Get Friggin Huge: The simple science behind building thick, solid, tight muscles

The New Aerobics

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. This book was an effective way of changing my life for the best. The simplicity helped me massively. Now extremely fit and healthy. Recently got threatened by a navy seal and i showed him where to get off. Walaa rated it it was amazing Dec 29, Sunny Zar rated it liked it Nov 10, Brooks Glenn rated it liked it May 14, Winona rated it it was ok Sep 07, Teresa marked it as to-read Nov 14, Xander Buys marked it as to-read Feb 25, Jacqueline marked it as to-read Mar 20, Jacqueline added it Aug 12, Barbara King marked it as to-read Jan 15, Janette Ferryall marked it as to-read Apr 26, Peggy marked it as to-read Jun 06, Chatty added it Aug 13, Andre' F marked it as to-read Sep 01, Felicia marked it as to-read Sep 30, Mohammed Agbawi marked it as to-read Dec 12, Kim added it Jul 03, Catherine Rice marked it as to-read Aug 26, Jim Biggs marked it as to-read Dec 21, By all accounts Super-DMZ gives much the same muscle building benefits without the harsh sides as the illegal oral steroid Dianabol.

Because it is so effective care should be given to how you take it, who takes it, and the length of time you take it. Dimethazine is two steroid molecules bound together by a nitrogen atom. Upon ingestion, stomach acid separates the two steroid molecules that closely resemble methyldrostanolone Superdrol Therefore Super DMZ contains both Superdrol and Dimethazine. Dimethazine once broken down is similar to Superdrol though. It reminded me of a faster acting, dryer Dianabol.

Users of Super-DMZ can expect to add lbs of lean body mass in just weeks. I personally had no noticeable side effects from Super-DMZ at 2 capsules daily for 4 weeks. Super DMZ rx is a strong, clean steroid that can be used to increase lean mass, strength and power with little to no water retention in short periods of time. Burning pumps in my arms when I'm washing my hair or brushing my teeth.

The scale weight jumped quick, the way it does with dbol, but without the puffy-ness. It has been sold as a script drug in Italy and Mexico as long ago as the 60's, but I believe was discontinued after about a decade…as were many steroids from the past. It is very closely related to Methasteron SD and will cause more muscle fiber growth than any other commonly used oral.

It is a non-aromatizing, potently anabolic, moderately androgenic, steroid. Outward sides are low, but it is hell on most people's cholesterol, as are many orals. It is also fairly toxic, exceeding Anadrol in toxicity, according to medical studies. In other words, it's one of the most toxic oral steroids commonly used today, but also one of the most effective.

Among today's commonly used orals, only SD and M1T surpass its ability to build muscle fiber over a week period. Lean, water free gains of lbs in 30 days are very common, the average. Steroids like Anadrol may cause greater overall weight gains in some circumstances, but a much smaller percentage of Anadrol's weight gains are muscle fiber. Gains with Dimeth are very well maintained compared to aromatizing drugs, such as D-bol and Drol.

Strength gains are also very good with this drug, as they are with its parent drug, SD. Bench went up 35lbs with a pause in that time, more with touch and go. Super-DMZ should only be used by healthy adults at least 21 years old. Do not exceed the recommended dose or duration of 4 weeks.

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Do not use if you are at risk of, or being treated for diabetes, liver problems or high blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol while using this product, and increase daily water intake. This product can negatively affect male fertility. Always consult your health care professional before using any dietary supplements. PS — Review sources can be found here. Read up before you beast up. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. But the best and safest supplement that ever worked for me was liver powder, the overall benefit to not just strength and muscle, but overall health cannot be beat.

Liver is good stuff, especially for health, but the 2 products are worlds apart in re: Of course there worlds apart, one u can take everyday with no side effects and help increase your natural testosterone. The other u gotta take 4 Weeks and then have a PCT to restore your natural test and libido levels. It is a static limitation set by your genetics, unless you are taking something tetragenic like…radiation tablets, you have been sold junk.

I think you should make aware that this is not a good starting cycle — there are more mild and less potent cycles to begin with with are better suited for people just starting into this game.

Hi, I'm

What did you do for your PCT then? It seems the common is clomid. Is that necessary for this type of drug? According to their website PCT is necessary. I am 40 yrs old and seeking to do an initial cycle, I would like some guidance on how to do a week cycle. I was extremely active in my 20s and 30s, but I can tell that I cant build muscle like I did when I was younger.

I would like to gain about lbs of solid muscle. Would Super DMZ work for me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My friend I cannot help you because I do not cycle. Cycling is pointless especially for a man your age, there is no reason to yo-yo, up and down your hormones when you can just as easily go to your doctor and get on the three magic letters T. Solid nutritionally dense food. What is a good starting cycle for beginners? I have been working out for a good 2yrs and just started body of a spartan.

Too much of an honest man but be sure to post up your results if you kids take it. Victor, would prefer to see the other articles that were voted on — are they still on the way? I will say, the best program I have ever tried is that Big Beyond Belief program that Tom Platz is promotiing on his shirt. Did that in college while my friends were juicing I was clean, and doing the Anabolic diet…basically steak and eggs and hamburger patties for 5 days, pizza and ice cream etc for 2 days.

With that said, if some dude was screaming at me like Platz is in this picture, I would smack him one. Yes, many do use it for cutting as well as bulking. Anything that increases lean muscle mass must also, by very definition, burn fat. Vic, thanks for the heads up about this. I had stagnated and sweet Jesus Christ, this is wickedly anabolic. Keeping a close eye on potential sides and keeping the liver detoxed as much as possible, while upping protein by double. PCT will be the deciding factor in keeping the gains, but gentlemen, this is no bullshit serious gear.

I have lots facial hair and a little over 6ft, is it safe for me to take at this age, if not.. Go youtube Kai green training vids. You know any substances besides steroids that increase your testosterone and help you get jacked? But nothing increases testosterone like, wait for it, testosterone. If you ever wanted to try it now is the only time you have left. Starting tomorrow it is a banned substance. Somebody said that this was not a good starting prohormone. Any recommendations for a good starter? Do you still recommend this product? Its Nearly fall and time to put my shirt back on.

Also, time to experiment. Hey Victor im 16 years old and i was wondering if i could use this product for a 1 month cycle. Hi victor , they have actually made a new product called super dmz 2.

Victor, this is very dissapointing! In one article you say people that use steroids are cheaters. This is not an anabolic steroid but it has the same effect. Also you use the same marketing strat of using a pic of a guy that is obviously doing steroids! Very misleading and confussing. Im a huge fan of this site but now I feel kinda betrayed…. Sucks this is banned. I was looking the other day and found several sites that sell it. However, superdrol is something you should only run for about a month at a time, it is not a real long-term solution.

Are you currently using AAS? If so can you explain your cycle and if you ever come off etc? I am seriously considering them and would like your advice on a first cycle. Hey, how safe is this stuff? That is what I currently use now and I works wonders with building muscle along with muscle recovery. Any questions hit me up! Hey Antonio im interested to hear about herballife im currently excersing to get abit bigger but want to be toned aswell as I like my sports in general not sure about roids they seem to crazy at the moment im using a bcaas a protein shake called syntha 6 but only just started using it im a beginner at weight lifting and want some guidance to find the best ways to boost my muscles in a healthy way as im only 24 years old, would appreciate it if you could give me some information thank you.

Just down a few eggs, chow on some turmeric, whole peppers — that will be better than the expensive Herbalife soy based products. Although I am new to such products. My interest have grown to possibly test them out, but I Dnt know exactly what I really need.

If I purchased this item, would I need to intake with a item for my liver as well? In my first days of building mass guess what i used: Gained me some 10 or 15 lbs but t is true even with HIT method or DC you would only reach a certain ammount of growth. Are there any side effects towards the body? Just got my Xtreme DMZ today from the strong supplement shop, i had some minor acne months ago, which is completely gone, without leaving any scars or something similar.

And that shit really sucks, now my question is, do you think i will get that again by taking DMZ for 4 Weeks? I did get some acne on my back when I used that stuff a year ago, but it is completely individual. Body of a spartan still available? Could be a good combination with my DMZ and the 30 days of a discipline, i already have. Start at 16mg for a few days and see how you react, then bump it up and see how you react.

Some people feel like death on superdrol, some people feel great. BOAS is still available. Do you know it? Anyone who is successful at building his body knows protein is THE key macronutrient- and thus supplements like protein shakes are absolutely necessary. And of course you have the click through link for your kickback- just saying.

If however you are covering all of the other basics like ripping apart the gym intelligently, then I do doubt that this supplement would be effective. I personally draw the line at creatine for supps, the white hat method works just fine if you have iron will and dogged determination. Just ask Greg Plitt. I meant to say, I do NOT doubt that this supplement would be effective. My bad for not proof reading. You tell me natty training is the way to go and list a juicehead as proof.

And you doubt this supplement will work? Superdrol is the most effective oral on planet earth for building muscle. My friend I am not natural and I know instantly when someone is lying about being natty.

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This is great and should be a priority. To find out more about this app, use the links below. The very high premature mortality rate among active professional wrestlers is primarily due to cardiovascular disease. Even if he has lifted weights before, chances are that he always used controlled isolation or machine movements. Jim Biggs marked it as to-read Dec 21, Very misleading and confussing. However, superdrol is something you should only run for about a month at a time, it is not a real long-term solution.

The first clue is when they make a big fuss about being natty, that should tell you right off the bat they are lying. Natural in fantasy world. There is no natural body on this earth that looks like that. Not from 5 years training, not from years training. If the guy is claiming natural he is a lying scumbag. No, superdrol may dry them out even further. Its a shame to hear that you think Rob Riches is definitely geared up from the point of view that even with many years of max effort one can not look like that naturally so I would ask if you could give examples of the best physique you can attain naturally as a point of reference.

Also, want made you decide to stop being natty? Was it just the end physique was really that underwhelming? I gather from your posts that you are on permanently rather than cycling makes sense imo? What do you take and what do you weigh now? What do you suppose he takes? To always be in blood: Before a photo shoot add in starvation and diuretics.

Two years with tren ace in blood and you will look your favorite natural bodybuilder Rob Riches. As a 20 year old you are still developing, you do not want to add hormones into the mix. Max yourself out natty before you go to the next level. I just stopped my DMZ 3 days ago. Do you think that would be a good idea? Aye victor im 17 years old and I want to use this cause I have trouble keeping weight on my body and been really curious of using it got any tips. Do you lift weights and eat? Eat a lot to keep weight on. Im 22 years old and im takin exstreme dmz how often should i take the pct with it.

And i do accasionally drink what should i take for supports because i have shooting paines sometimes now. Victor, for someone whose 24 and about to go on their first roid cycle, would you recommend intermittent fasting prior to a morning workout, followed by a plethora of calories throughout the day after the workout? Or would breakfast be pertinent prior to going to the gym?

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I ask because it seems like the Tom Venuto approach six meals a day and a big breakfast was custom made for juicers. I came back here to see if there was any DMZ chatter now that it was banned and seemingly its 2 replacements have been banned as well. Gentlemen, this compound is a beast, literally 30lbs is possible in a month i got 27 ….. No, the IML product is no more. I think Blackstone is IML. Vic, I came across this website while reading about Modafinil. I am a narcoleptic and my neurologist has me on Modafinil mg x 2 daily.

I used to take Nuvigil until January of this year when my insurance no longer covered Nuvigil and my Dr. We were doing some serious lifting and growing. I ceased all working out at age 23 when I got married, but started back here at home after my divorce at age I talked to my Dr. Vic, I understand the importance of sleep. When you hit REM sleep is where your body repairs itself and creates hormones. I have no motivation or drive. I stay down a lot emotionally and my sex drive is totally gone!

And any time I start working out my arms always grow the fastest and seem to put on size in no time. I know how to eat, diet, and work out, but at 35 and being narcoleptic I have no drive or motivation to do anything. My desire is to put on some muscle mass and lean down to lbs.

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Three summers ago I weighed lbs. I was able to put on some muscle and I dropped to lbs. Vic, I appreciate your honesty and being realistic in the fact that we need help in getting the bodies that we want. I apologize for such a lengthy post, but I wanted to give you as much info. What do recommend for me to do? You probably eat too much too fast.

Try eating smaller meals more often throughout the day. Essentially, your doctor is telling you the right things. There is a correlation between sleep apnea and being over weight. There are some natural weight loss supplements that may help you. Make sure you learn the difference between fat-burners, fat blockers, and weight loss supplements.

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Get Friggin Huge: The simple science behind building thick, solid, tight muscles - Kindle edition by Fit Rippotoe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle. Cheap Get Friggin Huge: The simple science behind building thick, solid, tight muscles,You can get more details about Get Friggin Huge: The simple science.

Make a life chart documenting your food intake, sleep, hydration, and exercise every 24 hours for one week. Test E or Cyp takes weeks to months to notice, superdrol takes 3 days to notice.

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  3. UPDATE AUGUST, 27, 2016. Super DMZ has been BANNED like I predicted it would be..
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Is it worth it? I might have to return it and get this super DMZ stuff, because there were a lot of mixed reviews on the cycle 7. The good product is superdrol, not dmz. Look for a product with superdrol. Most of u guys need to harden the fuck and just train harder! I am 30 and have been training for 9 months lost 10 kg of fat and put on 8 kg of muscle! Just man the fuck up and train.

See a Problem?

I had no idea Super-DMZ even existed. I tried tongkat ali for several months and it seemed to increase my strength to some degree. It will fuck you up. Just because this product is legal does not mean it does not have serious side-effects. You cannot take that t level back. Is there any non steroid pill that helps define muscle without working out lol and if there are some out there I would like one without any bad side affects if I ever stop using The medicine..

I like your website and post, however you should put the necessity of PCT Serm or OTC and On cycle therapy or else a lot of eager people could end up with bitchtits. Is this formulation still good? I came across this website today and need advise i have tried all the natural ways to gain muscle but it is not going any where, so how would this product work and help and diet plan to go with it? Hey is this stuff still available and what does pct mean? I wanna get big if I stop taken these and keep training will I stay big?

What will it do to my liver? What will it do to my hormones? And do I have to take something after I finish to fix my hormones, if so what? George, people all react different. When you use things like this you should be prepared to use hormones for the long haul. I have heard it is good for your muscles and bad for your liver. Just how bad on the liver is it? Um, the first time I ever stepped in a gym as a skinny little kid, I could curl more than that. I use 25 lbs dumbbells this way sometimes and I cant do more than 8 reps. I am looking to get in the best athletic shape I can in the next six months for an NFL try out.

I am trying to determine a good workout plan. Do you recommend the http: If you were looking out for my health and wellness, while best supporting my muscle gain and athletic performance, what would you recommend me? Is the steak and eggs diet the way to go in addition to my T-booster? If you could offer one more piece of advice to my follow up id really appreciate it, Vic, or anyone else reading — thanks. Will someone please give me food advice. I am 5 ft 11in.

IM 36 but look like IM 25 max.

Cam anyone please help me with this. I was hoping to get a response to my previous question above. So please respond as soon as you can on my question above.