Emma Zaunreiterin: Zweiter Teil der Emma und Agathe Reihe (German Edition)

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Violence against women and girls — Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls — Education, derived from: September , Vintage, reprint edition 1. Three kinds of "witch" language: The only way women have traditionally been able to gain freedom or power was through an historically scarce and necessary survival tool: The bond between the inner mother and the inner child is the solid bridge to an authentic life, the true "portal of possibility.

Reclaiming the magical feminine in midlife. The possibilities for women at midlife. Inspirational stories and images of women who are changing the world. The revolutionary potential of women today and the next phase in human evolution. Commenting on recent women studies. The gatekeeper and the gateway are the same — the way to a woman's innermost heart.

Brainwise women are better equipped for problem solving than men. After rereading Freud's thesis on the mental label "women's masochism", defined as "pleasure in pain", Caplan, missing the term 'Macho personality disorder' defeated Freud in 'The Myth of Women's Masochism. Message from Mother Earth. Call all the women. Featuring Fonda's disease to please, her new found spirituality raised as an atheist, last married to atheist Ted Turner , becoming whole, her film career, her three marriages, her activism opposing the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, her relationships with her children.

Emergence of the liberated older woman. On remarkable happenings of the solstice where women are handed the reins of power and Mother Earth gives the Global Elite their due. Lucia's experience of dying, being reborn, and acquiring the 12D processor. Working with the four elements and templates of ancient wisdom that are available for the ascension process.

Energetic work on the Global Elite between July and January which has fractured the Elite into two camps. On the depth psychology of power 3rd chakra and heart 4th chakra. Angelou reading her poem. White [comparing a hero to suffragist demands]: September See also: Januar von allen Anklagepunkten freigesprochen hat. Zu schwer zu kontrollieren — Wangari Maathai 4. Das matriarchale Volk der Mosuo 7.

Englische Texte — English section on Women 9. Oktober Am 1. Physiologie, Biologie, Primatologie, Anthropologie. Matriarchate pflegten eine naturverbundene Lebensweise. Es gab ein weltweites Matriarchat. Schwere Depressionen und Selbstmord sind fast unbekannt. Kinder werden von allen Sippenmitgliedern liebevoll betreut. Gewalt in der Erziehung ist bei den Mosuo unbekannt. Alte Menschen, Kranke und Behinderte sind im Familienverband voll integriert. Die meisten Entscheidungen werden im Kreise der Familie getroffen.

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Von einer dogmatischen Machtstellung kann hier nicht die Rede sein. Buck Beschrieb das Leben von chinesischen Bauern Der Anteil der Frauen mit Abitur oder Fachhochschulreife stieg zwischen und von 22 auf 54 Prozent an. Epheserbrief 5, NT. Keine Macht der Welt wird mich hier jemals lebend wieder herausbringen. Nun gut, wenn es nicht mit euch sein kann, so wird es ohne euch und trotz euch geschehen. Sitte und Sexus der Frau , S. Wenn ein Mann sagt jeder, meint er: Beim Gegeneinander verliert am Ende jeder. Wer seine Mannheit kennt und seine Weibheit wahrt, der ist die Schlucht der Welt.

Den Augenblick, sowie sie anfangen, euch gleich zu sein, werden sie eure Herren sein. Extemplo simul pares esse coeperint, superiores erunt. Frauen sind im Begriff, diesen Durchbruch zu schaffen. Twenty portraits of women. James-Flamingos Phoenicoparrus jamesi , Bolivia.

Die Gleichberechtigung ist ein moderner Mythos. Solange Feminismus ein Schimpfwort ist, kann es keine Gleichberechtigung geben. Unterwerfung und Sexualisierung werden uns heute als Gipfel der weiblichen Selbstbestimmtheit und Freiheit verkauft. Die Frau wird nicht mehr gezwungen, sondern stimmt der Aufgabe ihrer Selbstbestimmung zu. Thematisiert wird die Frau, die von ihrer Freiheit Gebrauch macht. Und nicht der Mann, der diese Freiheit verletzt. Damit sprach man ihnen gleich wieder das Recht ab, eigene Grenzen zu setzen.

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Pornos haben eine einzige Botschaft: Sie macht, was er will. Darauf beruht die ganze Sexindustrie. Aus patriarchalischer Sicht ist da die Welt noch in Ordnung. Pornografie ist eine Parallelwelt zur Gleichberechtigung. Pornografische Bilder wirken auf die gesamte Gesellschaft: Wenn man Menschen Filme zeigt, in denen Frauen misshandelt werden und diese dabei protestieren, werden die Filme eher abgelehnt, als wenn die Frauen die Gewalt einfordern.

Dann wird das als stimulierend empfunden. Denn die Botschaft ist: Nach solchen Szenen wird sexuelle Gewalt als akzeptabler erachtet, und zwar von beiden Geschlechtern. Eine ehemalige Prostituierte hat das einmal so auf den Punkt gebracht: Prostatakrebs gab es auch schon immer, trotzdem tut man was dagegen. Das hatte mit Freiwilligkeit und Selbstbestimmung nichts zu tun. Die schwedische Idee, den Freier strafrechtlich zu verfolgen, ist sinnvoller, weil es klar macht: Literaturzitate Das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan.

Zweierlei will der echte Mann: Afrikanische Mutter mit Baby in Trageschlinge. Die Jungs werden uns nochmal wirklich, wirklich dankbar sein. Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie. Genesis 1, 27 AT Mensch: Da sprach der Mensch Adam: Darum wird ein Mann seinen Vater und seine Mutter verlassen und seiner Frau anhangen, und sie werden ein Fleisch sein. Genesis 2, AT 1. Paulus von Tarsus n. Denn zuerst wurde Adam erschaffen, dann Eva.

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Herkunft der Krankheit Frauenfeindlichkeit Zur Frau sagte er: Auf deinen Mann hin richtet sich dein Begehren. Zu Adam sagte er: Du sollst nicht von ihm essen! Verflucht ist die adamah deinetwegen. Und du wirst das Kraut des Feldes essen. Und nun, meine Schwester, schweig! Dein Bruder ist er. Nimm dir diese Sache nicht zu Herzen. Richter 19, AT. Das ist die Eigenschaft des Menschen; den Tieren fehlt die Liebe, und das kommt von ihrer Minderwertigkeit.

Die Frau ist ein Strahl Gottes, nicht diese irdische Geliebte. Unsere Ehe bringt dem Heiligen, gelobt sei er, keinen Nutzen. Und der Mann gab seiner Frau den Scheidebrief, und sie trennte sich von ihm. Ob der Mann gottlos wird, ob der Mann fromm wird — alles bewirkt die Frau. Simon Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Thomasevangelium , Logion , Teil der Apokryphen , , n.

Sie sind unter unserer Kontrolle mit unseren Medien und bekommen unserer Botschaft eingetrichtert, stehen nicht mehr unter dem Einfluss der intakten Familie. Ja, die Germanen meinen sogar, den Frauen sei eine gewisse Heiligkeit und eine seherische Gabe eigen. Kapitel , , tredition, Hamburg, , , Unikum, Das ist alles, was destruktiv war.

Wer ist der wachsende Wald? Das sind unsere Frauen. Aber es geht langsam. Der wachsende Wald ist immer eine Art Heilungsprozess. Video Konferenzvortrag von Prof. The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of love. See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.

I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization. But for real change we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in mind of men. I am talking about men with young minds, of course. Old guys are hopeless. We have to wait for them to die off. We are not a special interest group.

We need the audacity to wield power. I think that's the next step.

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October , YouTube film, minute I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman. For it needs little skill in psychology to be sure that a highly gifted girl who had tried to use her gift for poetry would have been so thwarted and hindered by other people, so tortured and pulled asunder by her own contrary instincts, that she must have lost her health and sanity to a certainty. Virginia Woolf English publisher, essayist, writer of short stories, To the Lighthouse , chapter 3, S.

But there's an initiation driven by gender that leads to a series of inner splits that happen, that boys are pressured to make, and resist, around the ages of five to seven, and girls later. April , uploaded And if those capacities are encouraged , not traumatized, then we are able to register within ourselves the feeling of what happens and that's the ground — I think there's a growing consensus — for ethical action, to be in touch in that sense.

Violence occurs when women's voices are silent or silenced. And when women's voices drop out of the conversation this awareness and this knowledge tends to drop out with it. Appeal We need to highlight the role women play in perpetuating and sustaining patriarchal culture so that we will recognize patriarchy as a system women and men support equally, even if men receive more rewards from that system.

Dismantling and changing patriarchal culture is work that men and women must do together. Clearly we cannot dismantle a system as long as we engage in collective denial about its impact on our lives. Patriarchy requires male dominance by any means necessary, hence it supports, promotes, and condones sexist violence. Education as the Practice of Freedom , S.

Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. It is also broad enough to include an understanding of systemic institutionalized sexism. As a definition it is open-ended. To understand feminism it implies one has to necessarily understand sexism. Passionate Politics , South End Press, 1. The wounded child inside many females is a girl who was taught from early childhood that she must become something other than herself, deny her true feelings, in order to attract and please others.

When men and women punish each other for truth telling, we reinforce the notion that lies are better. Lies may make people feel better, but they do not help them to know love. New Visions , William Morrow Paperbacks, 9. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation , that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem.

Men, Masculinity, and Love , S. It is rooted in the love of male and female being, refusing to privilege one over the other. The soul of feminist politics is the commitment to ending patriarchal domination of women and men, girls and boys. Love cannot exist in any relationship that is based on domination and coercion. Males cannot love themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies on submission to patriarchal rules.

When men embrace feminist thinking and practice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage to freedom, from lovelessness to loving.

While they could not 'smash their mommy' and still receive love, they find that they can engage in intimate violence with partners who respond to their acting out by trying harder to connect with them emotionally, hoping that the love offered in the present will heal the wounds of the past. If only one party in the relationship is working to create love, to create the space of emotional connection, the dominator model remains in place and the relationship just becomes a site for continuous power struggle. It is possible — I have discovered through my work — to take up residence there now.

And when you can do that you more or less stand at the eye of the patriarchal storm and it is directly related to how unplugged you are from the patriarchal values. I have felt a huge shift in this year []. There is an openness that I am feeling that is coming into my attention field from the masculine that is so welcoming and so beautiful. All over the planet women are indeed standing in their power.

And what is right for the planet at this point is for the masculine and feminine energies to be rebalanced. Women must act first. And those who have perpetrated repression never come throughout history to the repressed and say 'I am so sorry. I have a change of heart. I am going to let you be an equal now. It simply means in integrity. It means in terms of consciousness. You must be willing as a woman to stand as who you are and have the forbearance to allow the men in your life to react to you because only when the men are allowed to react to you will they be able to balance the masculine and feminine within themselves.

They must reclaim that which they perceive as feminine. It's an extremely difficult thing for men to do. The wounding of the masculine has been in some ways more horrific than the wounding of the feminine during the patriarchy. They have their emotional bodies completely shut down. They have a male ego structure that won't allow them to look at this. The kindest thing that a woman can do for the man in her life for the next year and a half probably is to stand and allow him to react and to help him through her heart to find his own way.

But the reaction has to happen [ Until women reclaim their power , throw off their conditioning of being second class citizens, and really move out on the frontlines men won't have a chance to react to that and to open up the emotional body and to process their reaction to the second class citizen.

Now we are coming into equality. The oppressed must throw off the yoke and say 'No more! I am going to stand! There's no right and wrong here. We have all bought into this out of balance system. But really, it is women who must make the first move and be strong enough to allow men to then react against that. We are coming to gender equality with this ascension process. We are balancing out the masculine and the feminine. With the men who choose to ascend there will ultimaltely be total respect for the feminine because they [men] will have total respect for the feminine within themselves.

We need to give each human the time and space needed to make that choice. Personal avowals I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and the courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.

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Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem. October [It is] profoundly transformative and revolutionary for women to become strong, physically strong. It's about being rare and therefore being an ornament to the men women are attached to. But all male dominant cultures value weak women. It is deep for women to be physically strong and proud of their strength and to have bodies that are instruments not ornaments. What is your definition of feminism now? No, not at all. It is the belief in the social, economic, political equality of males and females. A feminist is the person, male or female, who believes in that.

I would like to add acts on it. There are other words that mean the same thing: Gloria Steinem reflects on 40 years fighting for feminism and freedom — and against fear. The men didn't notice and she did. She didn't have to fight them — it was an aikido politics. If she knows anything, she knows her macho. She has them for her cereal. It seems she is not from this world. Psychologically, she gives everybody the feeling of 'I will take care of you. In a conversation, she speaks twenty per cent, you speak eighty per cent.

She gives everybody the feeling 'I want to hear what you have to say,' but the truth is that her judgment is made within three minutes, and sometimes she thinks another eighteen minutes are wasted time. She is like a computer — 'Is this possible, what this man proposes? Women-owned businesses are customer-centric. Women thrive in complexity. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Ephesians 5, 22 NT.

I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. For this reason, and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary Magdalene leave us, for females are not worthy of life. For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Secret Gospel of Thomas , S. The best men are those who treat their wives well. Personal avowals The outstanding impression my mother has left on my memory is that of saintliness. She was deeply religious.

She would not think of taking her meals without daily prayer. She would take the hardest of vows and keep them without flinching. Illness was no excuse for relaxing them. Sorbian painted Easter eggs. Clever men place the world into cages, but the wise woman who must duck under the moon throws keys to the rowdy prisoners. While the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low, Keeps dropping keys all night long for the beautiful rowdy prisoners.

A woman with burqa on walking by the road in northern Afghanistan. Males tended to be what females wanted them to be. Both factors caused women to develop strategies of mating that forced men to change their habits. The danger of giving birth led women to decouple sex and reproduction. The search for iron led females to favor men who could hunt and bring meat, a form of concentrated iron. Piero Scaruffi, Leonard Shlain: And all political activity for women was banned.

But it's gotta happen soon. Mothers are less likely to build bombs and drop them. Women are less liable to want their children to go to war. Women are less likely to knowingly pollute where they know their children are going to have to live. Literary quotes The true man wants two things: For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous toy. A man sort of lives in jerks.

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A woman looks at it that way. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. Knowing someone could level you with her eyes. Feeling like God put an angel on earth just for you [ Witch hunting All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman […]. When a woman thinks alone , she thinks evil […]. And everything is connected to everything. Wires , YouTube film, 7: Personal avowals My position on women's liberation is that each individual woman can make a tremendous difference. I think that each woman has to feel that she represents all women, and that the way she conducts her life and whether or not she takes an active interest in her own liberation will affect all other women.

Gender research Men are not better, women are not better. But we have to understand the operative conditions of the universe. It's men who make the wars , it is men who are interested in hatred and killing. If they would accept their female side, their female side, their femaleness, then there would be a balance. Gender research [T]here is no difference between men or women at the deepest levels. The particle of being that is our existence is both male and female. The subtle physical bodies are composed of luminous fibers of light. A man's subtle is more fixed.

A woman's subtle is more pliant, can retain light and change more easily. We are all one. As either a man or a woman, there is neither or both, you need to harmonize yourself with eternity. What matters as a man or a woman is that you see that you are not a man or a woman. And that you create a balance on both sides of your being. And it's necessary to do a little work at the side that you have been neglecting. As you do that you become stronger and stronger and stronger.

Two people are fighting each other. They are so busy fighting each other that they don't realize that they could be inspiring each other, or giving each other strength or learning from each other. She will have to completely reexamine her life, her priorities, and specifically her use of the second attention, of course along with the physical attention, her sexual manipulation.

What a man must do is to realize that his continued belief in the inferiority of women is going to produce a type of karma which is going to hold him back and already has. And he must be honest enough and have enough integrity to change the description of the world even though everyone else in the world may not feel that way. By doing this a man and a woman they will not necessarily change the world but they will change themselves. They will enter into a state of balance.

Simply meditating is not enough. You must accept what is real and what is true. And to do that you must examine yourself, your history, and simply start to observe. And that's how they act. But actually, it's not. It is quite the opposite. Men are much more emotional. They love much more quickly than women do.

And that's why not too many people in this world attain enlightenment. Many men have deep rooted problems regarding the status of women, and during sex these problems come out. They consciously or unconsciously project anger and hate towards women they have sex with. This energy enters a woman's subtle physical body and damages it. There is this need to fight your way to the top. Men become obsessed with power which is completely unnecessary and destructive for them.

It is better for women to be obsessed with power. Men are not quite as affected by the destructive vibratory forces of the world as women are. It's necessary to practice the yoga of love and to loose interest in power and conquest. You need to surrender, take eternity as your lover and just open yourself up to and let eternity do with you as it will. You need to become stronger and more patient. It is best to meditate on love and the heart and just to learn to love more and more. And this will be a painful process for you because men have turned off their emotional selves [for the idea of being a man].

Meditate, ground yourself in eternal light , and see yourself in a new way. Because their subtle physical bodies are so much more sensitive they tend to pick up the total energy of the man they have sex with. The idea is that to be a woman is a lower birth. But still, all can attain enlightenment if they truly aspire. So even in a high spiritual and philosophical book we see the concept, which is quite ridiculous, that to be a woman is in a lower birth, that to be a woman is innately wrong in other words.

You made a mistake somewhere and that's why you are born in the body of a woman. That image is inferiority. If she is in the opposite environment her descent will be very very quick. They are jealous, they're vindictive. Again, simply because they don't realize that they have enough power within themselves. To enjoy other women and appreciate them it is not necessary to compete over a male.

What an absurd idea! Women should be sisters and unite and pool their energy. It's easier to have someone to make the decisions for you, but it's not, because then you're enslaved and you don't grow your own power, and you become weak. Women seem to have this idea to always be nice and allow people to walk all over them.

You don't help men by allowing them to do that. All you do is fixate them in a bad consciousness. Whenever you allow someone to abuse you you don't help them, you are not a friend, because they are incurring bad karma. If you truly love someone, occasionally, you are being a little mean, if it's necessary.

Or it may seem mean, it's not. The subtle physical body of men are much more denser, more tightly packed, fixed. The subtle physical body of a woman is much more pliant. It's much easier for a woman to absorb and to retain light and to change. And there is something in the unenlightened side of men that fears that power. It doesn't understand that if it would open themselves to that power that that power would enter them and help them in their liberation.

Fearing that power they seek to put it down. And there is something in the unenlightened side of women that allows that to take place. It doesn't want responsibility. It wants someone to make the decisions. Ultimately that is not satisfactory because then a woman will be drained, tired and discouraged.

Men appear to be more powerful than women while the opposite is really true. What appears to be light is dark and what appears to be dark is light. Women think of themselves as being women and they are not. Women have a preconceived notion of what it means to be a woman and this notion is incorrect. This notion has been given to them by our society, history , men and other women. Women have become dependent upon men in our society.

They feel that they have to draw power from a man. They build their identities around men, or around their children. And doing so they do themselves and all women, and men a great injustice. Energy and subtle energy Women are essentially much more powerful than men are. The kundalini flows through them much more readily. It is the ability to manipulate men sexually [seduction]. Sensitivity Women developed the second attention as an art. They've had to, in order to survive. If men see you a certain way, the image that is projected onto you is not your real self.

You have to become commanding and assume responsibility for your power. While the strength of a women is the fact that her subtle physical body is pliant and conducts energy it's also the thing that is problematic for her, particularly in this age. Sexuality Sexuality is neither good nor bad. It depends how you approach it. The most basic change that we make has to do with our sexual identity.

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Sex does not matter. It's not important, unless you make it important. People place much too great a charge on sexuality. It's not necessary to be celibate to attain enlightenment. It's necessary to be yourself. There will come a time though when you will probably be celibate for a while on your way to enlightenment in one incarnation or another. When you're with someone it will be a giving, a pure self-effacement, pure giving, a transfer of energy.

There won't be any desire. There will be no concern for the personal self or physical satisfaction. Then it can't be harmful. Your emotions won't get wrapped up. Every action will be service and self-giving. In the act of sex itself, while making love, men become very hateful. They very often hate the women they are making love to. They sense this tremendous power and rather than helping to foster it or accessing it they want to cover it over. They are afraid of their own impotence.

And the unrefined masculine energy enters easily into a woman, particularly during sex. When a woman falls in love she will think of the man she is in love with constantly. And with meditation that power will grow stronger every year. Men are terrified of their sexuality. They're all afraid of impotence. Women are terrified of their sexuality because they've got so much of it.

And we live in a society that says they don't. And it's very incongruent because women are are told that they don't have sexuality, that men are sexual and women basically are not and actually quite the opposite is true in terms of the kundalini and the structure of the subtle physical [bodies]. Women are much more sexual — as Masters and Johnson have discovered — than men are and people are very put off by that. The damage that occurs to the subtle physical body of a woman occurs in several ways. Most of it is sexual. Most women lose their power in sexual relationships or simply by being exposed to the lower sexual energies of men.

Sexuality is neither good nor bad. It depends on how you approach it. Frederick Lenz was an abusive guru. Frederick Lenz, aka Zen Master Rama. Personal avowals I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. He's just incapable of it. Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.

Mary Daly US American radical feminist philosopher, academic, and theologian. Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage. Men, Women, and Rape , S. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive […] women didn't go to Vietnam and blow things up.

They are not Rambo. Susan Griffin , Rape. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women […] he can sexually molest his daughters […]. The vast majority of men in the world do one or morre of the above. Gibt es nicht genug Dinge, die einem mit 13 durch den Kopf schwirren? In Emmas Fall, ja! Ein Unwetter, ein Traum und eine schwarze Katze lassen sie sowohl an der geistigen Gesundheit ihrer Tante, wie auch an ihrer eigenen zweifeln. Selbst als sich die beiden auf eine abenteuerliche Reise in eine andere Welt voller Gefahren begeben, ist Emma noch immer voller Zweifel.

Books in This Series 2 Books Hide books already in your library 0. Subscribers read for free. Buy now with 1-Click. Was passiert, wenn sich Gegenwart und Vergangenheit vermischen? Zaunreiterin ist der zweite Teil der Emma und Agathe Reihe. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There's a problem loading this menu right now.

Emma Zaunreiterin: Volume 2 (Emma und Agathe Teil 2) (German Edition) Emma Zaunreiterin: Zweiter Teil der Emma und Agathe Reihe and millions of other. Emma Zaunreiterin: Zweiter Teil der Emma und Agathe Reihe (German E.. Emma und der Fluch der Haguzza (Emma und Agathe 1) (German Edition) by.

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