderful world of German and French vocabulary and discovers some rather interesting terms. It is no surprise that the nation that currently holds the World Cup should have gathered an evocative vocabulary for the highs and lows of watching a football match: The following word 63 letters was supposedly the longest in the German language but has been considered too much for the bureaucrats and has been consigned as obsolete.

Trente-six The French language interestingly refers to many things in terms of the number thirty-six: I have many things to do - tous les trente-six du mois: He is a British author having written three books about unusual words with Penguin Press. Winter is in full flow and it is still the perfect time to learn how to ski or build a snowman.

But do not fret, even if you have had enough of the icy weather, there are many events lined up for culture, music and party fans with one of the most exciting film festivals, the Berlinale, happening right in the middle of the month. Not to mention the legendary Cologne Carnival, a spectacle certainly not to be missed. Bob and Roberta Smith, This artist is deeply dangerous, , signwriting enamel on found materials from Vicking Bay, x cm 9 panels. Held at the Messe Westfallenhalle there will be around exhibitors showing anything and everything around hunting, dogs, sporting goods, toys and games.

Transmediale, Berlin 31 January — 4 February Transmediale is a special festival, which challenges people to explore and rethink their daily relationship with technology and encourage a critical understanding of art, culture and politics in a society shaped by the media. There are also various conferences and workshops around the exhibition. White Turf — International Horseraces, St. Moritz 4, 11, 18 February White Turf is a unique event featuring worldclass horse-racing, gourmet catering, music and even art exhibitions.

The location for these amazing series of events is the frozen lake among the stunning snow-capped mountains of St Moritz. This spectacular event is not just for the rich and famous but also attracts locals, race-horse owners, trainers and jockeys from all over the world every year to meet up. Bob and Roberta Smith: The art space becomes an art school and visitors are turned into art students. The exhibition prompts the audience to question and examine the motifs of artistic practice. Cologne Carnival 8 — 14 February These days are without a doubt the most exciting ones in Cologne and the rest of the Rhineland.

Fancy dress as far as the eye can see. Best of Mozart - Concert and Dinner, Salzburg 10 — 24 February This series of concerts takes place each Saturday right at the impressive castle overlooking idyllic Salzburg. A three-course gourmet candlelight dinner can be booked before the concert, which is an excellent way to start the evening before enjoying some outstanding music performed by the renowned Salzburger Mozart Ensemble and the Mozart Kammerorchester Salzburg. Taking place at the legendary Viktualienmarkt, the so-called Marktweiber will do their annual traditional dance.

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Berlin Independent Film Festival 14 — 20 February This is the European home of the top filmmakers in the low-budget independent film sector. It gives emerging talent from across the world a wonderful opportunity to showcase their works and network in a professional environment. Certainly the best way to see what the next generation of film is doing right now. Packed with a diverse program for kids and adults alike, this weekend promises to be a lot of fun and turns the entire city into a vibrant carnival hotpot.

Tanzolymp — International Dance Festival, Berlin 15 — 19 February This annual dance event attracts young dancers between 10 and 21 years of age from all over the world. Competitions run alongside workshops and there are prestigious scholarships for leading international ballet schools to be won. It is the biggest of its kind in Bavaria and has artificial lakes, bicycle parks and climbing facilities amongst many other highlights.

Over 1, exhibitors from around 60 countries come to Munich every year to show the newest trends to the excited crowd. On 16 January , the world celebrated the th anniversary of the escalator. Which is why I can share the following information with you: The metre-long escalator taking visitors up to the Plaza, a public viewing platform at a height of 37 metres above ground, is the longest of its kind in western Europe and, according to the Finnish manufacturer, the only one worldwide that forms an arc.

Might come in handy one day, you never know. And here are the facts: Apparently, if all escalators installed by the company were joined together, they would be long enough to scale a kilometre-high mountain. They offer centimetre options as well as 53,68 metre ones not as long as the ones from their Finnish colleagues, though! Ok, enough of that. Why, oh why does everything, or rather everyone stop on escalators exaggerating slightly for the purposes of this column?

Not the worst combination, after all. Barbara Geier is a London-based freelance writer, translator and communications consultant. She is also the face behind www. Communication Design , Best of Best for highest design quality For more information: Tyrolean Property Dreams In close vicinity to prominent ski areas and at a much better price per square metre, Kristall Spaces AG serves those savvy buy- ers who are looking for high-quality holiday homes in prime locations at agreeable conditions — also as an investment. Thronsaal des Schloss Neuschwansteins.

Cocoa farmer from Nicaragua. Exquisite, mechanical timepieces since Exquisite, mechanische Uhren seit The Biel-based watch brand Votum stands for exceptional inner beauty, elegant, timeless design and top Swiss watchmaking tradition. Earrings in 18 carat white gold with diamonds. Nicole Grob bei der Arbeit. Rotgold 18 Karat Ring mit tiefblauem Saphir. Design enthusiasts appre- Unique, adaptable shelf systems. TYROLIA Only perfection ensures safety In order to fully enjoy skiing, safety has to be of utmost priority, and what makes skiing safe in the first place is the ski binding.

Die passende Skibindung und ihr Einstellwert bezieht sich auf Eigenschaften wie www. Moritz Gourmet Festival in A tour of nine famous film locations in Germany Checkpoint Charlie. In the action film Big Game, however, the Zugspitze was supposed to be part of the icy wilderness in Finland. The Museum of Music Automatons. Finally, in the Tanzsaal dancing hall , one can get to know music boxes that seem to have small, whole orchestras inside them.

Of course, there are exceptions such as Deutschland 83 but primarily you have to think about the German audience in Germany. Pool with a view. Roomers Spa by Shan Rahimkhan. Since then, visitors have flocked to the island to dis- The bath village of Bansin. Thus, Usedom offers tasty Pomeranian dishes, regional products and fresh fish in great fish restaurants and several gourmet havens where award-winning star cooks prepare first-class dishes with fresh, seasonal products.

Being one with nature has never been so easy. And of course, there is the absolute highlight of the hotel, the impressive Giessbach Falls, which thunder down from metres and across 14 steps. At night, they are skilfully illuminated and add a dramatic flair to the fairytale castle. No matter the season, it is an irresistible package that attracts travellers from all over the world time and time again. The perfect event location all year long The hotel is popular not only to unwind in and leave the noise of the city behind, but also for events of any kind, from corporate to fairytale weddings.

We welcome just as many business travellers as nature lovers or families. We also have a lot of Swiss guests because they appreciate how authentic our hotel has remained and there is also a great deal of emotion attached to it as it has been saved by the people of Switzerland in the eighties. Can you hear the Giessbach Falls calling your name yet? With a personal touch and ready to help at any point, she accompanies couples from the planning phase to the delivery of the final pictures.

Finding the right wedding photographer is not easy: The photographer will be around in private or even tense moments, when the nerves of bride and groom are running high. Elfi Rassers is an expert when it comes to destination weddings, when couples want to, for example, celebrate their wedding on a vineyard in Tuscany, or in a finca in Spain, at a wide sandy beach or high up in the mountains.

Elfi Rasser always gives clients a wedding guide with tips and tricks they might need to get the perfect pictures. Otherwise, the pictures taken by Elfi Rasser contain a lot of people with phones in their hands, but not the emotions of this special moment. Putting up a friendly and funny sign asking people not to take pictures can be the solution.

Elfi Rasser not only delivers the pictures in digital forms, because USBdrives, for instance, can get lost very easily. Elfi Rasser by 11i-photography. The Hanseatic city turns In , the glorious seaport in northern Germany celebrates its th anniversary. Even though I had grown up only two hours drive away from Rostock, I had never managed to visit but chose to travel the world instead. With the big anniversary this year however, it was finally time to make the journey. Built in as a two-storey double gabled building with a vaulted cellar, it was used as a store in the Middle Ages.

Its five clockworks are wound up every day and show the accurate indication of the time, the phases of the moon and the solar year as well as numerous data on the calendar disc. The last disc comprised the years from to and a new one was affixed to the clock on 1 January , thus officially commencing the th anniversary celebrations in Rostock.

The other historical buildings that once stood here were destroyed in an Allied air-raid in , then rebuilt in a simplified manner so that the market square still looks old even though most of it is not. Founded in , Rostock University is the oldest in the entire Baltic region. An acquired taste for most foreigners, it is a staple food in the local cuisine and one I can not get enough of. Every year on the second weekend of August th in , one of the largest meetings of traditional sailing and museum ships worldwide is hosted here. The Hanse Sail attracts about participating vessels, cruise ships, ferries and naval boats and about one million visitors.

As an additional highlight in the. Under sunny skies, we wandered past typical fishermen houses and 19th century vil-. Nearly 37 metres high, it offers sweeping vistas of the Baltic Sea and the northern districts of Rostock. With the day coming to an end, I ran into the sea. As the gentle waves cooled my ankles, I turned around and looked at the vast promenade, white dunes, charming old villas and a beach sprinkled with the iconic beach chairs.

Feeling right at home again in this beautiful coastal part of Germany, I could not help but agree that sometimes the good is indeed close at hand. Nachhaltig, regional und bio: Regionale Produkte und Nachhaltigkeit stehen dabei im Fokus. Das Hotel stellt nach und nach auch die Zimmer auf umweltfreundliche Inneneinrichtung um, mit, zum Beispiel, Wenatex-Schlafsystemen. Ein Bio-Hotel ist das Vitalhotel Sonneck aber nicht: So nimmt das Hotel an der Aktion LandZunge www. Bezirk von Wien, direkt hinter dem Parlament und dem Rathaus. Es hat damit die perfekte Lage, um das imperiale Wien zu erkunden.

Jedes Zimmer hat eine individuelle Note und ist einem Patenwinzer gewidmet. Die entsprechenden Weine finden sich in der Minibar. Ein anderer Gast schreibt im April Hier hat das Hotel mehr als ausgezeichnete Bewertungen. Revolutionising the camping industry More and more families, couples and even single travellers are beginning to experience camping holidays for themselves.

Heute fertigt bimobil praktische pick-up Systeme sowie ausgefallene Fernreise- und Expeditionsmobile. At the moment, the heaviest bimobil demand is for overland and expedition vehicles, particularly the EX, EX and LBX models, many on Iveco 4x4 bases. It is the height of the holiday season! The most joyful weeks of the year are marked by a delightful lack of alarm clocks, meetings or deadlines.

Holidays in camper vans by roadsurfer only serve to add to the pleasures of that carefree holiday feeling.

VIAF ID: 54268644 (Personal)

Susanne Dickhardt, co-founder and managing partner at camper van rental company roadsurfer GmbH. Is there anything better than whiling away the time with your friends, partner or family? We provide our customers with helpful tips for their very own dream camping holiday and, as an extra bonus, add free mileage so our customers can enjoy their holidays exactly where they want. Depending on the model, they fit groups of between two to five people. All of our campers are equipped with a fully functioning kitchen as well as camping equipment for camping newbies.

You always fancy experiencing the exceptional feeling of freedom without limits? In that case, roadsurfer is your perfect partner! You can easily book their campers online and, starting in , also collect them from international locations. Der Reisekomfort der Campervans von roadsurfer steht an oberster Stelle: The award-winning manufacturer EMUK designs both universal mirrors as well as special editions and adaptations.

A customised fit for more than different models optimises the connection between product and vehicle, easily installed and vibration-free. In addition, the outer appearance is complemented by the mirror design, all the way through to matching colours. Das Design wird dabei dem Erscheinungsbild der Original-Spiegel angepasst und ist bis hin zur Farbauswahl adaptierbar. Made of a highly stress-, acid-, fuel- and oil-resistant material, the pads provide continuous height adjustment from 1. With a bearing capacity of 11 tonnes, the AirLift beats the optimal values of all common wheel levellers currently available on the market.

The family business started out 30 years ago, and became a corporation in With a compact team of 12 and additional employees during high season, EMUK manufactures individual and universal caravan and automobile mirrors and accessories for a national and international clientele. The stylish and carefully manufactured EMUK products with an eye for detail have yielded awards ever since , most recently the German Design Award Special for their latest vehicle-specific caravan mirror design.

To travel with your own mobile home is a fantastic feeling. Unsere Vans sind genau das: Camper vans suited for everyday life are currently enjoying great popularity. Vans by Kompanja impress with their elaborate design. The vehicles are made to suit all kinds of life situations a seven-seater, for example, becomes a removal van in a flash. However, each step needs to be simple and easy. This is probably owed to the love we put into the design and the choice of materials. And once you feel at home, the van gives you a lot of freedom.

Campingbusse, also alltagstaugliche Wohnmobile, sind deswegen gerade schwer im Trend. Die Vans von Kompanja punkten vor allem durch ihren Nutzwert: Jeder Schritt muss dabei einfach von der Hand gehen.

Discover Germany, Issue 59, February by Scan Group - Issuu

September und auf der Hausmesse am Mallorca, Zakinthos, or maybe even the Caribbean? Well, why not include Germany on this list of summer destinations? With the incredible islands of the North Sea and the beautiful beaches of the Baltic Sea, Germany has everything you need for the perfect summer getaway. It is true, you will not see temperatures soaring into the 30s, but who needs that much of a tan when you have such beautiful scenery to explore?

German tourism has been steadily growing for each of the the last eight years, with tourists not only keen to see the main cities such as Berlin and Munich, but also to drink in the serenity and beauty of its beaches. From the vibrant North Sea island of Sylt, to the quaint fishing village of Scharbeutz on the Baltic Sea, we have got the best of German beaches covered.

The charming island of Amrum, located just south of Sylt, has long had the reputation of being a great day-trip to tour mudflats or for bird-watching. However, with an array of spas and fantastic seafood. The island is nearly deserted, with seemingly more seals than holiday-makers. The incredibly wide Kniepsand beach stretches 10 kilometres and seems to consume the entire island! This giant sandy expanse is not only great for catching up with nature, it is also a fantastic spot for swimming and water sports.

With winds reaching gale force six, it is perfect for windsurfers, wakeboarders and sailors alike. This island is littered with luxurious resorts, quaint fishing villages, stunning national parks and 60 kilometres of white sand beaches.

  • Discover Germany, Issue 65, August by Scan Group - Issuu.
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The much-loved steam-powered locomotives are coming up to years old and plod along at less than 30 kilometres per hour. The picturesque Dornbusch Lighthouse offers a perfect backdrop for long walks through the meadows and dunes of this remote landscape. If all you are looking for is sunshine, look no further! Usedom, bordering Poland on the Baltic Sea, is renown for its good weather. With 45 kilometres of pristine beach, you will have no problem in finding a slice of Baltic paradise to drink in the sun rays. This wicker chair phenomenon is prevalent on almost all German beaches.

Get cosy in your own private shady zone. For more than 40 years, Dr Koch has been a leader in the luxury real estate market in Vienna and its affluent suburbs, offering old-style apartments, penthouses and villas, as well as plots for new developments. The company also sells good-value properties and hotels in Croatia and Mallorca. As one of the leading real estate agents in Vienna, Dr Koch advises sellers on how to market their properties most successfully in, for example, a bidding process.

With many years of experience and a wide network, the real estate agents have become specialists in, among other things, exclusive properties in Vienna. The company also has a good reputation internationally. Dr Koch offers investment in secure countries with land register systems similar to Austria or Germany.

All properties sold internationally lie directly at the beach or at least have an ocean view. They are in close proximity to an airport and in quiet neighbourhoods with good infrastructure. The five-star hotel near Opatija in Istria promises a high return of investment gradable six per cent. Croatian lawyers, assessors, developers and tax consultants are available on site. The energy supply of heating and cooling is ensured by geothermal energy.

Fantastically quiet plots 3. Viennas most prominent location, quiet luxury villa - carefully restored - with timeless furnishing for about 1 Mio, next to all local suppliers. What does the future of mobility and logistics look like on the road, in the air, on water or on tracks? The global trends of digitisation and decarbonisation are changing this field rapidly. The director of the Hypermotion trade fair, Danilo Kirschner, explains that digitisation and decarbonisation have a big impact on mobility and logistics: At Hypermotion we present solutions for that problem.

A fantastic meeting point, the event attracts established companies, pioneers, entrepreneurs and educators alike. At the Hypermotion, a new generation of mobility and logistic experts meets established companies, associations and politicians. The Hypermotion Lab is stage and future opportunity for newcomers and for exciting expert talks — with pitches, hackathon, tech-talks and speed networking.

Such an architectural task is hardly solvable: First prize competition, Eckhard Gerber With rising global population figures, our cities and global metropolises expand rapidly too. The accompanying diversity of art and culture is reflected in an almost unlimited variety of form and shape in our buildings. Since the foundation in , Prof. Eckhard Gerber and his team have embraced this significant social task and have successfully realised over worldwide projects since, while achieving more than competition successes.

Architects and urban planners, landscape architects, engineers and interior designers, but also social scientists, futurologists and experts for sustainability are working together to find solutions for tasks that have become increasingly complex. Um so mehr ist es notwendig in der Vielfalt auch das Einheitliche zu finden, also gut organisierte, ordnende Strukturen sowohl in der Archi-. Thus, rooms should become a place, and therefore the place should become a social event. Eckhard Gerber Today, the many varieties of architectural expressions as opposed to earlier, uniform stylistic eras are especially impressive.

Our contemporary architecture consists of very different, consistently reinvented and newly created, individ-. Hereby, architecture assumes an important role. Through structured spatial ideas, urbanistic approaches, overlaps and interconnections, it specifically determines urban devel-. It is precisely for this reason that it is important to Gerber Architekten to cover a diverse task spectrum with their work.

Therefore, the office can look back on a multitude of different references today. Next to the U-Tower, two vocational colleges, a creative office block, as well as a public parking garage which has been put into the slope developed on a 20,square-metre-large area. Fertigstellung des U-Viertels Wettbewerbsarbeit CBD in Jinan, China The strong economic development also leads to a progressive urbanisation of cities in China — like in the city of Jinan.

The building ensemble consists of two office towers that are different in height and stand offset to one another but are connected through two connecting structures and a green courtyard. Aschaber designs functional spaces with a special impact, where you do not only feel good but where everything fits perfectly, down to the smallest detail. During my studies I focused on technology and the detail. Because the right detail is crucial. In addition, the interplay between terrain and the main orientation of the building is a crucial factor thanks to our Alpine landscape with its steep sites.

Conversions, alterations and new buildings for the hospitality industry are also part of its portfolio. Aschaber deliberately chose a small team because he values the direct exchange with his clients. The ambitious architect gets his inspiration from his daily life: Christoph Aschaber wurde die Architektur praktisch in die Wiege gelegt. Bei meiner Ausbildung fokussierte ich mich auf die Technik und das Detail.

Deswegen entwickle ich schon im Zuge des Entwurfes die konstruktiven Details und deren Umsetzung. Denn das richtige Detail ist entscheidend. Seine Inspiration bekommt der ambitionierte Architekt. Enhancing lives New consumer electronic and technology trends are something we all look forward to because they can make our lives significantly easier, help us in different ways and are fascinating to learn more about. First of all, a current trend that you might have already seen around this year is convertible laptops and tablets. This term describes more convertible devices than contemporary laptops.

For example, the Lenova X1 Yoga is a convertible laptop with a keyboard that can be folded behind the device. When the user wants to use the keyboard, it can be unfolded again. This type of tablet or laptop offers a high degree of functionality and this trend is therefore sure to expand further this year. Another exciting development is within the smart home area. Smart home devices have gained in popularity over the past few years but more and more interesting products come to the market and promise to make our lives even more sustainable and easier.

Of course, this article also needs to mention the omnipresent augmented reality trend which brings elements of the virtual world into our real world and thus, is a really useful tool for everyday live and. Additionally, have you heard of companion robots? This year, robots will not just do housework for you, as they are now meant to provide entertainment and companionship too. Honda, for example, recently showcased robotic concepts that are supposed to assist humans and which were even able to show facial expressions through artificial intelligence.

Speaking of artificial intelligence, this also describes a big trend of Artificial intelligence seems to be in everything right now, whether that might be products, vehicles, consumer goods or even smart cities. And, of course, connected devices seem to be everywhere too, and that also includes innovative sensors. Amongst other things, it can check your sun expo-.

That is definitely an interesting trend to look out for and signals a new class of wearables. Other topics you should look out for in the field, include wireless charging, LED TVs, drones, 3D printers and many more be. Three user features stand out: Drei Anwender-Features stechen besonders hervor: For live-entertainment ticketing, the view of all seats in locations like concert halls, opera houses or stadiums, is particularly very appealing.

Panono ist definitiv auf der Erfolgsspur. One thing is clear: Panono is certainly on the road to even more success. Visit our shop at: Find out more at www. Imagine a home in which your devices and appliances work together and make your life easier. The connectedhome idea has been around for a while, but conventional smart home products can often be cumbersome. Der Traum jedes Technikliebhabers: Eve Systems has always understood how to recognise and leverage trends at an early stage. Eve products offer a number of advantages: To name a few: Eve Degree, a precision weather station that tracks conditions over time.

Eve Thermo, a connected radiator valve that enables temperature control via Siri voice commands and energy-saving heating schedules. Einfacher, da ohne Netzwerkkonfiguration. Sicherer und privater, da ohne Herstellercloud. September - EUR ,- inkl. Built-in coffee automat EH KA. Kaiser - Power in action Kaiser - Power in action Kaiser specialises in producing high quality home appliances featuring attractive designs and cutting edge technology at affordable prices.

Their production meets the highest standards of quality and environmental protection. Kaiser focuses on gas and electric ovens, induction and ceramic hobs, as well as gas hobs, extractor hoods, microwaves, and other appliances — anything that the sophisticated customer may desire. Kaiser specialises in the individual and varied needs of its customers and stands for precise, energy-efficient and safe solo and integrated home appliances.

In its large production range of devices you can find model series in retro design: Am Vorabend des Webasto is a pioneering German supplier of sunroofs, panorama and convertible roofs as well as heating systems for all drive types. Recently, Webasto added charging solutions and battery systems to their range. The company shows that innovation pays off as it is continuously setting technology trends — and has been doing so for decades.

Based near Munich, Webasto is always looking for new business areas aligned with their expertise. At the moment, the focus is on the development of a product and service range for electromobility with charging solutions and battery systems. Webasto produces high-quality charging stations that enable electric cars to be charged safely, easily and quickly. Thanks to the combination of hardware, installation, service and connectivity, Webasto.

The highly compatible stationary charging stations have an output of up to 22 kilowatts and comply with the highest safety and quality standards and OEM standards. At the Schaidt plant, every electronic unit is tested before it is installed in the charging station. It is designed for automotive manufactures and commercial customers and will be available by the end of this year. When autonomous vehicles, also known as automated vehicles, self-driving or driver-less cars, have made the headlines recently, it has normally been in the context of road traffic accidents.

There are obviously different levels of automation.

The EU Commission expects the first vehicles driving themselves to hit the roads by and be commonplace by The EU sees autonomous vehicles in the context of the internet of things. Little surprise, therefore, that we witness a development race between traditional car makers and technology giants like Google as to who will bring their product to the starting line first.

Much of the legal thinking on self-driving cars goes back to a Government review published in under the title The pathway to driverless cars, which mapped out plans for updating UK laws and regulations to allow these vehicles onto the roads and encourage further development of the technology. The testing of automated vehicles on public roads is already legal in the UK, provided that a driver is present, takes responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle, and provided that insurance cover is in place.

Still back in , the government published a Code of Practice for testing of automated vehicle technologies; while not mandatory, the Code sets out guidelines for the use of automated vehicles. Further work has been done since, for example, on cybersecurity principles for connected and automated vehicles in , and the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill is expected to receive royal assent in the near future. Some of the key issues that will need to be addressed to bring the legal framework up to speed include: A particular challenge will lie in the cross-border use of these vehicles.

The EU is equally active in this field, with the Europe on the Move strategy earlier this year leading to publication of a final third mobility package, as well as publishing a proposed initiative. Given that I actually enjoy driving, I will dread the day and will probably spend my time imprisoned in a self-driving plastic bubble, fondly remembering the days of carburettor engines, banks of analogue dials on wooden dashboards, and of speedometer needles touching kilometres per hour on empty autobahns.

When driving a car well and driving it fast was an honest fight between man and machine. Let us take a look at what he has found. The Germans have come up with some very useful descriptions of the nuances of modern love: Prince Charming literally, the blue prince - stampa rosa: He is a British author having written three books about unusual words with Penguin Press. Culture Calendar Filled with summer activities, August promises to be a lot of fun and it is probably your final chance to really enjoy the warm weather across Europe.

Festivals of everything from music to dance and theatre fill the calendar this month. Plenty of opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, both in the city and the countryside, and make the most of summer We bring you a great selection of events across Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Bregenz Festival until 20 August The legendary theatre festival with the stunning backdrop of Lake Bregenz is a very popular destination for theatre aficionados from around the world. The Berlin Beer Festival brings beer-brewing countries together during this three-day folk festival, where around breweries from 90 countries serve approximately 2, different beer specialties.

Norbert ist seit 13 Jahren bei OMD Hamburg und war von Anfang an an allen wesentlichen strukturellen und inhaltlichen Entwicklungen der Agentur beteiligt. ALLE Meine spannende Aufgabe ist es, diese herausfordernde Entwicklung mitzugestalten. Durch die Beratung von Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und einen Zwischenstopp bei einem weiteren internationalen Agenturnetzwerk konnte ich umfangreiche Erfahrungen im Digital- und Marketingbereich sammeln.

Was mich inspiriert Eine gute Geschichte. Seit ein paar Jahren widme ich mich mit voller Begeisterung der digitalen Mediawelt — mit Fokus auf neue Marketingtechnologien. Und nicht zuletzt erwarten mich an jedem Standort nette Kollegen!