Silent Power

Silent Power [With CD]

In nature, Methanol is commonly present in fruits and vegetables; also a byproduct of the fermentation process. Silent will soon launch the production of Methanol Synthesis Units which are based on a new technology introduced in These manufacturing units will allow green energy producers to turn energy into methanol efficiently and on-site.

The mission is to push the production and further develop the technology, allowing the creation of mini-units that can do methanol synthesis efficiently at small scales as well. Focusing on methanol and renewable energy sources, Silent is actively co-creating a future where producing, storing and using energy will become easy, flexible, efficient, and even more important, environment-friendly.

Silent Power Projects Ltd.

The purpose of the company is to further develop technology and tools for a comprehensive energy ecosystem that is environment-friendly and sustainable. While Methanol is proven to be one best and most promising fuels out there, production and local supply is still limited in many areas. Enabling energy producers to turn energy into methanol not just opens a new business opportunity for them but also substantially helps to store and monetize produced energy during low-peak times.

To contribute in our pre-sale, please get in touch. The Rise of the Methanol Economy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

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Physical exercise and discipline are valuable in developing silent power, because they help you control the destructive side of the ego. Silence was seen as a weakness, but indeed, it isn't. Enabling energy producers to turn energy into methanol not just opens a new business opportunity for them but also substantially helps to store and monetize produced energy during low-peak times. Quotes from Silent Power [Wit Underlying the flashes are great waves of rolling energy that move up and down and sometimes outwards, tumbling and turning in response to emotion.

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What is this unseen force? Why do some have it and most do not? Once you have it, silent power becomes your unspoken credential.

Power of Silence - 25/02/2018 (B K ShivaniBen)

Through it you can express a special goodness that helps people — and this planet — to change for the better. From your silent power comes flow; from that flow comes simplicity of heart; from simplicity of heart comes contentment. Some people, such as martial arts masters, gain silent power over the years anyway. They do it via emotional control and physical discipline, which quiets their energy naturally. They exude an effortless strength. Physical exercise and discipline are valuable in developing silent power, because they help you control the destructive side of the ego. Now a little hocus-pocus.

Put the intellect aside, and cut to a technology that works.

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Around you is a subtle electromagnetic body of energy that is sometimes called the subtle body of energy and is normally unseen by the naked eye. The ancient Greeks called it the etheric body. This is where the real you resides. Imagine it to be a fait energy field like a colorless mist.

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But, unlike a slow wafting mist, the etheric is moving very, very quickly. Flashing through it are mini-lightning bolts of energy, and fingers of flamelike etheric sunbursts that shoot out from you I all directions. Underlying the flashes are great waves of rolling energy that move up and down and sometimes outwards, tumbling and turning in response to emotion. You walk inside an amazing glowing bubble of light that sometimes projects three to four feet away from you in every direction.

The etheric is fascinating and beautiful to watch. I find it very humbling — the secret human is all there to see, spiritually naked in his or her identity. In that vulnerability dwells the very essence of our human experience — painted in the electromagnetic flashes, wisps, and lightning bolts that are projected from you. For a human is not just a mind, a body, or an emotion — it is light.


The brilliance of that human light overshadows the personality traits and weaknesses that come from human frailty. In the vitality of the light is the sacrosanct identity of the eternal spiritual being.

Silent Power

The Econimo mini power plant runs silently and virtually maintenance-free. Click here for a full schematic explanation of the Silent-Power CO2-neutral energy. Dieser effiziente Energiekreislauf basiert auf dem vollsynthetisch und aus sauberem Strom herstellbaren flüssigen Treibstoff Methanol, wodurch der Kreislauf.

The presence of this wonderful gift of the etheric body grants you a silent power as ancient as time. It is the spiritual heritage that flows from your connection to the God-Force. With a little training, you can sit and watch the fascinating etheric dance to which we all belong. I surmise that many of the great unexplained metaphysical mysteries are contained within it.