Grulf rated it really liked it Aug 05, Musiclover rated it liked it Jul 14, Jeremiah Stover added it May 18, Sergei added it Mar 29, Olga Simdyankina marked it as to-read Apr 12, Rishi AKR marked it as to-read Aug 14, Sarah White added it Jan 13, Amy is currently reading it Sep 02, Anika Mi marked it as to-read Mar 04, Kerry Cannell marked it as to-read Dec 21, Mirhunisa marked it as to-read Jan 03, Jon H marked it as to-read Dec 06, Julie-Ann Amos marked it as to-read Jan 03, Autumn marked it as to-read Feb 11, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Hyperventilation ceases the moment your exhale is relaxed again.
In Vivation, breathing rhythms occur along a continuum of three quadrants: Slow and shallow breathing takes you out of your body, and so is not used in Vivation. For those who are familiar with Kriya Yoga , Sudarshan Kriya SKY also uses three different rates of breathing, however in Vivation these breathing rhythms are adjusted continuously in real-time to resonate with the feelings in the body in the most enjoyable way possible. In this way, it is the experience of the feelings in the body that instructs and leads each session. One doesn't do Vivation, so much as relaxes into the experience for what it already there.
In Vivation, feelings integrate when one relaxes into accepting those feeling for what they already are. In Vivation, integration is a relaxation of effort. Feelings are not analyzed or sought after, only experienced for what they are in that moment. Since each moment is unique, this is the only element that practitioners must remain conscious of, as all other elements become automatic and natural supports of Third Element awareness. The basic idea is being open and receptive to whatever positive feelings are already present.
According to Vivation practitioners, feelings are only experienced negatively because of mental judgments made about them. By relaxing the mind and body in the presence of the feeling, the positive aspects of the feeling become more obvious and easier to accept. According to the fourth element, one doesn't intentionally integrate a feeling, one enjoys the feeling as much as possible until it integrates.
In Vivation, willingness refers to the willingness to feel a feeling as honestly and positively as possible. There is no prerequisite for having a positive experience, only a willingness to be open to the possibility of experiencing the feeling in a positive way.
Slow and shallow breathing takes you out of your body, and so is not used in Vivation. I experienced what Vivation calls "integrations", positive shifts in ones context about oneself and ones relationship to the world. Also, because the exhale is completely relaxed, there is no hyperventilation in Vivation. Post new comment Please Register or Login to post new comment. Amazon Renewed Refurbished products with a warranty.
In Vivation, integration is a function of willingness, and therefore is the most important of the five elements. Mastering Vivation means knowing how to apply these elements towards maximizing your enjoyment of the total human experience of life.
This includes learning to enjoy even the most "painful" emotions that life sometimes brings us. But with practice, and training from a certified Vivation Professional, you can be up doing Vivation yourself in no time. Paul Hughes is Director of Vivation International. He is a world leader in the Vivation community, a respected workshop facilitator and private trainer, and has personally given over Vivation sessions to people in all fifty states and 17 countries. The Skill of Happiness. Your Fondest Dream is about discovering what you truly want most in life and creating that.
That you exist to be experiencing anything at all is vastly more significant than any particular thing you might experience.
Within every human is the remembrance that our existence is fundamentally miraculous. Beyond the stream of activity and worries is a centered space of wisdom and perfection. The more we remain consciously connected with this perfection consciousness, the more quickly, and less stressfully, we gain the satisfaction that comes from living well. In spite of this, most people think they can feel happy only under special circumstances, when everything is going their way. They expend their energy wishing things were different, struggling to make things different, or trying to escape from their feelings about things being the way they are.
What a lot of needless suffering! Your degree of happiness is determined by your attitude about what happens in your life, not by the things, themselves, that happen. Every adversity contains the seed of an equal or greater opportunity. Finding the good buried within the unpleasant is an art. I have known many people with severe physical disabilities who were happier than most able-bodied people. What he had learned is that existence itself is infinitely valuable.
Consider a man who believes that what would make him happy is to own a Mercedes. No matter how strong his belief, he is wrong.
The truth is, only he can make himself happy. The only thing absolutely necessary for your happiness is your own existence. However, you only experience happiness to the degree that you allow yourself to receive, in the depth of your being, the good available in the present moment, with everything exactly the way it is. Again, this is a skill and you can get better at it.
That people find so much to complain about is not a sign of how bad their lives are but a sign of how poor their skill of happiness is. What does it take to enjoy every moment unconditionally? What is this skill of happiness? Simply put, it is the skill of not making yourself unhappy.
Because your existence is miraculous, enjoyment is natural and available at every moment. In order to not enjoy something, you must block your awareness of what is good about it, and block your awareness that existence itself is fundamentally good. People do this by insisting that what they are experiencing should be different from how it is. The term I use for this is make-wrong. You make something wrong when you compare it to an imaginary standard, such as how it should be, how you wish it were, what somebody else has, how good things used to be back in the good old days, and so on.
Things are the way they are. Your ability to be happy depends on your ability to be in harmony with reality as it is. This does not mean you give up making things better; quite the opposite.
Editorial Reviews. Review. " has had a profound effect on my life and my happiness. Vivation: The Skill of Happiness - Kindle edition by Jim Leonard. Vivation - The Skill of Happiness [Jim Leonard] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. You will never read a more important book about.
Even if you succeed at making things better five minutes from now, that does you no good right now. Only your ability to improve your relationship to things as they are right now can make you happier. Your relationship to what you are experiencing is called the context in which you hold the experience.
Whenever you experience anything, you hold it in one particular context, just as whenever you look at something, you see it from one particular perspective. You can change contexts or perspectives quickly, but you can only use one at a time.