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Fluid flow, heat transfer and boiling in micro-channels download Flight of the Conchords: Italy, war with Austria, 7 weeks war, Jesuits, Order of, founded hy Ignatius Loyola, Judiciary Act passed hy Congress, , Feh. Knives, first In England, about National platform and candidate for Presidency, M. Eoszta, Martin, taken from Austrian vessel by Gapt. Ingraham, , July 2. Lee's Surrender to Qen.
Grant at Appo- mattox 0. Library, first Amerlcem, Harvard College, Cambridge, Lightning rods, first used by Ben]. Frank- lin about Lincoln, assassination of, , April London, Great fire of, , Sept. Lopes captured and garrotod at Havana, , Aug. Lsuls XYI beheaded , Jan. Louisiana ceded by France to the U. Magna Gharta signed Matches, friction, first used, C, Dedaratton of Inde- pendence, , May Mexico, wcur with, declared by Congress, , May 13, closed , Feb.
Bepubllo restored, MaximniaTi Shot, , June Milan decree by Napoleon, , Dec. Modoo war in California begun, , Nov. Musical notes first used, Revocation of, , Oct. Napoleon I declared first Consul, , Nov. Coup d'Etat- dis- solving Assembly, Navigation Act, first by British Parliament, Needles, modem, first came into use, Netherlands, revolt of, London Times first appeared under present name, Nullification Ordinance passed by South Carolina, , Nov.
Proclamation by President Jackson, denouncing, , Dec. Omnibuses first used in New York, Orders in Council, British, issued , Jan. Ordinance of , passed by Continental Congress, , Sept. Organs, first authentic use of, In Eng- land, Paper made by Chinese, from silk, , B. Patent right law, first enacted in U. Peace Conference convened at Washington, , Feb. Pencils, leaden styles used, A.
Pens, steel, first made, Philadelphia founded by Wm. Blots in, native American and Irish, , May Phonograph tnyented by T. Pbotographd first produced in England, , perfected. FUgrims, landing at Plymouth, Mass. Pins used in England about In America, macMne-made, Pontiac's conspiracy to unite Tndlans against the English, Post-Olfioe first established, between Vi- enna and Brussels, Postage stamps first used in England, X Wooden blocks used by Chinese, A. Coster, of Haarlem, ?
Gutenberg, of Mentz, ? First Bible, Faust and SchcefTer, First book printed with date, Latin Psalter, Faust and Schoeffer, Pyramids first erected, , B. Bailroad, Passenger, first opened in Eng- land, , Sept. Passenger, first in America, Balti- more and Ohio, Befoimation in Germany, , in England, Xtepublican Party, first oonvention, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Besumption of Specie payments In U. Bevolutionary War, beginning, battle of Lexington, , April Sleeping cars first used, Smith, Joseph, Mormon leader, killed at Carthage, Stamp Act enacted, , March 22, re- pealed, , March Statutes of the United States, first revised and codified, Kewoomen's engine patented, L Perfected by James Watt, High pressure engine invented by Oliver Evans, American, Jonathan Hulls, England, John Fitch, Delaware Blver, Sugar cane first cultivated in U.
Sumter, Fort, captured by Confederates, , April Sunday Schools, first established by Bobt. Baikes, Gloucester, England, Tea destroyed in Boston harbor, , Dec. Telegraph, first electric, Paddington to Drayton, England, Bussia, Serf Emancipation In, Saint Bartholomew, massacre of, , Aug. San Juan boundary decided in favor of the U.
Savannah, first steamer crossed the At- lantic, 26 days.
Savannah to Liverpool, , May Seminole War, first, in Georgia and Florida, Sewing Machine first patented, England, Graham Bell, first presented Phlla. Texas annexed as a State, by Act of Con- gress, , March 1. Theatre, first in America, WllUamdhurg, Virginia, Thirty Years War in Germany, Tobacco introduced into England from Virginia, Tripoli war with the United States, Union of England and Scotland, Great Britain and IreLsmd, Utrecht, treaty of, , April Vaccination discovered by Dr.
Vlcksburg, surrender of, , July 4. Washington, Treaty of, with Great Britain, war claims, , June Watches first made in Nuremberg, Wilmot Proviso, restricting slavery, of- fered in H. Popula- tion in I Vermont hew England States , , 1,, , , , 3,, Troops farnlHhed e6. Colored Troops furn- ished R3R 1, 1, 1, 1,, Re- 2 This is the aggregate of troops furnished for al 1 periods of service— from 3 months to 3 years time, duoed to a uniform three years standard, the whole number of troops enlLnted amounted to 2,, Texas do Virginia do..
Be-moBlered Vol- unfrs ormed out SB? Tnwpa vko died irblle prlaoiien, m,73 [From J. Light- houses, Buoys, etc. Mints and Assay Offices. Forts, Armories and Arsenals. Arkansas , , 1,, , , 6,, 4.
Boots and shoes pairs. Alizarine, natural or artificial lbs. We also ask that you: All other, and parts of Naval stores: This is the month of the longest nights and the shortest days, as the winter solstice falls on the 21st of December. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. Judiciary Act passed hy Congress, , Feh.
Connecticut 1,, , 7. IlUnois 8, , 70, , 8,, , Kentucky , , 1,, 1,, 3,, 7,, , , 22, Louisiana a32, , 1, Mississippi , , Missouri 10, 69, New Mexico , 1,, , , , 14,, New York 10,, 2,, 3,, , 1,, , , 86, 2,, 2,, 1,, , , , , , , , 8,, Ohio 1,, , Texas , , Vermont , 1,, 5, 1,, 4,, 61, , , 15, Wyomine Miscellaneous 3 49,, 11,, 56,, 19,, Total ,, 19,, By act ot Congreea, of March 2. Itbasbeen estimated that the whole number of aheuB coming to tbe United B1 fromlT88 to , was about ai 0, Tennessee Florida Missouri Indian Territory.
Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana lowa. West Tlrglnla Wisconsin , Wyoming! From the Official returns of the Tenth Census, Canada , New Brunswick..
Beoapitulstlon by O oupa at Btstes. QrosH earnings per mile of road in operation, f6,n7Q. Kec eamiDEB per mile of road in operation, Diiidends paid on stock per mile ol completed road, SMO. Ratio of dividends to aggregate capital stock, 3. Average treigfitdiarge per tOT, 1 ,01 oenis per mOe. TII 1, 86, IS6 a isea!: S no 1, MS Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Miles. Servia Spain Sweden Switzerland. Total Gravd Total Ceylon British Turkey in Asia Asia Algeria French..
Natal British Tunis , Africa. New Zealand Queensland South Australia Tasmania , Victoria Western Australia. Alabama, 8; Arkansas, 8; California, 8: Maine, 8; Massachusetts, 8; Michigan,! Nebraska, 8; New Hampshire, 3; New York, 3: In some of these States the commissioners are merely examining and reporting officers; in others the commissioners have purely advisory powers, the legislatures retaining the sole power of regulation of railways by statute; in others still, the commissions are invested with power to fix rates of freight and fares.
The States in which railway commissioners have power to fix rates are nine in number, viz. In several States as in Arkansas and Nebraska three of the State officers are made railroad conmiissioners ex officio. In Tennessee alone the railway companies have success- fully resisted in the U. Hew Tork, or anized Harcb n. OOO, as stated la Aiunmt, Has been Mand by the Western Union Company.
CMdeadspaldlnlSseriflperi - je aggngals number of Teleplioiiee In use In Ml th grlhow oCoimpeting oompanies, la much greater than the above. Florida 8 Georgia 9. No returns from two counties, b. Age for distribution of school funds, c. In addition to day pupils. Graded and un- graded schools respectively, m. For graded schools, n. City and County Schools respectively. Includes salariee of mipertntendente, b.
Includ- Qg intereHl on debt. PreptLved by the Commissioner of Education. Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut. Of In- struc- tors. Prepared by the Commissioner of Education. The following is a statement of the aggregate number of this class of institutions, with instructors and students as reportea to this Office each year from to in- clusive being omitted: Orowth of Amerloftn Oltlsi haTinj: Amxbioan Acadxmt of Arts and Soisnobs.
Ambrigan Association fob Adyancbmbnt of Scibncb, F. American Inbtitdtb, New York, N. American Peace Sooiety, Boston, Mass. Ambbigan Pharmaobutioal Society, Philadelphia, Pa. American Unitarian Association, Boston, Mass. Anthropological Society, Washington, D. Buffalo Histobical Society, Buffalo, N.
Chklago Historical Society, Chicago, ni. Oonnegtiout Historical Socibty, Hartford, Conn. ITranbun Imhtatutb , Philadelphia, Pa. Geoboia Histobical Society, Savannah, Ga. Iowa Historical Society, Iowa Citv, la. Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass. Maine Historical Society, Brunswick, Me. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass. Minnesota Historical bocicty, St. National Academy of Soiignues.
Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society, Cindnnatl. Fbabody Academy of Science, Salem, Mass. Pbabody Institutb, Baltimore, Md. P e n ns ylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Pbbsbytebian Board of Publication, Philadelphia, Pa. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.
Southern Historical Society, Richmond, Va. Tbrmont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt. Washinoton Philosophical Society, Washington, D. Waoomnr Hotorkial Socibty, Madisoa, Wis. Proportion Unable to Read sr Write,! New 0rlean8,La New York, N. Deaths in every 1, of Population. The disposals of the Public Lands during the laat two fiscal jrears endinc: OO Donation entries 1, 84 1, Indiana, flUnois, the Indian Territory and Alasfca, land offices are establlahed, In charge of an officer known as Register of the Land Office, where the records of all surveyed lands are kept, and all applications concerning lands In each district are filed and Inquiries answered.
The public lands are divided Into two great dasaes. The one class have a dollar and a quarter em acre designated as the minimum price and the other two dollars and a half an acre, the latter helng the alternate sections, reserved by the United States In land grants to railroads, etc.
In the case of lands which may be purchased at private sale, or such as have not been reserved under any law. Such tracts are sold on application to the Land Beglster, who Issues a certificate of purchase, the receiver giving a receipt for the money paid, subject to the issue of a patent, or complete title. Ihlr privilege extends only to the surveyed lands, and the title is perfected by the Issue of a patent after five years of actual settlement. Another large class of free entries ol public lands is that provided for under the Umber-culture acts of The purpose of these laws is to promote the growth of forest trees on the public lands.
They give the right to any settler who has cultivated for two years as much as five acres in trees to an eighty-cMare homestead, or, if ten acres, to a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, and a free patent for his land is given him at the end of eight years instead of five.
The limitation of the homestead laws to one hundred and sixty acres for each settler Is extended in the case of timber-culture 90 as to grant as many quarter sections of one hundred and sixty acres each as have oeen improved by the culture for ten years of forty acres of timber thereon, but the luarter sections must not lie immediately contiguous. Helena, Boaeman, Miles City, Nebraska: Santa F6, Las Cruoes.
Menasha, Falls of St. SBl m egaiiwi ai , 78 Each copyright BBouree tiie exolnsfre right of publishing the book a. Any copyright Is asSgnable In law by aiiy Instrument of writing, but such ssstgn. The fee for this record and oerUflcate Is one dollar. S 1 8 J Arizona Territory AfgRsate munber of cMaa. Aufrnata, Stiite of Maine. States in Uassachueetts, Connactlcut. LoulsTllle, Milwaukee, and Topeka districts. Btalea of Iowa and Hebraaka. Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe. York, and all Navy penaloners In the Slnte of Pennsylvania. Colorado, New Mexico and Indian Territory.
Nevada, Ur and Washington. Atbuitic and Quit Kb. The itema of " luterest" and "Fiv mlimu" an gaTernment loons and Bales ot gold coin are also omitted, as conatltuUiw no part or net ordinary receipts. TUk table or tbe tntal ripenditiirea at the KOTemment omita the Item of amounta expeiided under tbe bend or " Premfumfi" on loana. From the Official Tables of the Census. Indians CIVzed Chinese 3,, 4,, 5,, 7,, 10,, 14,, 19, Total Pay- ments to Policy- holders.
By Act of Maroh 3, , " to reduce Internal revenue taxation," etc. Banks and bankers, on average amount of circulation, each month. Banks, on average amount of circulation, beyond 90 per cent, of the capital, an additional tax each month State bank, or State banking association, town, city, or municipal corporation, used and paid out as circulation 10 percL Banks, persons, firms, associations other than national bank associations, and every corporation.
State bank or State banking association, on the amount ot their own notes used for circulation and paid out by them 10 per ot. Beer, i er bbl. Cigars, manufacturers of , special tax 6 00 Cigars of all descriptions, made of tobacco or any substitute, per 1, Liquors, fermented, per bbl Special annual tax 00 wholesale dealers in Oleomargarine.
Spacial annual tax 00 retail dealers in Oleomargarine. Special annual tax 48 00 Bectiflors, special tax, less than bbls. Tax repealed after July 1, Tobacco, all kinds, per lb. Awm al Apprapriatloua nude by Coagtma tiom 18T7 to isss. Quantities and Values— Ijast Two Tears. AU olher, including fowls. Articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the U.
Bolting cloths Books and other printed matter,n. Alizarine, natural or artificial lbs. Argal, or argoh or crude tartar, and argol oust lbs. I ye-wood8, in sticks— liOgwood. Catcn, or catechu, and terra japonica, or gambia lbs. All other gums and gvaa resins. Min'] waters, all not artiflcU. Potash, muriate of lbs Quinia, sulphate of, salts of, and cinchonidia oz. Soda, nitrate of lbs. Sulphur, or brimstone, crude. All other Total chemicals, drugs, etc. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and leaves and shells of lbs. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanuTd. Farinaceous substances, and prepara- tions of, n.
All other Fish, n. Quantities and Values— Last Two Years. Free of Jinty— Continued. Lobsters, canned or presenred. Qoatskins All other Household and personal efFects, and wearing apparel in use, and imple ments, instruments, and tools of trade of persons arrivlDg from for- eign countries, and of citizens of the U. India rubber and gutta percha, crude lbs. Fixed or expressed lbs Volatile or essential lbs. Rags, other than woolen lbs. Plaster of Paris, or sulphate of lime, unground tons.
Platinum, nnmannfactured lbs Plumbago cwts Seeds, not medidnal, n. Waste lbs Total unmanufactured silk. Tfai, bars, blocks, or pigs, gndn or granulated lbs. Rice lbs Molasses galls Sugar, brown. All other free articles Total diportb vreb of dutt. Chkniy root pound Oodm and watches: Talus over ICc sq. Mlds, gimpa, eta All oUier cotton mfiL. LaceaandUL Total flax, hemp, jute, etc.
Bottlea containing llquo do. Eats, gtiavr, palm, etc, n. Total hats, bouuets and boods. Bare of steel under 4c. Total liQUora o aU kinds Horble. Bpaa Bilk, threads or7snia.. DrcsB and piece goods lices '. AH other sOk msuufs, n. M Ortilnet ware and furniture,. JO per cent 3,N8,M1 4 1.
Aggregate Im port e of Mercha nillBe. Bxports of Merchandise of Domestic Production. AH other, and f owte Total antDoalB. Bark, and extract d, for tanning. Books, maps, engravings, and other printed matter Brass, end manufactures of Bbbadstuffb: Bread and biscuit lbs. All other breadstuff s Total breadstuffs Bbicks: Fire t Broom-corn Brooms and brushes Candles lbs. Adds Ashes, pot and pearl lbs.
Dves and dyestuffs Omseng lbs. Medicines, patent or proprietary Roots, herbs, and barks, n. Coffee and cocoa, ground or pre- pared, and chocolate Copper, and manufactures of: Quantities and Values— Iiast Two Tears. Sxports of Domestic Produc- tion. Earthen and stone ware China ware Eggs doz. Perfumery and cosmetics Toys All other Fertilizers tons Fish: Other Fish, fresh, n. Fish, dried, smoked, and cured, n. Twine All other Fruits: Apples, green or ripe bbls. All other, green, ripe, or dried Furs and fur-skins Glass and Qlassware: Window-glass All other Qlucose or grape-sugar lbs.
All other explosives Hair, and manufactures of Hay tons. Hides and skins, other than furs Honey Hops lbs. Boots and shoes pairs. All other manufactures of. Instruments and apparatus for scien- tific purposes, including telegraph, telephone, and other electric Iron a steel and manufaotusbs of: Iron ore tons Pig-iron. Cutlery Fire-arms Ingots, bars, androdsof steel. Plates and sheets— Of iron lbs Of steel lbs. Printing-presses, and parts of. Bailroad bars or rails— Of iron tons Of steel tons Saws and tools Scales and balances Sewing-machines, and parts of.
Steam-engines, and parts of — Fire-engines No. Stoves and ranges, and parts of. Lamps, chandeliers, etc Leao, and manufaciures of Leather, and manufactures of: Patent or enameled Sole leather lbs. Boots and shoes pairs Harness and saddles All other leather manufactures. Lime and cement bbls. Not in bottles galls. Unmanufactured Booftng-slate, manufactured AU other manufactures of stone. All other, and parts of Naval stores: Turpentine and pitch bbls. Quantities and Values— Ijast Two Team. Exports of Domestic Pro- duction. Animal — lard galls.
Whale and fish galls. Mineral, crude including all nat- ural oils galls. Mineral, refined or manuf' tured- Naphthas galls. Paper-hangings Writing-paper and envelopes All other Parafflne and parafQne wax. Beef products- Beef, canned lbs. Beef, salted or pickled lbs. Beef, other cured lbs. Exports of Domestlo Pro- ' duction. Spermaceti and spermaceti wax. Pure, neutral, or cologne. Total spirits proof galls.
Spirits of turpentine gaUs. Stationery, except of paper Stereotvpe and electrotype plates. Molasses and sirup gaUs. Sugar, brown lbs Sugar, refined lbs. Stems and trimmings lbs Cigars M Cigarettes M. All other manufactures of Total tobacco. Trunks valises, and travelling bags.
Umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades. Onions bush Pease and beans bush. Vegetables, canned All other, including pickles. Wood, and manufaotubes of: Hoops and hoop poles Laths M. Staves and headings 87 1, 58, All other manufactures of At. Total value of Merchandise Total value of Coin and Bullion. Carried in American vessels. Total value of Coin and Bullion.
Distribution of the Currenoy of the TTnited States. In the Treasury, less certificates In Natl Banks, includiiig ceriificates. In State Banks, including certificates. In the Treasury, less certificates In Natl Banks, including certificates. In Savings Banks Total currency. SoldT Silver Paper currency.
Mints diiringr the Fiscal Year endlnsr June 30, Three and One-cent pieces Aulboriied to be coined. Act of April S. Act of January Act of February vi. ToWl amount coined, from 17M to Act of February UK. Flax, Linen, and Hemp Goods.. Printing and Pub- lishing.. Ooveniort of tbe Tenitoriei, Tba State bolda lntereit-ptvfiig seoiuiUsB of over one milUoa. OflO to held a. Ingjuod, October 1, JS.
By act of ConereiB, March 1, , amended Jan. July 25, sas Juoesa. Tbbb country has an area as great as all Central imd Westem Enrope combined aeoat 1, It abounds in remarkably fertile olains, called pampas, with rich alluvial soil four or five feet thicks formed by decay of luxurious vegetation. It ocrsists of 14 provinces: By the last census there were The republic has about 4, miles of railway and Vke population of Austria embraces severed dist net raees, the moet nnmecovia beiag Ibe Qerman, numbering 9 millions, or 25 per cent, of the whole.
The Magyars, or Hungarians, number 6 i millions, ar 16 per cent. About two-thirds of the people profess the 7 woman Catholic religion. Education feoeivea great attention, and is open to all at small cost, or even gratuitously. There are 92 gymn; eia, or higher schools, and 6 unlveni- itoe, while Hungary has gymnasia, and one 1 iniversity. The majority of the people pursue agriculture. About 80 per cent, are engaged in tmde or manufactures. The productive land C Austria is estimated at 99 per cent, of tts area; Hungary 84 per cent. The great crc p is grain, an annual yield of over million bushels.
For commerce, Austria is n 4 favorably situated, being an ln]aB4 ooontry. The principal sea-port is Trieste, The sovereign the Austro-Hungarian Emperor is t tyled king in Hungary. The budget of summed up: The army, on a peace rooting, consisted In of , men and 18, oiBoenk Military service is compnlaoiy for ten years. The navy in consisted of 98 vessels, 11 of which were ironclads, and 80 steam vessels, with guns.
Most of the people are Roman Ciatbolics, there being about Itf. OOO Protestants and 3, Jews. Army, peace footing, Railways in operation, , 2. The great interests are agriculture and manui'actures, Belgium being one great workshop. Education is lealously promoted by the sovemment, but. Bolivia, a republic of South America, named in honor of Bolivar, , squaTo miles; populaUon , estimated, 2,,, to which should be added about , wild Indians , is divided into 9 departanenfeSr each having a distinct governor.
The president is elected for life by a majority of the collectlye legislature. The administration belongs wholly to the ministry, w hich Is responsUde to he Senate. The executive power is yested in the emperor, and his ministers and secretaries of state. For administrative purposes, the Brazilian empire is divided into twenty pro- vinces, comprising munidpahties, each having a council chosen directly by citi- zens.
The army consists ofl3, men, raised to 30, on a war footing. Free public schools supported by t ie state exist throughout the empire, and in some jf the provinces instruction is comp ilsory. Brazilian commerce is flourishing,. In , a Rubmarine telegraph cable was completed from Europe. The Oovemor-GfeneraL appointed In liw.
Against this was sinking fuhd, etc. The expenditure for lfi8S waa tSS,,eiS. The chief items of export vere, ]B8fl; Agricultural products. Profluota of the mlnoB iM7,i. K milUomi to the United States. The Caoadiaii ' ' s aggregate exporta gi 3 Ubited States. The average wages ot Canadian mechanics was t IVO yearly, in Miles of railwav in operation. Subsidies grunted by Dominion Qovermnent to railways to The uovem- Tear ending Juno M.
Cailll, originally a Spanish settlement, became independent in By the oonsti- tatlcm of the Legislative power is in a National Congress composed of 87 members, elected for six years, and a Chamber of Deputies, members, for three years. The executive power resides In a President elected for five years, a oouneil of State.
The revenue for was ''5,,86a one-half deriveO from customs and monopolies,, and the expenditure 50,u78, Agriculture flourishes, although about 83 per oent Ot the entire surface Is desert, pasture, or forests, with only 18 per cent arable land. Wheat is the most important paroduct, the crop averaging ten million bushels, two-thirds ot which Is exported. Chili is rich in gold, silver, and espedaUy in copper. The navy consists of about 80 steam vessels, manned by 2, men.
China, an Immense empire in Asia, area 4,, square mflee, popnlatioi; ,, , has of late years opened diplomatic and commercial intercourse wlUi other nations. It Includes Tioet, Mongolia, and ICancdiuria, besides China proper; the oountry abounds in numerous rivers, forming the chief highways of the empire.
The government is a patriarchal despotism, the Emperor being an autocrat, whose sway is limited only by the sacred right of rebellion. Its vast and productive territory is larger than that ot any nation except Bussla, and its civilization, the most andent In the world, has peculiarities unknown to the civilizations of Europe or America.
Thenavy embraces vessels. Itspresent political organizatlen dates from The largest dty is Bogota, the capital, with 60, inhabitants, and fianama has about 20, The legislative power resides in a Senate of 27 members, and' a Bepresentative Chamber of 61, elected by general suffrage. The revenue which was from customs. Only two railways are in operation, the Panama line across the Isthmus, w miles, being the principal. It is div ided Into Siz proylnoes, the government heing vested in a Prnsident elected for 4 years, tio Yloe-Cresidents ana loor mlnlBters. The legislative power is in a Oousrem of DepatleBahoeeii for 4 yeans.
OutMi, a colony of Spain, in the West Indies, having 72, square miles population, , 1,,, half of whom are blacks, and enfranchised slaves. The constitutional charter of , vests the legislative pewer in the Bigsdag, consisting ot a Folkething, membersp and a Landsthing, 66 members charter amended In The Folkethlng are elected for three years by universal suSrage, and the Landsthing for eight years by electoral districts, except 13 members who are nominated for life by the Elng.
The budget for , including receipts. The army recruited bv conscription embraces 35, men, besides a reserve of 15,- The navy in included 37 sream vessels with eruns, and 29 sail vessels. There are 1, miles of railway, two-thirds of which are operated by the State. The government telegraph era bi-aces 2, miles, which transmitted a total of 1, By the census of there were, Lutherans, 1,, ; Jews, 4,; Baptists, 8,; Mormons, 2, ; Boman Catholics, 1, Education is highly developed by the oompulsory system, and almost all the lower olasees can read and write.
Quito is the loftiest inhabited cHy, feet above the sea. Ootopaxl and Chlmbo razo are capped with perpetual snow. Egypt, a dependency of Turkey, situated m nonbem Afirloa, area , laiiare mUes; population in , More than half the commerce is with Great ritain. Tb 3 largest city Is Cairo, , inhabitants.
Army, 17, men; navy, 14 vessels. RaUways in , 1, miles; tele- graphs, 5, mileB. Letters carried by post in , 4,,; journals, 1,, TBie republlG of France, a04,08C square milee ; population fta , 37, The ministry, or Secretaries of State, consisting ot nine members, are re- sponsible to the Chambers for t ve political conduct of the government, while the Prest dent is responsible only in case Jt high treason.
In a word, represents the government as general agent, ai sisted by a council elected by the people. The French navy nas vessels, 1, officers, and about 41,SS7 marines. The empire of Germany, It is a Union of 26 sovereign states, consisting of 4 kingdoms, 6 grand duchies, 5 duchies, 7 principalities, and three free towns.
Alsace-Lorraine, ceded by France at the close of the war of , forms a 26th member of the confederation, but is governed by Imperial authority. Germany is a constitutional monarchy, the Emperor exercising imperial power in the name of the 26 confederated states. The Bundesrath, or federal council, has 59 members appointed for each session by the governments of the several states. The seasiond of the legisla- ture are annual, and every law must receive a majority of the wh de number of mem- bers of both Houses, and the sanction of the Emperor.
Au exclusive gold currency was adcpted bylaw of December 4. Military service is compulsory upon every German capable of bearing arms. The German navy consists of lOl vessels, guns, and 16, men. Public school education is compulsory in Germany; the number of primary schools is about 60,, and of pupils, 6,, There are gymnasia for preparatory train- ing for the universiUee; of the latter, there are 21, with 1, professors, and 26, students.
In there were 51, miles of telegi-aph lines, sending 19 million messages. The Eoscal and telegraphic departments are managed conjointly by the government, and ave increased greatly of late years, the number of letters carried in being millions, against millions in Great Britain and Ireland. In America evei 5,,, and in Australia 2,, By the British constitution the supreme legislative power Is In a Parliament wUdi holds for seven years unless sooner dissolved by royal proclamaUon. The house of Lords members In conslste of 6 peers of the Queen's family, 2 arohMsheps and 24 tishops, 2J1 dukes, marquises, earls, and viscounts, barons.