Billy the Mountain

Billy The Mountain

Elusive Butterfly peaked at No.

Lind then 23 did the usual touring dates, appeared on TV and got quite a bit of press. The album "Dont be Concerned" was released in Feb and spent 2 weeks in the Billboard top chart. Here's a very interesting thing though: Coming into the summer of Linds chart status was deffinitely gone due to the 2 competing label albums. And now the source of inspiration for ya too.

This is the B side of our platter, sports fans And I'm singing just for you--covered in sequins! As far as I know, they developed in England independently of the Mothers, coming from trad-jazz and English music-hall traditions. I've never heard any band members' comments on FZ, or vice-versa. Howard Johnson's, ahhh there's a Howard Johnson's!

Wanna eat some clams? I can only guess that there may have been a band joke about an occasion when they had clams at Howard Johnson's. I believe the Breaded Fried Clams were a staple on their menu. There used to be one on Indian Hill blvd. It is a joke about Howard Johnson's restaurants, which are famous for clams. There's also "muff diving", etc. The first noteworhty piece of real estate they destroyed was Edwards Air Force Base.

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And to this very day, wing-nuts. My guess would be that data reduction clerks are responsible for destroying shredding classified data.

They'd sit there all day and type information into a computer in aerospace, it could be information concerning the status of whatever projects are being built, inventory control, etc. Wing-nuts would fill out paper forms on the work they are doing, and the forms would be sent to Data Reduction to be entered in, then the forms would be returned to the mechanics, or else filed in case a computer glitch occurs and then later destroyed. That was back then. Nowadays they have terminals right in the hangar, and the mechanics enter most of the info into the computer directly themselves.

The vain, pretentious, and insincere Ted Baxter is a pretty good imitation of George Putnam. George Putnam was fond of digging up obscure sources and conspiracies that were totally unlikely His theme song is "Everybody's Talkin'" by Harry Nillsson. He's always making in-jokes about going out with the guest after the show to have a "Buttermilk" his code word for booze. When someone tells him something even mildly surprising or unexpected, he bellows in his most stentorian tone, "THINK of it!!!

However, we can assure parents in the Southern California area that a recent narcotic crackdown in Torrence Please refer to Thomas guide pages 23,24,25,15,16,17 etc. Within the week, Jerry Lewis had hosted. It's, of course, Jerry Lewis the comedian, famous for Muscular Dystrophy telethons the world over! And a few miles right outside of town Billy caused a ' Oh mein papa ' in the earth's crust, right over the secret underground.

Billy the Mountain

A million-selling 1 record by Eddie Fisher in A pun on "fissure". The KEY word has been left out here! Yes, it was about three o'clock in the aftrenoon when little Howard Kaplan. Howard Kaplan is the real name of Howard Kaylan. And I'm not kidding, boys and girls: Her little dog is named 'Toto'. Now, unless I misunderstood, it was right outside of Columbus, Ohio when Billy received his notice to report for his induction physical. It was about this time that the telephone rang inside of the secret briefcase belonging to one mortal man who might be able to stop all of this senseless destruction and save America herself.

And I'm sorry to disappoint some of you, it was not Chief Redden. This one man was. Made Darryl Gates look like a liberal from what I hear. Studebacher Hoch , fantastic new super hero of the current economic slump. There's also a Studebaker Lark They named their cars after birds.

Billy The Mountain

And they're all made out of Plastic, when they melt they start to stink! When I heard BTM in , this joke had to be explained to me. Billy the Mountain was also mentioned there. So check appropriate I mean Motels: Later the very same idea produced another fantastic bird - Packard Goose from Joe's Garage album.

And, yes, the nice picture of the S. Hawk back fins can be found on the page of Nigey Lennon book Being Frank. Now, some folks say he looked like Zubin Mehta Zubin Mehta ;. His orchestra and Mothers once upon a time performed Motels together. Fuckin' union didn't allow Frank to record this show, but at the same time didn't mind that someone in the audience brought mic and tape recorder along with him.

So look for a bootleg named. There were a lot of references to markets in "Billy the Mountain" -- at the Pauley Pavilion concert there was also a mention of the Ralphs supermarket on Laurel Canyon Boulevard in Studio City "where no prices are lower prices than Ralphs".

Billy the Mountain - Frank Zappa and the Mothers (Just another band from LA) Pt. 2

Typically, on the '71 tour, all local references in "Billy the Mountain" were altered to fit wherever the performance happened to be -- such as "for untimely dispersion over vast stretches of -- ", etc. I read in your web site and in Chris Federico's site that Boney's was in studio city. I do not think so. My belief is that is or was ,as it no longer exists, in my home town Ontario, California. If I may let me run it down for you.

Ontario is 3 or 4 miles from Cucamonga where frank had his Studio Z and was living there also. At that time he and the very early Mothers were playing at various clubs in the area. It was open all night.

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A rarity in those days. It's my belief that on the way home late at night Frank would stop there for food. A frozen beef pie.

Only pennies at the time and filling. Up a boulder Now, one day, now I believe it was on a Tuesday, a man in a checkered double-knit suit drove up in a large El Dorado Cadillac, leased from bob spreen. And he laid a huge, bulging envelope right at the corner of billy the mountain, that was right where his 'foot' was supposed to be. Now, billy the mountain, he couldn't believe it! All those postcards he'd posed for, for all of those years, and finally, now, at last, his Royalties!

Royalty check is in, honey!

Billy The Mountain Lyrics

Yes, billy the mountain was rich! Yes, and his eyeball-caves, they widened in amazement, and his jaw which was a cliff , well it dropped thirty feet! A bunch of dust puffed out! Rocks and boulders hacked up, hack! I gave him the money He acted real funny He hocked up a rock and It totalled my car!

Oh, do you Know any trucks Might be bound for the valley? I don't wanna stand here All night in this bar! As they cross the desert they destroy Edwards Air Force Base , Glendale, California , and create a fissure in the earth's crust unleashing gas and germ bombs from an underground dump which are then dispersed over Watts by a freak tornado. The media quickly alert the public of these phenomena and start generating false tabloid stories about Billy the Mountain and Ethel's past lives, claiming them to be involved in a San Joaquin Valley smut ring a reference to a police entrapment which resulted in Zappa's conviction on charges of producing pornography.

When Billy is drafted by the US military, he does not report for his induction physical, leading the media to go wild, reporting that Ethel is a communist and that she practices witchcraft. Finally, a "fantastic new superhero" named Studebacher Hoch, named after the Studebaker Silver Hawk automobile, [4] is contacted via telephone by an unnamed caller and is asked to defeat Billy the Mountain. Hoch is at first somewhat in disbelief and uninterested in the reports and, in the Just Another Band from L.

He soon starts taking notes about Billy's path of destruction, and when he finds out that he's being offered an expense account and per diem to pursue the case he becomes much more enthusiastic. It is noted that little is known about Studebacher Hoch, although his personality is said to be "mysterious", and his powers are said to be dancing, flying, swimming, singing like Neil Sedaka , and being able to write the Lord's Prayer on the head of a pin.

The widely accepted origins of Studebacher are that he was born next to the frozen beef pies in a supermarket, possibly underneath Joni Mitchell 's autographed picture, next to Elliot Roberts ' bank book, and next to a boat in which David Crosby was arrested while throwing away his "stash".

Despite the other details, the beef pies are said to have been the main influence on Studebacher Hoch. Now with a plan, Studebacher Hoch gathers cardboard boxes, Aunt Jemima syrup, Kaiser broiler foil, and a pair of blunt scissors, with which he constructs a pair of really, really nice wings. He walks to a telephone booth, where he spreads the syrup onto his legs, attracting a swarm of flies. On his command, the flies lift him and the telephone booth into the sky, and fly him to New York, accompanied by a grand musical fanfare.

Studebacher Hoch arrives on the cliff which is Billy the Mountain's jaw and attempts to reason with him. At first he is friendly, but after Ethel protests, he aggressively threatens Billy and Ethel. Billy laughs at his threats, and in doing so, causes Hoch to lose his balance and fall feet to his own injury and defeat. Like most of Frank Zappa's longer compositions, Billy the Mountain relies less on predictable song structure with repeated sections and instead continually introduces new musical ideas and material similar to an opera or oratorio.

Nonetheless, there are a few recurring themes, including the repeated melody set to the lyrics "Billy was a mountain,. There is also a recurring "chorus" to the song, which appears four times. It is first sung as a lament of the man in the double-knit checkered suit when his car is destroyed.