In Living Color: The Beatitudes

Books by Paul W. Meier

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content February 1, July 11, Robin Sykes. Reference Examples of Living Out the Beatitudes.

Paul W. Meier (Author of In Living Color)

Facebook Email Print Twitter. Published by Robin Sykes. Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. The life of Jesus is the fulfilment of all of them. Pick out scenes in his life where Jesus portrays the beatitudes in his attitude to living and sharing with others.

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Maybe you could find times in your own life when he had some of these attitudes in dealing with you, for example mercy. Notice how often this gospel is read at both funerals and weddings. Reflect on why this is the case.

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Which gives me most encouragement for my life journey right now? Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. This group is hosted by Body and Soul Publishing but Christian authors and readers This is a place where we discuss and share Christian books online. About the Author Paul W. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

Like the second Moses, Jesus goes up the mountain to give his new Law. It is a law of the heart, based not on fear or prohibitions, but on a heart wide open, ready to embrace the paradoxes of life, and live it to the full. It is based on a call to happiness and blessedness. I can best understand the Beatitudes by contemplating Jesus and the way he lived, openly and courageously.

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In Living Color The Beatitudes (Volume 2) [Paul W. Meier] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book has been retitled and updated as . Buy In Living Color The Beatitudes: Volume 2 by Paul W. Meier (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on.

The Beatitudes always strike a chord deep in my heart. Today I will stay with the one which speaks to me most, either because I feel called to that particular attitude or because it represents my present struggle. I ask Jesus for his blessing, and for the grace that I might be a blessing to others.

Why read the Beatitudes on the Feast of All Saints? Because they get to the heart of holiness. They express the values to which Christians are called at their baptism. When we meet someone whose life expresses these values we recognise a saint. Note that the word Beatitudes means blessings.

These are not commandments to be obeyed but blessings to be sought. Is there any one in particular you would like to have?

Pray for it today. Often compared with the Ten Commandments the Beatitudes are something quite different - they are blessings or gifts offered by God. They are not to be "observed" as commandments are, but desired and nurtured in prayer.

Living the Beatitudes in your everyday life.

It is in prayer that their strangely paradoxical meanings reveal themselves. So ponder them slowly and see if they resonate with your own life experiences.

Do you have a favourite among the Beatitudes, one that touches you deeply? Do I belong there? The Beatitudes reveal to me what Jesus values in a life of discipleship; they show to me what Jesus looks for and praises.

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With Jesus, I review my own life and attitudes. I see where I am blessed already — even if what Jesus sees is not what I might look for. I might choose two of these beatitudes to be a backdrop to my prayer and reflection today: I listen to him and his words of life. Which Beatitude do I find most affirming?

Please see the first interview here. This one was as fascinating as the first— we really wanted to expand our conversation and I really want you to know how great this guy is. I discovered that not only was he an excellent writer, he …. Meier , Praying the Gospels with Martin Luther: Interviews , Religion , Self Help.

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When I meet people along the path of life, I sometimes wonder why different people choose different paths. Meier is a man who has intrigued me for a time and when I saw a post about his latest offering on the almighty Facebook, I felt I should go ahead and contact him. The Beatitudes , In Living Color: